ISO 4413:1979
(Main)Hydraulic fluid power — General rules for the application of equipment to transmission and control systems
Hydraulic fluid power — General rules for the application of equipment to transmission and control systems
Transmissions hydrauliques — Règles générales pour l'installation et l'utilisation d'équipements dans les systèmes de transmission et de commande
Hidravlika - Splošna pravila za uporabo naprav v prenosnih in krmilnih sistemih
General Information
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* Hydraulic fluid power - General rules for the application of
equipment to transmission and control systems
Transmissions hydrauliques - Règles générales pour l'application d'équipements aux systèmes de transmission
et de commande
First edition - 1979-02-15
UDC 621.6 : 621.8.032 Ref. No. IS0 4413-1979 (E)
Descripton : hydraulic equipment, fluid power, control equipment, instructions, equipment specifications, utilization, accident prevention,
user-supplier relations.
Price based on 17 pages
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing
International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every
member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set
up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
Standards by the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 441 3 was developed by Technical Committee
ISOKC 131, Fluid power systems and components, and was circulated to the
member bodies in September 1976.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Hungary Poland
Austria India Romania
Belgium Italy Spain
Brazil Japan Sweden
Bulgaria Korea, Rep. of Switzerland
Chile Mexico United Kingdom
Czechoslovakia Netherlands U.S.S. R.
Finland Philippines
The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the
document on technical grounds :
O International Organization for Standardization, 1978
Printed in Switzerland
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O Introduction . 1
1 Scope and field of application . 1
2 Reference . 1
3 Definitions . 1
4 General requirements . 1
4.1 Safety . 1
4.2 Specification requirements . 2
4.3 Presentation of technical data . 3
4.4 Identification . 4
5 Energy conversion . 4
5.1 Pumps and hydraulic motors . 4
5.2 Cylinders . 6
6 Valves . 6
6.1 Mounting . 6
6.2 Fail-safe valves . 7
6.3 Valveactuators . 7
6.4 Identification of actuation . 7
7 Energy transmission and conditioning . 7
7.1 Fluids . 7
7.2 Piping, fittings and fluid passages . 7
7.3 Fluid reservoirs . 9
7.4 Accumulators . 10
7.5 Filtration and fluid conditioning . 10
7.6 Heat exchangers . 11
8 Control mechanisms . 11
8.1 Circuit protection . 11
8.2 Manual controls . 12
8.3 Location of controls . 12
8.4 Circuit relationships . 13
8.5 Servo-controlled circuits . 13
9 Seals and sealing devices . 13
9.1 Type . 13
9.2 Materials . 13
Annex : Summary of safety requirements . 14
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Hydraulic fluid power - General rules for the application of
equipment to transmission and control systems
O INTRODUCTION for both manufacturers and purchasers, with a view to
The guidance and recommendations given in this document
a) safety of personnel;
have no legal status except for those paragraphs that may
be included in contractual agreements between purchaser
b) ease and economy of maintenance;
and supplier. Deviation from those parts of this document
included in contractual agreements shall also be agreed to
c) uninterrupted production;
in writing by the purchaser and supplier.
d) long life of equipment.
Recommendations which contain the verb "shall" are
counsels of good engineering practice, universally applicable
with rare exception. Use of the word "should" in the
document is not an indication of choice but an indication
IS0 121 9, Fluid power systems and components - Graphic
that the desirable engineering practices described may have
to the peculiarities of certain processes,
to be modified due
environmental conditions or equipment size.
Titles or parts of the text which are marked with an
For the definition of terms used in this document, an
asterisk (*) indicate sub-clauses that need discussion
International Standard is in preparation.
between the purchaser and supplier to define the require-
ments and/or responsibility.
Attention shall be drawn by the purchaser and/or supplier
to applicable national or local codes or laws.
The requirements stated in this clause apply to all equip-
ment within the scope of this document.
Use of this document will assist
a) in establishing safety requirements and safe practices 4.1 Safety
(the titles of sub-clauses relating to safety are under-
4.1.1 Fail-safe concept
lined; the use of the word "hazard" implies possible risk
of danger to personnel);
When designing hydraulic circuits, all aspects of possible
methods of failure (including control supply failure) shall
b) a purchaser in writing a specification for hydraulic
be considered. in each case, components shall be selected,
applied, fitted and adjusted so that in the event of a failure,
c) a purchaser in establishing the relative merits of
maximum safety of personnel shall be the prime con-
similar hydraulic equipment;
sideration, and damage to equipment minimized.
d) a manufacturer in producing acceptable hydraulic
4.1.2 Amlication conceDt
equipment to his own design or to the customer's
a) All components within the system shall operate
within their manufacturer's specification.
Clause 4 onwards shall not be used in isolation without due
reference to clauses 1 and 2.
b) All parts of the system shall be protected against
The term "manufacturer" implies the contractual supplier
for warranty and service purposes.
c) The system shall be designed and constructed so that
components are located where they are accessible and
can be safely adjusted and serviced.
1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION d) Circuits shall be designed, constructed and adjusted
to minimize surge pressures.
This International Standard provides recommendations
on machinery used in e) Surge pressure or loss of pressure shall not cause
relating to hydraulic systems
industrial manufacturing processes. It is intended as a guide hazards.
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4.1.3 Safety requirements
All components, equipment or assemblies having a mass
All safety requirements (which are underlined throughout
greater than 15 kg shall have accessibility and provision for
this International Standard) are reproduced in the annex.
4.2 Specification requirements EQ U I P M E N T I N ST A L LAT I O N
All components shall be installed and used in accordance
4.2.1 Special site conditions*
with manufacturers' recommendations.
The supplier and purchaser shall discuss any special site
conditions, and the design of the system shall take account
4.2.4 Layout drawings
of these conditions. Examples of information required are :
a) vibration; excessive contamination; high humidity; FLOOR AND FOUNDATIONS
1 O00 m
the siting of equipment at altitudes above
b) The supplier shall provide the purchaser with details of the
above sea level;
floor plan and foundation requirements. If there are two or
more assemblies, the dimensional relationships shall be
c) the possible existence of a fire hazard;
d) the standard of maintenance available; PIPING*
e) electric network details, i.e. voltage and its tolerance,
Where requested on the purchaser's enquiry and confirmed
frequency, available power (if limited), etc.;
on the supplier's quotation, a piping layout shall be
f) protection for electrical devices.
furnished by the supplier. Photographs which clearly show
the piping arrangement and assembly may be substituted
for the layout by agreement.
4.2.2 System temperature HEAT GENERATION
4.2.5 Procurement of equipment
Hydraulic circuitsshall be designed to minimize unnecessary
The supplier should use commercially available parts (keys,
heat generation.
bearings, packings, seals, washers, plugs, fasteners, etc.) and
sizes, port sizes,
part configurations (shaft and spline OP ER ATI N G TEMPE R ATU RES* mountings, interface patterns, etc.) which are manufactured
to established International Standards, and which provide
The full range of ambient temperatures in which the equip-
for uniform coding.
ment will be located shall be stated. The pump inlet
temperatures should not exceed 60 "C for mineral oil when
maximum ambient temperatures exist. The equipment shall 4.2.6 Language*
operate satisfactorily under conditions of minimum ambient
The purchaser and supplier shall agree on the language to be
used in technical data, and the supplier shall be responsible
Special conditions may apply for other fluids. for ensuring that the translation has the same meaning
the original text.
4.2.3 Maintenance requirements
NOTE - An International Standard on graphic representation
of pipe-lines is in preparation. EQUIPMENT LOCATION
4.2.7 Maintenance data
Hydraulic equipment and piping shall be accessible and
fitted so as not to interfere with the adjustment or mainten-
The supplier shall provide the purchaser with maintenance
ance of the equipment. Particular attention shall be given to
data for all hydraulic equipment which clearly
the location of equipment which needs regular maintenance.
a) describe start-up and shut-down procedures; COMPONENT REMOVAL*
b) describe adjustment procedures;
To facilitate maintenance, means shall be provided or
c) indicate external lubrication points and the type of
components so fitted that their removal from the system
lubricant required;
for maintenance shall not
d) state maintenance procedures for unique assemblies;
a) lead to excessive loss of fluid;
e) locate fluid level indicators, fill points, drains, filters,
b) require draining of the reservoir;
test points, strainers, magnets, etc., that require regularly
scheduled maintenance;
c) necessitate extensive disassembly of adjacent parts.
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IS0 4413-1979 (E)
it from damage and distortion, and preserves its identifi
f) give instructions for fluid maintenance;
cation during transportation.
9) give further identification of parts in the hydraulic
components which are commercially available or manu-
factured to an International Standard that provides for SEALING OF OPENINGS
uniform coding; the identification shall be the part
Exposed openings in hydraulic equipment shall be sealed,
macufacturer's part number or as provided by the
and male threads shall be protected during transportation
standard's code;
and these seals only removed immediately prior to re-
h) list recommended spare parts. assembly. Only sealing caps that require their removal
before reassembly can take place shall be used.
4.2.8 Testing
4.3 Presentation of technical data PER FORMAN CE TESTS
In the preparation of circuit diagrams and technical data
Hydraulic systems shall be completely performance tested
the procedures specified in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 shall be
to determine compliance with this document and the
contract specifications.
4.3.1 Circuit diagrams
a) Circuit diagrams shall use symbols from IS0 1219.
Installed hydraulic equipment shall be in accordance with
An International Standard is in preparation for
noise levels agreed at the time of contract.
graphic representation of pipelines. FLUID LEAKAGE
b) The symbols shall, unless otherwise indicated,
represent units at rest (i.e. all power off, circuits de-
There shall be no unintentional external leakage from the
pressurized and ready-for-start).
hydraulic system at the time of purchaser's acceptance.
c) Symbols shall be positioned on the diagram so that
the circuit is easy to follow. It is not necessary for the
4.2.9 Data to be provided by the supplier
symbol position to correspond to the physical location
of the device depicted.
The following data shall be provided.
d) Cross-over of lines should be kept to a minimum. FINAL DATA
e) Each item on the circuit diagram shall have a separate
designation or identification (see 4.4.2 and 1.
a) Final diagrams, drawings, and texts, including the
maintenance data, shall conform to the equipment
f) Ports, test points, bleed points and orifice fittings
shipped and be forwarded to the purchaser not later
should be identified (see 4.4.3 and 7.2.6).
than the time of equipment delivery.
g) Flow lines between power units and machines shall
"b) Where requested on the purchase order or the
at both ends.
be identified
enquiry, final diagrams and drawings shall be on repro-
ducible material which shall not be folded.
4.3.2 Technical data MA IN T E N AN c E MAN U A LS *
The following information shall be included on or with the
circuit diagram :
The supplier shall advise the purchaser regarding the
availability of maintenance manuals for standard equipment
a) identification of all hydraulic equipment by name,
[as described in 4.2.7 9) and h)].
catalogue number, serial or design number, and the
manufacturer's name; MOD I F ICATIO N s
b) the size, wall thickness and specification of pipe,
Whenever modifications are made by the supplier, they
tube and hose lines;
shall be recorded and the purchaser shall be notified.
of each cylinder piston and rod, the
c) the diameter
length of stroke, the estimated force and the speed
4.2.1 O Preparation for transportation
required for the intended service;
d) the displacement per revolution, the torque output IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING
speeds and direction of rotation required for the in-
tended service of each hydraulic motor;
Where construction of the equipment requires transporting
in sections, removed piping runs and their corresponding
e) the rate or rates of flow, and the direction of
terminal ports andlor connectors shall be identically
rotation of each pump looking at the driven shaft end;
f) the power, rotational frequency, and the type of PACKAGING* each pump drive motor;
All equipment shall be packaged in a manner that protects
g) the pressure setting of each pressure control valve;
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IS0 4413-1979 (E)
h) the types of strainers and filters, and preferably 4.4.3 Ports
details and quantity of replacement elements;
Component ports, including pilot ports, test and bleed
etc., shall be plainly and permanently identified
i) the volume of fluid required to fill the system to points,
maximum level; and the same identification used on the circuit diagram.
j) the recommended fluid type and viscosity range;
4.4.4 Valve actuating devices
k) when specified, the time sequence chart, for example
the time range of the cycle, and data or text, or both, ACTUATORS, OTHER THAN ELECTRICAL
showing the operations performed including the
Valve actuators and their functions shall be plainly and
related electrical and mechanical
function(s) of the
permanently identified with the same identification used
controls and actuating equipment;
on the circuit diagram.
I) clear indication of any circuitry contained within
circuit manifolds; where boundary lines or boundary EL E CT R ICA L A CTU ATO R s
envelopes are used for this purpose, the boundary indi-
cated shall not include any symbol of a component not Electrical actuators shall be identified on the electrical and
hydraulic circuit diagrams with the same actuator identifi-
mounted on or within the circuit manifold;
m) clear indication of the function of each actuator in
each direction;
4.4.5 Internal devices
n) the pre-charge pressure and nominal volumes of
Cartridge type values and other functional devices (orifice
plugs and passages, shuttle valves, check valves, etc.) located
within a manifold, mounting plate, pad, or fitting shall be
O) the size, type and location of test and bleed points
identified adjacent to their access openings. Where access
in the circuit;
openings are located under a component or components,
p) identification of all component or manifold ports
identification shall be provided adjacent to the component
(as marked on the component);
and marked "Concealed".
q) the expected flow-rate and maximum and minimum
4.4.6 Control station nameplates
pressure of the cooling media, and the maximum
temperature of the cooling media supply.
A nameplate shall be provided for each control station
component and located where it can be easily read by
the equipment operator. The nameplate information shall
4.4 Identification
be relevant and easily understood, providing positive
identification of the actuator function controlled.
4.4.1 Components
The following particulars shall be shown in a permanent
and readily visible form on all components :
a) the manufacturer's name and brief address;
5.1 Pumps and hydraulic motors
b) the manufacturer's type or model number;
5.1.1 General
c) symbols according to IS0 1219, and all ports
correctly identified; PROTECT IO N
d) the safe maximum continuously-rated pressure.
Pumps and hydraulic motors shall either be mounted where
they are protected from predictable damage, or be suitably
Where lack of available space would result in lettering too
small to be legible, information may be restricted to a
minimum of manufacturer's name and type or model
number. DRAINS
In addition, the specific particulars indicated in table 1 The size and termination of pump and motor drains shall
shall be shown. meet the component manufacturer's specification.
4.4.2 Components within a system PRE-FILLING OF HOUSINGS
Each hydraulic component shall be allocated an item Where the manufacturer's specifications require pre-filling
number and/or letter. This item number shall be used to the housings of pumps or motors with fluid prior to start-
identify the component on all diagrams, lists and layouts. up, a readily accessible means for pre-filling shall be pro-
It should be plainly and permanently marked on the vided, and be so located as to ensure that air is not
installation adjacent to, but not on, the component. entrapped in the housing.
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IS0 4413-1979 (E)
TABLE 1 - Additional information to be given on components
Components Information and legend Remarks
1) Pumps Displacemen tlrev
Direction of rotation
2) Hydraulic motors Displacementlrev
Direction of rotation relative to porting
3) Cylinders Cylinder bore diameter
Piston rod diameter
Length of stroke
Length of stop tube If fitted
4) Pressure control valves Range of pressure adjustment
5) Solenoid-operated valves Voltage
(marked on the solenoid or coil)
A.C. frequency or D.C.
Protection classification In accordance with relevant IEC publication
6) Pressure switches Range of pressure adjustment
Pressure differential range
Voltage and current-carrying capacity of switch
Protection classification In accordance with relevant IEC publication
7) Hydraulic accumulators Serial number
(on the shell)
Year of manufacture (shell and also bag as-
sembly, as applicable)
Total shell volume (litres)
Maximum allowable pressure
Proof pressure legal stamp If legally required
Test date If legally required
Gas pre-charge pressure *NOTE - Other gases may be used if agreed
(on a label adjacent to
accumulator) "Use only nitrogen" by the manufacturer of the accumulator and
the purchaser.
Direction of flow
8) Filters
Type number and rating of elements In accordance with relevant international Stan-
9) Heat exchangers
Directions of flow of both working and cooling
Nature and maximum pressure of the transfer
Rotating shafts and couplings shall be guarded to provide Type and alignment
adequate protection against hazard.
Couplings shall be of a type approved by the pump or
motor manufacturer for the specified type of mounting
and alignment tolerances. 5.1.2 Pumps Fitting procedure MOUNTINGS
its drive motor mountings shall be suf-
Pump or motor manufacturer's recommended procedure The pump and
shall be used when fitting the coupling to the shaft. ficiently rigid to ensure adequate alignment at all times.
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IS0 4413-1979 (E)
5.2.4 Maintenance INLET CONNECTIONS
Piston rod seals or seal assemblies should be easily re-
a) Pump inlet piping shall be designed so that pump
inlet pressure and other conditions are in accordance
with the pump manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.2.5 Component replacement
b) Inlet pipesshould be as short and straight as possible,
and be free from sudden changes in cross-section.
Integral cylinders are undesirable but where they are used,
components liable to wear should be replaceable.
c) Inlet pipes, strainers and filters shall be free from air
leaks and should contain no pockets which could collect
5.2.6 Cushions
air bubbles.
Cylinder end stops shall be protected From damage due to DISCH AR G E CONNECTIONS
high external loads.
Means shall be provided in the pump discharge line for
5.2.7 Piston rods
purging air from the pump during initial start-up. PISTON AND ROD ASSEMBLY SUBSIDIARY CONNECTIONS
Pistons shall be positively locked to the piston rod.
Drains, air bleeds, etc., shall be so installed that they do not
allow ingress of air into the system. MATE R IA LS*
5.1.3 Hydraulic motors
If required, hard-surface or corrosion-resistant rods shall be
specified. MO U NTI N G s PROTECTION
The mounting of motors on, or in relation to, their drive
assemblies shall be sufficiently rigid to ensure adequate
Piston rods shall be protected from predictable damage.
alignment at all times. PISTON ROD ENDS OUTPUT c H A R ACT E R IST I cs
For assembly purposes, piston rods with male or female
The starting and stall torques, the effect of load variations,
screwed ends shall be provided with flats to suit standard
and the kinetic energy of the moving load, shall be con-
sidered in the application of rotary motors.
5.2.8 Air entrapment
5.2 Cylinders PORT LOCATION
5.2.1 Resistance to buckling
Where practical, cylinders shall be installed with ports
Special attention shall be given to stroke length, loading
and the conditions of assembly in order to avoid abnormal
bending or buckling of the cylinder piston rod in the
is particularly important if the
extended condition. This AIR BLEEDS
cylinder has non-rigid mountings.
Cylinders shall be mounted so that they are self-bleeding,
or accessible external air bleeds shall be provided.
5.2.2 Alignment
The alignment of rigidly mounted cylinders with dependent
5.2.9 Piston stroke
slides and other guided equipment elements shall apply no
The stroke of the piston shall always be greater than or
undue side load to the piston rod.
equal to its nominal stroke.
5.2.3 Mounting FIXING SCREWS
Fixing screws for foot-mounted cylinders shall be of a size
that will take all the predictable shear forces without any
6.1 Mounting
safety risk, unless the mounting is keyed or dowelled.
Surface-mounted and/or cartridge valves should be used
wherever practicable, so that they can be readily replaced
Mounting surfaces shall not distort cylinders, and allowances
without disturbing pipework.
shall be made for thermal expansion.
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IS0 4413-1979 (E)
6.1.2 Orientation
Surface-mounted and cartridge valves shall have means of
7.1 Fluids
ensuring correct orientation.
7.1.1 Specification*
6.1.3 Attitude
The fluid recommended for use in a system shall be defined
To ensure fail-safe conditions, the effect of gravity, impact
by type and characteristics and not solely by manufacturer's
or vibration on the main elements of a valve shall be con-
trade name.
sidered when mounting any valve.
a fire hazard exists, consideration shall be given to
the use of a fire-resistant fluid.
6.2 Fail-safe valves
Any actuator required to maintain its position during start-
7.1.2 Compatibility
up, stopping or in the event of a control system failure,
shall be controlled by a valve which is either spring biased ALL FLUIDS
to its fail-safe position or detent located.
The hydraulic fluid used shall be compatible with all the
e 6.3 Valve actuators
components and elastomers used in the system and be in
accordance with the recommendations of the equipment
6.3.1 Mechanically actuated valves
Mechanically actuated valves shall be designed or installed FIRE-RESISTANT FLUIDS
in such a way that an overload or overtravel will not cause
Additional precautions shall be taken to prevent problems
due to incompatibility of the fire-resistant fluid with
6.3.2 Electrically actuated valves
a) protective finishes and other fluids associated with ELECT R ICA L CON N ECTI O N s the system; for example paints, process and/or service
Cable entry or connector to valve actuators and the spacing
of adjacent valves shall allow for the use of protective
b) construction and installation material that can be
in contact with spilled or leaking fire-resistant fluid; for
example electrical cabling, other service supplies and
Terminal block housings should have
7.1.3 Handling precautions
a) adequate space for the terminal block and for suf-
Advisory information shall be provided by the system or
ficient free cable to allow for easy servicing;
fluid supplier on hygiene requirements for personnel when
handling the fluid, on any toxic or asphyxiating hazard in
b) captive fasteners for the cover;
the event of a fire and on any problems in the disposal of
c) suitable means to prevent loss of cover.
waste fluid. SOL EN O IDS
7.1.4 Maintenance
Solenoids shall
Means shall be available for carrying out fluid maintenance
procedures recommended by the fluid or system manu-
a) be capable of operating without malfunction at the
nominal voltage within 1 O %;
b) be protected against the entry of splashed fluid and
7.1.5 Filling and maintenance of fluid level'
Fluids used for filling and maintaining the fluid level
should be filtered during this process through a built-in or MANUAL ACTUATION
purchaser's own portable filter with a similar or finer rating
to that used in the system.
Electrically actuated valves shall incorporate facilities to be
It shall not
operated manually unless otherwise specified.
be possible to operate these facilities unintentionally. 7.2 Piping, fittings and fluid passages
6.4 Identification of actuation 7.2.1 Fluid velocity and compressibility
Symbol plates shall be attached to the valve in such a The fluid velocity through piping, fittings and manifolds
way that the positions and controls represented agree shall be such that the resulting pressure drops at all working
directionally with the actuator movement. temperatures and the system capacitance do not adversely
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IS0 4413-1979 (E)
affect the efficiency and response of the system consistent I PJ STA L LAT 10 N
with its duty.
Installations of flexible hose shall
High fluid velocities and sudden changes in the bore of fluid
a) have the minimum length necessary to avoid sharp
passages should be avoided as they may produce undue
flexing and straining of the hose during the equipment
turbulence and cavitat
SIST ISO 4413:1995
Hidravlika - Splošna pravila za uporabo naprav v prenosnih in krmilnih sistemih
Hydraulic fluid power -- General rules for the application of equipment to transmission
and control systems
Transmissions hydrauliques -- Règles générales pour l'installation et l'utilisation
d'équipements dans les systèmes de transmission et de commande
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 4413:1979
23.100.01 +LGUDYOLþQLVLVWHPLQDVSORãQR Fluid power systems in
SIST ISO 4413:1995 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
* Hydraulic fluid power - General rules for the application of
equipment to transmission and control systems
Transmissions hydrauliques - Règles générales pour l'application d'équipements aux systèmes de transmission
et de commande
First edition - 1979-02-15
UDC 621.6 : 621.8.032 Ref. No. IS0 4413-1979 (E)
Descripton : hydraulic equipment, fluid power, control equipment, instructions, equipment specifications, utilization, accident prevention,
user-supplier relations.
Price based on 17 pages
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing
International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every
member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set
up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
Standards by the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 441 3 was developed by Technical Committee
ISOKC 131, Fluid power systems and components, and was circulated to the
member bodies in September 1976.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Hungary Poland
Austria India Romania
Belgium Italy Spain
Brazil Japan Sweden
Bulgaria Korea, Rep. of Switzerland
Chile Mexico United Kingdom
Czechoslovakia Netherlands U.S.S. R.
Finland Philippines
The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the
document on technical grounds :
O International Organization for Standardization, 1978
Printed in Switzerland
---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
O Introduction . 1
1 Scope and field of application . 1
2 Reference . 1
3 Definitions . 1
4 General requirements . 1
4.1 Safety . 1
4.2 Specification requirements . 2
4.3 Presentation of technical data . 3
4.4 Identification . 4
5 Energy conversion . 4
5.1 Pumps and hydraulic motors . 4
5.2 Cylinders . 6
6 Valves . 6
6.1 Mounting . 6
6.2 Fail-safe valves . 7
6.3 Valveactuators . 7
6.4 Identification of actuation . 7
7 Energy transmission and conditioning . 7
7.1 Fluids . 7
7.2 Piping, fittings and fluid passages . 7
7.3 Fluid reservoirs . 9
7.4 Accumulators . 10
7.5 Filtration and fluid conditioning . 10
7.6 Heat exchangers . 11
8 Control mechanisms . 11
8.1 Circuit protection . 11
8.2 Manual controls . 12
8.3 Location of controls . 12
8.4 Circuit relationships . 13
8.5 Servo-controlled circuits . 13
9 Seals and sealing devices . 13
9.1 Type . 13
9.2 Materials . 13
Annex : Summary of safety requirements . 14
---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
Hydraulic fluid power - General rules for the application of
equipment to transmission and control systems
O INTRODUCTION for both manufacturers and purchasers, with a view to
The guidance and recommendations given in this document
a) safety of personnel;
have no legal status except for those paragraphs that may
be included in contractual agreements between purchaser
b) ease and economy of maintenance;
and supplier. Deviation from those parts of this document
included in contractual agreements shall also be agreed to
c) uninterrupted production;
in writing by the purchaser and supplier.
d) long life of equipment.
Recommendations which contain the verb "shall" are
counsels of good engineering practice, universally applicable
with rare exception. Use of the word "should" in the
document is not an indication of choice but an indication
IS0 121 9, Fluid power systems and components - Graphic
that the desirable engineering practices described may have
to the peculiarities of certain processes,
to be modified due
environmental conditions or equipment size.
Titles or parts of the text which are marked with an
For the definition of terms used in this document, an
asterisk (*) indicate sub-clauses that need discussion
International Standard is in preparation.
between the purchaser and supplier to define the require-
ments and/or responsibility.
Attention shall be drawn by the purchaser and/or supplier
to applicable national or local codes or laws.
The requirements stated in this clause apply to all equip-
ment within the scope of this document.
Use of this document will assist
a) in establishing safety requirements and safe practices 4.1 Safety
(the titles of sub-clauses relating to safety are under-
4.1.1 Fail-safe concept
lined; the use of the word "hazard" implies possible risk
of danger to personnel);
When designing hydraulic circuits, all aspects of possible
methods of failure (including control supply failure) shall
b) a purchaser in writing a specification for hydraulic
be considered. in each case, components shall be selected,
applied, fitted and adjusted so that in the event of a failure,
c) a purchaser in establishing the relative merits of
maximum safety of personnel shall be the prime con-
similar hydraulic equipment;
sideration, and damage to equipment minimized.
d) a manufacturer in producing acceptable hydraulic
4.1.2 Amlication conceDt
equipment to his own design or to the customer's
a) All components within the system shall operate
within their manufacturer's specification.
Clause 4 onwards shall not be used in isolation without due
reference to clauses 1 and 2.
b) All parts of the system shall be protected against
The term "manufacturer" implies the contractual supplier
for warranty and service purposes.
c) The system shall be designed and constructed so that
components are located where they are accessible and
can be safely adjusted and serviced.
1 SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION d) Circuits shall be designed, constructed and adjusted
to minimize surge pressures.
This International Standard provides recommendations
on machinery used in e) Surge pressure or loss of pressure shall not cause
relating to hydraulic systems
industrial manufacturing processes. It is intended as a guide hazards.
---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
4.1.3 Safety requirements
All components, equipment or assemblies having a mass
All safety requirements (which are underlined throughout
greater than 15 kg shall have accessibility and provision for
this International Standard) are reproduced in the annex.
4.2 Specification requirements EQ U I P M E N T I N ST A L LAT I O N
All components shall be installed and used in accordance
4.2.1 Special site conditions*
with manufacturers' recommendations.
The supplier and purchaser shall discuss any special site
conditions, and the design of the system shall take account
4.2.4 Layout drawings
of these conditions. Examples of information required are :
a) vibration; excessive contamination; high humidity; FLOOR AND FOUNDATIONS
1 O00 m
the siting of equipment at altitudes above
b) The supplier shall provide the purchaser with details of the
above sea level;
floor plan and foundation requirements. If there are two or
more assemblies, the dimensional relationships shall be
c) the possible existence of a fire hazard;
d) the standard of maintenance available; PIPING*
e) electric network details, i.e. voltage and its tolerance,
Where requested on the purchaser's enquiry and confirmed
frequency, available power (if limited), etc.;
on the supplier's quotation, a piping layout shall be
f) protection for electrical devices.
furnished by the supplier. Photographs which clearly show
the piping arrangement and assembly may be substituted
for the layout by agreement.
4.2.2 System temperature HEAT GENERATION
4.2.5 Procurement of equipment
Hydraulic circuitsshall be designed to minimize unnecessary
The supplier should use commercially available parts (keys,
heat generation.
bearings, packings, seals, washers, plugs, fasteners, etc.) and
sizes, port sizes,
part configurations (shaft and spline OP ER ATI N G TEMPE R ATU RES* mountings, interface patterns, etc.) which are manufactured
to established International Standards, and which provide
The full range of ambient temperatures in which the equip-
for uniform coding.
ment will be located shall be stated. The pump inlet
temperatures should not exceed 60 "C for mineral oil when
maximum ambient temperatures exist. The equipment shall 4.2.6 Language*
operate satisfactorily under conditions of minimum ambient
The purchaser and supplier shall agree on the language to be
used in technical data, and the supplier shall be responsible
Special conditions may apply for other fluids. for ensuring that the translation has the same meaning
the original text.
4.2.3 Maintenance requirements
NOTE - An International Standard on graphic representation
of pipe-lines is in preparation. EQUIPMENT LOCATION
4.2.7 Maintenance data
Hydraulic equipment and piping shall be accessible and
fitted so as not to interfere with the adjustment or mainten-
The supplier shall provide the purchaser with maintenance
ance of the equipment. Particular attention shall be given to
data for all hydraulic equipment which clearly
the location of equipment which needs regular maintenance.
a) describe start-up and shut-down procedures; COMPONENT REMOVAL*
b) describe adjustment procedures;
To facilitate maintenance, means shall be provided or
c) indicate external lubrication points and the type of
components so fitted that their removal from the system
lubricant required;
for maintenance shall not
d) state maintenance procedures for unique assemblies;
a) lead to excessive loss of fluid;
e) locate fluid level indicators, fill points, drains, filters,
b) require draining of the reservoir;
test points, strainers, magnets, etc., that require regularly
scheduled maintenance;
c) necessitate extensive disassembly of adjacent parts.
---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
IS0 4413-1979 (E)
it from damage and distortion, and preserves its identifi
f) give instructions for fluid maintenance;
cation during transportation.
9) give further identification of parts in the hydraulic
components which are commercially available or manu-
factured to an International Standard that provides for SEALING OF OPENINGS
uniform coding; the identification shall be the part
Exposed openings in hydraulic equipment shall be sealed,
macufacturer's part number or as provided by the
and male threads shall be protected during transportation
standard's code;
and these seals only removed immediately prior to re-
h) list recommended spare parts. assembly. Only sealing caps that require their removal
before reassembly can take place shall be used.
4.2.8 Testing
4.3 Presentation of technical data PER FORMAN CE TESTS
In the preparation of circuit diagrams and technical data
Hydraulic systems shall be completely performance tested
the procedures specified in 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 shall be
to determine compliance with this document and the
contract specifications.
4.3.1 Circuit diagrams
a) Circuit diagrams shall use symbols from IS0 1219.
Installed hydraulic equipment shall be in accordance with
An International Standard is in preparation for
noise levels agreed at the time of contract.
graphic representation of pipelines. FLUID LEAKAGE
b) The symbols shall, unless otherwise indicated,
represent units at rest (i.e. all power off, circuits de-
There shall be no unintentional external leakage from the
pressurized and ready-for-start).
hydraulic system at the time of purchaser's acceptance.
c) Symbols shall be positioned on the diagram so that
the circuit is easy to follow. It is not necessary for the
4.2.9 Data to be provided by the supplier
symbol position to correspond to the physical location
of the device depicted.
The following data shall be provided.
d) Cross-over of lines should be kept to a minimum. FINAL DATA
e) Each item on the circuit diagram shall have a separate
designation or identification (see 4.4.2 and 1.
a) Final diagrams, drawings, and texts, including the
maintenance data, shall conform to the equipment
f) Ports, test points, bleed points and orifice fittings
shipped and be forwarded to the purchaser not later
should be identified (see 4.4.3 and 7.2.6).
than the time of equipment delivery.
g) Flow lines between power units and machines shall
"b) Where requested on the purchase order or the
at both ends.
be identified
enquiry, final diagrams and drawings shall be on repro-
ducible material which shall not be folded.
4.3.2 Technical data MA IN T E N AN c E MAN U A LS *
The following information shall be included on or with the
circuit diagram :
The supplier shall advise the purchaser regarding the
availability of maintenance manuals for standard equipment
a) identification of all hydraulic equipment by name,
[as described in 4.2.7 9) and h)].
catalogue number, serial or design number, and the
manufacturer's name; MOD I F ICATIO N s
b) the size, wall thickness and specification of pipe,
Whenever modifications are made by the supplier, they
tube and hose lines;
shall be recorded and the purchaser shall be notified.
of each cylinder piston and rod, the
c) the diameter
length of stroke, the estimated force and the speed
4.2.1 O Preparation for transportation
required for the intended service;
d) the displacement per revolution, the torque output IDENTIFICATION OF PIPING
speeds and direction of rotation required for the in-
tended service of each hydraulic motor;
Where construction of the equipment requires transporting
in sections, removed piping runs and their corresponding
e) the rate or rates of flow, and the direction of
terminal ports andlor connectors shall be identically
rotation of each pump looking at the driven shaft end;
f) the power, rotational frequency, and the type of PACKAGING* each pump drive motor;
All equipment shall be packaged in a manner that protects
g) the pressure setting of each pressure control valve;
---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
IS0 4413-1979 (E)
h) the types of strainers and filters, and preferably 4.4.3 Ports
details and quantity of replacement elements;
Component ports, including pilot ports, test and bleed
etc., shall be plainly and permanently identified
i) the volume of fluid required to fill the system to points,
maximum level; and the same identification used on the circuit diagram.
j) the recommended fluid type and viscosity range;
4.4.4 Valve actuating devices
k) when specified, the time sequence chart, for example
the time range of the cycle, and data or text, or both, ACTUATORS, OTHER THAN ELECTRICAL
showing the operations performed including the
Valve actuators and their functions shall be plainly and
related electrical and mechanical
function(s) of the
permanently identified with the same identification used
controls and actuating equipment;
on the circuit diagram.
I) clear indication of any circuitry contained within
circuit manifolds; where boundary lines or boundary EL E CT R ICA L A CTU ATO R s
envelopes are used for this purpose, the boundary indi-
cated shall not include any symbol of a component not Electrical actuators shall be identified on the electrical and
hydraulic circuit diagrams with the same actuator identifi-
mounted on or within the circuit manifold;
m) clear indication of the function of each actuator in
each direction;
4.4.5 Internal devices
n) the pre-charge pressure and nominal volumes of
Cartridge type values and other functional devices (orifice
plugs and passages, shuttle valves, check valves, etc.) located
within a manifold, mounting plate, pad, or fitting shall be
O) the size, type and location of test and bleed points
identified adjacent to their access openings. Where access
in the circuit;
openings are located under a component or components,
p) identification of all component or manifold ports
identification shall be provided adjacent to the component
(as marked on the component);
and marked "Concealed".
q) the expected flow-rate and maximum and minimum
4.4.6 Control station nameplates
pressure of the cooling media, and the maximum
temperature of the cooling media supply.
A nameplate shall be provided for each control station
component and located where it can be easily read by
the equipment operator. The nameplate information shall
4.4 Identification
be relevant and easily understood, providing positive
identification of the actuator function controlled.
4.4.1 Components
The following particulars shall be shown in a permanent
and readily visible form on all components :
a) the manufacturer's name and brief address;
5.1 Pumps and hydraulic motors
b) the manufacturer's type or model number;
5.1.1 General
c) symbols according to IS0 1219, and all ports
correctly identified; PROTECT IO N
d) the safe maximum continuously-rated pressure.
Pumps and hydraulic motors shall either be mounted where
they are protected from predictable damage, or be suitably
Where lack of available space would result in lettering too
small to be legible, information may be restricted to a
minimum of manufacturer's name and type or model
number. DRAINS
In addition, the specific particulars indicated in table 1 The size and termination of pump and motor drains shall
shall be shown. meet the component manufacturer's specification.
4.4.2 Components within a system PRE-FILLING OF HOUSINGS
Each hydraulic component shall be allocated an item Where the manufacturer's specifications require pre-filling
number and/or letter. This item number shall be used to the housings of pumps or motors with fluid prior to start-
identify the component on all diagrams, lists and layouts. up, a readily accessible means for pre-filling shall be pro-
It should be plainly and permanently marked on the vided, and be so located as to ensure that air is not
installation adjacent to, but not on, the component. entrapped in the housing.
---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
IS0 4413-1979 (E)
TABLE 1 - Additional information to be given on components
Components Information and legend Remarks
1) Pumps Displacemen tlrev
Direction of rotation
2) Hydraulic motors Displacementlrev
Direction of rotation relative to porting
3) Cylinders Cylinder bore diameter
Piston rod diameter
Length of stroke
Length of stop tube If fitted
4) Pressure control valves Range of pressure adjustment
5) Solenoid-operated valves Voltage
(marked on the solenoid or coil)
A.C. frequency or D.C.
Protection classification In accordance with relevant IEC publication
6) Pressure switches Range of pressure adjustment
Pressure differential range
Voltage and current-carrying capacity of switch
Protection classification In accordance with relevant IEC publication
7) Hydraulic accumulators Serial number
(on the shell)
Year of manufacture (shell and also bag as-
sembly, as applicable)
Total shell volume (litres)
Maximum allowable pressure
Proof pressure legal stamp If legally required
Test date If legally required
Gas pre-charge pressure *NOTE - Other gases may be used if agreed
(on a label adjacent to
accumulator) "Use only nitrogen" by the manufacturer of the accumulator and
the purchaser.
Direction of flow
8) Filters
Type number and rating of elements In accordance with relevant international Stan-
9) Heat exchangers
Directions of flow of both working and cooling
Nature and maximum pressure of the transfer
Rotating shafts and couplings shall be guarded to provide Type and alignment
adequate protection against hazard.
Couplings shall be of a type approved by the pump or
motor manufacturer for the specified type of mounting
and alignment tolerances. 5.1.2 Pumps Fitting procedure MOUNTINGS
its drive motor mountings shall be suf-
Pump or motor manufacturer's recommended procedure The pump and
shall be used when fitting the coupling to the shaft. ficiently rigid to ensure adequate alignment at all times.
---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
IS0 4413-1979 (E)
5.2.4 Maintenance INLET CONNECTIONS
Piston rod seals or seal assemblies should be easily re-
a) Pump inlet piping shall be designed so that pump
inlet pressure and other conditions are in accordance
with the pump manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.2.5 Component replacement
b) Inlet pipesshould be as short and straight as possible,
and be free from sudden changes in cross-section.
Integral cylinders are undesirable but where they are used,
components liable to wear should be replaceable.
c) Inlet pipes, strainers and filters shall be free from air
leaks and should contain no pockets which could collect
5.2.6 Cushions
air bubbles.
Cylinder end stops shall be protected From damage due to DISCH AR G E CONNECTIONS
high external loads.
Means shall be provided in the pump discharge line for
5.2.7 Piston rods
purging air from the pump during initial start-up. PISTON AND ROD ASSEMBLY SUBSIDIARY CONNECTIONS
Pistons shall be positively locked to the piston rod.
Drains, air bleeds, etc., shall be so installed that they do not
allow ingress of air into the system. MATE R IA LS*
5.1.3 Hydraulic motors
If required, hard-surface or corrosion-resistant rods shall be
specified. MO U NTI N G s PROTECTION
The mounting of motors on, or in relation to, their drive
assemblies shall be sufficiently rigid to ensure adequate
Piston rods shall be protected from predictable damage.
alignment at all times. PISTON ROD ENDS OUTPUT c H A R ACT E R IST I cs
For assembly purposes, piston rods with male or female
The starting and stall torques, the effect of load variations,
screwed ends shall be provided with flats to suit standard
and the kinetic energy of the moving load, shall be con-
sidered in the application of rotary motors.
5.2.8 Air entrapment
5.2 Cylinders PORT LOCATION
5.2.1 Resistance to buckling
Where practical, cylinders shall be installed with ports
Special attention shall be given to stroke length, loading
and the conditions of assembly in order to avoid abnormal
bending or buckling of the cylinder piston rod in the
is particularly important if the
extended condition. This AIR BLEEDS
cylinder has non-rigid mountings.
Cylinders shall be mounted so that they are self-bleeding,
or accessible external air bleeds shall be provided.
5.2.2 Alignment
The alignment of rigidly mounted cylinders with dependent
5.2.9 Piston stroke
slides and other guided equipment elements shall apply no
The stroke of the piston shall always be greater than or
undue side load to the piston rod.
equal to its nominal stroke.
5.2.3 Mounting FIXING SCREWS
Fixing screws for foot-mounted cylinders shall be of a size
that will take all the predictable shear forces without any
6.1 Mounting
safety risk, unless the mounting is keyed or dowelled.
Surface-mounted and/or cartridge valves should be used
wherever practicable, so that they can be readily replaced
Mounting surfaces shall not distort cylinders, and allowances
without disturbing pipework.
shall be made for thermal expansion.
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IS0 4413-1979 (E)
6.1.2 Orientation
Surface-mounted and cartridge valves shall have means of
7.1 Fluids
ensuring correct orientation.
7.1.1 Specification*
6.1.3 Attitude
The fluid recommended for use in a system shall be defined
To ensure fail-safe conditions, the effect of gravity, impact
by type and characteristics and not solely by manufacturer's
or vibration on the main elements of a valve shall be con-
trade name.
sidered when mounting any valve.
a fire hazard exists, consideration shall be given to
the use of a fire-resistant fluid.
6.2 Fail-safe valves
Any actuator required to maintain its position during start-
7.1.2 Compatibility
up, stopping or in the event of a control system failure,
shall be controlled by a valve which is either spring biased ALL FLUIDS
to its fail-safe position or detent located.
The hydraulic fluid used shall be compatible with all the
e 6.3 Valve actuators
components and elastomers used in the system and be in
accordance with the recommendations of the equipment
6.3.1 Mechanically actuated valves
Mechanically actuated valves shall be designed or installed FIRE-RESISTANT FLUIDS
in such a way that an overload or overtravel will not cause
Additional precautions shall be taken to prevent problems
due to incompatibility of the fire-resistant fluid with
6.3.2 Electrically actuated valves
a) protective finishes and other fluids associated with ELECT R ICA L CON N ECTI O N s the system; for example paints, process and/or service
Cable entry or connector to valve actuators and the spacing
of adjacent valves shall allow for the use of protective
b) construction and installation material that can be
in contact with spilled or leaking fire-resistant fluid; for
example electrical cabling, other service supplies and
Terminal block housings should have
7.1.3 Handling precautions
a) adequate space for the terminal block and for suf-
Advisory information shall be provided by the system or
ficient free cable to allow for easy servicing;
fluid supplier on hygiene requirements for personnel when
handling the fluid, on any toxic or asphyxiating hazard in
b) captive fasteners for the cover;
the event of a fire and on any problems in the disposal of
c) suitable means to prevent loss of cover.
waste fluid. SOL EN O IDS
7.1.4 Maintenance
Solenoids shall
Means shall be available for carrying out fluid maintenance
procedures recommended by the fluid or system manu-
a) be capable of operating without malfunction at the
nominal voltage within 1 O %;
b) be protected against the entry of splashed fluid and
7.1.5 Filling and maintenance of fluid level'
Fluids used for filling and maintaining the fluid level
should be filtered during this process through a built-in or MANUAL ACTUATION
purchaser's own portable filter with a similar or finer rating
to that used in the system.
Electrically actuated valves shall incorporate facilities to be
It shall not
operated manually unless otherwise specified.
be possible to operate these facilities unintentionally. 7.2 Piping, fittings and fluid passages
6.4 Identification of actuation 7.2.1 Fluid velocity and compressibility
Symbol plates shall be attached to the valve in such a The fluid velocity
1 0 Transmissions hydrauliques - Règles générales pour
l'installation et l'utilisation d'équipements dans les systèmes
de transrpisshn et de commande
Hydraulic fluid power - General rules for the application of equipment to transmission and control systems
Première édition - 1979-02-15
CDU 621.6 : 621.8.032 Réf. no : IS0 4413-1979 (FI
Descripteurs : matériel hydraulique, transmission par fluide, matériel de commande, instruction, spécification de matériel. utilisation, pré-
vention des accidents, relation client-fournisseur.
Prix basé sur 17 pages
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale
I'ISO). L'élaboration
d'organismes nationaux de normalisation (comités membresde
des Normes internationales est confiée aux comités techniques de I'ISO. Chaque
comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du comité technique
correspondant. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec I'ISO, participent également aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont
soumis aux comités membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme
Normes internationales par le Conseil de I'ISO.
La Norme internationale IS04413 a été élaborée par le comité technique
ISO/TC 131, Transmissions hydrauliques et pneumatiques, et a été soumise aux
comités membres en septembre
Les comités membres des pays suivants l'ont approuvée :
Australie Finlande Po I og ne
Autriche Hongrie Roumanie
Belgique Inde Royaume-Uni
Brésil Italie Suède
Bulgarie Japon Suisse
Chili Mexique
Corée, Rép. de Pays-Bas U.R.S.S.
Espagne Philippines Yougoslavie
Les comités membres des pays suivants l'ont désapprouvée pour des raisons
techniques :
O Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1979 0
I imprimé en Suisse
---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
O Introduction . 1
1 Objet et domaine d'application . 1
2 Référence . 1
3 Définitions . 1
4 Conditions générales . 1
4.1 Sécurité . 1
........................................ 2
4.2 Spécifications
........................ 3
O 4.3 Présentation des documents techniques
......................................... 4
4.4 Identification
5 Transformation de l'énergie . 6
5.1 Pompes et moteurs hydrauliques . 6
5.3 Vérins . 6
6 Soupapes et distributeurs . 7
6.1 Montage . 7
6.2 Distributeurs de sûreté . 7
6.3 Commandes de distributeurs . 7
6.4 identification du fonctionnement . 8
7 Transmission et conditionnement de l'énergie . 8
7.1 Liquides . 8
7.2 Tuyauteries, raccords et passages . 8
7.3 Réservoirs du fluide . 10
7.4 Accumulateurs . 11
7.5 Filtration et conditionnement du liquide hydraulique . 11
7.6 Échangeurs de chaleur . 12
8 Dispositifs de commande . 12
8.1 Protection des circuits . 12
8.2 Commandes manuelles . 13
8.3 Emplacement des commandes . 14
8.4 Relations entre circuits . 14
8.5 Circuits asservis . 14
9 Joints et dispositifs d'étanchéité . 14
9.1 Type . 14
............................................ 14
9.2 Matières
Annexe : Sommaire des conditions de sécurité . 15
---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
Transmissions hydrauliques - Règles générales pour
l'installation et l'utilisation d'équipements dans les systèmes
de transmission et de commande
L'orientation et les recommandations données dans ce La présente Norme internationale fournit des directives
document n'ont pas un caractère légal, excepté celles des relatives aux systèmes hydrauliques des machines et installa-
paragraphes qui peuvent être inclus dans les accords contrac- tions industrielles utilisées pour des moyens de production.
tuels entre l'acheteur et le fournisseur. Toutes dérogations Elle est à considérer comme un guide, pour les fabricants et
relatives à ce document inclus dans les agréments contrac- les utilisateurs, en vue d'assurer
tuels devront aussi être agréés par écrit par l'acheteur et le
a) la sécurité du personnel;
b) la facilité et l'économie de l'entretien;
Les recommandations qui contiennent le verbe conjugé
la pratique courante applicables dans tous
«doit» sont dans
c) la continuité de la production;
les domaines et impérativement. L'usage du mot ((devrait))
d) une longue durée du matériel.
dans le document n'est pas une indication de choix, mais
une recommandation pouvant être modifiée en fonction
des particularités de certains dispositifs, des conditions
d'environnement ou des dimensions de l'équipement.
Les titres et parties du texte comportant un astérisque ("1
IS0 1 21 9, Transmissions hydrauliques et pneumatiques -
indiquent les paragraphes qui nécessitent des négociations
Symboles graphiques.
entre l'acheteur et le fournisseur pour définir soit les
conditions, soit les responsabilités, soit les deux.
L'acheteur et/ou le fournisseur doivent signaler les codes
et lois locaux et nationaux en vigueur.
Pour les définitions des termes employés dans ce document,
L'utilisation de ce document facilitera
une Norme internationale est en préparation.
a) l'établissement de conditions de sécurité et de bonne
pratique (les titres des paragraphes concernant la sécu-
rité sont soulignés; l'utilisation du mot «danger» impli-
que des risques possibles d'accident pour le personnel);
Les conditions citées dans ce chapitre s'appliquent a tout
b) l'indication par l'acheteur d'une spécification
équipement visé par ce document.
d'équipement hydraulique;
c) l'établissement par l'acheteur des avantages relatifs 4.1 Sécurité
i I
d'un équipement hydraulique similaire;
4.1 .I Notion de sécurité en cas de panne
le travail du constructeur qui doit fournir un équi-
pement hydraulique soit suivant son projet, soit à la
Lors de l'étude du schéma, prendre en consideration tous
demande d'un client.
les aspects possibles de panne (y compris les pannes du cir-
I cas, choisir, monter, régler
cuit de commande). Pour chaque
Les chapitres 4 et suivants ne doivent pas être appliqués
les composants de facon qu'en cas de panne la considéra-
sans tenir compte des chapitres 1 et 2.
tion principale soit le maximum de sécurité pour le per-
Le terme ((constructeur)) sous-entend la fourniture contrac- sonnel, tout en réduisant au minimum les dommages maté-
tuelle d'une garantie et l'obtention du but recherché. riels,
---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
IS0 4413-1979 (FI
4.2.3 interventions d'entretien
4.1.2 Règles de conception
a) Tous les composants d'un système doivent être EMPLACEMENT DE L'ÉQUIPEMENT
utilisés dans les limites précisées par leurs fabricants.
L'équipement et les tuyauteries doivent être accessibles et
b) Toutes les parties du circuit doivent être protégées
par conséquent montés de façon à ne pas gêner le réglage ou
contre les surpressions.
la maintenance de l'équipement. Une attention particulière
doit être apportée au choix de l'emplacement d'un équipe-
c) Les circuits doivent être étudiés et construits de telle
ment nécessitant des interventions régulières d'entretien.
sorte que les éléments soient accessibles avec sécurité
pour le réglage et l'entretien. REMPLACEMENT DES COMPOSANTS*
d) Les circuits doivent être étudiés, construits et réglés
pour réduire au mieux les surpressions. Pour faciliter les interventions d'entretien, les moyens doi-
vent être prévus, ou les composants doivent être montés de
e) Les surpressions et les chutes de pression ne doivent
telle manière que leur remplacement n'entraîne pas
pas être une cause de danger.
a) une perte excessive de fluide;
4.1.3 Résumé des conditions de sécurité
b) la nécessité de vidanger le réservoir;
Toutes les prescriptions de sécurité (soulignées dans le texte
c) le démontage de nombreuses pièces adjacentes.
de la présente Norme internationale) sont reproduites en
Tous les composants, équipements ou ensembles dont la
masse dépasse 15 kg, doivent présenter un moyen de levage
4.2 Spécifications
4.2.1 Conditions spéciales d'implantation * MONTAGE DE L'ÉQUIPEMENT
Le fournisseur et l'utilisateur doivent discuter des condi-
Tous les composants doivent être montés et employés
tions spéciales d'implantation et le projet doit tenir compte
conformément aux recommandations du constructeur.
de ces conditions. Exemples des indications requises
4.2.4 Plans d'implantation
a) vibrations, pollution excessive, humidité élevée;
b) installation à une altitude supérieure à 1 O00 m; SURFACE D'IMPLANTATION ET FONDATIONS
c) existence d'un risque d'incendie;
Le fournisseur doit fournir à l'acheteur des indications
quant au plan d'implantation et aux fondations. S'il y a
d) degré d'entretien admissible;
deux ensembles ou plus, leurs rapports dimensionnels
e) indications concernant le circuit électrique, à savoir doivent être spécifiés.
la tension et sa tolérance, la fréquence, le courant dispo-
(s'il est limité), etc.;
f) protection des dispositifs électriques.
Lorsque la demande en est faite par l'utilisateur et confir-
més dans l'offre de prix du fournisseur, un plan d'installa-
tion de canalisation doit être remis par le fournisseur. Des
4.2.2 Température du circuit
photos montrant clairement la disposition des tuyauteries
et le montage, peuvent le remplacer suivant accord des GÉNÉRATION DE CHALEUR
deux parties.
Les circuits hydrauliques doivent être conçus de façon à
dégager un minimum de chaleur superflue.
4.2.5 Choix des constituants
Le fournisseur doit utiliser les pièces disponibles dans le TEMP É R ATU RE DE FONCTION N EM ENT*
commerce (clavettes, paliers, garniture, joints, rondelles
bouchons, éléments d'assemblage, etc.) et une configura-
L'échelle complète des températures ambiantes, dans les-
tion des pièces (dimensions des arbres et clavetages, dimen-
quelles l'équipement sera exposé, doit être indiquée. La
sions des lumières, montages, modèle d'interface, etc.) qui
température d'entrée de pompe ne devrait pas dépasser
sont fabriquées suivant les Normes internationales en
60 OC, pour l'huile minérale, à température ambiante maxi-
vigueur permettant un codage uniforme.
male. L'équipement doit fonctionner de façon satisfaisante
dans des conditions de température ambiante minimale.
4.2.6 Langues*
Des conditions spéciales peuvent être appliquées pour
L'acheteur et le fournisseur doivent se mettre d'accord sur
d'autres fluides.
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IS0 4413-1979 (F)
la langue utilisée dans la documentation technique et le Docu M E NTS D É F IN ITIFS
fournisseur a la responsabilité de faire en sorte que la tra-
a) Les schémas, dessins et textes définitifs, y compris
duction rende fidèlement le texte original.
les documents d'entretien, doivent être conformes à
l'équipement fourni et doivent être envoyés au plus
NOTE - Une Norme internationale sur la representation graphique
tard à la date de livraison de cet équipement.
des canalisations est en préparation.
*b) Lorsque cela sera demandé à la commande ou
dans l'appel d'offre, les schémas et dessins définitifs
4.2.7 Consignes pour Ilentretien
doivent être sur support reproductible non plié.
Le fournisseur doit fournir à l'acheteur des renseignements
le matériel hydraulique, à
détaillés pour l'entretien de tout MAN U E LS D-E NT R ETI E N *
savoir :
Le fournisseur doit informer l'utilisateur de la disponibilité
a) description des modes opératoires pour la mise en
de manuels d'entretien pour le matériel standard [comme
marche et pour l'arrêt;
g) et h)].
indiqué en 4.2.7
b) description des modes opératoires pour les réglages; MOD IF IC AT IO NS
c) indication des points de graissage extérieurs et du
Chaque fois que le fournisseur introduit des modifications,
type de lubrifiant adéquat;
celles-ci doivent être enregistrées et l'acheteur doit en être
d) indication des opérations d'entretien pour des
ensembles spéciaux;
4.2.1 O Préparation pour le transport
e) emplacements des indicateurs de niveau du fluide,
points de remplissage et de vidange, filtres, points de
contrôle, crépines, aimants qui exigent un entretien
régulier programmé dans le temps;
Dans le cas où la construction de l'équipement exige un
transport par sections, les tuyauteries démontées et les
f) instructions d'entretien pour le fluide;
orifices se raccordant doivent être repérés d'une facon
g) identification supplémentaire des pièces des éléments
hydrauliques qui se trouvent dans le commerce et sont EMBALLAGE*
fabriquées suivant une Norme internationale comportant
un codage uniforme; l'identification doit être le numéro
Tout le matériel doit être emballé de facon à être protégé
de pièce du fabricant ou celle prévue par le code de la
contre les détériorations et déformations et à conserver son
identification pendant le transport.
h) liste de pièces de rechange recommandées. OBTURATION DES OUVERTURES
Les ouvertures non abritées dans le matériel hydraulique
4.2.8 Essais
doivent être obturées et les filetages mâles protégés durant
le transport. Ces protections ne doivent être enlevées qu'au ESSAIS DE FONCTIONNEMENT
moment du remontage; seuls les bouchons d'étanchéité
dont la suppression est indispensable pour pouvoir effectuer
Les performances d'un système hydraulique doivent être
le nouvel assemblage, doivent être utilisés.
vérifiés complètement afin de déterminer la conformité
avec le présent document et avec les spécifications du
4.3 Présentation des documents techniques
Dans l'établissement du schéma et des caractéristiques LIMITE DE BRUIT'
techniques, les prescriptions spécifiées en 4.3.1 et 4.3.2
doivent être adoptées.
Les systèmes hydrauliques installés doivent être conformes
du point de vue du bruit, aux niveaux acoustiques admis au
4.3.1 Schémas hydrauliques
moment du contrat.
a) Les schémas de circuits doivent utiliser les symboles FUITES DE FLUIDE
de 1'1S0 1219. Une Norme internationale pour la repré-
sentation graphique des conduits est en préparation.
II ne doit pas y avoir de fuites extérieures non intention-
nelles en provenance de l'équipement hydraulique lors de
b) Sauf indication contraire, les symboles doivent
la réception chez le client.
représenter les unités au repos (c'est-à-dire sans alimen-
tation, circuits au repos et prêts au départ).
4.2.9 Documentation à fournir par le fournisseur
c) Les positions relatives des unités représentées ne
Les documents suivants doivent être fournis : doivent pas nécessairement correspondre à des positions
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IS0 4413-1979 (F)
m) indication claire du fonctionnement de chaque
réelles, mais doivent être telles que le circuit soit facile à
élément de commande dans chaque sens;
n) pression de précharge des accumulateurs et leur
d) Les croisements de lignes devraient être maintenus
volume nominal;
à un minimum.
O) dimension, type et emplacement des points de
e) Chaque élément du schéma d’un circuit doit avoir
contrôle et de purge dans le circuit;
une désignation ou une identification séparée (voir 4.4.2
p) identification de tous les orifices des éléments ou
des collecteurs (comme indiqué sur les éléments);
f) Les orifices et les points de raccordement de mesures
et de purge doivent être identifiés (voir 4.4.3 et 7.2.6).
q) débit et pressions minimale et maximale prévus et
température maximale de l’agent de refroidissement.
g) Les conduites parcourues par un débit entre unités
motrices et machines doivent être identifiées à leurs
deux extrémités.
4.4 Identification
4.4.1 Composants
4.3.2 Caractéristiques techniques
Les renseignements ci-après doivent être portés sous une
Les informations suivantes doivent être incluses dans un
forme permanente et facilement visible sur tous les élé-
schéma de circuits ou fournies avec lui :
ments de l‘équipement :
a) identification de tout le matériel hydraulique par un
a) nom et adresse abrégée du fabricant;
nom, un numéro de catalogue, un numéro de série ou de
dessin et par le nom du fabricant;
b) désignation du type ou du modèle donnée par le
b) dimensions, épaisseur de parois et spécification des
conduites en tubes et tuyaux rigides ou souples.
c) symboles suivant I’ISO 1219, et tous les orifices
correctement identifiés;
c) diamètre de chaque piston et tige de vérin, longueur
de course, force estimée et vitesse exigée pour le service
d) pression maximale admise pour un fonctionnement
d) volume déplacé par tour, couple de sortie, vitesse et
Lorsque la lisibilité des indications est compromise par
sens de rotation exigés pour le service prévu de chaque
se réduire au nom du
manque de place, l’identification peut
moteur hydraulique;
fabricant accompagné de la désignation du type ou du
e) débit et sens de rotation de chaque pompe, observé
de l’extrémité de son arbre d’entraînement;
En outre, les particularités spécifiques indiquées dans le
tableau 1 doivent être indiquées.
f) puissance, fréquence de rotation et type de chaque
moteur d’entraînement de pompe;
4.4.2 Composants faisant partie d‘un circuit
g) réglage en pression de chaque soupape régulatrice de
Chaque composant doit être repéré par un nombre et/ou
une lettre. Ce repère doit identifier le composant sur les
h) type des crépines et filtres avec, de préférence, le
schémas, nomenclatures et plans d’installation. II devrait
détail des éléments de rechange et indication de leur
être marqué nettement et en permanence sur une plaque
adjacente et non sur le composant lui-même.
i) volume de fluide nécessaire pour remplir le système
à son niveau maximal;
4.4.3 Orifices
j) type de fluide recommandé et gamme de viscosité;
Les orifices des appareils, y compris ceux de pilotage,
k) lorsque cela est spécifié, graphique des séquences
points de contrôle et de purge, etc., doivent être identifiés
le temps, par exemple durée d‘un cycle, et données
clairement, d’une facon permanente, avec le même symbole
les deux, montrant les opérations effec-
ou texte, ou
d‘identification porté sur le schéma du circuit.
y compris les fonctions des commandes électri-
ques et mécaniques et des éléments de commande
4.4.4 Organes de commande des soupapes
I) indication claire de tous circuits intéressés par des COMMANDES AUTRES QUE ÉLECTRIQUES
collecteurs; dans le cas où l‘on utilise des lignes ou enve-
loppes délimitant les circuits, ces lignes ne doivent Ces commandes et leurs fonctions doivent être identifiées
renfermer aucun symbole d’un élément qui n’est pas de facon claire et permanente avec la même identification
monté sur le collecteur de circuit ou dans celui-ci; que sur le schéma.
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IS0 4413-1979 (F)
TABLEAU 1 - Indications complémentaires devant figurer sur les composants
Composants Indication et légende
~~ ~
1) Pompes Volume déplacé par tour
Sens de rotation
Volume déplacé par tour
2) Moteurs hydrauliques
Sens de rotation par rapport aux orifices
3) Vérins Diamètre d'alésage
Diamètre de piston
Longueur tube butée S'il existe
4) Régulateurs de pression Plage de réglage
5) Electrovannes
(marqué sur l'inducteur ou bobine)
Fréquence du courant alternatif, ou courant
Classification de la protection Conforme à la Publication CE1 appropriée
6) Manocontacts Plage de réglage
Plage des pressions différentielles
Tension et intensité que peut supporter
Classification de la protection Conforme à la Publication CE1 appropriée
Numéro de série
7) Accumulateurs hydrauliques
(sur l'enveloppe)
Année de fabrication (enveloppe et, s'il y a
lieu, vessie
Volume total de I'enveioppe (litres)
Pression maximale admissible
Timbre \égal de pression d'épreuve Si la loi l'exige
Date d'essai Si la loi l'exige
*NOTE - D'autres gaz peuvent être utilises
(sur une plaque adjacente à Pression de précharge
s'ils sont agréés par le fabricant d'accumula-
I 'accu mu1 ateu r {(Employer uniquement l'azote))
teurs et le client.
Sens de l'écoulement
8) Filtres
Numéro du type et degré de filtration Conforme à la Norme Internationale appro-
Sens de l'écoulement des fluides fonctionnels
9) Échangeurs de chaleur
et de refroidissement
Nature et pression maximale du fluide d'échange
circuit, soupapes de non retour, etc.) situes dans un collec- CO M M AN D ES É LE CTR IQU ES
teur, une embase, un tampon ou un raccord doivent être
Les commandes électriques doivent être identifiées sur les identifiés à côté de I,ouverture qui y donne accès. D~~~ le
schémas électriques et hydrauliques avec la même identifi- cas où ces dTaccès un ou ,-,lu.
sieurs éléments, l'identification doit être à côté de 1'616-
ment et doit porter la mention ((cachée)).
4.4.5 Organes internes
4.4.6 Plaques d'identification de postes de commande
Les soupapes du type a cartouche et autres dispositifs
Une plaque d'identification doit être prévue pour chaque
fonctionnels (bouchons d'orifices et passages, sélecteurs de
---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
élément d'un poste de commande et placée en un endroit
où elle puisse être lue facilement par l'opérateur qui utilise
a) Les tuyauteries aboutissant à l'entrée des pompes
l'équipement. L'information portée sur la plaque doit être
doivent être conçues de telle sorte que la pression d'aspi-
et facile à comprendre, fournissant une identifi-
ration à la pompe et les autres conditions soient confor-
cation certaine de la fonction de l'appareil commandé.
mes aux recommandations du fabricant.
b) Les tuyauteries d'aspiration devraient être aussi
courtes et aussi rectilignes que possible et être exemptes
5 TRANSFORMATION DE L'ÉNERGIE de variations brusques de section intérieure.
c) Les tuyauteries d'aspiration, filtres et crépines doi-
5.1 Pompes et moteurs hydrauliques
vent être exempts des entrées d'air et ne devraient pas
contenir de poches susceptibles d'accumuler des bulles
5.1 .I Généralités
Les pompes et les moteurs hydrauliques doivent être
Des dispositifs doivent être prévus sur la conduite de refou-
montés là où ils sont protégés contre les détériorations
lement d'une pompe pour purger l'air lors de la mise en
prévisibles, ou être munis d'une protection convenable.
La dimension et l'aboutissement des drains des pompes et
Les drains, purges d'air, etc., doivent être installés de façon
moteurs doivent correspondre aux spécifications du cons-
à ne pas permettre de rentrées d'air dans le circuit.
tructeur de l'élément.
5.1.3 Moteurs hydrauliques PR É-R EM PLISSAG E DES CARTERS MONTAGE
Dans les cas où les spécifications du constructeur exigent
un remplissage préalable des carters des pompes ou moteurs
Le montage des moteurs sur leurs ensembles d'entraîne-
avec du fluide avant de démarrer, on doit prévoir des dispo-
ment, ou par rapport à ceux-ci, doit être suffisamment
le remplissage et les placer
sitifs facilement accessibles pour
rigide pour assurer toujours un alignement convenable.
de façon à éviter que de l'air ne reste emprisonné dans le
Les couples de démarrage et de calage, les effets d'une varia-
tion de charge et de l'énergie cinétique de la charge mobile
doivent être pris en considération dans les applications des Type d'accouplement et alignement
moteurs rotatifs.
Les accouplements doivent être d'un type approuvé par le
fabricant de pompes ou de moteurs selon le type de mon-
5.2 Vérins
tage et les tolérances spécifiés.
5.2.1 Résistance 5 la flexion Mode de montage des accouplements
Une attention particulière doit être portée à la course, à la
Le mode opératoire recommandé par le fabricant doit être
charge et aux conditions d'assemblage, afin d'éviter tout
suivi pour l'adaptation de l'accouplement sur l'arbre de la
flambage ou toute flexion de la tige lorsqu'elle est sortie.
Ceci est particulièrement important si le vérin n'est pas
monté sur une fixation rigide. PROTECTION DES ACCOUPLEMENTS
5.2.2 Alignement
Les arbres en rotation et les accouplements doivent être
munis d'une protection pour assurer à tout instant la sécu-
L'alignement de vérins montés rigidement avec des glissières,
rité du personnel.
ou autres éléments guidés qu'ils entraînent, doit être tel
que la tige de piston ne soit pas soumise à une charge trans-
versale inadmissible.
5.1.2 Pompes
5.2.3 Montage SUPPORTS
Les supports de pompes et de moteurs doivent être suffi- VIS DE FIXATION
samment rigides pour assurer toujours un alignement conve-
Les vis de fixation des vérins montés sur pattes doivent
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IS0 4413-1979 (F)
être de dimension suffisante pour résister à tous les efforts 6 SOUPAPES ET DISTRIBUTEURS
de cisaillement prévisibles sans présenter de danger, à moins
les fixations ne soient clavetées ou goujonnées.
6.1.1 Méthode
La surface de montage ne doit pas déformer le vérin et un
Dans la mesure du possible, il convient d'utiliser des soupa-
la dilatation thermique.
jeu doit être prévu pour permettre pes à cartouche ou montées sur embase, afin de faciliter le
remplacement sans démonter les tuyauteries.
5.2.4 Entretien
Les garnitures d'étanchéité des tiges de piston devraient
6.1.2 Orientation
être aisément remplacables.
Les soupapes à cartouche ou montées sur embase doivent
comporter des moyens d'assurer une orientation correcte
5.2.5 Échange de composants
des passages.
Les vérins intégrés dans la mécanique sont à éviter. Si l'on
en utilise, les pièces sujettes à usure devraient être rem-
1) placables.
6.1.3 Positionnement
Les effets de la pesanteur, des chocs et des vibrations sur les
5.2.6 Amortisseurs
éléments principaux des soupapes doivent être pris en consi-
dération afin d'assurer toutes conditions de sécurité en cas
Les arrêts de fin de course des vérins doivent être protégés
de panne.
contre les dommages dus a des forces externes élevées.
5.2.7 Tiges de piston
6.2 Distributeurs à sûreté intégrée ASSEMBLAGE DES PISTONS SUR TIGES
Tout organe moteur dont il est exigé qu'il garde sa position
pendant le démarrage, à l'arrêt ou en cas de panne du sys-
Les pistons doivent être parfaitement solidaires des tiges.
tème de commande, doit être commandé par un distribu-
à sûreté intégrée immobilisé par un ressort ou par un
teur MATE R IA U x *
cran d'arrêt.
Si nécessaire, l'exigence de tiges ayant une surface dure ou
résistante à la corrosion doit être spécifiée.
6.3 Commandes de distributeurs PROTECTION
6.3.1 Distributeurs à commande manuelle
La tige de piston doit être protégée contre tous dommages
prévisibles. Les distributeurs à commande manuelle doivent être concus
et installés de facon telle qu'une surcharge ou un dépasse-
ment de course éventuels ne provoquent aucun dégât. EXTRÉMITÉ DE TIGES DE PISTON
Aux fins d'assemblage, les tiges de piston à extrémités
filetées mâle ou femelle doivent comporter des plats accep-
6.3.2 Distributeurs à commande électrique
tant des clés normalisées. RA CCO R DE M EN TS É LE CT R IQ U ES
5.2.8 Inclusion d air
Les entrées de câbles ou les raccordements aux dispositifs
de commande, ainsi que la distance entre appareils voisins, EMPLACEMENT DES ORIFICES
doivent permettre l'utilisation d'une conduite de protec-
tion des câbles.
Si possible, les vérins doivent être installés de facon que les
orifices soient au point haut. 6OiTlER DE PLAQUE À BORNES PURGEUR D'AIR
Le boîtie
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