Ships and marine technology — Life-saving appliances and arrangements — Means of recovery of persons

This document specifies requirements for the general performance, materials, stowage, marking and testing of recovery devices and systems, including specific appliances. It also specifies requirements for the manufacturer concerning production, type approvals, instructions for use and accompanying documentation. It is intended to assist in the selection of ship-specific recovery devices suitable for the purpose of safely recovering persons from the water or from survival craft.

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ISO 19898:2019 - Ships and marine technology -- Life-saving appliances and arrangements -- Means of recovery of persons
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First edition
Ships and marine technology — Life-
saving appliances and arrangements
— Means of recovery of persons
Reference number
ISO 2019
© ISO 2019
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 General requirements . 3
5 Requirements for general performance, material, stowage and marking .3
5.1 Performance requirements . 3
5.2 Material/suitability for the environment . 4
5.3 Stowage, marking . 4
6 Functional requirements for specific PIW recovery devices or systems .4
6.1 General . 4
6.2 Requirements for reaching out devices in the form of lifelines . 5
6.3 Requirements for manually operated recovery systems . 5
6.4 Requirements for light mass recovery lifting booms . 5
6.5 Requirements for recovery systems combining climbing, securing and lifting/
hoisting possibilities . 5
6.6 Requirements for mechanically operated securing and hoisting recovery systems . 6
6.7 Requirements for inflatable securing PIW recovery devices. . 6
6.8 Requirements for PIW rescue craft . 6
7 Requirements for the manufacturer . 6
7.1 Production and quality control . 6
7.2 Information for the evaluation for type approval certificates . 7
7.3 Instructions and markings . 7
7.4 Documents to accompany each recovery device or system . 8
7.5 Information to be supplied by the manufacturer . 8
8 Test requirements . 9
8.1 General . 9
8.2 Functional tests . 9
8.3 Load tests .10
8.4 Tensile testing of vertical sections and meshes in climbing devices .10
8.5 Floating tests.13
8.6 Temperature cycling test .13
8.7 Drop and impact test .13
8.8 Test of materials .14
8.9 Inspection .14
Bibliography .15
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Regulation 17–1 in Chapter III of the 1974 International Convention for Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS
1974), as amended, requires ship-specific plans and procedures for recovery of persons from the water,
considering the Guidelines for the development of plans and procedures for recovery of persons from
the water (MSC.1/Circ.1447).
This document has been developed to provide specific performance and test requirements for recovery
devices and systems and to assist stakeholders when preparing the ship-specific plans and procedures
for recovery of persons from the water. This document can also be applied to recovery devices and
systems on ships which do not fall within the scope of chapter III of the SOLAS Convention such as, but
not limited to, those referenced in Resolution MSC.346(91).
Ships and marine technology — Life-saving appliances and
arrangements — Means of recovery of persons
1 Scope
This document specifies requirements for the general performance, materials, stowage, marking and
testing of recovery devices and systems, including specific appliances. It also specifies requirements
for the manufacturer concerning production, type approvals, instructions for use and accompanying
It is intended to assist in the selection of ship-specific recovery devices suitable for the purpose of safely
recovering persons from the water or from survival craft.
2 Normative references
The following reference documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
The 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974), as amended
IMO Resolution MSC.48(66), International Life Saving Appliances (LSA) Code, as amended
IMO Assembly resolution A.658(16), Use and fitting of retro-reflective materials on life-saving
IMO resolution MSC.81(70), Revised recommendation on testing of life-saving appliances, as amended
IMO resolution A.520(13), Code of practice for the evaluation, testing and acceptance of prototype novel
life-saving appliances
3 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https: //www .iso .org/obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http: //www .electropedia .org/
person(s) in water
one or more persons in a state of distress in the water being the object of the recovery operation
recovery device
device for one phase of person in water (PIW) (3.1) recovery, e.g. reaching out to PIW, securing PIW in,
or lifting/hoisting PIW on board the vessel
recovery system
recovery device (3.2) for more than one phase of person in water (PIW) (3.1) recovery, including at least
the securing in and the lifting/hoisting phases
reaching out device
recovery device (3.2) designed to reach out to a person in water (PIW) (3.1) from a vessel
EXAMPLE Lifeline, crane boom, boat, etc.
securing recovery device
recovery device (3.2) designed to secure person in water (PIW) (3.1) in before the lifting/hoisting phase
of PIW recovery
EXAMPLE Net, bag, stretcher, basket, platform, cage, etc.
person in water (PIW) (3.1) lifting phase by manually-operated lifting devices
person in water (PIW) (3.1) lifting phase by mechanically-operated lifting devices
manually operated, adj.
type of operation which is not mechanical
mechanically operated, adj.
type of operation which is executed with power such as hydraulic or electrical machine power, air
compression or pyrotechnic
lifting height
distance from the surface of the water to the recovery deck in the vessel’s lightest seagoing condition,
including rail or bulwark height where applicable
rescue craft
power driven waterborne vehicle helmed by trained rescue persons, dedicated to recover person in
water (PIW) (3.1)
close range rescue craft
small one or two person rescue craft (3.11) for close range operation, typically a personal water craft
with a platform at the stern with freeboard close to water
recovery cycle time
time it takes to operate one cycle of person in water (PIW) (3.1) recovery, from the fully operational
mode through recovery operation to fully operational mode

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