ISO 28005-1:2024
(Main)Ships and marine technology — Electronic port clearance (EPC) — Part 1: Message structures and application programming interfaces
Ships and marine technology — Electronic port clearance (EPC) — Part 1: Message structures and application programming interfaces
This document defines the principles, methods and requirements for message exchanges between ships, ship representatives, and other shore parties via a peer-to-peer communication system. This document defines the message structure, including how the data content is assembled from other parts of the ISO 28005 series, and how digital signatures for authentication, integrity, and confidentiality of the message can be used. It also specifies a transport protocol, the basic message exchange patterns, and the protocol related roles of each party in the message exchange. Furthermore, it specifies how more specific message implementation guides (MIGs) are provided for each type of communication application.
Navires et technologie maritime — Opérations portuaires assistées par systèmes électroniques — Partie 1: Structures des messages et interfaces de programmation des applications
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO 28005-1
Second edition
Ships and marine technology —
Electronic port clearance (EPC) —
Part 1:
Message structures and application
programming interfaces
Navires et technologie maritime — Opérations portuaires
assistées par systèmes électroniques —
Partie 1: Structures des messages et interfaces de programmation
des applications
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
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ISO copyright office
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .ix
Introduction .xi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions .1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .5
4 Structure of XSD data type and object definitions . 6
4.1 General .6
4.2 Principles for XML descriptions in the ISO 28005 series .7
4.2.1 No use of XML attributes .7
4.2.2 Defaults for minOccurs and maxOccurs .7
4.2.3 Signalling empty XML tags .7
4.2.4 Order of child elements in XSD files .7
4.2.5 Character set .7
4.2.6 Principles for defining types with code lists.7
4.2.7 XSD name space for general XSD data types .8
4.2.8 ISO 28005 name space .8
4.2.9 Use of Xpath expressions .8
4.3 Structure of clauses defining data types.8
4.3.1 Clause and data type name .8
4.3.2 Definition .8
4.3.3 Type defined as XSD code .9
4.3.4 Representation .9
4.4 Creating valid XSD schema files .9
4.4.1 File structure .9
4.4.2 Numbering of XSD files and message version code .10
4.4.3 Location of XSD files .11
4.5 Reference to data types defined in ISO 28005-2:2021 .11
5 Adapted XSD data types for ISO 28005 .12
5.1 General . 12
5.2 epc:anyURI – Generalized URI . 12
5.2.1 Definition . 12
5.2.2 Type . 12
5.2.3 Representation . 12
5.3 epc: boolean – Boolean flag . 12
5.3.1 Definition . 12
5.3.2 Type . 12
5.3.3 Representation . 12
5.4 epc:date – General date . 12
5.4.1 Definition . 12
5.4.2 Type . 12
5.4.3 Representation . 13
5.5 epc:dateTime – Time and date, with time zone . 13
5.5.1 Definition . 13
5.5.2 Type . 13
5.5.3 Representation . 13
5.6 epc:decimal – decimal number . 13
5.6.1 Definition . 13
5.6.2 Type . 13
5.6.3 Representation . 13
5.7 epc:duration – Time duration.14
5.7.1 Definition .14
5.7.2 Type .14
5.7.3 Representation .14
5.8 epc:int – Integer number.14
5.8.1 Definition .14
5.8.2 Type .14
5.8.3 Representation .14
5.9 epc:string – General string .14
5.9.1 Definition .14
5.9.2 Type .14
5.9.3 Representation . 15
5.10 epc:token – Computer-understandable string . 15
5.10.1 Definition . 15
5.10.2 Type . 15
5.10.3 Representation . 15
5.11 epc:xpath – Identification of an XML data item . 15
5.11.1 Definition .
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