Petroleum and natural gas industries — Rotary drilling equipment — Part 1: Rotary drill stem elements

ISO 10424-1:2004 specifies requirements for the following drill stem elements: upper and lower kelly valves; square and hexagonal kellys; drill stem subs; standard steel and non-magnetic drill collars; drilling and coring bits. ISO 10424-1:2004 is not applicable to drill pipe and tool joints, rotary shouldered connection designs, thread gauging practice, or grand master, reference master and working gauges.

Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel — Équipements de forage rotary — Partie 1: Éléments de forage rotary

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ISO 10424-1:2004 - Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Rotary drilling equipment
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STANDARD 10424-1
First edition
Petroleum and natural gas industries —
Rotary drilling equipment —
Part 1:
Rotary drill stem elements
Industries du pétrole et du gaz naturel — Équipements de forage
rotary —
Partie 1: Éléments de forage rotary

Reference number
ISO 2004
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ii © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword. v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope. 1
2 Conformance . 3
2.1 Units of measurement . 3
2.2 Tables and figures . 3
3 Normative references . 4
4 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviated terms. 5
4.1 Terms and definitions. 5
4.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms. 9
5 Upper and lower kelly valves. 10
5.1 General. 10
5.2 Design criteria . 11
5.3 Connections . 13
5.4 Hydrostatic testing. 14
5.5 Documentation and retention of records . 16
5.6 Marking . 16
5.7 Supplementary requirements . 16
6 Square and hexagonal kellys. 17
6.1 Size, type and dimensions . 17
6.2 Dimensional gauging. 17
6.3 Connections . 17
6.4 Square forged kellys. 18
6.5 Mechanical properties . 18
6.6 Non-destructive examination. 19
6.7 Marking . 19
7 Drill-stem subs . 24
7.1 Class and type. 24
7.2 Dimensions for types A and B. 24
7.3 Dimensions for type C (swivel subs) . 25
7.4 Type D (lift sub) dimensions. 26
7.5 Mechanical properties . 26
7.6 Non-destructive examination. 27
7.7 Connection stress-relief features. 27
7.8 Cold working of thread roots. 27
7.9 Gall-resistant treatment of threads and sealing shoulders. 27
7.10 Marking . 27
8 Drill collars. 34
8.1 General. 34
8.2 Standard steel drill collars . 36
8.3 Non-magnetic drill collars. 38
9 Drilling and coring bits. 45
9.1 Roller bits and blade drag bits . 45
9.2 Diamond drilling bits, diamond core bits and polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) bits. 46
10 Non-destructive examination of bars and tubes . 50
10.1 General. 50
10.2 Certification and qualification of NDE personnel . 50
10.3 Surface defects.50
10.4 Internal defects.52
Annex A (informative) Tables in US Customary Units .54

iv © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 10424-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 67, Materials, equipment and offshore structures
for petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries, Subcommittee SC 4, Drilling and production
ISO 10424 consists of the following parts, under the general title Petroleum and natural gas industries —
Rotary drilling equipment:
 Part 1: Rotary drill stem elements
 Part 2: Threading and gauging of rotary shouldered thread connections
The function of this part of ISO 10424 is to define the design and the mechanical properties of the material
required for rotary drill stem elements. It also defines the testing required to verify compliance with these
requirements. As rotary drill stem elements are very mobile, moving from rig to rig, design control is an
important element required to ensure the interchangeability and performance of product manufactured by
different sources.
A major portion of this part of ISO 10424 is based upon API Spec 7, 40th edition, November 2001. However,
API Spec 7 does not define the nondestructive testing requirements of materials used to manufacture the drill
stem components covered by this part of ISO 10424. This part of ISO 10424 does address these
Users of this part of ISO 10424 should be aware that further or differing requirements may be needed for
individual applications. This part of ISO 10424 is not intended to inhibit a vendor from offering, or the
purchaser from accepting, alternative equipment or engineering solutions for the individual application. This
may be particularly applicable where there is innovative or developing technology. Where an alternative is
offered, the vendor should identify any variations from this part of ISO 10424 and provide details.
In this part of ISO 10424, certain ISO and non-ISO standards provide the same technical result for a particular
provision, however there is a market need to retain the traditional non-ISO reference.
In the running text the provision is written in the form “……… in accordance with ISO xxx.
NOTE For the purposes of this provision, non-ISO Ref yyy is equivalent to ISO xxx.”
Application of a non-ISO reference cited in this manner will lead to the same results as the use of the
preceding ISO reference. These documents are thus considered interchangeable in practice. In recognition of
the migration of global standardization towards the use of ISO standards, it is intended that references to
these alternative documents be removed at the time of the first full revision of this part of ISO 10424.

vi © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved


Petroleum and natural gas industries — Rotary drilling
equipment —
Part 1:
Rotary drill stem elements
1 Scope
This part of ISO 10424 specifies requirements for the following drill stem elements: upper and lower kelly
valves; square and hexagonal kellys; drill stem subs; standard steel and non-magnetic drill collars; drilling and
coring bits.
This part of 10424 is not applicable to drill pipe and tool joints, rotary shouldered connection designs, thread
gauging practice, or grand master, reference master and working gauges.
A typical drill stem assembly to which this part of 10424 is applicable is shown in Figure 1.
a) Upper section of assembly b) Lower section of assembly
Figure 1 — Typical drill stem assembly
2 © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

1 bit 7 pin tool joint 13 kelly drive section
2 rotary pin connection

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