Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 15: Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format — Amendment 3: File format support for Multiview Video Coding

Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels — Partie 15: Format de fichier de codage vidéo avancé (AVC) — Amendement 3: Support de format de fichier pour codage vidéo multivues

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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3 - File format support for Multiview Video Coding
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DRAFT 14496-15:2004
Information technology — Coding of
Secretariat: ANSI
audio-visual objects —
Voting begins on:
Part 15:
Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format
Voting terminates on:
AMENDMENT 3: File format support for
Multiview Video Coding
Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels —
Partie 15: Format de fichier de codage vidéo avancé (AVC)
AMENDEMENT 3 : Support de format de fichier pour codage vidéo

Please see the administrative notes on page iii

Reference number
ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)

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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
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Amendment 3 to ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1,
Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia

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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects —
Part 15:
Advanced Video Coding (AVC) file format
AMENDMENT 3: File format support for Multiview Video Coding
In the Introduction, replace:
This International Standard defines the storage for both plain AVC and SVC video streams, where ‘plain AVC’
refers to the main part of ISO/IEC 14496-10, not including Annex G (Scalable Video Coding), and SVC refers
to ISO/IEC 14496-10 when the techniques in Annex G (Scalable Video Coding) are in use. Specific
techniques are introduced for the handling of scalable streams, enabling their use, and assisting the extraction
of subsets of scalable streams.
This International Standard defines the storage for plain AVC, SVC, and MVC video streams, where ‘plain
AVC’ refers to the main part of ISO/IEC 14496-10, excluding Annex G (Scalable Video Coding) and Annex H
(Multiview Video Coding); SVC refers to ISO/IEC 14496-10 when the techniques in Annex G (Scalable Video
Coding) are in use, and MVC refers to ISO/IEC 14496-10 when the techniques in Annex H (Multiview Video
Coding) are in use. Specific techniques are introduced for handling of scalable and multiview streams,
enabling their use, and assisting the extraction of subsets of scalable and multiview streams.
In Clause 1, Scope, replace:
The file format for storage of SVC content, as defined in Annexes A-E, uses the existing capabilities of the
ISO base media file format and the AVC file format. In addition, the following new extensions to support SVC-
specific features are specified:
The file format for storage of SVC content, as defined in Annexes A-E, and the file format for storage of MVC
content as defined in Annexes B-F, use the existing capabilities of the ISO base media file format and the
AVC file format. In addition, the following new extensions to support SVC-specific features are specified:
and replace:
• AVC Compatibility: A provision for storing an SVC bitstream in an AVC compatible manner, such
that the AVC compatible base layer can be used by any existing AVC file format compliant reader.
• AVC Compatibility: A provision for storing an SVC or MVC bitstream in an AVC compatible manner,
such that the AVC compatible base layer can be used by any existing AVC file format compliant
In 3.2, replace:
AVC Advanced Video Coding. Where contrasted with SVC in this International Standard, this term
refers to the main part of ISO/IEC 14496-10, not including Annex G (Scalable Video Coding)

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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
AVC Advanced Video Coding. Where contrasted with SVC or MVC in this International Standard, this
term refers to the main part of ISO/IEC 14496-10, including neither Annex G (Scalable Video
Coding) nor Annex H (Multiview Video Coding)

and add the following row to 3.2 before the row ‘NAL:’
MVC MultiviewVideo Coding. Refers to ISO/IEC 14496-10 when the techniques in Annex H (Multiview
Video Coding) are in use

Replace all of with:
Box Types: ‘avc1’, ‘avc2’, ‘avcC’, ‘m4ds’,’btrt’
Container: Sample Table Box (‘stbl’)
Mandatory: An ‘avc1’ or ‘avc2’ sample entry is mandatory
Quantity: One or more sample entries may be present
An AVC visual sample entry shall contain an AVC Configuration Box, as defined below. This includes an
AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord, as defined in
An optional MPEG4BitRateBox may be present in the AVC visual sample entry to signal the bit rate
information of the AVC video stream. Extension descriptors that should be inserted into the Elementary
Stream Descriptor, when used in MPEG-4, may also be present.
Multiple sample descriptions may be used, as permitted by the ISO Base Media File Format specification, to
indicate sections of video that use different configurations or parameter sets.
The sample entry name ‘avc1’ may only be used when the entire stream is a compliant and usable AVC
stream as viewed by an AVC decoder operating under the configuration (including profile and level) given in
the AVCConfigurationBox. The file format specific structures that resemble NAL units (see Annex B) may be
present but must not be used to access the AVC base data; that is, the AVC data must not be contained in
Aggregators (though they may be included within the bytes referenced by the additional_bytes field) nor
referenced by Extractors.
The sample entry name ‘avc2’ may only be used when Extractors or Aggregators (Annex B) are required to be
supported, and an appropriate Toolset is required (for example, as indicated by the file-type brands). This
sample entry type indicates that, in order to form the intended AVC stream, Extractors must be replaced with
the data they are referencing, and Aggregators must be examined for contained NAL Units. Tier grouping
may be present.
Add to the end of
class AVC2SampleEntry() extends VisualSampleEntry (‘avc2’){
AVCConfigurationBox avcconfig;
MPEG4BitRateBox bitrate;   // optional
MPEG4ExtensionDescriptorsBox descr; // optional
extra_boxes  boxes;  // optional
Replace A.2.1 with the following:
Aggregators are in-stream structures using a NAL unit header including a NAL unit header extension, with a
NAL unit type equal to 30. Aggregators are used to group NAL units belonging to the same sample.
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Replace A.2.6 with the following:
Extractors are in-stream structures using a NAL unit header including a NAL unit header extension, with a
NAL unit type equal to 31. Extractors contain instructions on how to extract data from other tracks. Logically
an Extractor can be seen as a ‘link’. While accessing a track containing Extractors, the Extractor is replaced
by the data it is referencing.
Replace A.2.17 with the following:
SVC VCL NAL units follow the definitions in ISO/IEC 14496-10 Annex G for NAL units of type 20 and 14; they
are NAL units with type 20, and NAL units with type 14 when the immediately following NAL units are AVC
VCL NAL units. SVC VCL NAL units do not affect the decoding process of a legacy AVC decoder.
In A.
change the paragraph:
The sample entry name ‘avc1’ may only be used when the entire stream is a compliant and usable AVC
stream as viewed by an AVC decoder operating under the configuration (including profile and level) given in
the AVCConfigurationBox. The file format specific structures that resemble NAL units may be present but
must not be used to access the AVC base data; that is, the AVC data must not be contained in Aggregators
(though they may be included within the bytes referenced by the additional_bytes field) nor referenced by
Extractors. The sample entry name ‘avc2’ indicates that, in order to form the intended AVC stream, Extractors
must be replaced with the data they are referencing, and Aggregators must be examined for contained NAL
Units. Extractors or aggregators may be used for SVC VCL NAL units in ‘avc1’, ‘avc2’ or ‘svc1’ tracks.
as follows:
Extractors or aggregators may be used for SVC VCL NAL units in ‘avc1’, ‘avc2’ or ‘svc1’ tracks. The
‘extra_boxes’ in an ‘avc2’ sample entry may be an SVCConfigurationBox, ScalabilityInformationSEIBox,
SVCPriorityAssignmentBox or other extension boxes.
remove this row from the Table:
‘avc2’ AVC and SVC Configurations An SVC track with both AVC NAL units and SVC
NAL units; Extractors may be present and used to
reference both AVC and SVC NAL units;
Aggregators may be present to contain and
reference both AVC and SVC NAL units; Tier
grouping may be present.

and add to A. before the paragraph “The following table…”:
The parameter sets required to decode a NAL unit that is present in the sample data of a video stream, either
directly or by reference from an Extractor, shall be present in the decoder configuration of that video stream or
in the associated parameter set stream (if used).
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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
In A. replace:
class AVC2SampleEntry() extends VisualSampleEntry (‘avc2’){
AVCConfigurationBox avcconfig;
SVCConfigurationBox svcconfig;  // optional
MPEG4BitRateBox bitrate;   // optional
MPEG4ExtensionDescriptorsBox descr; // optional
ScalabilityInformationSEIBox scalability; // optional
SVCPriorityAssignmentBox method;  // optional
class AVC2SVCSampleEntry() extends VisualSampleEntry (‘avc2’){
AVCConfigurationBox avcconfig;
SVCConfigurationBox svcconfig;  // optional
MPEG4BitRateBox bitrate;   // optional
MPEG4ExtensionDescriptorsBox descr; // optional
ScalabilityInformationSEIBox scalability; // optional
SVCPriorityAssignmentBox method;  // optional
In the title of Annex B, replace:
SVC-file-format-specific in-stream structures
In-stream structures specific to SVC and MVC file formats
In B.1, Introduction, replace:
Aggregators and Extractors use the NAL unit structure. These structures are seen as NAL units in the context
of the sample structure.
Aggregators and Extractors use the NAL unit syntax. These structures are seen as NAL units in the context of
the sample structure.
In B.2.1, Definition (Aggregators), replace:
Aggregators are used to group NAL units belonging to the same sample. Aggregators use the same NAL unit
header as SVC VCL NAL units of type 20 but with a different value of NAL unit type.
Aggregators can both aggregate, by inclusion, NAL units within them (within the size indicated by their length)
and also aggregate, by reference, NAL units that follow them (within the area indicated by the additional_bytes
field within them), When the stream is scanned by an AVC file reader, only the included NAL units are seen as
“within” the aggregator; this permits, for example, an AVC file reader to skip a whole set of un-needed SVC
VCL NAL units. Similarly if AVC NAL units are aggregated by reference, the AVC reader will not skip them
and they remain in-stream for that reader.
Aggregators are used to group NAL units belonging to the same sample. Aggregators use the same NAL unit
header as SVC VCL NAL units or MVC VCL NAL units, but with a different value of NAL unit type. When the
svc_extension_flag of the NAL unit syntax (specified in 7.3.1 of ISO/IEC 14496-10) of an aggregator is equal
to 1, the NAL unit header of SVC VCL NAL units is used for the aggregator. Otherwise, the NAL unit header of
MVC VCL NAL units is used for the aggregator.
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Aggregators can both aggregate, by inclusion, NAL units within them (within the size indicated by their length)
and also aggregate, by reference, NAL units that follow them (within the area indicated by the additional_bytes
field within them). When the stream is scanned by an AVC file reader, only the included NAL units are seen as
“within” the aggregator. This permits an AVC file reader to skip a whole set of un-needed SVC VCL NAL units
or MVC VCL NAL units when they are aggregated by inclusion. This also permits an AVC reader not to skip
AVC NAL units but let them remain in-stream when they are aggregated by reference.
Aggregators can be used to group AVC base view NAL units. If these Aggregators are used in an ‘avc1’ track
then an aggregator shall not use inclusion but reference of AVC base view NAL units (the length of the
Aggregator includes only its header and the NAL units referenced by the Aggregator are specified by
In B.2.3, Semantics (Aggregators), replace:
NALUnitHeader(): The NAL unit structure as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10 Annex G for NAL units of
type 20:
nal_unit_type shall be set to the aggregator NAL unit type (type 30).
forbidden_zero_bit, reserved_one_bit, and reserved_three_2bits shall be set as specified in
ISO/IEC 14496-10 Annex G.
Other fields (nal_ref_idc, idr_flag, priority_id, no_inter_layer_pred_flag,
dependency_id, quality_id, temporal_id, use_ref_base_pic_flag,
discardable_flag, and output_flag) shall be set as specified in B.4.
NALUnitHeader(): the first four bytes of SVC and MVC VCL NAL units.
nal_unit_type shall be set to the aggregator NAL unit type (type 30).
For an aggregator including or referencing SVC NAL units, the following shall apply.
forbidden_zero_bit and reserved_three_2bits shall be set as specified in
ISO/IEC 14496-10.
Other fields (nal_ref_idc, idr_flag, priority_id, no_inter_layer_pred_flag,
dependency_id, quality_id, temporal_id, use_ref_base_pic_flag,
discardable_flag, and output_flag) shall be set as specified in B.4.
For an aggregator including or referencing MVC NAL units, the following shall apply.
forbidden_zero_bit and reserved_one_bit shall be set as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10.
Other fields (nal_ref_idc, non_idr_flag, priority_id, view_id, temporal_id,
anchor_pic_flag, and inter_view_flag) shall be set as specified in B.5.
In B.3.1 change the first sentence as follows:
This Subclause describes Extractors, which enable compact formation of tracks that extract, by reference,
NAL unit data from other tracks.
In B.3.3, Semantics (Extractor), replace:
NALUnitHeader(): The NAL unit structure as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10 Annex G for NAL units of
type 20:
nal_unit_type shall be set to the extractor NAL unit type (type 31).
forbidden_zero_bit, reserved_one_bit, and reserved_three_2bits shall be set as specified in
ISO/IEC 14496-10 Annex G.
Other fields (nal_ref_idc, idr_flag, priority_id, no_inter_layer_pred_flag,
dependency_id, quality_id, temporal_id, use_ref_base_pic_flag,
discardable_flag, and output_flag) shall be set as specified in B.4.
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NALUnitHeader(): the first four bytes of SVC and MVC VCL NAL units.
nal_unit_type shall be set to the extractor NAL unit type (type 31).
For an extractor referencing SVC NAL units, the following shall apply.
forbidden_zero_bit and reserved_three_2bits shall be set as specified in
ISO/IEC 14496-10.
Other fields (nal_ref_idc, idr_flag, priority_id, no_inter_layer_pred_flag,
dependency_id, quality_id, temporal_id, use_ref_base_pic_flag,
discardable_flag, and output_flag) shall be set as specified in B.4.
For an extractor referencing MVC NAL units, the following shall apply.
forbidden_zero_bit and reserved_one_bit shall be set as specified in ISO/IEC 14496-10.
Other fields (nal_ref_idc, non_idr_flag, priority_id, view_id, temporal_id,
anchor_pic_flag, and inter_view_flag) shall be set as specified in B.5.
In the title of Annex B.4, replace:
NAL unit header values
NAL unit header values for SVC
In B.4, replace the following paragraph:
Aggregators can be used to group AVC base layer NAL units. If these Aggregators are used in an ‘avc1’ track
then an aggregator shall not use inclusion but reference of AVC base layer NAL units (the length of the
Aggregator includes only its header and the NAL units referenced by the Aggregator are specified by
The fields below shall take the following values:
After B.4, add B.5:
B.5 NAL unit header values for MVC
Both Aggregators and Extractors use NAL unit headers with the NAL unit header extension. The NAL units
extracted by an extractor or aggregated by an aggregator are all those NAL units that are referenced or
included by recursively inspecting the contents of aggregator or extractor NAL units.
The fields nal_ref_idc, non_idr_flag, priority_id, view_id, temporal_id,
anchor_pic_flag, and inter_view_flag shall take the following values:
nal_ref_idc shall be set to the highest values of the field in all the aggregated or extracted NAL units.
non_idr_flag shall be set to the lowest values of the field in all the aggregated or extracted NAL units.
priority_id and temporal_id shall be set to the lowest values of the fields, respectively, in all the
aggregated or extracted NAL units.
view_id shall be set to the view_id value of the VCL NAL unit with the lowest view order index among all
the aggregated or extracted VCL NAL units.
anchor_pic_flag and inter_view_flag shall be set to the highest value of the fields, respectively,
in all the aggregated or extracted VCL NAL units.
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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
In the title of Annex C, replace:
SVC sample group definitions
SVC and MVC sample group definitions
In C.1, Introduction, replace:
The following sample groups may be used in an SVC track to document the structure of the SVC stream and
to ease obtaining information of subsets of the stream and extraction of any of the subsets.
There are a number of boxes, defined below, which may occur in the sample group description, namely the
Scalable Group Entry.
Each Scalable Group Entry documents a subset of the SVC stream. Each of the subsets is associated with a
tier and may contain one or more operating points. These entries are defined using a grouping type of ‘scif’.
NOTE For each tier, there may be more than one ScalableGroupEntry in the SampleGroupDescriptionBox of
grouping type ‘scif’. Only one of those entries is the primary definition of the tier.
Though the Scalable Group Entries are contained in the SampleGroupDescription box, the grouping is not a
true sample grouping as each sample may be associated with more than one scalable group, as these groups
are used to describe sections of the samples – the NAL units. As a result, it is possible that there may not be a
SampleToGroup box of the grouping type 'scif', unless it happens that a group does, in fact, describe a
whole sample. Even if a SampleToGroup box of the grouping type 'scif' is present, the information is not
needed for extraction of NAL units of tiers; instead, the map groups must always document the ‘pattern’ of
NAL units within the samples and provide the NAL-unit-to-tier mapping information that may be needed for
extraction of NAL units.
The following sample groups may be used in an SVC or MVC track to document the structure of the SVC or
MVC stream and to ease obtaining information of subsets of the stream and extraction of any of the subsets.
If views from the same MVC bitstream are stored in multiple MVC tracks and one or more of these tracks
contain multiple views, sample group entries and map groups can be used for these tracks containing multiple
There are a number of boxes, defined below, which may occur in the sample group description, namely the
Scalable Group Entry for an SVC stream or the Multiview Group Entry for an MVC stream.
Each Scalable Group Entry or Multiview Group Entry documents a subset of the SVC stream or the MVC
stream, respectively. Each of the subsets is associated with a tier and may contain one or more operating
points. A grouping type of ‘scif’ or ‘mvif’ is used to define Scalable Group Entries or Multiview Group
Entries, respectively.
For each tier, there may be more than one Scalable Group Entry or Multiview Group Entry in the
SampleGroupDescriptionBox of grouping type ‘scif’ or ‘mvif’, respectively. Only one of those entries is the
primary definition of the tier.
Though the Scalable and Multiview Group Entries are contained in the SampleGroupDescription box, the
grouping is not a true sample grouping as each sample may be associated with more than one tier, as these
groups are used to describe sections of the samples – the NAL units. As a result, it is possible that there may
not be a SampleToGroup box of the grouping type 'scif' or ‘mvif’, unless it happens that a group does, in
fact, describe a whole sample. Even if a SampleToGroup box of the grouping type 'scif' or ‘mvif’ is present,
the information is not needed for extraction of NAL units of tiers; instead, the map groups must always
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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
document the ‘pattern’ of NAL units within the samples and provide the NAL-unit-to-tier mapping information
that may be needed for extraction of NAL units.
A multiview group specifies an MVC operating point and is therefore associated with the target output views of
the MVC operating point. The Multiview Group box, defined in F8.3, is used to specify a multiview group.
Many of the boxes used to characterize SVC and MVC tiers are also used to characterize MVC operating
points and can therefore be contained in the Multiview Group box too.
In C.2.1.1, Definition (Tier information box), replace:
Box Types: ‘tiri’
Container: ScalableGroupEntry
Mandatory: Yes
Quantity: Zero or One // depends on primary_definition
The tier information box provides information about the profile, level, frame size, discardability, and frame-rate
of a tier.
Box Type: ‘tiri’
Container: ScalableGroupEntry or MultiviewGroupEntry or MultiviewGroupBox
Mandatory: Yes
Quantity: Zero or One // depends on primary_definition
The tier information box provides information about the profile, level, frame size, discardability, and frame-rate
of a covered bitstream subset. If the Tier Information box is included in a Scalable Group entry or a Multiview
Group entry, the covered bitstream subset consists of the tier and tiers it depends upon. If the Tier Information
box is included in a Multiview Group box, the covered bitstream subset consists of the target output views of
the multiview group and all the views required for decoding the target output views.
In C.2.1.3, Semantics (Tier information box), replace:
tierID gives the identifier of the tier.
profileIndication contains the profile_idc as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-10, when the parameter
applies to the bitstream subset consisting of the tier and all the dependent tiers.
profile_compatibility is a byte defined exactly the same as the byte which occurs between the
profile_idc and level_idc in a sequence parameter set or a subset sequence parameter set, as defined
in ISO/IEC 14496-10 Annex G, when the parameters apply to the bitstream subset consisting of the
tier and all the dependent tiers.
levelIndication contains the level_idc as defined in ISO/IEC 14496-10, when the parameter applies
to the bitstream subset consisting of the tier and all the dependent tiers.
The profile, profile compatibility flags and level indicated by the fields profileIndication,
profile_compatibility, and levelIndication specifies an interoperability point with which
the bitstream obtained from the particular tier and all the dependent tiers is compatible.
visualWidth gives the value of the width of the coded picture or coded sub-picture in luma pixels of the
representation of this tier in the SVC stream. A coded sub-picture consists of a proper subset of
coded slices of a coded picture. A tier may consist of only sub-pictures. In this case, the tier is referred
to as a sub-picture tier. A sub-picture tier may represent a region-of-interest part of the region
represented by the entire stream.

NOTE The tier representation of a sub-picture tier might not be a valid SVC stream. One example is as
follows. An AVC bitstream is encoded using two slice groups. The first slice group includes the macroblocks
representing a region-of-interest and is coded without referring to slices in the other slice group for inter
prediction over all the access units. The slices of the first slice group in each access unit then form a sub-picture
and a sub-picture tier can be specified to include all the sub-pictures over all the access units.
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ISO/IEC 14496-15:2004/FDAM 3:2009(E)
visualHeight gives the value of the height of the coded picture or coded sub-pictures in luma pixels of
the representation this tier in the SVC stream.
discardable takes one of the following values; the value 02 is reserved.
00 this tier does not contain NAL units with discardable_flag equal to 1.
01 this tier contains both NAL units with discardable_flag equal to 1 and discardable_flag equal to 0.
03 all NAL units in this tier are with discardable_flag equal to 1.
constantFrameRate specifies if the frame rate of this tier is constant. A value of 0 denotes a non-
constant frame rate, a value of 1 denotes a constant frame rate

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