ISO 19375:2024
(Main)Fibre-reinforced composites — Measurement of interfacial shear strength by means of a micromechanical single-fibre pull-out test
Fibre-reinforced composites — Measurement of interfacial shear strength by means of a micromechanical single-fibre pull-out test
This document specifies a test method for determining the interfacial shear strength between a single fibre and a matrix by means of a pull-out test. The method can be used to measure the critical energy release rate. The method is applicable to reinforcement fibres, such as carbon fibres, glass fibres, basalt fibres and similar stiff reinforcement fibres and to thermoset, thermoplastic and fine-grained concrete matrices. It can be used for polymeric reinforcement fibres and for other inorganic matrices. It is not applicable to: a) elastomeric fibres and elastomeric matrices such as rubber; b) matrices which cure or melt at temperatures above 400 °C; c) matrices that show a strong tendency to bubble formation or expansion during the sample-preparation process; d) foams.
Titre manque
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO 19375
First edition
Fibre-reinforced composites —
Measurement of interfacial
shear strength by means of a
micromechanical single-fibre pull-
out test
Reference number
© ISO 2024
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Principle . 3
5 Abbreviated terms, symbols and dimensions . 3
5.1 Symbols .3
5.2 Abbreviated terms .4
6 Apparatus . 5
6.1 Fibre diameter determination .5
6.1.1 General .5
6.1.2 Vibroscopic fibre linear density and diameter test .5
6.1.3 Optical fibre diameter determination .5
6.2 Embedding station .5
6.3 CRE testing machine.6
7 Test specimen . 6
8 Procedure . 8
8.1 Overview .8
8.2 General requirements .9
8.3 Fibre sampling and preparation .10
8.3.1 General .10
8.3.2 Fibre diameter determination . .10
8.3.3 Fibre insertion into the embedding device .10
8.4 Matrix preparation .10
8.4.1 Thermoset matrices .10
8.4.2 Thermoplastic matrices .10
8.4.3 Concrete matrices .10
8.5 Preparation of matrix droplet.10
8.5.1 General .10
8.5.2 Thermoset matrices .11
8.5.3 Thermoplastic matrices .11
8.5.4 Concrete matrices .11
8.6 Fibre positioning, embedding and final forming .11
8.7 Solidification of the test specimen . 12
8.7.1 General . 12
8.7.2 Thermoset matrices . 12
8.7.3 Thermoplastic matrices . 12
8.7.4 Concrete matrices . 13
8.8 Test specimen requirements and final validation . 13
8.9 Post-preparation and conditioning . 13
8.9.1 General . 13
8.9.2 Thermoset matrices . 13
8.9.3 Thermoplastic matrices . 13
8.9.4 Concrete matrices .14
8.10 Pull-out test .14
8.10.1 General .14
8.10.2 Test specimen insertion and clamping .14
8.10.3 Testing conditions . 15
8.10.4 Testing . 15
8.10.5 Validation . 15
9 Evaluation .15
9.1 General . 15
9.2 Measured values and basic evaluation .16
9.2.1 Fibre diameter .16
9.2.2 Embedded length .16
9.2.3 Maximum force and apparent interfacial shear strength .16
9.2.4 Interfacial frictional force and stress .16
9.3 Further evaluations.17
9.3.1 General .17
9.3.2 Local interfacial shear strength derived from the debonding force .17
9.3.3 Alternative determination of local interfacial shear strength .17
9.3.4 Critical energy release rate .17
10 Expression of results . 17
11 Test report . 17
11.1 General .17
11.2 Fibre and matrix preparation .18
11.2.1 Fibre sampling and preparation .18
11.2.2 Matrix preparation .18
11.3 Test specimen preparation .
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