ISO/TR 22157-2:2004
(Main)Bamboo — Determination of physical and mechanical properties — Part 2: Laboratory manual
Bamboo — Determination of physical and mechanical properties — Part 2: Laboratory manual
ISO/TR 22157-2:2004 provides informative guidelines for staff in laboratories on how to perform tests according to ISO 22157-1:2004.
Bambou — Détermination des propriétés physiques et mécaniques — Partie 2: Manuel de laboratoire
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
REPORT 22157-2
First edition
Bamboo — Determination of physical and
mechanical properties —
Part 2:
Laboratory manual
Bambou — Détermination des propriétés physiques et mécaniques —
Partie 2: Manuel de laboratoire
Reference number
ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
ISO 2004
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ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
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ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope. 1
4.2.1 Measurement and weight . 1
4.2.2 Temperature and humidity. 1
5.6 Marking and conversion into test specimens. 5
6 Moisture content. 8
6.3 Apparatus. 8
6.4 Preparation of test specimen. 8
7 Mass by volume . 8
7.1 Scope. 8
7.4 Preparation of test pieces . 8
7.5 Procedure. 8
7.6 Determination in the absolutely dry condition. 10
8 Shrinkage. 10
8.5.2 Procedure. 10
9 Compression. 11
9.3 Apparatus. 11
9.4 Preparation of test specimens. 11
9.6.2 Range of readings. 12
10 Static bending. 12
10.1 Scope. 12
10.3 Apparatus. 12
10.4 Preparation of test culms. 12
10.5.1 Moment of inertia (see 10.5.4). 12
10.5.2 Procedure. 13
10.5.3 E-modulus. 13
11 Shear. 18
11.1 Scope. 18
11.4.2 Specimens. 18
12 Tension. 19
12.4.2 Specimens. 19
12.4.4 Form of the specimens. 19
Bibliography . 21
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ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
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International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that
which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example), it may decide by a
simple majority vote of its participating members to publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/TR 22157-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 165, Timber structures, in collaboration with
INBAR, the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan.
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ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
In many laboratories in bamboo-growing countries all over the world, laboratory staff perform tests on the
properties of bamboo. Visitors to such laboratories have seen how diligent and keen staff are on doing their
work, in many cases under circumstances that are not easy. Many examples can be found of very satisfactory
methods or tools, but such good information stays inside the originating laboratory, due to lack of exchange of
such knowledge. One purpose of this Technical Report is to publish clever methods in order to make these
available for staff all over the world. A second purpose is to give a practical “how to do” explanation on how to
perform tests according to ISO 22157-1.
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Bamboo — Determination of physical and mechanical
properties —
Part 2:
Laboratory manual
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides informative guidelines for staff in laboratories on how to perform tests
according to ISO 22157-1.
NOTE From here on, this Technical Report will only give information on subclauses of ISO 22157-1 if needed;
consequently the numbering is not successive.
4.2.1 Measurement and weight
NOTE This subclause also refers to: 5.3 Felling, marking and conversion.
The values for length and weight should be taken:
from the culms after their arrival in the lab, which means that culms have been marked already according
to 5.3 of ISO 22157-1;
from the smaller specimens immediately after they have been cut to size in the laboratory. It is wise to
perform this cutting activity in such a way that confusion is avoided.
It is wise laboratory practice to design standard tables in which all data should be recorded. Figure 1 gives an
example of such a table; evidently each laboratory is free to follow this example or not, provided their tables
are as good or even better. In Figure 2 this table is repeated, and filled in by hand as an example of how to
deal with it.
Next, it is wise to make a sketch of each culm, with its nodes, the places of the nodes, and the specimens cut
from this culm and the tests for which these are to be used; see example in Figure 3.
This example shows the bottom and the middle part of a culm; from each part, two samples will be tested in
compression and one in bending, provided the length is sufficient. The reports on those tests will contain more
sketches with dimensions, etc. Evidently, each laboratory is free to design sketches like these, provided they
are clear.
In Figure 3, the white ring as in 5.3 appears at a height of about 0,70 m from which we can guess that a piece
of about 0,30 m has been left in the plantation. The mark “T”, painted at breast height (5.2) appears at a
height of approx. 1,20 m.
Subclause 4.2.1 of ISO 22157-1 also specifies how to determine the diameter and the wall thickness; see
Figure 4 for details. (This Figure refers to 10.5.1 of ISO 22157-1.)
4.2.2 Temperature and humidity
The choice of test condition of 27 ± 2 °C and 70 ± 5 % R.H deviates from that normally adopted for testing
wood products which is 20 °C and 65 % R.H. The first condition is chosen to better reflect the service
environment in countries where bamboo grows. In temperate climates (like W. Europe), the national standard
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ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
for timber may be followed. If the link with other conditions is known, it is recommended to add this in the test
report. See also ISO 22157-1, 5.7, last line.
NOTE This subclause is based on contributions from the Canadian and the French Standards Institutes.
Figure 1 — Example of a table as in 5.3 and 4.2.1
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Figure 2 — Example of a completed table as in 5.3 and 4.3.1
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Name and address of the laboratory:
Mark of the culm:
Sketch of the culm, dimensions and tests to be performed:
Figure 3 — Sketch of a culm (see 4.2.1 and 5.3)
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Figure 4 — Diameter and wall thickness of a culm (see 4.2.1 and 10.5.1)
5.6 Marking and conversion into test specimens
The number of specimens should be twelve: the purpose of tests is to predict a property for the whole
population, with tests on one sample only. The more specimens are taken from the sample, the more reliable
is the prediction, but the more expensive as well is the test series. A fair equilibrium exists when the minimum
number of test specimens is twelve.
In a test series, we would like to determine the mean value µ of the population (pronounce “muu”) but we
actually determine the mean value m of the sample. The formula is:
µ = m − t(s/n) (In the origial full formula “+” and “−” are both present, but here we are iinterested in
the “−” only.
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ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
µ is the mean value of the population;
m is the mean value of the sample;
t is the coefficient from Student's distribution;
s is the standard deviation;
n is the number of specimens in the sample.
The result is:
if n = 4 then
µ = m ± 23,5 %
if n = 8 then
µ = m ± 13,4 %
if n = 12 then
µ = m ± 10,6 %
if n = 16 then µ = m ± 8,8 %
The same variation is presented in Figure 5, top curve.
A similar formula is valid for the standard deviation of the population σ as a function of the standard deviation s
of the sample:
if n = 4 then
0,62s < σ < 2,92s
if n = 8 then 0,71s < σ < 1,80s
if n = 12 then 0,75s < σ < 1,55s
if n = 16 then 0,75s < σ < 1,44s
This can be seen in Figure 5, bottom curve.
NOTE The above is background information to ISO 22156:2004, 7.2.1.
1) Student’s distribution is a statistical distribution, published by the Englishman W.S.Gosset under the pseudonym
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µ as function of n
σ as a function of n
Figure 5 — The relationship between µ, σ and n
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ISO/TR 22157-2:2004(E)
6 Moisture content
6.3 Apparatus
The glass flasks will be needed only if the test pieces are not put on the balance immediately after preparation,
or if they are left out of the oven for some time during or after drying. If one weighs the pieces immediately, no
problems will be expected.
6.4 Preparation of test specimen
EXAMPLE A test piece is 25 mm high, 25 mm wide, and the wall thickness is 10,0 mm. The mass is 5,00 g. (This
means that the mass per volume is 800 kg/m .) If we suppose the dry weight is 4,46 g, then the calculation of the moisture
content will be:
MC=×100= (5,00− 4,46) / 4,46×100= 12,1
MC is the moisture content;
m is the mass of test piece;
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