Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 101: Modelling concepts, guidelines and requirements for power supply systems

This document gives guidelines to support the application of the ISO 81346 and IEC 81346 series to power supply systems. It also specifies best practice for its use and implementation depending on the user and situation. The application of this document supports harmonization within and between the power supply technical domains and industries. Introductory examples of the use of reference designation systems (RDS) can be found in Annex A and Annex B. Annex C provides an example of a conversion table between an example structuring system and the classes specified in this document and other parts of the ISO 81346 and IEC 81346 series.

Systèmes industriels, installations et appareils et produits industriels — Principes de structuration et désignation de référence — Partie 101: Concepts de modélisation, lignes directrices et exigences pour les systèmes d'alimentation électrique

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ISO/TS 81346-101:2025 - Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products — Structuring principles and reference designations — Part 101: Modelling concepts, guidelines and requirements for power supply systems Released:27. 01. 2025
English language
137 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO/TS 81346-101
First edition
Industrial systems, installations
and equipment and industrial
products — Structuring principles
and reference designations —
Part 101:
Modelling concepts, guidelines
and requirements for power
supply systems
Systèmes industriels, installations et appareils et produits
industriels — Principes de structuration et désignation de
référence —
Partie 101: Concepts de modélisation, lignes directrices et
exigences pour les systèmes d'alimentation électrique
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms . 2
5 Modelling principles . 2
5.1 Design for purpose .2
5.2 Receiver’s ownership principle . .3
5.3 Collector system principle .4
5.4 Classification according to inherent functionality .5
5.5 Immaterial instantiation .5
5.6 Parent system and sub-systems .5
5.7 Limited constituent systems.7
5.7.1 General .7
5.7.2 Lower limit.8
5.7.3 Upper limit .8
5.8 Modelling for the future .9
5.9 Preferred semantics .9
5.10 RDS implemented to multiple domains (RDS-PS and RDS-CW) .9
5.11 Use of the symbol “?” .11
5.12 Structuring guidelines .11
6 Top node .12
6.1 General . 12
6.2 Top nodes identifying large systems (stations, plants and factories) . 13
6.3 Other purpose top nodes — temporary structures . 13
6.3.1 General . 13
6.3.2 Orders and bills of materials .14
6.3.3 Modular tasks and views, temporary structures.14
6.4 Top nodes for cataloguing purposes . 15
6.5 Other purpose top nodes — (%) type aspects top nodes .16
7 Aspects . 17
7.1 Reference designation sets .17
7.1.1 General .17
7.1.2 Semantics .18
7.2 Functional aspect [=] . .18
7.3 Type aspect [%] . 20
7.4 Product aspect [-] . 22
7.4.1 General . 22
7.4.2 Assembly structure . . 22
7.4.3 Bill of material structures.24
7.5 Location aspect [+Host of installation] . 25
7.6 Location aspect [++Site of installation] . 25
7.6.1 General . 25
7.6.2 Levels and floors.27
7.6.3 Syntax . . 29
7.7 Location-type aspect [%%] . 29
8 System associations and relationship classification .30
8.1 Implicit association of the hierarchical structure . 30
8.2 RD-set . 30
8.3 Relationship classification .31
8.4 Relationships between aspects .32

9 Classification guidelines — Power supply systems .33
9.1 Prime systems (main systems) . 33
9.1.1 General . 33
9.1.2 Electric power transporting systems (B-systems) . 33
9.1.3 Supporting systems (D-systems) . 33
9.1.4 Managing systems (F-systems) . 33
9.2 Technical systems . 34
9.2.1 General . 34
9.2.2 Consecutive duplicated classes . 34
9.2.3 AA-AE Structural support classes. 36
9.2.4 Pumping systems (KE) or Liquid matter transport systems (JB) . 36
9.2.5 Electrical power supply (HD) or electrical energy storage system (QD) . 36
9.2.6 Electrical energy flow control system (KL) or electrical power distribution
system (JE) .37
9.2.7 Power system phases .37
9.3 Component systems . 38
9.3.1 General . 38
9.3.2 High voltage s

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