ISO 20661:2020
(Main)Ships and marine technology — Cutter suction dredger supervisory and control systems
Ships and marine technology — Cutter suction dredger supervisory and control systems
This document specifies the components and structure, general requirements, and subsystem functional requirements, of cutter suction dredger supervisory and control systems. It is applicable only to the installed components, functions or systems. It covers the design, manufacture and modifications.
Titre manque
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Ships and marine technology — Cutter
suction dredger supervisory and
control systems
Reference number
ISO 2020
© ISO 2020
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 1
4 Components and structure . 2
4.1 Components . 2
4.2 Structure . 2
5 General requirements . 2
5.1 Operating position and control mode . 2
5.1.1 Operating position . 2
5.1.2 Control modes . 2
5.2 External communication . 2
5.3 Diagnostic . 3
5.4 Visualization of the system information . 3
5.5 HMI graphics . 3
5.5.1 Alarm level . 3
5.5.2 Conventions on graphic colours . 4
5.5.3 Brightness of the HMI . 4
5.6 Alarm . 4
5.7 Calibration of system . 4
6 Functional requirements . 5
6.1 Preset/setup. 5
6.2 Spuds and spud carrier system . 5
6.3 Cutter system . 5
6.4 Submersible dredge pump system . 5
6.5 Inboard dredge pumps . 6
6.6 Dredge valves . 6
6.7 Ladder winches . 6
6.8 Swing winches . 6
6.9 Anchor hoisting winches and guy winches . 7
6.10 Dredging profile monitor (DPM) . 7
6.11 Measurement sensor and meter . 7
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iv © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
This document describes the supervisory and control system for a number of components, functions
and systems that can, but do not have to, be installed on board of a cutter dredger. It does not prescribe
that all described components, functions and systems need to be installed.
Ships and marine technology — Cutter suction dredger
supervisory and control systems
1 Scope
This document specifies the components and structure, general requirements, and subsystem
functional requirements, of cutter suction dredger supervisory and control systems.
It is applicable only to the installed components, functions or systems. It covers the design, manufacture
and modifications.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
ISO 8384, Ships and marine technology — Dredgers — Vocabulary
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purpose of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 8384 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at http:// www .electropedia .org/
cutter suction dredger supervisory and control system
system used for supervising and controlling the dredging operations performed by a cutter suction
depth of cutter
distance from the water surface to the lower edge of the cutter head
3.2 Abbreviated terms
CCS Cutter control system
CSD Cutter suction dredger
CSD-SCS Cutter suction dredger supervisory and control system
DPM Dredging profile monitor
HMI Human machine interface
SCADA Supervisory control and data acquisition
4 Components and structure
4.1 Components
The CSD is usually equipped with a CSD-SCS used for monitoring and controlling the dredging
operations performed by the CSD.
The CSD-SCS is an integrated system which consists of an integrated SCADA system comprising a CCS
and a DPM.
The SCADA system is used to monitor and control the main dredging installation, cutter drive system,
dredge pump system, dredging valves, swing winches, ladder winch, anchor and anchor boom winches
(if any) and the spud and spud carriage system.
The DPM is both used to measure the position and heading of the dredger, and the position and depth
of the cutter, and to provide for visualization in the plan view with a numeric window and side views.
4.2 Structure
The SCADA and DPM should either be independent or linked by a network to create an integrated
dredging control system.
5 General requirements
5.1 Operating position and control mode
5.1.1 Operating position
The CSD-SCS should have local and remote operating positions.
5.1.2 Control modes
The CSD-SCS should have the following control modes:
a) manual: manual operation by handle/button/knob and in graphical user interface;
b) emergency: direct operation through hardwire, only for dredging equipment that affects the safety
of the ship.
5.2 External communication
The system should have the following communication devices interfacing with the standard industrial
devices protocols:
a) a heading sensor, such as a gyro compass;
b) a tide measurement device, such as a tide receiver;
c) a depth measurement device, such as an echo sounder.
2 © ISO 2020 – All rights reserved
5.3 Diagnostic
A CSD-SCS should provide the following diagnostic information:
a) equipment failure;
b) interlocking between equipment;
c) interlocking between operation position;
d) communication failure;
e) sensor failure.
5.4 Visualization of the system information
The monitoring and control stations on the dredging desk are provided for the visualization of the
system process.
All relevant measurement and computation data values are displayed in a series of real time process
display pages in graphical or numeric form.
The mimic pages should be provided on the system stations to be freely selected by the user. These
views comprise the following:
a) main dred
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