Information technology — Media context and control — Part 1: Architecture

ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014 specifies the architecture of MPEG-V (media context and control), and its three associated use cases of information adaptation from virtual world to real world, information adaptation from real world to virtual world, and information exchange between virtual worlds.

Technologies de l'information — Contrôle et contexte de supports — Partie 1: Architecture

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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014 - Information technology -- Media context and control
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STANDARD 23005-1
Second edition
Information technology — Media
context and control —
Part 1:
Technologies de l’information — Contrôle et contexte de supports —
Partie 1: Architecture
Reference number
ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)
ISO/IEC 2014

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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)

© ISO/IEC 2014
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)

Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
3 MPEG-V System Architecture . 2
4 Use cases . 4
4.1 Information adaptation from virtual world to real world . 4
4.2 Information adaptation from real world to virtual world . 5
4.3 Information exchange between virtual worlds . 6
5 Instantiations . 7
5.1 Instantiation A: Representation of Sensory Effects (RoSE) . 7
5.2 Instantiation B: Natural user interaction with virtual world .12
5.3 Instantiation C: Travelling and navigating real and virtual worlds .19
5.4 Instantiation D: Interoperable virtual worlds .25
5.5 Instantiation E: Social presence, group decision-making and collaboration within
virtual worlds .27
5.6 Instantiation F: Interactive haptic sensible media .31
5.7 Instantiation G: Bio-sensed information in virtual world .35
5.8 Instantiation H: Environmental monitoring with sensors .40
5.9 Instantiation I: Virtual world interfacing with TV platforms .42
5.10 Instantiation J: Seamless integration between real and virtual worlds .44
5.11 Instantiation K: Hybrid communication .47
Bibliography .50
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies
casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 23005-1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011), which has been
technically revised.
ISO/IEC 23005 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Media
context and control:
— Part 1: Architecture
— Part 2: Control information
— Part 3: Sensory information
— Part 4: Virtual world object characteristics
— Part 5: Data formats for interaction devices
— Part 6: Common types and tools
— Part 7: Conformance and reference software
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)

The usage of multimedia content is becoming omnipresent in everyday life, in terms of both consumption
and production. On the one hand, professional content is provided to the end user in high-definition
quality, streamed over heterogeneous networks, and consumed on a variety of different devices. On the
other hand, user-generated content overwhelms the Internet with multimedia assets being uploaded to a
wide range of available Websites. That is, the transparent access to multimedia content, also referred to
as Universal Multimedia Access (UMA), seems to be technically feasible. However, UMA mainly focuses
on the end-user devices and network connectivity issues, but it is the user who ultimately consumes the
content. Hence, the concept of UMA has been extended to take the user into account, which is generally
referred to as Universal Multimedia Experience (UME).
However, the consumption of multimedia assets can also stimulate senses other than vision or audition,
e.g. olfaction, mechanoreception, equilibrioception, or thermoception. That is, in addition to the audio-
visual content of, for example, a movie, other senses shall also be stimulated giving the user the sensation
of being part of the particular media which shall result in a worthwhile, informative user experience.
This motivates the annotation of the media resources with metadata as defined in this part of
ISO/IEC 23005 that steers appropriate devices capable of stimulating these other senses.
ISO/IEC 23005 (MPEG-V) provides an architecture and specifies associated information representations
to enable the interoperability between virtual worlds, for example, digital content provider of a virtual
world, (serious) gaming, simulation, DVD, and with the real world, for example, sensors, actuators,
vision and rendering, robotics (e.g. for revalidation), (support for) independent living, social and welfare
systems, banking, insurance, travel, real estate, rights management and many others.
Virtual worlds (often referred to as 3D3C for 3D visualization and navigation and the 3C’s of community,
creation and commerce) integrate existing and emerging (media) technologies (e.g. instant messaging,
video, 3D, VR, AI, chat, voice, etc.) that allow for the support of existing and the development of new kinds
of social networks. The emergence of virtual worlds as platforms for social networking is recognized by
businesses as an important issue for at least two reasons:
a) it offers the power to reshape the way companies interact with their environments (markets,
customers, suppliers, creators, stakeholders, etc.) in a fashion comparable to the Internet;
b) it allows for the development of new (breakthrough) business models, services, applications and
Each virtual world however has a different culture and audience making use of these specific worlds for
a variety of reasons. These differences in existing metaverses permit users to have unique experiences.
Resistance to real-world commercial encroachment still exists in many virtual worlds where users
primarily seek an escape from real life. Hence, marketers should get to know a virtual world beforehand
and the rules that govern each individual universe.
Although realistic experiences have been achieved via devices such as 3-D audio/visual devices, it is
hard to realize sensory effects only with presentation of audiovisual contents. The addition of sensory
effects leads to even more realistic experiences in the consumption of audiovisual contents. This will
lead to the application of new media for enhanced experiences of users in a more realistic sense.
Such new media will benefit from the standardization of a control and sensory information which can
include sensory effect metadata, sensory device (actuator) capabilities/commands, user’s sensory
preferences, and various delivery formats. The MPEG-V architecture can be applicable for various
business models for which audiovisual contents can be associated with sensory effects that need to be
rendered on appropriate sensory devices (actuators).
Multi-user online virtual worlds, sometimes called Networked Virtual Environments (NVEs) or
massively-multiplayer online games (MMOGs), have reached mainstream popularity. Although most
1) Some examples of virtual worlds are: Second Life (, IMVU ( and
Entropia Universe (
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publications tend to focus on well-known virtual worlds like World of Warcraft, Second Life, and Lineage,
there are hundreds of popular virtual worlds in active use worldwide, most of which are not known to
the general public. These can be quite different from the above-mentioned titles. To understand current
trends and developments, it is useful to keep in mind that there is large variety in virtual worlds and
that they are not all variations on Second Life.
The concept of online virtual worlds started in the late 70s with the creation of the text-based Dungeons
and Dragons world MUD. In the eighties, larger-scale graphical virtual worlds followed, and in the late
nineties the first 3D virtual worlds appeared. Many virtual worlds are not considered games (MMOGs)
since there is no clear objective and/or there are no points to score or levels to achieve. In this report
we will use “virtual worlds” as an umbrella term that includes all possible varieties. See the literature
for further discussion of the distinction between gaming/non-gaming worlds. Often, a virtual world
which is not considered to be an MMOG does contain a wide selection of mini-games or quests, in some
way embedded into the world. In this manner a virtual world acts like a combined graphical portal
offering games, commerce, social interactions and other forms of entertainment. Another way to see the
difference: games contain mostly pre-authored stories; in virtual worlds the users more or less create
the stories themselves. The current trend in virtual worlds is to provide a mix of pre-authored and user-
generated stories and content, leading to user-modified content.
Current virtual worlds are graphical and rendered in 2D, 2.5 D (isometric view) or 3D, depending on the
intended effect and technical capabilities of the platform: web-browser, gaming PC, average PC, game
console, mobile phone, and so on.
“Would it not be great if the real world economy could be boosted by the exponential growing economy
of the virtual worlds by connecting the virtual - and real world”; in 2007 the Virtual Economy in Second
Life alone was around 400 MEuro, a factor nine growth from 2006. The connected devices and services
in the real world can represent an economy of a multiple of this virtual world economy.
Virtual worlds have entered our lives, our communication patterns, our culture, and our entertainment
never to leave again. It’s not only the teenager active in Second Life and World of Warcraft, the average
age of a gamer is 35 years by now, and it increases every year. This does not even include role-play in the
professional context, also known as serious gaming, inevitable when learning practical skills. Virtual
worlds are in use for entertainment, education, training, obtaining information, social interaction, work,
virtual tourism, reliving the past and forms of art. They augment and interact with our real world and
form an important part of people’s lives. Many virtual worlds already exist as games, training systems,
social networks and virtual cities and world models. Virtual worlds will change every aspect of our
lives: the way we work, interact, play, travel and learn. Games will be everywhere and their societal need
is very big and will lead to many new products and require many companies.
Technology improvement, both in hardware and software, forms the basis of this. It is envisaged that
the most important developments will occur in the areas of display technology, graphics, animation,
(physical) simulation, behaviour and artificial intelligence, loosely distributed systems and network
The figures in this part of ISO/IEC 23005 have been reproduced here with the permission of Samsung,
Sharp Electronics, ETRI, University of Klagenfurt, Institute of Science and Technology, Myongji
University, Institut national des télécommunications and the partners of the ITEA2 project Metaverse1:
Philips, Forthnet S.A., Alcatel-Lucent Bell N.V., Innovalia, Alcatel-Lucent France, Technicolor, Orange
Labs, DevLab, CBT, Nextel, Carsa, Avantalia, Ceesa, Virtualware, I&IMS, VicomTECH, E-PYME, CIC Tour
Gune, Artefacto, Metaverse Laboratories, Technical University Eindhoven, Utrecht University, University
of Twente, Stg. EPN, VU Economics & BA, VU CAMeRA, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, IBBT-SMIT, UPF-MTG, CEA
List and Loria/Inria Lorraine.
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Information technology — Media context and control —
Part 1:
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 23005 specifies the architecture of MPEG-V (media context and control), and its
three associated use cases of information adaptation from virtual world to real world, information
adaptation from real world to virtual world, and information exchange between virtual worlds.
2 Terms and definitions
Device Command
description of controlling actuators used to generate Sensory Effects.
R→V Adaptation
procedure that processes the Sensed Information from the real world in order to be consumed within
the virtual world’s context; takes the Sensed Information with/without the Sensor Capabilities from
Sensors, the Sensor Adaptation Preferences from Users, and/or the Virtual World Object Characteristics
from a Virtual world; controls the Virtual World Object Characteristics or adapts the Sensed Information
by adapting the Sensed Information based on the Sensor Capabilities and/or the Sensor Adaptation
Sensed Information
information acquired by sensors
device by which user input or environmental information can be gathered
EXAMPLE Temperature sensor, distance sensor, motion sensor, etc.
Sensor Adaptation Preferences
description schemes and descriptors to represent (user’s) preferences with respect to adapting sensed
Sensor Capability
description of representing the characteristics of sensors in terms of the capability of the given sensor
such as accuracy, or sensing range
Sensory Device
consumer device by which the corresponding sensory effect can be made
Note 1 to entry: Real world devices can contain any combination of sensors and actuators in one device.
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Sensory Device Capability
description of representing the characteristics of actuators used to generate sensory effects in terms of
the capability of the given device
Sensory Effects
effects to augment perception by stimulating human senses in a particular scene
EXAMPLE Scent, wind, light, haptic [kinesthetic-force, stiffness, weight, friction, texture, widget (button,
slider, joystick, etc.), tactile: air-jet, suction pressure, thermal, current, vibration, etc. Note that combinations of
tactile display can also provide directional, shape information].
Sensory Effect Metadata
metadata that defines the description schemes and descriptors to represent sensory effects
User’s Sensory Preferences
description schemes and descriptors to represent (user’s) preferences with respect to rendering of
sensory effect
the end user of the system
Virtual World
digital content, real time or non real time, of various nature ranging from an on-line virtual world,
simulation environment, multi-user game, a broadcasted multimedia production, a peer-to-peer
multimedia production or packaged content like a DVD or game
V→R Adaptation
procedure that processes the Sensory Effects from the Virtual World in order to be consumed within
the real world’s context; takes Sensory Effect Metadata from a Virtual World, Sensory Device (Actuator)
Capabilities from the Sensory Devices (Actuators), the User’s Sensory Preferences from users, and/or
the Sensed Information as well as the Sensor Capabilities from Sensors as inputs; generates the Device
Commands by adapting the Sensory Effects based on the Sensed Information, the Capabilities and/or
the Preferences
VW Object Characteristics
description schemes and descriptors to represent and describe virtual world objects (from the real
world into the virtual world and vice versa)
3 MPEG-V System Architecture
A strong connection (defined by an architecture that provides interoperability trough standardization)
between the virtual and the real world is needed to reach simultaneous reactions in both worlds to
changes in the environment and human behaviour. Efficient, effective, intuitive and entertaining
interfaces between users and virtual worlds are of crucial importance for their wide acceptance and
use. To improve the process of creating virtual worlds a better design methodology and better tools are
indispensible. For fast adoption of virtual world technologies we need a better understanding of their
internal economics, rules and regulations. The overall system architecture for the MPEG-V framework
is depicted in Figure 1.
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Figure 1 — System Architecture of the MPEG-V Framework
The MPEG-V System Architecture can be used to serve three different media exchanges. There are two
types of media exchanges occurring between real world and virtual world, i.e. the information exchange
from real world to virtual world and the information exchange from virtual world to real world. An
additional type of media exchanges is the information exchange between virtual worlds. The three
media exchanges are defined as use cases in Clause 4.
It is important to note that Sensory Effect Metadata, Sensory Device Capability, User’s Sensory Preferences,
Device Commands, Sensed Information, Sensor Device Capability, Sensor Adaptation Preferences, and Virtual
World Object Characteristics are within the scope of standardization and, thus shall be normatively
specified. On the other side, the V→R Adaptation Engine, V→R Adaptation Engine, Virtual World, as well as
Devices (Sensors and Sensory devices) are informative and are left open for industry competition.
Metadata within the scope is formed other parts of the ISO/IEC 23005. Sensor Device Capability, Sensory
Device Capability, Sensor Adaptation Preferences, and User’s Sensory Preferences are specified in Part 2:
Control information. Sensory Effect Metadata is specified in Part 3: Sensor information. Virtual World
Object Characteristics is specified in Part 4: Virtual world object characteristics. Device Commands and
Sensed Information are specified in Part 5: Formats for interaction devices.
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#1: V2R: Virtual World  Adaptation Real World
ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)

4 Use cases
The three media exchanges require information adaptations in order for a targeting world to adapt
information based on capabilities and preferences: information adaptation from virtual world to real
world, information adaptation from real world to virtual world, and information adaptation between
virtual worlds.
4.1 Information adaptation from virtual world to real world
4.1.1 System Architecture for information adaptation from virtual world to real world
The system architecture for the information adaptation from virtual world to real world is depicted in
Figure 2. It represents V→R adaptation comprising Sensory Effect Metadata, VW Object Characteristics,
Sensory Device Capability (actuator capability), Device Commands, User’s Sensory Preferences, and a V→R
Adaptation Engine which generates output data based on its input data.

Virtual World
VW Object
(3) (4)
V→R Adaptaon: converts
Sensory Effects from VW into
Device Cmds applied to RW
User's Device Sensory
Sensory Commands Device
Preferences (5) Capability
(2) (2)
Real World
(Sensory Device)
Figure 2 — (Possible) System Architecture for information adaptation from virtual world to
real world
A virtual world within the framework is referred to as an entity that acts as the source of the sensory
effect metadata and VW Object Characteristics such as a broadcaster, content creator/distributor, or even
a service provider. The V→R Adaptation Engine is an entity that takes the sensory effect metadata, the
sensory device (actuator) capability and the user’s sensory preferences as inputs and generates the device
commands based those in order to control the consumer devices enabling a worthwhile, informative
experience to the user.
Real world devices (sensory devices) are entities that act as the sink of the device commands and act as the
source of sensory device (actuator) capability. Additionally, entities that provide user’s sensory preferences
towards the RoSE engine are also collectively referred to as real world devices. Note that sensory devices
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(actuators) are sub-set of real world devices including fans, lights, scent devices, human input devices
such as a TV set with a remote control (e.g. for preferences).
The actual sensory effect metadata provides means for representing so-called sensory effects, i.e. effects to
augment feeling by stimulating human sensory organs in a particular scene of a multimedia application.
Examples of sensory effects are scent, wind, light, etc. The means for transporting this kind of metadata
is referred to as sensory effect delivery format which, of course, could be combined with an audio/visual
delivery format, e.g. MPEG-2 transport stream, a file format, or Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)
payload format, etc.
The sensory device capability defines description formats to represent the characteristics of sensory
devices (actuators) in terms of which sensory effects they are capable to perform and how. A sensory
device (actuator) is a consumer device by which the corresponding sensory effect can be made (e.g. lights,
fans, heater, fan, etc.). Device commands are used to control the sensory devices (actuators). As for sensory
effect metadata, also for sensory device (actuator) capability and device commands corresponding means
for transporting this assets are referred to as sensory device capability/commands delivery format
Finally, the user’s sensory preferences allow for describing preferences of the actual (end) users with
respect to rendering of sensory effects for also a delivery format is provided.
4.2 Information adaptation from real world to virtual world
4.2.1 System Architecture for information adaptation from real world to virtual world
The system architecture for information adaptation from real world to virtual world is depicted in
Figure 3. It represents R2V adaptation comprising VW Object Characteristics, Sensed Information, Sensor
Capability, Sensor Adaptation Preferences, and an R→V Adaptation Engine which generates output data
based on its input data.
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#2: R2V: Real World  Adaptation Virtual World
ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)

Virtual World
Sensed VW Object
Information Characteristics
(5) (4)
R→V Adaptaon: converts Sensed
Info from RW to VW Object
Char./Sensed Info applied to VW
Sensor Sensor
Device Adaptation
Capability Preferences
(2) (2)
Real World
(Sensor Device)
Figure 3 — (Possible) System Architecture for information adaptation from real world to
virtual world
Entity that processes the Sensed Information from the real world in order to be consumed within
the virtual world’s context; takes the Sensed Information with/without the Sensor Capabilities from
Sensors, the Sensor Adaptation Preferences from Users, and/or the Virtual World Object Characteristics
from a Virtual world; controls the Virtual World Object Characteristics or adapts the Sensed Information
by adapting the Sensed Information based on the Sensor Capabilities and/or the Sensor Adaptation
There are two possible implementations to adapt information from real world to virtual world. In the first
system implementation, R→V adaptation takes the Sensor Capabilities as inputs, the Sensed Information
from Sensors, and Sensor Adaptation Preferences from Users; adapts the Sensed Information based on the
Sensor Capabilities and/or Sensor Adaptation Preferences.
In the second system implementation, R→V adaptation takes the Sensed Information with/without the
Sensor Capabilities from Sensors, the Sensor Adaptation Preferences from Users, and/or the Virtual World
Object Characteristics from a Virtual world; controls the Virtual World Object Characteristics adapting the
Sensed Information based on the Sensor Capabilities and/or the Sensor Adaptation Preferences.
4.3 Information exchange between virtual worlds
4.3.1 System Architecture for exchanges between virtual worlds
The system architecture for information exchange between virtual worlds is depicted in Figure 4. It
represents information exchange comprising VW Object Characteristics which generates exchangeable
information within virtual worlds.
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2014(E)

Virtual World A Virtual World B
VW Object
(3) (4)(2) (3) (4)(2)
R→V Adaptaon & R→V Adaptaon &
V→R Adaptaon V→R Adaptaon
(5) (2)(5) (2) (2) (2) (5) (2)(5) (2) (2) (2)
Real World Real World
User User
(Devices) (Devices)
Figure 4 — (Possible) System Architecture for (bidirectional) exchange of information between
virtual worlds
V→V adaptation adapts proprietary virtual world object characteristics from a Virtual World to VW
Object Characteristics and sends the VW Object Characteristics from the Virtual World t

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