Information technology — Media context and control — Part 1: Architecture

ISO/IEC 23005-1:2010 specifies the architecture of MPEG-V (media context and control).

Technologies de l'information — Contrôle et contexte de supports — Partie 1: Architecture

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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011 - Information technology -- Media context and control
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STANDARD 23005-1
First edition

Information technology — Media context
and control —
Part 1:
Technologies de l'information — Contrôle et contexte de supports —
Partie 1: Architecture

Reference number
ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
ISO/IEC 2011

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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)


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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 MPEG-V System Architecture .1
3 Instantiations .4
3.1 Instantiation 1: Exchanges within the real world.4
3.2 Instantiation 2: Exchanges between real world and virtual world .6
3.3 Instantiation 3: Exchanges between virtual worlds.10
3.4 Instantiation 4: Control of avatars and other virtual objects by real world signals .15
3.5 Instantiation 5: Control of objects by signals from the virtual world .19

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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 23005-1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
ISO/IEC 23005 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Media context
and control:
⎯ Part 1: Architecture
⎯ Part 2: Control information
⎯ Part 3: Sensory information
⎯ Part 4: Virtual world object characteristics
⎯ Part 5: Data formats for interaction devices
⎯ Part 6: Common types and tools
⎯ Part 7: Conformance and reference software
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
The usage of multimedia content is becoming omnipresent in everyday life, in terms of both consumption and
production. On the one hand, professional content is provided to the end user in high-definition quality,
streamed over heterogeneous networks, and consumed on a variety of different devices. On the other hand,
user-generated content overwhelms the Internet with multimedia assets being uploaded to a wide range of
available Web sites. That is, the transparent access to multimedia content, also referred to as Universal
Multimedia Access (UMA), seems to be technically feasible. However, UMA mainly focuses on the end-user
devices and network connectivity issues, but it is the user who ultimately consumes the content. Hence, the
concept of UMA has been extended to take the user into account, which is generally referred to as Universal
Multimedia Experience (UME).
However, the consumption of multimedia assets can also stimulate senses other than vision or audition, e.g.,
olfaction, mechanoreception, equilibrioception, or thermoception. That is, in addition to the audio-visual
content of, for example, a movie, other senses shall also be stimulated giving the user the sensation of being
part of the particular media which shall result in a worthwhile, informative user experience.
This motivates the annotation of the media resources with metadata as defined in this part of ISO/IEC 23005
that steers appropriate devices capable of stimulating these other senses.
ISO/IEC 23005 (MPEG-V) provides an architecture and specifies associated information representations to
enable the interoperability between virtual worlds, for example, digital content provider of a virtual world,
(serious) gaming, simulation, DVD, and with the real world, for example, sensors, actuators, vision and
rendering, robotics (e.g. for revalidation), (support for) independent living, social and welfare systems, banking,
insurance, travel, real estate, rights management and many others.
Virtual worlds (often referred to as 3D3C for 3D visualization & navigation and the 3C's of community,
creation and commerce) integrate existing and emerging (media) technologies (e.g. instant messaging, video,
3D, VR, AI, chat, voice, etc.) that allow for the support of existing and the development of new kinds of social
networks. The emergence of virtual worlds as platforms for social networking is recognized by businesses as
an important issue for at least two reasons:
a) it offers the power to reshape the way companies interact with their environments (markets, customers,
suppliers, creators, stakeholders, etc.) in a fashion comparable to the Internet;
b) it allows for the development of new (breakthrough) business models, services, applications and devices.
Each virtual world however has a different culture and audience making use of these specific worlds for a
variety of reasons. These differences in existing metaverses permit users to have unique experiences.
Resistance to real-world commercial encroachment still exists in many virtual worlds where users primarily
seek an escape from real life. Hence, marketers should get to know a virtual world beforehand and the rules
that govern each individual universe.
Although realistic experiences have been achieved via devices such as 3-D audio/visual devices, it is hard to
realize sensory effects only with presentation of audiovisual contents. The addition of sensory effects leads to
even more realistic experiences in the consumption of audiovisual contents. This will lead to the application of
new media for enhanced experiences of users in a more realistic sense.
Such new media will benefit from the standardization of a control and sensory information which can include
sensory effect metadata, sensory device capabilities/commands, user sensory preferences, and various
delivery formats. The MPEG-V architecture can be applicable for various business models for which

1) Some examples of virtual worlds are: Second Life (, IMVU ( and Entropia
Universe (
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
audiovisual contents can be associated with sensory effects that need to be rendered on appropriate sensory
Multi-user online virtual worlds, sometimes called Networked Virtual Environments (NVEs) or massively-
multiplayer online games (MMOGs), have reached mainstream popularity. Although most publications tend to
focus on well-known virtual worlds like World of Warcraft, Second Life, and Lineage, there are hundreds of
popular virtual worlds in active use worldwide, most of which are not known to the general public. These can
be quite different from the above-mentioned titles. To understand current trends and developments, it is useful
to keep in mind that there is large variety in virtual worlds and that they are not all variations on Second Life.
The concept of online virtual worlds started in the late 70s with the creation of the text-based Dungeons &
Dragons world MUD. In the eighties, larger-scale graphical virtual worlds followed, and in the late nineties the
first 3D virtual worlds appeared. Many virtual worlds are not considered games (MMOGs) since there is no
clear objective and/or there are no points to score or levels to achieve. In this report we will use “virtual
worlds” as an umbrella term that includes all possible varieties. See the literature for further discussion of the
distinction between gaming/non-gaming worlds. Often, a virtual world which is not considered to be an MMOG
does contain a wide selection of mini-games or quests, in some way embedded into the world. In this manner
a virtual world acts like a combined graphical portal offering games, commerce, social interactions and other
forms of entertainment. Another way to see the difference: games contain mostly pre-authored stories; in
virtual worlds the users more or less create the stories themselves. The current trend in virtual worlds is to
provide a mix of pre-authored and user-generated stories and content, leading to user-modified content.
Current virtual worlds are graphical and rendered in 2D, 2.5 D (isometric view) or 3D, depending on the
intended effect and technical capabilities of the platform: web-browser, gaming PC, average PC, game
console, mobile phone, and so on.
“Would it not be great if the real world economy could be boosted by the exponential growing economy of the
virtual worlds by connecting the virtual - and real world”; in 2007 the Virtual Economy in Second Life alone
was around 400 MEuro, a factor nine growth from 2006. The connected devices and services in the real world
can represent an economy of a multiple of this virtual world economy.
Virtual worlds have entered our lives, our communication patterns, our culture, and our entertainment never to
leave again. It's not only the teenager active in Second Life and World of Warcraft, the average age of a
gamer is 35 years by now, and it increases every year. This does not even include role-play in the
professional context, also known as serious gaming, inevitable when learning practical skills. Virtual worlds
are in use for entertainment, education, training, obtaining information, social interaction, work, virtual tourism,
reliving the past and forms of art. They augment and interact with our real world and form an important part of
people's lives. Many virtual worlds already exist as games, training systems, social networks and virtual cities
and world models. Virtual worlds will change every aspect of our lives: the way we work, interact, play, travel
and learn. Games will be everywhere and their societal need is very big and will lead to many new products
and require many companies.
Technology improvement, both in hardware and software, forms the basis of this. It is envisaged that the most
important developments will occur in the areas of display technology, graphics, animation, (physical)
simulation, behavior and artificial intelligence, loosely distributed systems and network technology.
The figures in this part of ISO/IEC 23005 have been reproduced here with the permission of Samsung, Sharp
Electronics, ETRI, University of Klagenfurt, Institute of Science and Technology, Myongji University, Institut
national des télécommunications and the partners of the ITEA2 project Metaverse1: Philips, Forthnet S.A.,
Alcatel-Lucent Bell N.V., Innovalia, Alcatel-Lucent France, Technicolor, Orange Labs, DevLab, CBT, Nextel,
Carsa, Avantalia, Ceesa, Virtualware, I&IMS, VicomTECH, E-PYME, CIC Tour Gune, Artefacto, Metaverse
Labs, Technical University Eindhoven, Utrecht University, University of Twente, Stg. EPN, VU Economics &
BA, VU CAMeRA, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, IBBT-SMIT, UPF-MTG, CEA List and Loria/Inria Lorraine.

vi © ISO/IEC 2011 – All rights reserved

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Information technology — Media context and control —
Part 1:
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 23005 specifies the architecture of MPEG-V (media context and control).
2 MPEG-V System Architecture
A strong connection (defined by an architecture that provides interoperability trough standardization) between
the virtual and the real world is needed to reach simultaneous reactions in both worlds to changes in the
environment and human behavior. Efficient, effective, intuitive and entertaining interfaces between users and
virtual worlds are of crucial importance for their wide acceptance and use. To improve the process of creating
virtual worlds a better design methodology and better tools are indispensible. For fast adoption of virtual
worlds we need a better understanding of their internal economics, rules and regulations.

Figure 1 — System Architecture of the MPEG-V Framework
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
The overall system architecture for the MPEG-V framework is depicted in Figure 1 comprising the
standardization areas a: control information and b: sensory information. Please note that standardization
area b may be composed of multiple parts of the MPEG-V standard.
The individual elements of the architecture have the following functions:
⎯ Digital Content Provider
A provider of digital content, real time or non real time, of various nature ranging from an on-line virtual world,
simulation environment, multi user game, a broadcasted multimedia production, a peer-to-peer multimedia
production or packaged content like a DVD or game.
⎯ Virtual World Data Representation R
The native representation of virtual world related information that is intended to be exchanged with the real
world (either exported or imported).
⎯ Virtual World Data Representation V
The native representation of virtual world related information that is intended to be exchanged with another
virtual world (either exported or imported).
⎯ Adaptation RV/VR
The adaptation of the native representation of virtual world related information (that is intended to be
exchanged with the real world) to the standardized representation format of MPEG-V in the standardization
area B (e.g. sensory information, haptic information, emotion information …) in both directions: that is from the
standardized representation into the native representation and vice versa.
⎯ Adaptation VV
The adaptation of the native representation of virtual world related information (that is intended to be
exchanged with another virtual world) to the standardized representation format of MPEG-V in the
standardization area B (e.g. avatar information …) in both directions: that is from the standardized
representation into the native representation and vice versa.
⎯ Sensory Information
The standardized representation format of MPEG-V in the standardization area B (Sensory Information) (e.g.
sensory information, haptic / tactile information, emotion information, avatar information …).
⎯ Adaptation RV
The adaptation of the standardized representation of real world related information in the standardized
representation format of MPEG-V in the standardization area A to the standardized representation of virtual
world related information in the standardized representation format of MPEG-V in the standardization area B.
⎯ Adaptation VR
The adaptation of the standardized representation of virtual world related information in the standardized
representation format of MPEG-V in the standardization area B to the standardized representation of real
world related information in the standardized representation format of MPEG-V in the standardization area A.
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
⎯ Control Information
The standardized representation format of MPEG-V in the standardization area A (Control Information) (e.g.
bi-directional control information, preference information, capability information …) related to the following
elements of the architecture:
⎯ Virtual World Data Representation R
⎯ Virtual World Data Representation V
⎯ Real World Data Representation
⎯ Real World Data Representation
The native representation of real world related information that is intended to be exchanged with the virtual
world (either exported or imported).
⎯ Device Commands
Device commands is responsible for the adaptation of the native representation of real world related
information (that is intended to be exchanged with the virtual world) to the standardized representation format
of MPEG-V in the standardization area A (control information) (e.g. bi-directional control information,
preference information, capability information …) in both directions: that is from the native representation into
the standardized representation and vice versa.
⎯ Real World Device S
A real world device containing a sensor (e.g. a temperature, light intensity, blood pressure, heartbeat …)
⎯ Real World Device A
A real world device containing an actuator (e.g. a display, speaker, light speaker, fan, robot, implant …).
NOTE Real world devices can contain any combination of sensors and actuators in one device.
In the MPEG-V standard the following areas are addressed:
⎯ Standardization Area A: Control Information
This area covers the information representation of the control information to and from devices in the physical
world and into and from the virtual world. Examples of these representations are the representation of sensory
input devices like smart vision systems, environmental and body sensors and the like and sensory output
rendering devices like lights, heaters, fans, displays, speakers and the like.
⎯ Standardization Area B: Sensory Information
This area covers the (bidirectional) information representation of information exchanged between the physical
world and the virtual world as well as the information exchange between virtual worlds. Examples of these
representations are the representation of haptic, emotion and avatar information.

2) In general, control information is strongly related to de-facto industry solutions for e.g. sensors, actuators and virtual
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
3 Instantiations
3.1 Instantiation 1: Exchanges within the real world
3.1.1 Instantiation 1.1: Representation of Sensory Effects (RoSE) Introduction and Motivation
Traditional multimedia with audio/visual contents have been presented to users via display devices and audio
speakers as depicted in Figure 2. In practice, however, users are becoming excited about more advanced
experiences of consuming multimedia contents with high fidelity. For example, stereoscopic video, virtual
reality, 3-dimensional television, multi-channel audio, etc. are typical types of media increasing the user
experience but are still limited to audio/visual contents.
Single Renderer

Figure 2 — Traditional Multimedia Consumption
From a rich multimedia perspective, an advanced user experience would also include special effects such as
opening/closing window curtains for a sensation of fear effect, turning on a flashbulb for lightning flash effects
as well as fragrance, flame, fog, and scare effects can be made by scent devices, flame-throwers, fog
generators, and shaking chairs respectively. Such scenarios would require enriching multimedia contents with
information enabling consumer devices to render them appropriately in order to create the advanced user
experience such as described above. Figure 3 shows an example configuration adopting a multimedia
multiple device (MMMD) approach for an advance user experience compared to the multimedia single device
(MMMD) approach as illustrated in Figure 2. In this configuration, the multimedia contents are not rendered by
a single device but with multiple devices in a synchronized manner.


Figure 3 — RoSE-enabled Multimedia Consumption for Advanced User Experience
From a technical perspective, this requires a framework for the Representation of Sensory Effects (RoSE)
information which may define metadata about special or sensory effects, characteristics of target devices,
synchronizations, etc. The actual presentation of the RoSE information and associated audio/visual contents
allows for an advanced, worthwhile user experience.
The next Subclause provides a brief overview of the RoSE system architecture.
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E) RoSE System Architecture
The overall system architecture for the RoSE framework is depicted in Figure 4 comprising Sensory Effect
Metadata, Sensory Device Capabilities, Sensory Device Commands, User Sensory Preferences, and a so-
called RoSE Engine which generates output data based on its input data.
It is important to note that the Sensory Effect Metadata, Sensory Device Capabilities, Sensory Device
Commands, and User Sensory Preferences are within the scope of standardization and, thus shall be
normatively specified. On the other side, the RoSE Engine as well as Provider entities and Consumer Devices
are informative and are left open for industry competition.

Figure 4 — RoSE System Architecture
A provider within the RoSE framework is referred to as an entity that acts as the source of the sensory effect
metadata such as a broadcaster, content creator/distributor, or even a service provider. The RoSE Engine is
an entity that takes the sensory effect metadata, the sensory device capabilities and the user sensory
preferences as inputs and generates sensory device commands based those in order to control the consumer
devices enabling a worthwhile, informative experience to the user.
Consumer devices are entities that act as the sink of the sensory commands and act as the source of sensory
device capabilities. Additionally, entities that provide user sensory preferences towards the RoSE engine are
also collectively referred to as consumer devices. Note that sensory devices (see below) are sub-set of
consumer devices including fans, lights, scent devices, human input devices such as a TV set with a remote
control (e.g., for preferences).
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ISO/IEC 23005-1:2011(E)
The actual sensory effect metadata provides means for representing so-called sensory effects, i.e., an effect
to augment feeling by stimulating human sensory organs in a particular scene of a multimedia application.
Examples of sensory effects are scent, wind, light, etc. The means for transporting this kind of metadata is
referred to as sensory effect delivery format which, of course, could be combined with an audio/visual delivery
format, e.g., MPEG-2 transport stream, a file format, or Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) payload format,
The sensory device capabilities define description formats to represent the characteristics of sensory devices
in terms of which sensory effects they are capable to perform and how. A sensory device is a consumer
device by which the corresponding sensory effect can be made (e.g., lights, fans, heater, fan, etc.). Sensory
device commands are used to control the sensory devices. As for sensory effect metadata, also for sensory
device capabilities and commands corresponding means for transporting this assets are referred to as
sensory device capability/commands delivery format respectively.
Finally, the user sensory preferences allow for describing preference of the actual (end) users with respect to
rendering of sensory effects for also a delivery format is provided.
3.2 Instantiation 2: Exchanges between real world and virtual world
3.2.1 Instantiation 2.1: Full motion control and navigation of avatar/object with multi-input sources
Full motion control and navigation of avatar/object with multi-input sources allows for the full motion control
and navigation of 3D objects and avatars in a Virtual World. Recently, user interest in human-computer
interaction has grown considerably based on large volumes of recent research. Through the development of
VR technology, it has applied to various fields. Especially, the Entertainment area is commercialized such as
3D virtual online communities like Second Life and 3D Game station. Nintendo Wii provides new game
experience using 3D input device. Especially the control of objects and avatars in 3D virtual space requires
more complex methods than conventional input devices such as mouse, keyboard, joystick and etc. The
Figure below shows the example picture of these systems and like this style, it is applied to home, school or
other place for various purposes such as entertainment or education including digital contents of 3D virtual

Figure 5 — Full motion control and navigation of avatar/object with multi-input sources
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Figure 6 — (Possible) System Architecture for (bidirectional) exchange of information between real
world and virtual world
3.2.2 Instantiation 2.2: Virtual Travel
Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. It is defined as people who travel to and stay in places
outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year, for leisure, business and other
purposes. With this use case, we are contributing to change a little bit this concept, as the main goal of the
virtual travel use case is to offer to the people, the possibility of visit a tourist destination, in this case Las
Palmas de Gran Canaria, with no ticket required, no money spent and no need to leave their seat, only whit
the help of elaborated 3D images and pictures of this place.
So the virtual tourist will be able to arrive at the airport, to take a taxi, tram or bus, to eat traditional food or to
visit the most interesting tourist places, such as virtual museums, where the user can interact with the objects,
which are placed and exhibited within or virtual guides around the city.
One of the objectives of the use case will be the travel motivation to this destination, as he has a lot of
information about it, being easier than other tourist places. The Virtual Travel will be the part before the travel.
However if the user decide to visit this destination, it will be able to use the virtual world, due to the Virtual
Traces and Real Places use case, where he can share all experiences, impressions and feelings, he gained
during the stay, with family and friends. It will be the part after the virtual travel.
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Figure 7 — Visualization of virtual travel
The “Virtual Travel” uses case, as proposed by the Spanish partners however supported by a larger subset of
the Metaverse1 consortium, can rely on the support of the body that is in Charge of Tourism Activities in the
Canary Island (Patronato de Turismo de Gran Canaria, Ignacio Mol (Managing Director), Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Spain) has agreed to provide the consortium with the necessary requirements in the area of Tourism
and Metaverse in order to assess the appropriateness of the technology and standards to their real system
and activities.
3.2.3 Instantiation 2.3: Serious gaming for Ambient Assisted Living
The “Serious gaming for Ambient Assisted Living”, subtitle “The example of physical exercise” use case is
proposed by the Dutch partners however supported by a larger subset of the Metaverse1consortium. Today,
in an environment where people have the option to be increasingly inactive in their daily

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