Road vehicles — Hydraulic braking systems, including those with electronic control functions, for motor vehicles — Test procedures

ISO 6597:2005 specifies the method of testing the hydraulic braking systems of vehicles of categories M and N which are built to comply with ECE-R 13/09, including supplements 1 to 7.The values in square brackets [ ] are taken from ECE Regulation No. 13 for information. Hydraulic braking systems include vacuum-assisted and power hydraulic-assisted braking systems as well as full power hydraulic braking systems.

Véhicules routiers — Systèmes de freinage hydraulique, y compris ceux à fonction de commande électronique, pour véhicules à moteur — Modes opératoires d'essai

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ISO 6597:2005 - Road vehicles -- Hydraulic braking systems, including those with electronic control functions, for motor vehicles -- Test procedures
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Fourth edition
Road vehicles — Hydraulic braking
systems, including those with electronic
control functions, for motor vehicles —
Test procedures
Véhicules routiers — Systèmes de freinage hydraulique, y compris ceux
à fonction de commande électronique, pour véhicules à moteur —
Modes opératoires d'essai
Reference number
ISO 2005
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Contents Page
Foreword. iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Symbols . 4
5 Test site conditions . 5
5.1 Road conditions. 5
5.2 Test area for vehicles with an anti-lock braking function (ABS) . 5
5.3 Ambient conditions . 6
6 General information. 6
7 Preliminary comments on test procedures and requirements . 6
8 Recommended test order . 8
Annex A (normative) Pre-test phase and static tests. 10
Annex B (normative) Basic performance test — Unladen . 15
Annex C (normative) Failure test — Unladen. 17
Annex D (normative) ABS function tests with the vehicle unladen. 22
Annex E (normative) ABS function tests — with the vehicle laden. 27
Annex F (normative) Failure test — Laden. 31
Annex G (normative) Basic performance test — Laden. 33
Annex H (normative) Special test . 41
Annex I (normative) Braking systems with energy assistance — Tests for vehicles with vacuum
or hydraulic boosters or full power braking systems. 42

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
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ISO 6597 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 2, Braking
systems and equipment.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 6597:2002), which has been technically revised.
This fourth edition incorporates the relevant portions of the International Standard ISO 11835: “Road Vehicles-
Motor vehicles. Measurement of braking performance under ABS operation” for testing vehicles which are
fitted with anti lock function.

iv © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved


Road vehicles — Hydraulic braking systems, including those
with electronic control functions, for motor vehicles — Test
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the method of testing the hydraulic braking systems of vehicles of
categories M and N which are built to comply with ECE-R 13/09, including supplements 1 to 7. The values in
square brackets [ ] are taken from ECE Regulation No. 13 for information.
Hydraulic braking systems include vacuum-assisted and power hydraulic-assisted braking systems as well as
full power hydraulic braking systems.
NOTE Test methods covering the Electrical Regenerative Braking Systems of Electrical and Hybrid Vehicles are not
included in this edition. This omission may be corrected by a further annex once these vehicles are in more common use
and suitable practical test methods have been developed.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ECE Regulation No. 13, Uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regard to braking,
incorporating the 09 series of amendments including supplements 1 to 7
ECE R.E.3, Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
vehicle categories as defined in ECE R.E.3

category M
power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels and used for the carriage of passengers
category N
power-driven vehicles having at least four wheels and used for carriage of goods
categories of anti-lock braking function (ABS) as defined in ECE Regulation No. 13, Annex 13

category 1
that which meets all the requirements of ECE R 13, Annex 13
category 2
that which meets all the requirements of ECE R 13, Annex 13 except paragraph 5.3.5.
NOTE No braking rate on split-adhesion surfaces is prescribed.
category 3
that which meets all the requirements of ECE R 13, Annex 13 except paragraphs 5.3.4 and 5.3.5
NOTE All split-adhesion tests are omitted.
vehicle loading
laden vehicle
vehicle laden to its maximum technically permissible mass M as specified by the vehicle manufacturer and
acknowledged by the Technical Services
NOTE This mass may exceed the “maximum authorized total mass” permitted by national regulations. Mass
distribution on the axles is to be stated by the vehicle manufacturer. In the event of several load distribution patterns being
planned, the distribution of the maximum mass among the axles is such that the load on each axle is proportional to that
maximum technically permissible load for that axle.
unladen vehicle
vehicle at its kerb mass [without load or occupant but with the fuel tank filled at the start of the test to at least
90 % of the capacity stated by the vehicle manufacturer and complete with cooling fluid and lubricants, and
tools and spare wheel(s)]
NOTE During the tests, the fuel quantity is maintained at least at 50 % of the tank capacity, with an allowed increase
of up to 200 kg over the unladen vehicle level. This comprises, for instance, the driver, one observer and instrumentation.
If necessary, some vehicle mass may have to be removed. For a vehicle without a body, the manufacturer declares the
minimum mass which has to be reached on each axle, to represent the vehicle with a body and spare wheel(s) if these
provisions are foreseen.
hydraulic pressures (Booster and Full Power Systems)

cut-in pressure
system operational pressure in an energy storage device at which the energy source is reconnected
cut-out pressure
system operational pressure in an energy storage device at which the energy source is disconnected
cold brakes
brakes, the hottest of which has an initial temperature, when measured on the disc or on the outside of the
drum or on the brake linings, lower than 100 °C before each stop
NOTE With the exception of the hot braking performance test, all other tests are carried out with the brakes in this
cold condition.
2 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

wheel control in anti-lock braking (ABS) functions

directly controlled wheel
wheel whose braking force is modulated according to data provided at least by its own sensor
indirectly controlled wheel
wheel whose braking force is modulated according to data provided by the sensor(s) of another wheel or other
NOTE Anti-lock braking functions with select-high control are deemed to include both directly and indirectly controlled
wheels. In functions with select-low control, all sensed wheels are deemed to be directly controlled wheels.
full cycling
that state of the anti-lock system in which the brake force is repeatedly modulated to prevent the directly
controlled wheels from locking
NOTE Brake applications where modulation only occurs once during the stop are not considered to meet this
Electronic braking system (EBS)
braking system in which control is generated and processed as an electrical signal in the control transmission
4 Symbols
Table 1 — Symbols
Symbols Meaning Unit
E Wheelbase m
F Force N
Normal reaction of road surface under dynamic conditions with the anti-lock system
F Normal reaction of road surface on axle i (f or r) under static conditions N
F F on axle i (f or r) in case of power-driven vehicles N
idyn dyn
2 2
g Acceleration due to gravity (9,81 m/s) m/s
Height of centre of gravity specified by the manufacturer and agreed by the Technical
h m
Service conducting the approval test
k Coefficient of adhesion between tyre and road 1
k k-factor of the front axle 1
k k-value determined on high-adhesion surface 1
k k-value determined on the low-adhesion surface 1
k Value of adhesion for 100 % slip 1
k Mean k-factor of the vehicle (dynamically weighted) 1
k Maximum value of the curve “adhesion versus slip” 1
k k-factor of the rear axle 1
M Mass of individual vehicle kg
M Permissible maximum mass kg
p Pressure bar
s Stopping distance m
t Time interval s
t Mean value of several measurements of t s
t Minimum value of t s
v Vehicle speed km/h
v Maximum speed of vehicle (declared by the manufacturer) km/h
z Braking rate 1
z Braking rate z of the vehicle with the antilock system operative 1
z Mean braking rate 1
z z of the power-driven vehicle on a “split surface” 1
The adhesion utilized by the vehicle: quotient of the maximum braking rate with the
anti-lock system operative (z ) and the coefficient of adhesion (k) values for high and 1
ε , ε
low-adhesion surfaces respectively
4 © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved

5 Test site conditions
5.1 Road conditions
5.1.1 Surface
Except for ABS tests (see 5.2), the road surface shall be a smooth, hard-surfaced roadway of asphalt,
concrete, or other surface with an equivalent coefficient of adhesion.
The road surface shall be free from loose material and dry for those tests requiring high adhesion.
5.1.2 Gradient
The road surface shall be substantially level; a tolerance of ± 1 % average gradient, measured over a
minimum distance of 50 m, is allowed.
The type

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