Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces — Part 2: Non-ferrous metals and alloys

ISO 27831-2:2008 specifies processes for the cleaning of the surfaces of non-ferrous metals and their alloys to remove any irrelevant or unwanted deposits or other material at any stage of manufacture, storage or service and for the preparation of these surfaces for further treatment. It does not cover cleaning operations associated with the preliminary removal of heavy deposits of oil, grease or dirt accumulated during operational service, preparations for welding or the cleaning of electrical contacts. It covers processes which are needed for the preparation of metal surfaces prior to the application of the following surface coatings: electrodeposited metal coatings; autocatalytic metal coatings (autocatalytic and displacement types); conversion coatings; anodic oxidation coatings; hot-dipped coatings; sprayed metal coatings; coatings produced by vitreous enamelling; coatings produced by physical vapour deposition of aluminium and cadmium; powder coatings. It describes processes for carrying out the following treatments: degreasing; descaling; pickling; etching; de-rusting; chemical smoothing; chemical polishing; electrobrightening; electropolishing; fluoride anodizing (for cleaning magnesium alloys). It relates the processes described above to the following metals: aluminium and aluminium alloys; copper and copper alloys; nickel alloys; titanium and titanium alloys; magnesium alloys; zinc-based alloys; tin and tin alloys; tungsten alloys; lead and lead alloys; zinc-, cadmium-, chromium- and gold-coated items.

Revêtements métalliques et autres revêtements inorganiques — Nettoyage et préparation des surfaces métalliques — Partie 2: Métaux non ferreux et alliages

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ISO 27831-2:2008 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings — Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces — Part 2: Non-ferrous metals and alloys Released:10/2/2008
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ISO 27831-2:2008 - Metallic and other inorganic coatings -- Cleaning and preparation of metal surfaces
English language
41 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

STANDARD 27831-2
First edition
Metallic and other inorganic coatings —
Cleaning and preparation of metal
surfaces —
Part 2:
Non-ferrous metals and alloys
Revêtements métalliques et autres revêtements inorganiques —
Nettoyage et préparation des surfaces métalliques —
Partie 2: Métaux non ferreux et alliages

Reference number
ISO 2008
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Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword. vii
Introduction . viii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions. 3
4 Essential information to be supplied by the purchaser to the processor . 3
5 Requirements . 4
6 Standard cleaning methods. 5
7 Non-corrosion-resisting steels, cast irons and pure irons . 5
8 Corrosion-resisting and heat-resisting steels .6
9 Pretreatment of metals prior to powder coating . 6
10 Cleaning and preparation processes. 6
11 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. 6
11.1 General. 6
11.2 General degreasing and cleaning . 6
11.3 Removal of corrosion products . 6
11.4 Preparation prior to anodizing . 7
11.5 Preparation prior to oxide removal treatment (process O) or filming treatment . 7
11.6 Preparation prior to adhesive bonding of unanodized items . 7
11.7 Preparation prior to electroplating. 7
11.8 Preparation prior to autocatalytic nickel plating .7
11.9 Preparation prior to conversion coating . 7
11.10 Preparation prior to metal spraying. 7
11.11 Preparation prior to vitreous enamelling . 8
11.11.1 Sheet, extrusions and items made from casting alloys. 8
11.11.2 Other castings. 8
11.12 Preparation prior to supplementary treatments on physically vapour deposited aluminium. 8
12 Copper and copper alloys. 8
12.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 8
12.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 9
12.3 Preparation prior to autocatalytic nickel plating .9
12.4 Preparation prior to hot tinning (TRI process) . 10
12.5 Preparation prior to vitreous tinning . 10
13 Nickel alloys . 10
13.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 10
13.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 10
13.3 Preparation prior to autocatalytic deposition. 11
13.4 Preparation prior to vitreous enamelling . 11
14 Titanium and titanium alloys . 11
14.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 11
14.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 12
14.3 Preparation prior to autocatalytic nickel plating . 12
15 Magnesium alloys. 12
15.1 General degreasing and cleaning prior to electroplating and conversion coating . 12
15.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 12
15.3 Preparation prior to conversion coating . 13
15.3.1 General . 13
15.3.2 As-cast castings. 13
15.3.3 Machined castings . 14
15.3.4 Forgings. 14
15.3.5 Sheets and extrusions. 14
16 Zinc-based alloys . 14
16.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 14
16.2 Cleaning of corroded items. 14
16.3 Preparation of zinc alloy die castings prior to electroplating . 14
16.4 Preparation of zinc alloy castings prior to chromate conversion coating or phosphate
treatment. 14
17 Tin and its alloys . 14
18 Tungsten alloys. 15
18.1 Preparation prior to electroplating. 15
18.2 Preparation prior to adhesive bonding. 15
19 Lead and its alloys . 15
20 Zinc-, cadmium-, chromium- and gold-coated items. 15
20.1 Preparation of zinc-coated items prior to chromate conversion coating . 15
20.2 Preparation of cadmium-coated items prior to chromate conversion coating . 15
20.3 Preparation of physically vapour deposited cadmium prior to supplementary treatments . 15
20.4 Preparation for chromium-coated parts prior to supplementary treatments . 16
20.5 Removal of surface contamination from gold coatings. 16
21 Pretreatment of metals prior to powder coating. 16
21.1 Preparation of aluminium prior to powder coating . 16
21.2 Preparation of zinc and hot-dip-galvanized steel prior to powder coating. 16
21.3 Preparation of copper and brass prior to powder coating . 16
22 Cleaning and preparation processes. 16
22.1 Process A — Organic-solvent degreasing and cleaning . 17
22.1.1 General . 17
22.1.2 Method A1 — Hot solvent, not water-rinsable . 17
22.1.3 Method A2 — Cold solvent, not water-rinsable . 17
22.1.4 Method A3 — Hot solvent, water-rinsable . 17
22.1.5 Method A4 — Cold solvent, water-rinsable . 18
22.1.6 Method A5 — Petroleum fuel based mixtures containing emulsifying agents . 18
22.1.7 Method A6 — Ultrasonic cleaning. 18
22.2 Process B — Alkaline degreasing. 18
22.2.1 General . 18
22.2.2 Method B1 — General-purpose alkaline degreasing. 18
22.2.3 Method B2 — Mild alkaline degreasing .18
22.2.4 Method B3 — Cathodic alkaline degreasing . 19
22.3 Process C — Acid emulsion cleaning. 19
22.4 Process D — Abrasive cleaning . 19
22.4.1 General . 19
22.4.2 Method D1 — Coarse-abrasive blasting . 19
22.4.3 Method D2 — Fine-abrasive blasting . 19
22.4.4 Method D3 — Scouring.

STANDARD 27831-2
First edition
Metallic and other inorganic coatings —
Cleaning and preparation of metal
surfaces —
Part 2:
Non-ferrous metals and alloys
Revêtements métalliques et autres revêtements inorganiques —
Nettoyage et préparation des surfaces métalliques —
Partie 2: Métaux non ferreux et alliages

Reference number
ISO 2008
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This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but
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ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword. vii
Introduction . viii
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions. 3
4 Essential information to be supplied by the purchaser to the processor . 3
5 Requirements . 4
6 Standard cleaning methods. 5
7 Non-corrosion-resisting steels, cast irons and pure irons . 5
8 Corrosion-resisting and heat-resisting steels .6
9 Pretreatment of metals prior to powder coating . 6
10 Cleaning and preparation processes. 6
11 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. 6
11.1 General. 6
11.2 General degreasing and cleaning . 6
11.3 Removal of corrosion products . 6
11.4 Preparation prior to anodizing . 7
11.5 Preparation prior to oxide removal treatment (process O) or filming treatment . 7
11.6 Preparation prior to adhesive bonding of unanodized items . 7
11.7 Preparation prior to electroplating. 7
11.8 Preparation prior to autocatalytic nickel plating .7
11.9 Preparation prior to conversion coating . 7
11.10 Preparation prior to metal spraying. 7
11.11 Preparation prior to vitreous enamelling . 8
11.11.1 Sheet, extrusions and items made from casting alloys. 8
11.11.2 Other castings. 8
11.12 Preparation prior to supplementary treatments on physically vapour deposited aluminium. 8
12 Copper and copper alloys. 8
12.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 8
12.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 9
12.3 Preparation prior to autocatalytic nickel plating .9
12.4 Preparation prior to hot tinning (TRI process) . 10
12.5 Preparation prior to vitreous tinning . 10
13 Nickel alloys . 10
13.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 10
13.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 10
13.3 Preparation prior to autocatalytic deposition. 11
13.4 Preparation prior to vitreous enamelling . 11
14 Titanium and titanium alloys . 11
14.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 11
14.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 12
14.3 Preparation prior to autocatalytic nickel plating . 12
15 Magnesium alloys. 12
15.1 General degreasing and cleaning prior to electroplating and conversion coating . 12
15.2 Preparation prior to electroplating. 12
15.3 Preparation prior to conversion coating . 13
15.3.1 General . 13
15.3.2 As-cast castings. 13
15.3.3 Machined castings . 14
15.3.4 Forgings. 14
15.3.5 Sheets and extrusions. 14
16 Zinc-based alloys . 14
16.1 General degreasing and cleaning . 14
16.2 Cleaning of corroded items. 14
16.3 Preparation of zinc alloy die castings prior to electroplating . 14
16.4 Preparation of zinc alloy castings prior to chromate conversion coating or phosphate
treatment. 14
17 Tin and its alloys . 14
18 Tungsten alloys. 15
18.1 Preparation prior to electroplating. 15
18.2 Preparation prior to adhesive bonding. 15
19 Lead and its alloys . 15
20 Zinc-, cadmium-, chromium- and gold-coated items. 15
20.1 Preparation of zinc-coated items prior to chromate conversion coating . 15
20.2 Preparation of cadmium-coated items prior to chromate conversion coating . 15
20.3 Preparation of physically vapour deposited cadmium prior to supplementary treatments . 15
20.4 Preparation for chromium-coated parts prior to supplementary treatments . 16
20.5 Removal of surface contamination from gold coatings. 16
21 Pretreatment of metals prior to powder coating. 16
21.1 Preparation of aluminium prior to powder coating . 16
21.2 Preparation of zinc and hot-dip-galvanized steel prior to powder coating. 16
21.3 Preparation of copper and brass prior to powder coating . 16
22 Cleaning and preparation processes. 16
22.1 Process A — Organic-solvent degreasing and cleaning . 17
22.1.1 General . 17
22.1.2 Method A1 — Hot solvent, not water-rinsable . 17
22.1.3 Method A2 — Cold solvent, not water-rinsable . 17
22.1.4 Method A3 — Hot solvent, water-rinsable . 17
22.1.5 Method A4 — Cold solvent, water-rinsable . 18
22.1.6 Method A5 — Petroleum fuel based mixtures containing emulsifying agents . 18
22.1.7 Method A6 — Ultrasonic cleaning. 18
22.2 Process B — Alkaline degreasing. 18
22.2.1 General . 18
22.2.2 Method B1 — General-purpose alkaline degreasing. 18
22.2.3 Method B2 — Mild alkaline degreasing .18
22.2.4 Method B3 — Cathodic alkaline degreasing . 19
22.3 Process C — Acid emulsion cleaning. 19
22.4 Process D — Abrasive cleaning . 19
22.4.1 General . 19
22.4.2 Method D1 — Coarse-abrasive blasting . 19
22.4.3 Method D2 — Fine-abrasive blasting . 19
22.4.4 Method D3 — Scouring.

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