ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012
(Main)Information technology — JPSearch — Part 1: System framework and components
Information technology — JPSearch — Part 1: System framework and components
ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012 provides a global view of the JPSearch framework and describes the overall search and management process. An abstract architecture for JPSearch is described, and its components and their roles are explicitly identified. This information aims to facilitate the understanding of the normative parts of JPSearch and the relationships among them. ISO/IEC 24800 (JPSearch) provides a set of standardized interfaces for digital image management and retrieval systems. There are many systems which provide image search and retrieval functionality on computer desktops, on the World Wide Web, on imaging devices, and in other consumer and professional applications. Existing systems are implemented in a way that tightly couples many components of the search process. JPSearch provides an abstract framework search architecture that decouples the components of image search and provides a standard interface between these components. Thus, aligning image search system design to this standard framework facilitates the use and reuse of metadata, the use and reuse of profiles and ontologies to provide a common context for searching, and the provision of a common query language to easily search across multiple repositories with the same search semantics. Furthermore, using JPSearch allows image repositories to be independent of particular system implementations and for users to easily move or upgrade their image management applications or to move to a different device or upgrade to a new computer. JPSearch is designed as a multi-part specification. Three main processes are standardized in the specification: search and retrieval by ISO/IEC 24800-3 (query format), the creation or maintenance of metadata by ISO/IEC 24800-4 (file format for metadata embedded in image data) and the synchronization or migration of repositories by ISO/IEC 24800-5 (data interchange format between image repositories). On the other hand, ISO/IEC 24800-2 (registration, identification and management of schema and ontology) links all the other parts to a common metadata interoperability model, which plays a key role in ISO/IEC 24800. ISO/IEC TR 24800-1 (JPSearch overview) and ISO/IEC 24800-6 (reference software) are intended to help understanding and developing JPSearch compliant systems. ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012 reflects the latest updates of ISO/IEC 24800-2, ISO/IEC 24800-3, ISO/IEC 24800-4 and ISO/IEC 24800-5, and incorporates information about the new ISO/IEC 24800-6.
Technologies de l'information — JPSearch — Partie 1: Cadre système et composants
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Second edition
Information technology — JPSearch —
Part 1:
System framework and components
Technologies de l'information — JPSearch —
Partie 1: Cadre système et composants
Reference number
ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
ISO/IEC 2012
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
© ISO/IEC 2012
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
Contents Page
Foreword . iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3 Motivation . 2
4 Overview of JPSearch . 2
5 JPSearch metadata interoperability model. 4
6 JPSearch Part 2: Registration, identification and management of schema and ontology . 5
6.1 Basic structure and benefits . 5
6.2 JPSearch Core Metadata Schema . 6
6.3 JPSearch Translation Rules Declaration Language (JPTRDL). 7
7 JPSearch Part 3: JPSearch query format . 8
8 JPSearch Part 4: Metadata embedded in image data (JPEG and JPEG 2000) file format . 10
8.1 Basic structure and benefits . 10
8.2 JPEG compatible file format . 10
8.3 JPEG 2000 compatible file format . 11
9 JPSearch Part 5: Data interchange format between image repositories . 11
9.1 Basic structure and benefits . 11
9.2 JPSearch XML metadata interchange format schema . 11
9.3 JPSearch collection metadata schema . 13
Annex A (informative) Use Cases . 14
Annex B (informative) Usage Example . 21
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
In exceptional circumstances, when the joint technical committee has collected data of a different kind from
that which is normally published as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example), it may decide to
publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely informative in nature and shall be subject to review
every five years in the same manner as an International Standard.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC TR 24800-1 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 24800-1:2007) which has been technically
ISO/IEC TR 24800 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — JPSearch:
Part 1: System framework and components [Technical Report]
Part 2: Registration, identification and management of schema and ontology
Part 3: Query format
Part 4: File format for metadata embedded in image data (JPEG and JPEG 2000)
Part 5: Data interchange format between image repositories
Part 6: Reference software
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
JPSearch aims at providing a standard for interoperability of still image search and retrieval systems. Many
systems provide functionalities for storing, annotating, sharing, searching and retrieving images on computer
desktops, on the World Wide Web, on imaging devices, and in other consumer and professional applications.
Existing systems are implemented in a way that tightly couples the different functionalities, often providing
only proprietary and restricted interfaces to the users and third-party applications. This severely constrains the
users capacity to freely migrate their data and metadata between different systems. Moreover, it also limits the
capacity of the different systems to interoperate.
JPSearch provides a set of standardized interfaces of an abstract image retrieval framework, facilitating the
use and reuse of metadata and the use and reuse of metadata schemas to provide a common context for
image data and metadata searching and interchanging. JPSearch also provides a common query language
and a repository information interchange format, facilitating the deployment of distributed repositories and
allowing users to easily migrate their data and metadata between different applications and devices.
In order to help the reader to understand the scope and usage of this part of ISO/IEC 24800, the informative
Annexes A and B are provided. Annex A clarifies the scope of JPSearch by providing several use cases in
different application domains. Annex B illustrates how to use ISO/IEC 24800 by presenting a representative
use case and the way it would be implemented using ISO/IEC 24800.
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Information technology — JPSearch —
Part 1:
System framework and components
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 24800 provides a global view of the JPSearch framework. In the other parts of
ISO/IEC 24800, several standardized technologies are specified. The scope and aims of the individual parts
are highlighted in the following clauses.
2 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and abbreviated terms apply.
metadata added to an image by way of definition or comment
NOTE It is normally in text and done by a human.
data about data
EXAMPLE An image is a data item. Metadata about the image may include information such as the size of the
image, the date it was created, etc.
request for information from a search and retrieval system
type of query where an example of the answer desired is used as the input to the search system
mapping between elements of a language and the real world
set of rules that govern whether a sentence (or other unit of communication) is well formed
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
3 Motivation
There are many applications that provide image search and retrieval functionality on computer desktops, on
the World Wide Web, on imaging devices, and in other consumer and professional applications. These
implementations are characterized by significant limitations, including:
- Lack of the ability to reuse metadata: Some relevant functionality of still image management systems
(search, cataloguing, digital rights management, etc.) rely on or can be benefited by the existence of
metadata describing aspects of user’s images and image collections. Independently of the way these
metadata have been obtained (automatically, manually or cooperatively), they can have an inestimable
value, because their generation often involves a cost (in whatever form), and sometimes it cannot be redo
(e.g. geolocation metadata). The usage of proprietary interfaces and metadata models by image
management systems severely constraints the exploitation and reuse of the metadata by their legitimate
owners, the users.
- Lack of a common query format and search semantics: There is a trend towards shared image
repositories. These could be on the web, but there are also systems that publish user repositories residing
on their local (e.g., home) machines for (normally access controlled) public viewing and annotation. As the
number and size of such repositories increase (a monotonic increasing trend), search becomes an
essential function for users and applications to look up images. Unfortunately, the various systems
providing image search, whether on the desktop or on the web, do not provide a common way of
specifying neither precise input parameters to describe the search criteria nor a set of output parameters
to describe the aggregated return result sets for user presentation or machine consumption. System
providers need a reference standard to remove ambiguity and make searching over shared repositories
These are just the two main problems where still image search systems can benefit tremendously from
standardization. The provision of uniform ways to interact with these systems greatly improves the users’
capacity to manipulate and relocate their data and metadata, but also enables interoperability between
systems in a distributed scenario (e.g. content providers, aggregators and clients). Finally, the provision of
uniform interfaces for programmatic access enables platform independence (which benefits also non-
distributed scenarios); developers can write their applications involving access to an image repository
independently of the underlying technology of the repository, which fosters software reusability and
4 Overview of JPSearch
ISO/IEC 24800 (JPSearch) provides a set of standardized interfaces for digital image management and
retrieval systems. Figure 1 shows the three main processes of the digital image life cycle which are covered in
ISO/IEC 24800:
- Creation/Maintenance: The client can create or maintain data on a repository using standardized data
exchange format in which a digital image (resource) and its associated metadata are packed in a single
data entity to guarantee their persistent association. The format can be used for client to download/upload
data on repositories, so image and metadata portability from one repository to another can be easily
- Synchronization: The client can synchronize entire or partial set of image on a repository with local data.
Through the synchronization of local data with different two repositories, data migration from one
repository to another, for an example between cloud and a portable device, can be achieved.
- Search/retrieve: Clients can express a set of precise input parameters to describe their search criteria in
addition to a set of preferred output parameters to depict the return result sets.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
The fact that these different processes depend on a certain way of referring to or expressing image metadata
poses a challenge in terms of metadata interoperability, as JPSearch is not restricted to a single metadata
schema. In on hand, the standard provides a reference metadata schema so called the JPSearch’s Core
Metadata Schema, which serves as metadata basis supporting interoperability among various image retrieval
systems. On the other hand, the standard provides a translation rule language, which allows the publication of
machine-readable translations between metadata terms in the JPSearch Core Metadata Schema and
metadata terms belonging to proprietary metadata schemas.
Figure 1 — Image search and management process
JPSearch is designed as a multi-part specification. Three main processes are standardized by JPSearch
specification: search and retrieval by Part 3 (query format), the creation or maintenance of metadata by Part 4
(file format for metadata embedded in image data) and the synchronization or migration of repositories by
Part 5 (data interchange format between image repositories). Part 2 (registration, identification and
management of schema and ontology) links all the other parts to a common metadata interoperability model,
which plays a key role in ISO/IEC 24800 and it is explained next. Part 1, i.e. this document, and Part 6
(reference software), are intended to help understanding and developing JPSearch compliant systems.
Figure 2 shows the overall structure of the JPSearch standard. Note that it is not in the scope of JPSearch to
standardize the individual components of an image retrieval repository (e.g., feature comparison, result
generation, etc.). Instead, the standardization concentrates on specifying interface definitions among image
retrieval components in order to ensure image search in a distributed heterogeneous environment.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
JPSearch System
Part 2: Registration,
schema /
identification and
management of
schema and ontology
Part 3: JPSearch Query
JPQF Query
Image Repository
Client (contents + metadata)
Part 4: File format for
metadata embedded in
Image file
image data
Part5: Data interchange
format between image
XML File
Figure 2 — Overall structure of ISO/IEC 24800 (JPSearch)
5 JPSearch metadata interoperability model
All JPSearch interfaces (querying, file format, synchronization) depend on a certain way of referring to or
expressing image metadata, so metadata interoperability plays a crucial role in ISO/IEC 24800. The JPSearch
framework is extremely flexible in terms of metadata management, and it is not restricted to a single metadata
format. In order to achieve the maximum level of flexibility, the JPSearch framework supports image metadata
compliant with any metadata format which can be serialized in XML. Examples of supported metadata formats
include Dublin Core and MPEG-7. Figure 3 shows a graphical overview of the JPSearch Metadata
Interoperability Model.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
JPSearch Core
Metadata Schema
metadata embedded in
identification and
image data
management of metadata
JPSearch Translation Rules
external metadata external metadata
schema schema
JPSearch Metadata
Schema Repository
Figure 3 — JPSearch metadata interoperability model overview
Despite of the fact that any XML-based metadata format can be used, JPSearch specifies the JPSearch’s
Core Metadata Schema as the cornerstone of metadata interoperability in ISO/IEC 24800. The Core Schema
specifies the structure and rules to which any metadata of images must conform in order to be considered
valid within a JPSearch compliant system. In addition to the definition of JPSearch Core Metadata Schema,
ISO/IEC 24800 provides a mechanism that allows a JPSearch compliant system taking profit from proprietary
or community-specific metadata schemas. A translation rules language allows the publication of machine-
readable translations between metadata terms belonging to proprietary metadata schemas and metadata
terms in the JPSearch Core Metadata Schema. Users can choose which metadata language to use in a
JPSearch-based interaction (annotation, querying, etc.) if the proper translations are available.
ISO/IEC 24800-2 specifies the general rules which govern the usage of metadata in JPSearch.
6 JPSearch Part 2: Registration, identification and management of schema and
6.1 Basic structure and benefits
ISO/IEC 24800-2 provides a specification which:
- Provides rules for the representation of image metadata descriptions, consisting in the definition of the
JPSearch Core Metadata Schema.
- Provides rules for the publication of machine-readable translations between metadata terms belonging to
proprietary metadata schemas and metadata terms in the JPSearch Core Metadata Schema.
- Provides rules for the registration and request of metadata schemas and its translation rules or links to
JPSearch is an extensible standard. The normative method of extending the structures and rules beyond the
JPSearch Core Metadata Schema is provided in the standard.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
6.2 JPSearch Core Metadata Schema
The JPSearch Core Metadata Schema is the main component of the metadata interoperability strategy in
ISO/IEC 24800. It specifies the structure and rules to which any image metadata must conform in order to be
considered valid within a JPSearch compliant system. The core schema serves as metadata basis supporting
interoperability during search among multiple image retrieval systems. The core schema is used by clients to
formulate, in combination with the JPEG Query Format, search requests to JPSearch compliant search
systems. Note, that only metadata described by the core schema is guaranteed that its semantics is
recognized by JPSearch compliant systems.
The following example shows the description of a fictional image.
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jpeg:jpsearch:schema:coremetadata:2009 24800-2-core.xsd">
Sample description
50th JPEG meeting
Example Instance document of the JPSearch core schema
0 0 100 100
A short description about the selected region
plenary meeting
However, the core schema neither is intended to be the unique schema used for annotating images, nor is it
intended to replace existing well-established metadata schemas such as MPEG-7 or Dublin Core. The
JPSearch Core Metadata contains a set of minimal core terms that can be extended in two different ways:
1) By extending the Core Schema through ExternalDescription elements, as is in the following example:
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2004 M7v2schema.xsd">
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
1 2
1 2
1 2
2) By directly using a different metadata schema in the JPSearch-based interactions (annotation, querying,
etc.) and defining and registering the proper translations to the core schema with the JPSearch Translation
Rules Declaration Language, introduced in the next section.
6.3 JPSearch Translation Rules Declaration Language (JPTRDL)
The JPSearch Translation Rules Declaration Language (JPTRDL) allows the publication of machine-readable
translations between metadata terms belonging to proprietary metadata schemas and metadata terms in the
JPSearch Core Metadata Schema. Users can choose which metadata language to use in a JPSearch-based
interaction if the proper translations are available. JPTRDL is a key component of the metadata
interoperability strategy in ISO/IEC 24800, and it aims to allow a JPSearch compliant system benefit from
proprietary or community-specific metadata schemas.
The following example shows a one-to-many translation rule that maps the JPSearch Core Schema date
element into three fields of an example target format:
xsi:schemaLocation="JPSearch:schema:translation 24800-2-translation.xsd"
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
7 JPSearch Part 3: JPSearch query format
ISO/IEC 24800-3 contains the tools of the JPEG Query Format (JPQF) as an adaptation for the still images
domain of ISO/IEC 15938-12 (MPEG Query Format). The goal of JPQF is to facilitate and unify access to
search functionalities in distributed digital image repositories. To achieve this goal, the JPQF standard (in
conjunction with ISO/IEC 15938-12) specifies precise input and output parameters to express requests and
uniform client side processing of result sets, respectively. Moreover, the management component of JPQF
covers searching and the choice of the desired services for retrieval. For this purpose, the standard provides a
means to describe service capabilities and to undertake service discovery.
Essentially, JPQF is an XML-based query language that defines the format of the queries and replies
exchanged between clients and servers in a distributed image search and retrieval system (see Figure 4). The
two main benefits of standardization of such a language are 1) interoperability between parties in a distributed
scenario (e.g. content providers, aggregators and clients) and 2) platform independence (which also offers
benefits for non-distributed scenarios). As a result, developers can construct applications exploiting image
queries independent of the used service; this fosters software reusability and maintainability.
Database 1
Service JPQF
Database 2
Database N
Database N+1
Figure 4 — Possible scenario for the use of the JPEG Query Format
JPQF instances are XML documents that can be validated against the JPQF XML Schema. A JPQF instance
always includes the JPEGQuery element as the root element and beneath that the InputQuery element, the
FetchResult element, the OutputResult element or the Management element (See Figure 5). JPQF instances
with the InputQuery element or the OutputResult element are the usual requests/responses of an image
multimedia search process. The JPEGQuery element can include the InputQuery element or the OutputResult
element, dependent on whether the document is a request or a response. A special query input constitutes
the FetchResult element which is used in asynchronous mode for collection search results. Alternatively,
below the root element, a JPQF document can include the Management element. Management messages
(which can be both requests and responses) provide a means for requesting service-level functionalities such
as discovery of multimedia services or other kinds of service provision, interrogating the capabilities of a
service, or configuring service parameters.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2012(E)
JPEGQuery FetchResult
Figure 5 — Schema overview of the uppermost elements of the JPEG Query Format
The following example shows a JPQF query which asks for images created the 2009-10-07T08:46:45:
xsi:schemaLocation="urn:jpeg:jpqf:schema:2008 24800-3.xsd
urn:mpeg:mpqf:schema:2008 15938-12-Cor1-Cor2-Amd1.xsd"
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