ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012
(Main)Information technology — Object Management Group — Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) — Part 2: Interoperability
Information technology — Object Management Group — Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) — Part 2: Interoperability
ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012 specifies a comprehensive, flexible approach to supporting networks of objects that are distributed across and managed by multiple, heterogeneous CORBA-compliant Object Request Brokers (ORBs). The approach to inter-ORB operation is universal, because elements can be combined in many ways to satisfy a very broad range of needs. ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012 specifies ORB interoperability architecture Inter-ORB bridge support General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) for object request broker (ORB) interoperability. GIOP can be mapped onto any connection-oriented transport protocol that meets a minimal set of assumptions defined by this International Standard Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP), a specific mapping of the GIOP which runs directly over connections that use the Internet Protocol and the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP/IP connections) CORBA Security Attribute Service (SAS) protocol and its use within the CSIv2 architecture to address the requirements of CORBA security for interoperable authentication, delegation, and privileges ISO/IEC 19500-2:2012 provides a widely implemented and used particularization of ITU-T Rec. X.931 | ISO/IEC 14752. It supports interoperability and location transparency in ODP systems.
Technologies de l'information — OMG (Object Management Group) — CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) — Partie 2: Interopérabilité
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 19500-2
Second edition
Information technology — Object
Management Group — Common Object
Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) —
Part 2:
Technologies de l'information — OMG (Object Management Group) —
CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) —
Partie 2: Interopérabilité
Reference number
ISO/IEC 2012
© ISO/IEC 2012
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Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO/IEC 2012 – All rights reserved
Table of Contents
Foreword .ix
Introduction .xi
1 Scope . 1
2 Conformance and Compliance . 1
2.1 Unreliable Multicast . 2
3 Normative References . 2
3.1 Other Specifications . 3
4 Terms and definitions . 3
4.1 Recommendations | International Standards. 4
4.2 Terms Defined in this Part of ISO/IEC 19500. 4
4.3 Keywords for Requirment statements . 5
5 Symbols (and abbreviated terms) . 6
6 Interoperability Overview . 7
6.1 General. 7
6.2 Elements of Interoperability . 7
6.2.1 ORB Interoperability Architecture .7
6.2.2 Inter-ORB Bridge Support .7
6.2.3 General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP) .8
6.2.4 Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP)® .8
6.2.5 Environment-Specific Inter-ORB Protocols (ESIOPs) .9
6.3 Relationship to Previous Versions of CORBA . 9
6.4 Examples of Interoperability Solutions . 10
6.4.1 Example 1 .10
6.4.2 Example 2 .10
© ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved iii
6.4.3 Example 3 .10
6.4.4 Interoperability Compliance .10
6.5 Motivating Factors . 13
6.5.1 ORB Implementation Diversity .13
6.5.2 ORB Boundaries .13
6.5.3 ORBs Vary in Scope, Distance, and Lifetime .13
6.6 Interoperability Design Goals. 14
6.6.1 Non-Goals .14
7 ORB Interoperability Architecture . 15
7.1 Overview. 15
7.1.1 Domains .15
7.1.2 Bridging Domains .15
7.2 ORBs and ORB Services. 16
7.2.1 The Nature of ORB Services .16
7.2.2 ORB Services and Object Requests .16
7.2.3 Selection of ORB Services .17
7.3 Domains. 17
7.3.1 Definition of a Domain .18
7.3.2 Mapping Between Domains: Bridging .19
7.4 Interoperability Between ORBs. 19
7.4.1 ORB Services and Domains .19
7.4.2 ORBs and Domains .20
7.4.3 Interoperability Approaches .20
7.4.4 Policy-Mediated Bridging .22
7.4.5 Configurations of Bridges in Networks .22
7.5 Object Addressing . 23
7.5.1 Domain-relative Object Referencing .24
7.5.2 Handling of Referencing Between Domains .24
7.6 An Information Model for Object References. 25
7.6.1 What Information Do Bridges Need? .25
7.6.2 Interoperable Object References: IORs .25
7.6.3 IOR Profiles .26
7.6.4 Standard IOR Profiles .28
7.6.5 IOR Components .29
7.6.6 Standard IOR Components .29
7.6.7 Profile and Component Composition in IORs .31
7.6.8 IOR Creation and Scope .32
7.6.9 Stringified Object References .32
iv © ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved
7.6.10 Object URLs .33
7.7 Service Context . 37
7.7.1 Standard Service Contexts .38
7.7.2 Service Context Processing Rules .40
7.8 Coder/Decoder Interfaces . 40
7.8.1 Codec Interface .40
7.8.2 Codec Factory .42
7.9 Feature Support and GIOP Versions. 43
7.10 Code Set Conversion . 45
7.10.1 Character Processing Terminology .45
7.10.2 Code Set Conversion Framework .48
7.10.3 Mapping to Generic Character Environments .54
7.10.4 Example of Generic Environment Mapping .56
7.10.5 Relevant OSFM Registry Interfaces .56
8 Building Inter-ORB Bridges . 63
8.1 Introduction. 63
8.2 In-Line and Request-Level Bridging . 63
8.2.1 In-line Bridging .64
8.2.2 Request-level Bridging .64
8.2.3 Collocated ORBs .65
8.3 Proxy Creation and Management. 66
8.4 Interface-specific Bridges and Generic Bridges . 66
8.5 Building Generic Request-Level Bridges. 66
8.6 Bridging Non-Referencing Domains . 67
8.7 Bootstrapping Bridges . 68
9 General Inter-ORB Protocol . 69
9.1 Overview. 69
9.2 Goals of the General Inter-ORB Protocol . 69
9.3 GIOP Overview. 69
9.3.1 Common Data Representation (CDR) .70
9.3.2 GIOP Message Overview .70
9.3.3 GIOP Message Transfer .71
9.4 CDR Transfer Syntax . 71
© ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved v
9.4.1 Primitive Types .72
9.4.2 OMG IDL Constructed Types .77
9.4.3 Encapsulation .79
9.4.4 Value Types .80
9.4.5 Pseudo-Object Types .87
9.4.6 Object References .93
9.4.7 Abstract Interfaces .93
9.5 GIOP Message Formats. 93
9.5.1 GIOP Message Header .94
9.5.2 Request Message .96
9.5.3 Reply Message .99
9.5.4 CancelRequest Message .102
9.5.5 LocateRequest Message .103
9.5.6 LocateReply Message .104
9.5.7 CloseConnection Message .106
9.5.8 MessageError Message .106
9.5.9 Fragment Message .106
9.6 GIOP Message Transport. 107
9.6.1 Connection Management .108
9.6.2 Message Ordering .109
9.7 Object Location. 110
9.8 Internet Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP). 111
9.8.1 TCP/IP Connection Usage .111
9.8.2 IIOP IOR Profiles .112
9.8.3 IIOP IOR Profile Components .114
9.9 Bi-Directional GIOP . 115
9.9.1 Bi-directional IIOP .117
9.10 Bi-directional GIOP policy. 118
9.11 OMG IDL. 118
9.11.1 GIOP Module .118
9.11.2 IIOP Module .123
9.11.3 BiDirPolicy Module .124
10 Secure Interoperability . 125
10.1 Overview. 125
10.1.1 Assumptions .126
10.2 Protocol Message Definitions . 127
10.2.1 The Security Attribute Service Context Element .127
vi © ISO/IEC 2012 - All rights reserved
10.2.2 SAS context_data Message Bo
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