Information technology — Keyboard layouts for text and office systems — Part 7: Symbols used to represent functions — Amendment 1

Replaces the wording of some clauses and subclauses of ISO/IEC 9995:1994 and adds a new annex C.

Technologies de l'information — Disposition des claviers conçus pour la bureautique — Partie 7: Symboles employés pour la représentation des fonctions — Amendement 1

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ISO/IEC 9995-7:1994/Amd 1:1996
English language
5 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Information technology - Keyboard
layouts for text and office systems -
Part 7:
Symbols used to represent functions
Technologies de l’informa tion
- Disposition des claviers conGus pour la
bureautique -
Partie 7: Symboles employ& pour la repksentation des fonctions
Reference number
lSO/l EC 9995-7: 1994/Amd. 1: 1996(E)

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ISWIEC 9995-7: 1994Amd.l: 1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established
by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity.
IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of informati on technology, IS0 and IEC have esta .blished a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft Internat onal Standards adopted by the
joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voti ng. Publication
as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national
bodies casting a vote.
Amendment 1 to International Standard ISO/IEC 9995-7: 1994 was prepared by
Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Sub-
committee SC 18, Document processing and related communication.
0 ISO/IEC 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and micro-
film, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH- 1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland

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0 ISO/IEC ISO/IEC 9995-7: 1996(E)
Keyboard layouts for text and office
Information technology -
systems -
Part 7:
Symbols used to represent functions
Clause 5
Add the following at the end ofclause 5.
ISO/IEC IS0 7000 Symbol/ Function Fonction Description Description
(ISOKEI) IEC(CEI)4 17 Symbole
Number/N” Number/N”
+ Addition Addition To indicate Indiquer
57 IEC 417
5005 the arithme- I’operation
tic function arithmetique
“addition” d’addition
58 IEC 417 Subtrac- Soustrac- To indicate Indiquer
5006 tion tion the arithme- l’operation
tic function
“subtrac- de soustrac-
tion” tion
IS0 7000 Multipli- Multipli- Indiquer
59 To indicate
0654 cation cation the arithme- l’operation
tic function arithmetique
de multipli-
60 IS0 7000 - Division Division To indicate Indiquer
06554 the arithme- l’operation
tic function arithmetique
“division” de division
61 IS0 7000 - Equals kgalite To indicate Indiquer
0652 the function l’operation
“equals” d’egalite
62 IS0 7000 Decimal Separateur Marquer la
To indicate
1859’=’ separator decimal separation
the separation
between the entre la
integer part par-tie
and frac- entiere et
tional la par-tie
part of decimale
a number d’un nombre
Current IS0 7000 shows another symbol. However PSO TCl45 agreed to change it in a future version.
L’actuelle IS0 7000 montre un autre symbole. Toutefois le TC 145 a accept6 de le changer dans une version A venir.
Pending IS0 7000 registration
Enregistrement dans IWO 7000 en tours

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ISO/IEC 9995-7: 1996(E)
Annex A
Amend the English and French alphabetic indexes in annex A to reflect the additions of symboZs 57 to 62 to part 7.
Annex B
Add a row in annex B starting under symbol 49 to show symbols 57 to 62 in the visual index.
Add the following new annex after annex B.
Annex C/Annexe C
Symbols for the numeric section/Symboles pour le module numerique
Cl Introduction
The graphic symbols defined in this part of ISO/IEC 9995 are the recommended symbols to be used for
indicating the functions allocated to the different keys of a keyboard.
Les symboles graphiques dbfinis dans la presente pat-tie de I’ISO/CEI 9995 constituent les symboles
recommand6s B 6tre utilis& pour indiquer certaines fonctions attribuees aux differentes touches d’un
In the course of time a number of different symbols have come to be used for representing certain
functions. This is so because, on the one hand, graphic characters were used to represent the functions
and only a limited number of different characters were available. On the other hand, customs differ from
country to country and established ways of representing functions on typewriters or other existing
equipment variations had to be taken into consideration.
Avec le temps, plusieurs symboles diffkrents ont 6t6 utilisks pour rep&enter certaines fonctions. II en est
ainsi parce que, d’une part, des caractkres graphiques ont et6 utilis& pour rep&enter les fonctions et
que seulement un nombre limit6 de caracteres &aient alors disponibles. D’autre part, les usages varient
d’un pays & I’autre de sorte que les faGons btablies pour rep&enter les fonctions sur les machines B
6crire ou diverses variations sur les equipements existants ont dfi &re prises en consideration.
This annex shows some examples of the use of graphic symbols for certain functions and gives, where
possible and adequate, recommendations for future use.
Cette annexe montre quelques exemples d’usages de symboles graphiques pour certaines fonctions et
ons quant B leur usage B venir.
&once, lorsq ue cela est possible et adbquat, des recommandati

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ISO/IEC 9995-7: 1996(E)
Some programming languages require that the function “division” be represented by the graphic
character “solidus” ( / ). Also, the function is sometimes represented by the graphic character “colon”
( : ). In the past, these different graphic characters representing “division” were also used to indicate the
function “division” on the relevant key of the keyboard. This led to many different implementations.
Quelques langages de programmation prescrivent que la fonction <> soit representee par
le caractere graphique ( ( / ). De plus, cette fonction est parfois representee par le
caractere graphique ((deux points,, ( : ). Par le passe, ces differents caracteres graphiques representant la
<(division>> ont ete aussi utilises pour indiquer la fonction <(division>> sur une touche particuliere du clavier.
Ceci a conduit a differentes mises en oeuvre.
For marking the key to which the function “division” is allocated it is recommended to use the
symbol (+) defined in this part of ISO/IEC 9995.
Pour marquer la touche a laquelle est attribuee la fonction <, il est recommande d’utiliser
le symbole ( t ) defini dans la presente partie de l’lSO/CEI 9995.
c3 . Multiplication
Some programming languages require that the function “multiplication” be represented by the
graphic character “asterisk” ( * ). Also, the function is sometimes represented by the graphic character
“middle dot” ( . ). In the past, these different graphic characters representing “multiplication” were also
used to indicate the function “multiplication” on the relevant key of the keyboard. This led to many different
Quelques langages de programmation prescrivent que la fonction <> soit
representee par le caractere graphique ( ( * ). De plus, cette fonction est parfois representee
par le caractere graphique (> ( . ). Par le passe, ces differents caracteres graphiques
representant la <> ont ete aussi utilises pour indiquer la fonction <(multiplication)> sur une
touche particuliere du clavier. Ceci a conduit a differentes mises en oeuvre.
For marking the key to which the function “multiplication” is allocated it is recommended to use the
symbol ( x ) defined in this part of ISO/IEC 9995.
Pour marquer la touche a laquelle est attribuee la fonction (>, il est recommande
d’utiliser le symbole ( x ) defini dans la presente partie de l’ISO/CEI 9995.
c4 . Decimal Separatorh5parateur dhcimal
The internationally recommended symbol for the representation of the “decimal sign” is the
graphic character

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