ISO/DIS 23500
(Main)Fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies
Fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies
Fluides d'hémodialyse et de thérapies annexes
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/TC 150/SC 2 Secretariat: ANSI
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2006-03-22 2006-08-22
Fluids for haemodialysis and related therapiesFluides d'hémodialyse et de thérapies annexes
ICS 11.040.40
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ISO/DIS 23500
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ISO/DIS 23500
1 Scope...........................................................................................................................................................1
1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Inclusions ....................................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Exclusions...................................................................................................................................................1
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................1
3 Definitions ...................................................................................................................................................1
4 Requirements..............................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Water............................................................................................................................................................7
4.1.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................7
4.1.2 Requirements for chemical contaminants in water..................................................................................7
4.1.3 Requirements for microbial contaminates in water .................................................................................9
4.2 Requirements for concentrate ...................................................................................................................9
4.2.1 Requirements for chemical and microbiological contaminants in concentrate ....................................9
4.2.2 Requirements for bicarbonate concentrate ..............................................................................................9
4.2.3 Requirements for water used to prepare concentrate .............................................................................9
4.3 Requirements for dialysate ........................................................................................................................9
4.3.1 Microbiological contaminates in dialysate ...............................................................................................9
4.4 Record retention .......................................................................................................................................10
5 Monitoring .................................................................................................................................................10
5.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................10
5.2 Water purification monitoring..................................................................................................................13
5.2.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................13
5.2.2 Monitoring of sediment filters..................................................................................................................13
5.2.3 Monitoring of cartridge filters ..................................................................................................................13
5.2.4 Monitoring of softeners ............................................................................................................................14
5.2.5 Monitoring of carbon adsorption.............................................................................................................14
5.2.6 Monitoring of chemical injection systems ..............................................................................................14
5.2.7 Monitoring of reverse osmosis................................................................................................................15
5.2.8 Monitoring of deionization .......................................................................................................................15
5.2.9 Monitoring of ultrafiltration ......................................................................................................................15
5.3 Monitoring of water storage and distribution .........................................................................................16
5.3.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................16
5.3.2 Monitoring of water distribution systems ...............................................................................................16
5.3.3 Bacterial control devices..........................................................................................................................16
5.4 Concentrate preparation ..........................................................................................................................17
5.4.1 Monitoring of mixing systems .................................................................................................................17
5.4.2 Monitoring of additives.............................................................................................................................17
5.5 Monitoring of concentrate distribution ...................................................................................................17
5.6 Monitoring of dialysate proportioning.....................................................................................................18
6 Strategies for microbiological control.....................................................................................................18
6.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................18
6.2 Disinfection ...............................................................................................................................................18
6.2.1 Design of fluid systems............................................................................................................................19
6.2.2 Verification of proper operation...............................................................................................................19
6.3 Microbiological monitoring methods ......................................................................................................19
6.3.1 General ......................................................................................................................................................19
6.3.2 Sample collection......................................................................................................................................20
6.3.3 Heterotrophic plate count.........................................................................................................................20
6.3.4 Bacterial endotoxin test ...........................................................................................................................21
7 Environment..............................................................................................................................................22
8 Personnel...................................................................................................................................................22
Annex A (informative), Rationale for the development and provisions of this International Standard ..........23
Annex B (informative), Equipment .......................................................................................................................30
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Annex C (informative), Strategies for microbiological control...........................................................................44
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ISO/DIS 23500
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and nongovernmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted
by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights.
ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 23500 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 150 Subcommittee SC 2, Cardiovascular implants and
extracorporeal systems.© ISO:2006 – All rights reserved
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ISO/DIS 23500
This International Standard was developed by the Technical Committee of ISO/TC 150/SC 2 WG5. The Working
Group's objective is to provide rational guidelines for handling water and concentrates and for the production and
monitoring of dialysate used for haemodialysis. The need for such guidelines is based on the critical role of
dialysate quality in providing safe and effective haemodialysis, and the recognition that day-to-day dialysate quality
is under the control of the health care professionals who deliver dialysis therapy.
This International Standard reflects the conscientious efforts of health care professionals, patients, and medical
device manufacturers to develop recommendations for handling water and concentrates and for the production and
monitoring of dialysate for haemodialysis. This international standard is directed towards the healthcare
professionals involved in the management of dialysis facilities and healthcare professionals involved in the routine
care of patients treated in dialysis facilities.The recommendations contained in this document may not be
applicable in all circumstances and they are not intended for regulatory application.
The use to which the water is put is not within the control of the equipment or equipment provider, thus, this
standard cannot address the clinical issues that may be associated with inappropriate usage of the product water
and the final dialysate. Healthcare professionals involved in the provision of treatment for renal failure must make
the final decision regarding the applications with which the water provided is used for, e.g. haemodialysis,
haemodiafiltration, high flux dialysis, and the reprocessing of dyalisers, and need to be aware of the issues that the
use of inappropriate water quality raises in each of the therapies.The equipment used in the various stages of dialysate preparation is generally obtained from specialized vendors.
This International Standard provides a general description of the system components that these vendors may
provide. These descriptions are intended to provide the user with a basis for understanding why certain equipment
may be required and how it should be configured; they are not intended as detailed design standards. Dialysis
practitioners are generally responsible for maintaining the equipment used to prepare dialysate following its
installation. Therefore, this International Standard provides guidance on monitoring and maintenance of the
equipment to ensure that dialysate quality is acceptable at all times. At various places throughout this International
Standard, the user is advised to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the operation and maintenance of
equipment. In those instances in which the equipment is not obtained from a specialized vendor, it is the
responsibility of the user to validate the performance of the equipment in the haemodialysis setting and to ensure
that appropriate operating and maintenance manuals are available.The guidance provided by this International Standard should help protect haemodialysis patients from adverse
effects arising from known chemical and microbial contaminants that may be found in improperly prepared
dialysate. However, the physician in charge of dialysis has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the dialysate
is correctly formulated and meets the requirements of all applicable quality standards.
The concepts incorporated in this International Standard should not be considered inflexible or static. The
recommendations presented here should be reviewed periodically in order to assimilate increased understanding of
the role of dialysate purity in patient outcomes and technological developments.© ISO:2006 – All rights reserved
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Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 23500
Fluids for haemodialysis and related therapies
1 Scope
1.1 General
The intent of this International Standard is to provide dialysis practitioners with guidance on the preparation of
dialysate for haemodialysis and related therapies, from the point at which municipal water enters their dialysis
facility to the point at which the final dialysate enters the dyaliser, and as such functions as a recommended
practice. Included in the scope of the International Standard are: (1) use, maintenance, and monitoring of
equipment used to purify and distribute water used for the preparation of dialysate and other haemodialysis
applications; (2) use, maintenance, and monitoring of equipment used to prepare concentrate from powder at a
dialysis facility; and (3) preparation of the final dialysate from purified water and concentrate.
1.2 InclusionsThis International Standard addresses the user’s responsibility for the dialysate once equipment has been
delivered and installed. For the purposes of this International Standard, the dialysate includes water used for the
preparation of dialysate, water used for the preparation of concentrates at the user’s facility, and water used for the
preparation of ultrapure dialysate, as well as the final dialysate and concentrates.
NOTE Because water used to prepare dialysate is commonly prepared and distributed using the same equipment as the water
used reprocess dyalisers, water used to reprocess dyalisers is also covered by this International Standard.
1.3 ExclusionsExcluded from the scope of this International Standard are sorbent-based dialysate regeneration systems that
regenerate and recirculate small volumes of dialysate, systems for continuous renal replacement therapy that use
prepackaged solutions, and systems and solutions for peritoneal dialysis.2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references,
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.ISO 13959, Water for haemodialysis and related therapies
ISO 13958, Concentrates for haemodialysis and related therapies
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1acetate concentrate
concentrated solution of salts that may contain glucose, which, when diluted with water, yields dialysate for use in
dialysis. Sodium acetate is normally used as the buffer© ISO:2006 – All rights reserved
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NOTE 1 This concentrate is used as a single concentrate.
NOTE 2 In some cases glucose is also known as dextrose.
acetate dialysate
dialysate without bicarbonate, using acetate as a substitute for the bicarbonate buffer
NOTE Acetate dialyzing fluid is generally produced from a single concentrate. Acetate is metabolized by the patient to produce
acid concentrate
acidified concentrated solution of salts that may contain glucose, which, when diluted with water and bicarbonate
concentrate, yields dialysate for use in dialysisNOTE The term “acid” refers to the small amount of acid (usually acetic acid) that is included in the concentrate.
3.4action level
concentration of a contaminant at which steps should be taken to interrupt the trend toward higher, unacceptable
ions carrying a negative charge
available chlorine
free CIO- ions, dissolved molecular chlorine
area of study within the field of microbiology that deals with the study of bacteria
3.8batch system
apparatus in which the dialysate is prepared in bulk before each dialysis session
3.9bicarbonate concentrate
concentrated solution of sodium bicarbonate that, when diluted with water and acid concentrate, makes dialysate
used for dialysisNOTE 1 Some bicarbonate concentrates also contain sodium chloride.
NOTE 2 Bicarbonate is also known as Sodium hydrogen carbonate.
bicarbonate dialysate
dialysate containing physiological or higher concentrations of bicarbonate
NOTE Bicarbonate dialysate is generally produced from two concentrates: one containing bicarbonate and the other containing
acid and other electrolytes (see acid concentrate and bicarbonate concentrate).3.11
a solution of sodium hypochlorite normally used for household cleaning and disinfection
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ISO/DIS 23500
coating on surfaces that consists of microcolonies of bacteria embedded in a protective extracellular matrix. The
matrix, a slimy material secreted by the cells, protects the bacteria from antibiotics and chemical disinfectants
3.13bulk delivery
delivery of large volumes of concentrate in which the product is transferred (pumped) from the delivery container to
a user’s storage tank3.14
ions carrying a positive charge
chlorine, combined
chlorine that is chemically combined, such as in chloramine compounds
NOTE There is no direct test for measuring combined chlorine, but it can be measured indirectly by measuring both total and
free chlorine and calculating the difference.3.16
chlorine, free
dissolved molecular chlorine
colony-forming unit (CFU)
organism capable of replicating to form a distinct, visible colony on a culture plate. In practice, a colony may be
formed by a group of organisms3.18
concentrate generators
system in which the concentrate is delivered to the consumer as a powder in a container and then converted online
into a saturated solution by a dialysis delivery machineNOTE This solution is used by an individual proportioning system to make the final dialysate delivered to the dyaliser.
aqueous fluid containing electrolytes and, usually, glucose, which is intended to exchange solutes with blood during
haemodialysisNOTE The word “dialysate” is used throughout this document to mean the fluid made from water and concentrates that is
delivered to the dyaliser by the dialysate supply system. Such phrases as "dialysis fluid," “dialyzing fluid” or “dialysis solution”
may be used in place of dialysate.3.20
central dialysate delivery systems (CDS)
dialysate systems that produce dialysate at a central point and distribute the prepared dialysate to the dialysis
control station3.21
dialysate supply system
devices that: (1) prepare dialysate online from water and concentrates or that store and distribute premixed
dialysate; (2) circulate the dialysate through the dyaliser; (3) monitor the dialysate for temperature, conductivity (or
equivalent), pressure, flow, and blood leaks; and (4) prevent dialysis during disinfection or cleaning modes
NOTE 1 The dialysate supply system includes reservoirs, conduits, proportioning devices for the dialysate, and monitors and
associated alarms and controls assembled as a system for the characteristics listed above.
NOTE 2 The dialysate supply system may be an integral part of the single patient dialysis machine or a centralized preparation
system which feeds multiple bedside monitoring systems.© ISO:2006 – All rights reserved
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destruction of pathogenic and other kinds of microorganisms by thermal or chemical means
NOTE 1 Disinfection is a less lethal process than sterilization, because it destroys most recognized pathogenic microorganisms
but does not necessarily destroy all microbial forms.NOTE 2 This definition of “disinfection” is equivalent to low-level disinfection in the Spalding classification.
ion capable of transferring or exchanging electrons
NOTE In dialysate, the electrolytes are the charged ions that result from dissociation of salts when they are dissolved in water.
These charged ions are responsible for the conductive property of dialysate.3.24
empty-bed contact time (EBCT)
measure of how much contact occurs between particles, such as activated carbon, and water as the water flows
through a bed of the particlesNOTE
EBCT (min) is calculated from the following equation:
V is the volume of particles in the bed (meter );
Q is the flow rate of water through the bed (meter /min).
major component of the outer cell wall of gram-negative bacteria
NOTE Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides, which consist of a polysaccharide chain covalently bound to lipid A. Endotoxins can
acutely activate both humoral and cellular host defenses, leading to a syndrome characterized by fever, shaking, chills,
hypotension, multiple organ failure, and even death if allowed to enter the circulation in a sufficient dose (see also pyrogen)
3.26endotoxin units (EU)
units assayed by the Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) method when testing for endotoxins
NOTE 1 Because activity of endotoxins differs on a mass basis, their reference to a standard E. coli endotoxin has been
established and is used to compare various lots of product.NOTE 2 In some countries, endotoxin concentrations are expressed in international units (IU). Since the 1983
harmonization of endotoxin assays, EU and IU are equivalent.3.27
feed water
water supplied to a water treatment system or an individual component of the system
agent that kills microorganisms
form of renal replacement therapy in which waste solutes are removed from blood by a combination of diffusion and
convection through a high-flux membrane© ISO:2006 – All rights reserved
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NOTE Diffusive solute removal is achieved using a dialysate stream as in haemodialysis. Convective solute removal is
achieved by adding ultrafiltration in excess of that needed to obtain the desired weight loss; fluid balance is maintained by
infusing a replacement solution into the blood either before the dyaliser (predilution haemodiafiltration) or after the dyaliser
(postdilution haemodiafiltration).3.30
form of renal replacement therapy in which waste solutes are removed primarily by diffusion from blood flowing on
one side of a membrane into dialysate flowing on the other sideNOTE Fluid removal that is sufficient to obtain the desired weight loss is achieved by establishing a hydrostatic pressure
gradient across the membrane. This fluid removal provides some additional waste solute removal, particularly for higher
molecular weight solutes.3.31
form of renal replacement therapy in which waste solutes are removed from blood by convection
NOTE 1 Convective transport is achieved by ultrafiltration through a high-flux membrane. Fluid balance is maintained by
infusing a replacement solution into the blood either before the haemofilter (pre-dilution haemofiltration) or after the haemofilter
(post-dilution haemofiltration).NOTE 2 There is no dialysate stream in haemofiltration.
not self-sustaining; a type of nutrition in which organisms derive energy from the oxidation of organic compounds
either by consumption or absorption of other organisms3.33
Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) test
assay used to detect endotoxin
NOTE The detection method uses the chemical specific response of the horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) to endotoxin.
person who designs, manufactures, fabricates, assembles, or processes a finished device
NOTE Manufacturers include, but are not limited to, those who perform the functions of contract sterilization, installation,
relabeling, remanufacturing, repacking, or specification development, and initial distributions of foreign entities performing these
referring to microscopic organisms, bacteria, fungi, and so forth (see also bacteriology)
3.36microbiological contamination
contamination with any form of microorganism (e.g., bacteria, yeast, fungi, and algae) or with the by-products of
living or dead organisms such as endotoxins, exotoxins,...
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