Mopeds - Methods for setting the running resistance on a chassis dynamometer

ISO 28981:2009 specifies measurement methods for determining the moped running resistance on the road, and two methods of setting the chassis dynamometer with the moped running resistance. It is applicable to mopeds as defined in ISO 3833.

Cyclomoteurs — Méthodes pour fixer la résistance à l'avancement sur un banc dynamométrique

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ISO 28981:2009 - Mopeds - Methods for setting the running resistance on a chassis dynamometer
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First edition
Mopeds — Methods for setting the
running resistance on a chassis
Cyclomoteurs — Méthodes pour fixer la résistance à l'avancement sur
un banc dynamométrique
Reference number
ISO 2009
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms and definitions .1
4 Symbols.2
5 Test moped, chassis dynamometer and instruments .3
6 Required accuracy of measurements .4
7 Road test .4
7.1 Requirement for road .4
7.2 Ambient conditions for the road test .4
7.3 Reference speed.5
7.4 Specified speed .5
7.5 Coastdown starting speed.5
7.6 Coastdown time measurement beginning speed and ending speed.5
7.7 Preparation of test moped.5
7.8 Rider and riding position.6
7.9 Measurement of coastdown time.6
8 Data processing.8
8.1 Calculation of running resistance force.8
8.2 Running resistance curve fitting .8
8.3 Target running resistance force for chassis dynamometer setting.8
9 Chassis dynamometer setting derived from on-road coastdown measurements .8
9.1 Requirements for the equipment .8
9.2 Inertia mass setting.9
9.3 Warming up of chassis dynamometer .9
9.4 Adjustment of tyre pressures .9
9.5 Moped warming up.9
9.6 Procedures for setting chassis dynamometer .9
9.7 Verification of chassis dynamometer.12
10 Chassis dynamometer setting using the running resistance table .12
10.1 Applicability .12
10.2 Requirements for the equipment .12
10.3 Setting the running resistance force on the chassis dynamometer.14
10.4 The specified speed for the chassis dynamometer.14
10.5 Verification of chassis dynamometer.14
Annex A (normative) Moped description.16
Annex B (normative) Chassis dynamometer and instruments description .18
Annex C (informative) Record of coastdown time and chassis dynamometer setting .20

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
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ISO 28981 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 23, Mopeds.

iv © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

This International Standard is based on ISO 11486:2006 , which specifies the measurement method(s) for
determining motorcycle running resistance on the road, but adapted to the different vehicle category of
mopeds. The most significant difference between this International Standard and ISO 11486:2006 is that
use of chassis dynamometers with a fixed load curve is permitted and a specific verification method is

Mopeds — Methods for setting the running resistance on a
chassis dynamometer
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the measurement method for determining the moped running resistance
on the road, and two methods of setting the chassis dynamometer with the moped running resistance. It is
applicable to mopeds as defined in ISO 3833.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3833, Road vehicles — Types — Terms and definitions
ISO 7116, Mopeds — Measurement method for maximum speed
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
running resistance
total force resistant to a running moped which, when measured by the coastdown method, includes the friction
forces in the drive-train
reference speed
moped speed at which the running resistance of the moped is calculated and then used for setting the chassis
specified speed
moped speed at which the running resistance on the road is measured to determine the running resistance
moped kerb mass
moped dry mass to which is added the mass of the following:
⎯ fuel: tank filled at least to 90 % of the capacity specified by the manufacturer;
⎯ oils and coolant: filled as specified by the manufacturer;
⎯ auxiliary equipment usually supplied by the manufacturer in addition to that necessary for normal
operation [tool-kit, carrier(s), windscreen(s), protective equipment, etc.]
moped reference mass
kerb mass of the moped increased by a uniform figure of 75 kg which represents the mass of a rider
4 Symbols
For the purposes of this document, the symbols in Table 1 apply.
Table 1 — Symbols
Symbols Definition Unit
a The coefficient of polygonal function —
b The coefficient of polygonal function —
c The coefficient of polygonal function —
a The rolling resistance force of front wheel N
b The coefficient of aerodynamic N/(km/h)
d The relative air density under test conditions —
d The standard ambient relative air density —
F The running resistance force N
F The set running resistance force on the chassis dynamometer N
F (v ) The set running resistance force at the reference speed on the chassis dynamometer N
E 0
F (v ) The set running resistance force at the specified speed on the chassis dynamometer N
E i
F The total friction loss N
F (v ) The total friction loss at the reference speed N
f 0
F The running resistance force N
F (v ) The running resistance force at the reference speed N
j 0
F The braking force of the power absorbing unit N
F (v ) The braking force of the power absorbing unit at the specified speed N
pau j
F (v ) The braking force of the power absorbing unit at the reference speed N
pau 0
F The running resistance force obtained from the running resistance table N
F The target running resistance force N
F The target running resistance force at the specified speed N
F (v ) The target running resistance force at the reference speed on the chassis dynamometer N
F (v ) The target running resistance force at the specified speed on the chassis dynamometer N
f The rolling resistance N
f The corrected rolling resistance in the standard ambient conditions N
f The coefficient of aerodynamic drag N/(km/h)
* 2
f The corrected coefficient of aerodynamic drag in the standard ambient conditions N/(km/h)
K The temperature correction factor for rolling resistance —
2 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

Table 1 (continued)
Symbols Definition Unit
m The test moped mass kg
m The actual mass of the test moped kg
m The equivalent inertia mass kg
m The flywheel equivalent inertia mass kg
m The moped kerb mass kg
m The equivalent inertia mass of all the wheels kg
m The moped reference mass kg
m The rider mass kg
m The rotating mass of the front wheel kg
m The equivalent inertia mass of the rear wheel and the moped parts rotating with the wheel kg
p The standard ambient pressure kPa
p The mean ambient pressure during the test kPa
T The mean ambient temperature during the test K
T The standard ambient temperature K
v The specified speed km/h
v The specified speeds which are selected for coastdown time measurement km/h
v The reference speed km/h
v The speed at which the measurement of the coastdown time begins km/h
v The speed at which the measurement of the coastdown time ends km/h
∆T The corrected coastdown time at the inertia mass (m + m) s
E i r1
∆T The average coastdown time at the specified speed s
∆T The average coastdown time of the two tests s
∆T The target coastdown time s
∆t The coastdown time s
∆t The mean coastdown time o

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