ISO 11863:2011
(Main)Buildings and building-related facilities — Functional and user requirements and performance — Tools for assessment and comparison
Buildings and building-related facilities — Functional and user requirements and performance — Tools for assessment and comparison
ISO 11863:2011 specifies how to determine functional performance requirements (demand) for buildings and building-related facilities, and how to check the capability of buildings and facilities to meet identified requirements (supply). It specifies how to determine the relative importance of each requirement, establish thresholds for capability, and evaluate the significance of differences between what is required and actual capabilities. ISO 11863:2011 is applicable to any size or scope of assets of buildings and building-related facilities, e.g. to a portfolio of assets at a single site or multiple sites, to assets of a single small building, and to any constituent system, sub-system, component or element thereof. It is applicable to a range of roles, from owners and managers to occupants, tenants, or other users or stakeholders. It is applicable to any asset type within the field of buildings and civil engineering works, including certain public works, equipment and materiel. It is particularly useful for entities having control or occupancy of a portfolio of such assets.
Bâtiments et biens immobiliers associés — Exigences fonctionnelles, exigences de l'utilisateur et performances — Outils pour l'évaluation et la comparaison
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Buildings and building-related facilities —
Functional and user requirements and
performance — Tools for assessment and
Bâtiments et biens immobiliers associés — Exigences fonctionnelles,
exigences de l'utilisateur et performances — Outils pour l'évaluation et
la comparaison
Reference number
ISO 11863:2011(E)
ISO 2011
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ISO 11863:2011(E)
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ISO 11863:2011(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms and definitions .1
4 How to determine levels of functional performance requirements and levels of
4.1 Requirements for functional performance.5
4.2 Serviceability .6
4.3 Number of statements and of levels in a scale .6
4.4 Calibration and normalization of scales .7
4.5 Complex topics with multiple functions .7
4.6 Relative importance of requirements .7
4.7 Threshold or critical level.7
4.8 Main and variant requirement profiles .8
4.9 Generic profiles of demand.8
4.10 Calibration of scales .9
4.11 Gap analysis — Comparing demand and supply.9
4.12 Applicability in different cultures .9
4.13 Consistency and replicability of responses .9
4.14 Application during the whole life of a facility.10
4.15 Inclusion in the building information mode (BIM) .10
Annex A (informative) Concepts of functionality and serviceability .11
Annex B (informative) Principle of calibration for scales .13
Annex C (informative) Example of scales.14
Annex D (informative) Comparison and matching of profiles.17
Annex E (informative) Terms used for functionality and serviceability .21
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ISO 11863:2011(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 11863 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 59, Buildings and civil engineering works,
Subcommittee SC 3, Functional/user requirements and performance in building construction.
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Buildings and building-related facilities — Functional and user
requirements and performance — Tools for assessment and
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies how to determine functional performance requirements (demand) for
buildings and building-related facilities, and how to check the capability of buildings and facilities to meet
identified requirements (supply). It specifies how to determine the relative importance of each requirement,
establish thresholds for capability, and evaluate the significance of differences between what is required and
actual capabilities.
This International Standard is applicable to any size or scope of assets of buildings and building-related
facilities, e.g. to a portfolio of assets at a single site or multiple sites, to assets of a single small building, and
to any constituent system, sub-system, component or element thereof. It is applicable to a range of roles, from
owners and managers to occupants, tenants, or other users or stakeholders. It is applicable to any asset type
within the field of buildings and civil engineering works, including certain public works, equipment and materiel.
It is particularly useful for entities having control or occupancy of a portfolio of such assets.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6707-1, Building and civil engineering — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms
ISO 15686-10, Buildings and constructed assets — Service life planning — Part 10: When to assess
functional performance
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 6707-1 and the following apply.
〈functionality or serviceability〉 part or set of parts of the functionality (3.15) or serviceability (3.28) of an
asset (3.2), building or building-related facility (3.10)
NOTE An aspect usually encompasses multiple topics (3.33) of functionality or serviceability.
〈building or building-related facility〉 whole building or structure or unit of construction works, or a system or
component or part thereof
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ISO 11863:2011(E)
behaviour in service
manner in which an asset (building or building related facility) (3.2) actually functions in its intended place and
set the proper intervals between marks or levels (3.17) (3.18) (3.19) of a scale (3.26) (as a measuring
act of marking the scale (3.26) of a measuring instrument used to determine the proper separation between
marks or levels (3.17) (3.18) (3.19)
measure of ability to perform and support a function (3.12)
critical level
〈of functionality〉 level (3.17) (3.18) (3.19) at which resources necessary for work or other functions (3.12) are
essential or critical
〈of a facility〉 requirement for functionality (3.15)
demand scale
scale (3.26) for use in determining the level of functionality (3.17) of a facility (3.10) on one topic (3.33) of
functional performance (3.13)
physical setting used to serve a specific purpose
NOTE 1 A facility can be part of a building, or a whole building, or more than one building, and can include related
constructions (such as roads and walkways), which, taken as a whole, serve a specific function.
NOTE 2 The term encompasses both the physical object(s) and its (their) use.
element or attribute of a facility (3.10) which indicates an aspect of its serviceability (3.28)
purpose or activity of users (3.34) and other stakeholders (3.29) for which an asset (3.2) or a facility (3.10)
is designed, used, or required to be used
functional performance
〈of a facility〉 performance (3.20) of a facility (3.10) to support required function(s) (3.12) under specified
use conditions
NOTE See also performance 〈of a facility〉 (3.20).
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ISO 11863:2011(E)
functional performance requirement
type and level of functional performance (3.13) which is required by stakeholders of a facility (3.10),
building or other constructed asset (3.2), or of an assembly, component or product thereof, or of a movable
asset, for a specific activity or function (3.12)
suitability or usefulness for a specific purpose or activity
difference between the level of functionality (3.17) (or other attribute) which is required and the level of
serviceability (3.19) (capability) which is or will be provided
level of functionality
number indicating the relative functionality (3.15) for a group of users (3.34) or other stakeholders (3.29) for
one topic (3.33) on a predetermined demand scale (3.9) from the level of the least functionality (3.15) to the
level of the most functionality (3.15)
NOTE Level of functionality can be the consequence of several distinct functions (3.12) required to act in
EXAMPLE Scale of integers from 0 to 9.
level of performance
number indicating the relative performance (3.20) required or provided for one topic on a predetermined
scale (3.26) ranging from the level of the least performance (3.20) to the level of the most
performance (3.20)
NOTE Level of performance can be the consequence of several distinct performances [behaviours in service
(3.3)], of which one can be functional performance (3.13), which act in combination.
EXAMPLE Scale of integers from 0 to 9.
level of serviceability
number indicating the relative capability of a facility (3.10) for a group of users (3.34) or other stakeholders
(3.29) for one topic (3.33) on a predetermined supply scale (3.31) from the level of the least serviceability
(3.28) to the most serviceability (3.28)
NOTE Level of serviceability can be the consequence of several physical features (3.11) acting in combination.
EXAMPLE Scale of integers from 0 to 9.
〈of a facility〉 behaviour in service (3.3) of a facility (3.10) for a specified use
NOTE The scope of this performance is of the facility (3.10) as a system, including its subsystems, components
and materials, and their interactions, such as those of an acoustical, hydro-thermal, or economic nature, and the relative
importance (3.25) of each performance requirement (3.21).
performance requirement
〈of a facility〉 performance (3.20) demanded or expected of a facility (3.10) for a specified use
NOTE Adapted from ISO 6707-1:2004, definition 9.1.16.
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〈of a facility〉 list of the levels of functionality (3.17) required by stakeholders (3.29) for a facility (3.10), or
of the levels of serviceability (3.19) provided by a facility, with respect to various topics (3.33)
individual who conducts the rating (3.24) of a facility (3.10), or of the design of a facility, to determine its
profile (3.22) of serviceability (3.28)
process of determining the serviceability (3.28) of a constructed asset (3.2), or of an asset which has been
designed but not yet built
relative importance
importance of any one topic (3.33) of functionality (3.15) for the operations or mission of the users (3.34)
single set of statements, in which intervals between statements, from the most to the least, are calibrated
according to scalar rules
NOTE When people are asked to select one of the statements in a scale as most closely describing the level of
functionality (3.17) required, or as best describing the physical features present in a facility, the scale in effect functions
as a multiple choice questionnaire.
service life
period of time after installation during which a facility (3.10) or its component parts meet(s) or exceed(s) the
performance requirements (3.21)
NOTE Adapted from ISO 6707-1:2004, definition 9.3.84.
capability (3.6) of a facility (3.10), building or other constructed asset (3.2), or of an assembly, component or
product thereof, or of a movable asset, to support the function(s) (3.12) for which it is designed, used, or
required to be used
NOTE Adapted from ISO 6707-1:2004, definitions 9.1.11 (capability) and 9.3.05 (serviceability).
person or entity with an interest in, or concern about, a facility (3.10)
NOTE The interest can include a financial interest, and can be continuing or temporary, as of a visitor.
〈of a facility〉 appropriateness for supporting the functions (3.12) or activities of users (3.34) or stakeholders
supply scale
scale (3.26) for use in determining the level of serviceability (3.19) of a facility on one topic (3.33) of
capability (3.6)
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ISO 11863:2011(E)
threshold level
number indicating the level of functionality (3.17) which, if not provided, would significantly or completely
impair the ability of users (3.34) to carry out their intended activities or operations
single attribute of a facility (3.10) for which level of functionality (3.17), level of serviceability (3.19),
threshold level (3.32) and relative importance (3.25) can be determined
organization, person, animal or object which uses, or is intended to use, a building or other construction works
NOTE 1 Includes any person or entity who uses a facility (3.10), whether as occupant, visitor, member of the public, or
other stakeholder (3.29).
NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 6707-1 2004, definition 8.1.
whole life
period of time commencing with the process of definition of need, before a project is explicitly launched,
continuing through the process of acquisition and including the end of life period, decommissioning,
deconstruction or disposal
NOTE 1 Whole life cycle includes all factors considered in whole life costing.
NOTE 2 Life cycle is less inclusive. It is the period of time from completion of construction or from a selected date to
the end of life of the asset (3.2), including the end of life period, decommissioning, deconstruction or disposal, or to
termination of a period of analysis.
4 How to determine levels of functional performance requirements and levels of
4.1 Requirements for functional performance
The requirement for each topic (or aspect) of functionality of an asset building or building-related facility shall
incorporate either one specific function or several specific functions which act in combination for that topic.
Each such requirement shall be expressed as a level of demand. The level of demand for each function shall
be identified using a demand scale.
Typically, the level of demand is a minimum level. If the level of demand is a maximum value, that shall be so
indicated, as an exception.
Each demand scale shall contain a set of statements of functional performance requirements, one statement
for each level from the lowest requirement to the highest requirement and one statement for “no requirement”
or “shall not have” (which shall be level 0).
Demand scales for any functional type (category) of building or building-related facility shall be written in
language (terms and concepts) which are familiar to the users of that functional type. The scales shall enable
any occupant, owner, manager, user, visitor or other stakeholder — without guidance or technical
assistance — to select a block of text from a demand scale that best describes what they need to be able to
do, see, feel, hear or experience while in or near a facility.
Demand scales shall use statements of requirements for functionality that will apply to many users of a
functional category of facilities. A demand scale shall not be used to comply with this International Standard if
a requirement in it is unique to a single stakeholder. This is because comparing requirement levels of different
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stakeholders is only possible when each set of levels of demand is determined using the same scales, which
are suitable for the same functional category.
If a suitable set of demand scales is not available, it shall be created.
Examples of the format for such scales are included in Annex B, and in References [1], [2], [3], [13], and [14]
in the Bibliography.
4.2 Serviceability
The serviceability for each topic of functionality shall be indicated by one feature or by a combination of
features which act in combination for that topic. The level of supply for each feature shall be indicated using
one supply scale. The level of supply for a topic shall be indicated by the level of supply for the feature or
combination of features
Each supply scale shall contain a set of statements of serviceability, one statement for each level from the
lowest serviceability to the highest serviceability and one statement for “not present” (which shall be level 0).
Supply scales shall use, as indicators of serviceability, descriptions of features for serviceability that will apply
to many facilities of a functional category. A supply scale shall not be used to comply with this International
Standard if the indicator in it is unique to a single unique asset. This is because comparing rating levels of
different buildings or building-related facilities is only possible when each set of levels has been determined
using the same scales, which are suitable for the same functional category.
If a suitable set of supply scales is not available, it shall be created.
Supply scales for any functional type of building or building-related facility shall be written in language (terms
and concepts) which can be understood by individuals who work in or are qualified in the field of providing or
managing facilities and related constructed assets, but who are not experts. The levels within each scale shall
offer indicators of what is likely to be physically present in that functional category of facility. The indicators
shall be observable, easily noted without instrumentation, and suitable as a consistent indicator of
serviceability, that is the capability of a facility to meet a given functional performance requirement at a
specific level of demand.
Examples of the format for such scales are included in Annex B, and in References [1], [2], [3], [13], and [14]
in the Bibliography.
4.3 Number of statements and of levels in a scale
The demand and supply scales are matched so that the statement in a supply scale at any level indicates that
the serviceability meets the performance requirement in the demand scale at that level.
There is not a mandatory count of levels or statements in a pair of scales (demand and supply scales on a
topic). Five statements is the recommended count of statements in a demand scale and in the matching
supply scale, plus a statement for level 0. If for a particular topic it is not possible to define five statements
which are significantly different from each other, then it is recommended that the count be reduced to four or
to three statements, or in exceptional and rare cases to two statements, one of which shall be at what would
be taken as the middle level if there were five statements.
It is recommended that each level be designated by a single-digit integer, from 9 to 1, plus 0. If another count
is used, for instance 5 to 1 plus 0, or 99 to 1 plus 0, or 9,99 to 1,00 plus 0, then provide guidance on how to
compare such levels to scales in which the levels do conform to the recommendation. When there are five
statements plus zero, and the levels are expressed as single-digit integers; the recommended numbering of
statements in a scale is 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, with 1 being the statement for least of that topic, and 9 being the
statement for most of that topic. This enables the in-between even levels to be used when the individual
choosing a level considers that the correct level is in between two statements. For some topics, it can be
helpful to also provide a statement at level 2.
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If five statements is the normal count, but less than five statements are used, then the statements shall be
numbered so as to represent what their positions would be if there were five statements. For instance, if there
are only three statements, then one shall be numbered 5 for typical, one shall be numbered 9 for most, and
one shall be numbered 1 for least.
4.4 Calibration and normalization of scales
In each of the supply scales, one of the statements, typically the middle supply statement, shall describe the
indicators of the feature which is actually most typically provided or installed in that region, country or locality,
for that topic. The demand statement at that typical level shall be the demand (requirement) statement which
would require that typical supply level of serviceability. Therefore, this demand statement is not automatically
what is typically required. Instead, it can actually be more or less demanding than what is most typically
provided or installed.
4.5 Complex topics with multiple functions
For a complex topic, for which the functional performance requirement involves several functions which act in
combination to define that requirement, a separate demand scale shall be created for each function, and the
scales shall then be grouped under one topic.
The demand level for a complex topic, involving several functions which act in combination, shall be taken as
the whole number (integer) closest to the arithmetic mean (average) of the demand levels for the various
functions. If the average is at the mid-point between two whole numbers (e.g. × 0,5), the level shall be
reported as the nearest odd whole number.
For a complex topic, for which the serviceability is indicated by a combination of features which act in
combination for that topic, a separate supply scale shall be created for each feature, and the scales shall then
be grouped under one topic.
The supply level for a complex topic, involving several features which act in combination, shall be taken as the
whole number (integer) closest to the arithmetic mean (average) of the supply levels for the various features.
If the average is at the mid-point between two whole numbers (e.g. × 0,5), the level shall be reported as the
nearest odd whole number.
4.6 Relative importance of requirements
When people are setting requirement levels for a topic, they shall be asked to indicate whether that
requirement is “exceptionally important”, “important”, or of “minor importance” compared to other topics being
For individual stakeholders or groups of stakeholders, at a specific time, requirements on some topics are
more important than requirements on other topics. Setting more fine-grained distinctions of relative importance
is discouraged, because experience shows that asking for more than three possible responses leads to
results which are not sufficiently replicable.
4.7 Threshold or critical level
When identifying a demand level on each demand scale, the respondent shall be given the opportunity to
indicate a critical level of functionality which, if not provided, would significantly or completely impair the ability
of users or other stakeholders to carry out their intended activities or operations or mission. This level can be
the same as, or can be quite different from, the level of demand. This level shall be designated as the
“threshold level”.
Typically, the threshold level is a minimum level of demand. If the threshold level is a maximum value, that
shall be so indicated, as an exception.
NOTE Threshold levels are often indicated for “exceptionally important” topics, and less frequently for “important”
topics or topics of “minor importance”.
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4.8 Main and variant requirement profiles
A functionality requirement profile is a list of the levels of functionality with respect to various topics required
by stakeholders for a facility. Similarly, a serviceability rating profile is a list of the levels of serviceability with
respect to various topics provided by a facility.
The set of requirement levels corresponding to the majority of users or stakeholders shall be identified as the
main requirement profile. Within any building or building-related facility used by more than a few dozen
individuals, it is common for some users to have requirement levels on some of the topics which are more
demanding than in the main requirement profile. The more demanding profile shall be identified as a variant
requirement profile. A main requirement profile can be augmented in specific zones as required by the variant
profiles for those zones.
The functionality requirement profile of a group of stakeholders shall not be reported as the simple average of
the main and variant profiles, but appropriately weighted averages may be used. This is because the extent
and variance of the variant requirement profiles of an organization, or of the various serviceability profiles in a
building or building-related facility, would be unknown if the profiles were simply averaged, or if only a
consensus were recorded.
Typically, the base building is designed to accommodate the main demand profile, and the variant
requirement profiles are accommodated during fit-out. In that way, if the zone for a particular requirement
profile is required to be expanded because more people have those needs, the building can accommodate
them by modifying its fit-out. For instance, the organization using a headquarters office building housing
several hundred workplaces can have one variant requirement profile for the legal department, who work
mostly in enclosed offices with a high level of speech privacy, and another for the facility management
personnel who work mostly in open plan workstations for ease of communication. Accounting and human
relations personnel can often work in open plan but have a variant requirement profile because they require
added security for personnel files and checks. Yet another variant requirement profile might be for the
information technology personnel who require extra electrical supply, complete freedom from interruptions to
electricity for their servers and testing equipment, and extra heat removal for their server rooms. The
marketing department can need some enclosed offices for developing confidential plans and proposals, and
convenient on-floor holding rooms for sample point-of-sale displays being reviewed. I
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