ISO/DIS 2415
(Main)Forged shackles for general lifting purposes -- Dee shackles and bow shackles
Forged shackles for general lifting purposes -- Dee shackles and bow shackles
Manilles forgées pour levage -- Manilles droites et manilles lyres
General Information
Standards Content (sample)
ISO/DIS 2415
ISO/TC 111/SC 3 Secretariat: JISC
Voting begins on: Voting terminates on:
2019-06-27 2019-09-19
Forged shackles for general lifting purposes — Dee
shackles and bow shackles
Manilles forgées pour levage — Manilles droites et manilles lyres
ICS: 53.020.30
This document is circulated as received from the committee secretariat.
Reference number
ISO/DIS 2415:2019(E)
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1 Scope .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions.................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Form and dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 3
5 Mechanical properties ................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Material ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
7 Heat treatment .............................................................................................................................................. 11
8 Workmanship ................................................................................................................................................ 12
9 Screw threads ................................................................................................................................................ 12
10 Type testing .................................................................................................................................................... 12
11 Manufacturing testing................................................................................................................................. 14
12 Marking ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
13 Manufacturer’s certificate ......................................................................................................................... 15
14 Instructions for use ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Annex A (informative) Designation .................................................................................................................... 17
Annex B (informative) Safe use of shackles ..................................................................................................... 18
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................. 25
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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— xxx xxxxxxx xxx xxxx
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Forged shackles for general lifting purposes — Dee shackles and
bow shackles
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the general characteristics of forged dee and bow shackles in a
range of sizes having working load limits from 0,5 t to 120 t and in Grades 6, 8 and 10, and presents their
performance and preferred dimensions necessary for their interchangeability and compatibility with
other components for use in the temperature range of -20 °C to 200 °C.In case of dee shackles for use with forged steel lifting hooks in conformance with ISO 4779 and ISO 7597,
an intermediate component may be necessary for making the connection.2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 148-1, Metallic materials — Charpy pendulum impact test — Part 1: Test method
ISO 261, ISO general purpose metric screw threads — General planISO 263, ISO inch screw threads — General plan and selection for screws, bolts and nuts — Diameter range
0,06 to 6 inISO 643, Steels — Micrographic determination of the apparent grain size
ISO 4948-1, Steel — Classification — Part 1: Classification of steels into unalloyed and alloy steel based on
chemical compositionISO 6506-1, Metallic materials — Brinell hardness test — Part 1: Test method
ISO 6508-1, Metallic materials — Rockwell hardness test — Part 1: Test method (scales A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H,
K, N, T)ISO 7500-1, Metallic materials — Calibration and verification of static uniaxial testing machines — Part 1:
Tension/compression testing machines — Calibration and verification of the force-measuring system
ISO 10474, Steel and steel products — Inspection documents3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
component consisting of two readily separable parts, the body and the pin
one of the two parts of a shackle, consisting of a bar of suitable cross section formed or forged to the
appropriate shape and terminating in coaxial eyes© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 1
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that part of the shackle body opposite the pin
boss on each end of the body with coaxial holes through which the pin passes
straight bar of circular cross section which passes through the eye, holes and secured in a manner that
can be readily disassembled. Some types may have additional components for example: a nut
3.6dee shackle
shackle, the crown of which forms a semicircle with an inner radius of half the width between the eyes
See Figure 1.3.7
bow shackle
shackle, the crown of which forms more than a semicircle with an inner radius of more than half the width
between the eyesSee Figure 2.
breaking force
maximum force reached during a static tensile test before the assembly being tested fails to retain the
proof force
force applied as a test to a finished shackle
See Table 2.
working load limit
maximum mass a shackle is designed to sustain in general service
working load
maximum mass a shackle may sustain in a particular stated service
finished condition
finished condition of a shackle shall include any surface finish. Shackles are supplied in various surface
finishes including descaled, electroplated, hot dip galvanized or painted. If shackles are to be hot dip
galvanized or subjected to similar processes, such processing should only be carried out under the control
of the shackle manufacturer2 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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4 Form and dimensions
4.1 Dee shackles
The dimensions of dee shackles shall be in accordance with Figure 1 and Table 1.
1 crown
2 body
3 screwed pin with eye and collar — Type W (see Figure 3)
4 eye
5 bolt-type pin with hexagon head, hexagon nut and split cotter pin — Type X (see Figure 3)
NOTE This diagram is intended only to show where dimensions are measured. It does not purport to indicate any detailed
design of any part of the shackle.Figure 1 — Dimensions of dee shackles
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4.2 Bow shackles
The dimensions of bow shackles shall be in accordance with Figure 2 and Table 1.
1 crown
2 body
3 screwed pin with eye and collar — Type W (see Figure 3)
4 eye
5 bolt-type pin with hexagon head, hexagon nut and split cotter pin — Type X (see Fcigure 3)
NOTE This diagram is intended only to show where dimensions are measured. It does not purport to indicate any detailed
design of any part of the shackle.Figure 2 — Dimensions of bow shackles
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Table 1 — Preferred Dimensions of Dee and Bow Shackles
Dimensions in millimetres
Working Load Limit
d D W e S 2r
Grade Grade Grade
min. typ. max. min. typ. max. min. typ. max. min. typ. max. min. typ. min.
6 8 10
0,5 0,75 5,5 7 8 7 8 9 9,5 12 14,5 15,5 17 18,5 20 27 19
0,75 1 7 9 10 8,5 9,5 10,5 11 13,5 16 18,5 20 21,5 25 29 20
1 1,5 2 9 10 11,5 10 11 12 14 16,5 19 22 23,5 25 27 32 24
1,5 2 2,5 10,2 11 12,7 11,2 12,2 13,2 16,5 19 21,5 25 26,5 28 33 39 27
2 2,5 3,3 12,5 13,5 15 15 16 17 19 21,5 24 29,5 32 34,5 38 44 30
3,25 4 5 14 16 19 17 19 21 24 27 30 38 40 43 47 57 39
4,75 6,3 7 17,5 19 22,5 20 22 24 28,5 31,5 34,5 44 46 49 52 65 48
6,5 8,5 9,5 20,5 22 25,5 23 25 27 33,5 36,5 39,5 50 52 55 65 76 55
8,5 9,5 12,5 23 25 28 26 28 30 40 43 46 56 59 62 74 88 64
9,5 12 15 26,5 28 31,5 30 32 34 43,5 46,5 49,5 64 67 70 83 101 70
12 13,5 18 30,5 32 35,5 33 35 37 47,5 51,5 55,5 70 73 76 87 108 78
13,5 17 21 33,5 35 39,5 36 38 40 53 57 61 76 80 84 104 126 85
17 25 30 36,5 38 42,5 40 42 44 56 60 64 84 88 92 115 139 94
25 35 40 43 45 49 49 51 53 70 74 78 100 104 108 139 168 119
35 42,5 50 48 50 52 56 58 60 79 83 87 108 112 116 155 182 130
42,5 50 55 55 57 59 63 65 67 90 95 100 126 130 134 170 205 150
55 70 85 62 65 68 68 70 72 100 105 110 140 145 150 185 240 170
85 100 120 72 75 78 80 83 86 122 127 132 157 162 167 205 300 180
120 87 90 95 92 95 98 142 147 152 205 210 215 250 370 225
NOTE Sizes, tolerances and loads in other standards are not specifically excluded by this table and may be deemed compliant.
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4.3 Hole diameter
The maximum diameter of the unthreaded hole or holes in the body of the shackle shall be either 1,1 x D
or D + 1,5 mm, whichever is greater, where D is the actual pin diameter.Holes in shackle bodies shall be generally aligned coaxially with each other and concentric to the outside
diameter of the eyes. Centre of the shackle eye and centre of the hole to be the same within a tolerance
of ±5% of the nominal diameter of the shackle pin.4.4 Types of shackle pin
The threaded shackle pins shown in Figure 3 illustrate only typical examples of pins; other suitable forms
of pins are acceptable.The pins illustrated are of the following types:
- A)Type V: screwed with eye;
- B)Type W: screwed with eye and collar;
- C)Type X: bolt with hexagon head, hexagon nut and a retainer, for example a split pin;
- D)Type Y: countersunk and slotted head.For the purpose of the designation system (see Annex A), all other types of pins are designated as being
of Type Z.6 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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a) Type V: screwed with eye
b) Type W: screwed with eye and collar
c) Type X: bolt with hexagon head, hexagon nut and a retainer: for example a split pin
d) Type Y: countersunk and slotted headFigure 3 — Typical examples of shackle pin types
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5 Mechanical properties
5.1 General
The mechanical properties of the shackles in terms of proof force and breaking force shall be as specified
in Table 2.Table 2 — Mechanical properties
Working load limit Proof force Breaking force
e b
t kN kN
Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade
6 8 10 6 8 10 6 8 10
See Table 1 Min. 2 times WLL Min. 5 times WLL
In the tests specified in 5.2 to 5.4, the force shall be applied to the shackle axially without shock to the
crown of the body, using a test machine fixture having a dimension not greater than 60 % of the
maximum internal width of the shackle, and to the centre of the shackle pin, using a testing machine
fixture having a width not exceeding the diameter of the pin. The fixtures that are used for the
deformation resistance test, break force test and fatigue test shall be the same.
The test machine used in the tests specified in 5.2 to 5.4 shall comply with ISO 7500-1 Class 1.
5.2 Deformation resistance testEach shackle, when tested in accordance with 10.2, shall be capable of sustaining the manufacturing proof
force to 2 x WLL without exceeding the deformation requirement, i.e. no dimension shall alter by more
than 2% (or 0,5 mm whichever is greater), of the initial dimension (in both directions X and Y) after the
proof force has been applied. After removal of the test force, the pin, when loosened, shall turn freely (see
Figure 4). Small indents from the test tools are allowed.To remove deformation due to “setting” from a real deformation result, it is allowed to apply an initial
load as big as the WLL of the shackle being tested and measure initial dimensions after release of this first
load.Figure 4 — Positions for measuring deformation
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5.3 Breaking force
Each shackle, when tested in accordance with 10.3, shall have a breaking force at least equal to that
specified in Table 2.On completion of the breaking force test, the shackle shall show evidence of ductility. Dee shackles shall
have a minimum inside length increase of 5 % for Grade 6 and 8, and 2 % for Grade 10. Bow shackles
shall have a minimum inside length increase of 10 % for Grade 6 and 8, and 5 % for Grade 10.
Measurements are taken from bearing point to bearing point.If the pin breaks, it shall show a permanent bend of not less than 20 degrees for Grades 6 and 8, and Grade
10 shall show a permanent bend of not less than 10 degrees. A shackle bow shall show a diameter
reduction (contraction) after breaking and there shall be a fine grained structure in the fracture area.
NOTE 1 This test may be carried out on the same shackles that have been subjected to the deformation test.
NOTE 2 It is not necessary to test the shackle up to its actual breaking force for the mechanical properties specified to be
demonstrated.5.4 Fatigue resistance
Each shackle of Grade 6, 8 and 10 with a working load limit up to and including 32 t, when tested in
accordance with 10.4, shall, after at least 20 000 cycles, be capable of retaining the load.
Fatigue resistance testing may be conducted on shackles that have passed a proof load test.
6 Material6.1 General
The steel shall be produced by an electric, or by an oxygen-blown process.
In its finished state, as supplied to the shackle manufacturer, the steel shall comply with the requirements
specified in 6.2, as determined by a cast or check analysis on the bar or on the finished shackle.
The steel shall be fully killed, shall be suitable for forging and shall be capable of being heat treated to
obtain the mechanical properties required by this International Standard. Its content of sulfur and
phosphorus shall be restricted in accordance with Table 3.Table 3 — Maximum sulfur and phosphorus content
Maximum mass content
Cast analysis Check analysis
Sulfur 0,025 0,030
Phosphorus 0,025 0,030
The steel shall be made in conformity with fine grain practice in order to obtain an austenitic grain size
of 5 or finer when tested in accordance with ISO 643.© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved 9
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NOTE This could be achieved, for example, by ensuring that the steel contains sufficient aluminium or an equivalent
element to permit the manufacture of shackles stabilized against strain-age-embrittlement during service; a minimum value of
0,020 % of total aluminium is given for guidance.Within the limitations specified above, it is the responsibility of the shackle manufacturer to select steel
such that the finished shackle, suitably heat-treated, complies with the requirements of the mechanical
properties specified in this International Standard.6.2 Specific requirements for grade 8 and 10
The steel for Grade 8 and Grade 10 shackles shall contain at least two of the following elements, in
minimum mass content percentages. This is determined by cast analysis. The alloying proportions are:
- 0,4 % nickel;- 0,4 % chromium;
- 0,15 % molybdenum.
For Grade 6 there is no alloying element required
6.3 Grade
Definition of grade:
Table 4 — Material strength
Minimum Ultimate Tensile
Strength of the Material
6 600
8 800
10 1000
Shackles comply with this standard if the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the material, in Table 4
combined with the basic requirements of this standard are documented by positive type test results of
the shackles, and at the same WLL, bow shackles shall not exceed the nominal stress at d of dee
minshackles (see Table 1).
6.4 Charpy impact test
Samples shall be tested from both shackle pins and bodies at a temperature of -20 °C. They shall have a
minimum impact value as stated in Table 5. No individual test value shall be less than 27J.
The Charpy V-notch impact test shall be carried out in accordance with ISO 148-1 on shackles of all sizes
>=13 mm. The position of the notched specimen in the sample shall be as indicated in Figure 5.
For tests where the size of shackle is too small to provide a suitable test piece, tests may be carried out
on sample material which shall be of the same cast and heat treatment.10 © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved
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1. Approx 1/3 r
2. Notch
Figure 5 — Position and orientation of the notched specimen in a sample
Table 5 — Charpy V-notch impact value
Charpy V-notch impact test at -20 °C
Grade minimum energy
6 27
8 27
10 27
NOTE In case a lower application temperature is used the minimum requirement for the impact value is still as stated in
Table 5, at that lower application temperature.7 Heat treatment
7.1 Grades 6, 8 and 10
Each shackle shall be hardened from a temperature above the AC3 point and tempered before being
subjected to the manufacturing proof force. The tempering temperature shall be a minimum of 400 °C.
The tempering conditions shall be at least as effective as a temperature of 400 °C maintained for a period
of 1 h.A method of verification is that after the shackles have been re-heated to, and maintained for 1 h at, 400 °C
and then cooled to room temperature; they should conform to the mechanical properties of Table 2.
If an alternative heat treatment method is used, the mechanical properties of Table 2 shall be proven by
performance testing on sample shackles after they have been heated to 420 °C and then cooled to room
temperature.Surface hardening shall not be permitted for load bearing parts of the shackle.
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8 Workmanship
8.1 Manufacture
The shackle body shall be forged in one piece without welding. Neither the shackle body nor the pin shall
be cast or welded. Welding shall not be used during the manufacturing of the components unless:
a) none of the parts to be welded are load bearing; orb) the area affected by the weld is not to be subjected to load under normal operating conditions or under any
foreseeable misuse of the shackle, and the welding is completed before heat treatment.
c) care should be taken during welding to ensure that the mechanical properties of any load bearing parts of the
finished shackle are not affectedd) all welds shall be smoothly finished
Excess metal from the forging operation shall be removed cleanly leaving the surface free from sharp
edges. After heat-treatment, furnace scale shall be removed.Edges of machined surfaces shall be rounded to eliminate cutting edges and to ensure attainment of
mechanical properties of the shackle.The pin shall be either forged or machine-finished. The collar or head of the pin shall fit closely against
the body of the shackle.When a threaded pin is fully tightened, the length of thread which remains visible between the jaws of
the shackle shall not be greater than one and a half threads.In all cases when the pin is correctly fitted in the body of the shackle, the jaw width, W (see Figures 1 and
2), shall not be significantly reduced.For safety bolt shackles, pin type X (see Figure 3), the bolt should not have threads visible between the
shackle eyes.The finished shackle body and pin shall be free from any harmful surface defects, including cracks.
Due to the risk of hydrogen embrittlement, care should be taken during electroplating or galvanizing to
ensure that the mechanical properties of any load bearing parts of the finished shackle are not affected.
9 Screw threadsScrew threads shall conform to either ISO 261 minimum class 7H/8g or to ISO 263 minimum class 1A/1B.
Alternative forms of thread may be used, provided that the performance of the shackle is not impaired.
NOTE It is allowed to use undercutting the threads for male and/or overcutting threads for female to make a hot dipped
galvanizing or other coating possible.10 Type testing
10.1 General
Type tests demonstrate that shackles certified by the manufacturer complying with the requirements
laid down in this International Standard possess the mechanical properties specified in this International
Standard. The purpose of these tests is to prove the performance of the design, material, heat treatment
and method of manufacture of each size of finished shackle, including protective coating (if applied). Any
modification of the design, material specification, heat treatment or method of manufacture — including
protective coating (if applied) — or in any dimension outside normal manufacturing tolerances that could
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lead to a change of the mechanical properties according to Clause 5, shall require that the type tests
specified in 10.2 to 10.5 be carried out on the modified shackle.All shackles to be type tested shall comply with all the other requirements laid down in this International
Standard. The tests specified in 10.2 to 10.5 shall be carried out on each shackle size, design, material,
heat treatment and method of manufacture, in its finished condition. This includes protective coating if
applied.In the tests specified in 10.2 to 10.4, the force shall be applied as stated in 5.1
10.2 Deformation resistance testThree samples shall be tested and each shall be capable of sustaining the proof force specified for the
shackle in Table 2.The requirements for the state of deformation shall be as stated in 5.2.
NOTE See also Clause 11 for proof testing of shackles, where required.
10.3 Breaking force test
Three samples shall be tested. Each shackle shall reach the minimum value specified in Table 2. This test
may be carried out on the same shackles that have been submitted to the deformation resistance test.
10.4 Fatigue testShackles with a working load limit of up to and including 32 t shall be subjected to the fatigue test.
Three samples shall be tested and each shall be capable of sustaining at least 20 000 cycles of the force
range specified below without failing to retain the load.The force range applied during each cycle shall be equal to 1,5 times the working load limit specified in
Table 1. The minimum force in each cycle shall be positive and less than or equal to 3 kN. The frequency
of force application shall be maximum 25 Hz10.5 Charpy impact test
Three samples shall be tested from both shackle pins and bodies at a temperature of -20 °C. They shall
have a minimum impact value as stated in Table 5.10.6 Acceptance criteria for type testing
10.6.1 Deformation resistance test
If all three samples pass the test, the shackle of the size submitted for type testing may be deemed to
conform to this International Standard.10.6.2 Static strength test and fatigue test
If all three samples pass the test, the shackle of the size submitted for type testing may be deemed to
conform to this International Standard.If one of the samples fails, two further samples shall be tested and both shall pass the test in order for the
shackle of the size submitted for type testing to comply with this International Standard. If two or three
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samples fail the test, the shackle of the size submitted for type testing shall not be deemed to conform
with this International Standard.10.6.3 Charpy impact test
All three samples, for both body and pin, shall have a minimum impact value as stated in Table 5 in order
for the shackle of the size submitted for type testing to conform to this International Standard.
11 Manufacturing testingThe manufacturer shall carry out manufacturing testing for each produced batch of shackles in their
finished condition.11.1 Visual examination
All shackles shall be visually exam
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