Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 14: MP4 file format

This document defines the MP4 file format, as derived from the ISO Base Media File format.

Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels — Partie 14: Format de fichier MP4

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ISO/IEC 14496-14:2018 - Information technology -- Coding of audio-visual objects
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STANDARD 14496-14
Second edition
Information technology — Coding of
audio-visual objects —
Part 14:
MP4 file format
Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels —
Partie 14: Format de fichier MP4
Reference number
ISO/IEC 14496-14:2018(E)
ISO/IEC 2018

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ISO/IEC 14496-14:2018(E)

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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Storage of MPEG-4 . 1
4.1 Elementary stream tracks . 1
4.1.1 Elementary stream data . 1
4.1.2 Elementary stream descriptors . 2
4.1.3 Object descriptors . 2
4.2 Track identifiers . 3
4.3 Synchronization of streams . 4
4.4 Composition . 5
4.5 Handling of M4Mux . 5
5 File identification . 7
6 Additions to the Base Media Format . 7
6.1 General . 7
6.2 Object Descriptor Box . 7
6.2.1 Description . . . 7
6.2.2 Syntax . 8
6.2.3 Semantics . 8
6.3 Track reference types . 8
6.4 Track header box . 8
6.5 Handler reference types . 8
6.6 MPEG-4 media header boxes . 9
6.6.1 General. 9
6.6.2 Syntax . 9
6.6.3 Semantics . 9
6.7 Sample description boxes . 9
6.7.1 Description . . . 9
6.7.2 Syntax .10
6.7.3 Semantics .11
6.8 Degradation priority values .12
7 Template fields used .12
Annex A (informative) Handling of audio timestamps and profile/level indication .13
Bibliography .14
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
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This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003), which has been
technically revised.
The main changes compared to the previous edition are the incorporation of ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003/
Cor.1:2006 and ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003/Amd.1:2010 as well as some minor editorial changes.
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ISO/IEC 14496-14:2018(E)

This document defines MP4 as an instance of the ISO Media File format (ISO/IEC 14496-12).
The general nature of the ISO Media File format is fully exercised by MP4. MPEG-4 presentations can be
highly dynamic, and there is an infrastructure — the Object Descriptor Framework — which serves to
manage the objects and streams in a presentation. An Initial Object Descriptor serves as the starting
point for this framework. In the usage modes documented in the ISO Media File, an Initial Object
Descriptor would normally be present, as shown in the following diagrams.
Figure 1 gives an example of a simple interchange file, containing two streams.
Figure 1 — Simple interchange file
In Figure 2, a set of files being used in the process of content creation is shown.
Figure 2 — Content creation file
Figure 3 shows a presentation prepared for streaming over a multiplexing protocol, only one hint track
is required.
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Figure 3 — Hinted presentation for streaming
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Information technology — Coding of audio-visual
objects —
Part 14:
MP4 file format
1 Scope
This document defines the MP4 file format, as derived from the ISO Base Media File format.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010, Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 1: Systems
ISO/IEC 14496-12:2015, Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO Base
Media File Format
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 14496-12 and the
following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— IEC Electropedia: available at http: //www .electropedia .org/
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at http: //www .iso .org/obp
4 Storage of MPEG-4
4.1 Elementary stream tracks
4.1.1 Elementary stream data
To maintain the goals of streaming protocol independence, the media data is stored in its most ‘natural’
format, and not fragmented. This enables easy local manipulation of the media data. Therefore media-
data is stored as access units, a range of contiguous bytes for each access unit (a single access unit is the
definition of a ‘sample’ for an MPEG-4 media stream). This greatly facilitates the fragmentation process
used in hint tracks. The file format can describe and use media data stored in other files, however this
restriction still applies. Therefore if a file is to be used which contains ‘pre-fragmented’ media data (e.g.
an M4Mux stream on disc), the media data will need to be copied to re-form the access units, in order to
import the data into this file format.
This is true for all stream types in this specification, including such ‘meta-information’ streams as
Object Descriptor and the Clock Reference. The consequences of this are, on the positive side, that the
file format treats all streams equally; on the negative side, this means that there are ‘internal’ cross-
links between the streams. This means that adding and removing streams from a presentation will
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involve more than adding or deleting the track and its associated media-data. Not only is it necessary
that the stream be placed in, or removed from, the scene, the object descriptor stream might also need
For each track the entire ES-descriptor is stored as the sample description or descriptions.
The SLConfigDescriptor for the media track shall be stored in the file using a default value
(predefined = 2), except when the Elementary Stream Descriptor refers to a stream through a URL, i.e.
the referred stream is outside the scope of the MP4 file. In that case the SLConfigDescriptor is not
constrained to this predefined value.
In a transmitted bitstream, the access units in the SL Packets are transmitted on byte boundaries. This
means that hint tracks will construct SL Packet headers using the information in the media tracks, and
the hint tracks will reference the access units from the media track. The placement of the header during
hinting is possible without bit shifting, as each SL Packet and corresponding contained access unit will
both start on byte boundaries.
4.1.2 Elementary stream descriptors
The ESDescriptor for a stream within the scope of the MP4 file as described in this document is stored
in the sample description and the fields and included structures are restricted as follows:
— ES_ID - set to 0 as stored; when built into a stream, the lower 16 bits of the TrackID are used.
— streamDependenceFlag – set to 0 as stored; if a dependency exists, it is indicated using a track
reference of type 'dpnd'.
— URLflag – kept untouched, i.e.: set to false, as the stream is in the file, not remote.
— SLConfigDescriptor – is predefined type 2.
— OCRStreamFlag – set to false in the file.
The ESDescriptor for a stream referenced through an ES URL is stored in the sample description and
the fields and included structures are restricted as follows:
— ES_ID – set to 0 as stored; when built into a stream, the lower 16 bits of the TrackID are used.
— streamDependenceFlag – set to 0 as stored; if a dependency exists, it is indicated using a track
reference of type 'dpnd'.
— URLflag – kept untouched, i.e.: set to true, as the stream is not in the file.
— SLConfigDescriptor – kept untouched.
— OCRStreamFlag – set to false in the file.
Note that the QoSDescriptor may also need re-writing for transmission as it contains information
about PDU sizes, etc.
4.1.3 Object descriptors
The initial object descriptor and object descriptor streams are handled specially within the file
format. Object descriptors contain ES descriptors, which in turn contain stream specific information.
In addition, to facilitate editing, the information about a track is stored as an ESDescriptor in the
sample description within that track. It shall be taken from there, re-written as appropriate, and
transmitted as part of the OD stream when the presentation is streamed.
As a consequence, ES descriptors are not stored within the OD track or initial object descriptor. Instead,
the initial object descriptor has a descriptor used only in the file, containing solely the track ID of the
elementary stream. When used, an appropriately re-written ESDescriptor from the referenced
track replaces this descriptor. Likewise, OD tracks are linked to ES tracks by track references. Where
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an ESdescriptor would be used within the OD track, another descriptor is used, which again occurs
only in the file. It contains the index into the set of mpod track references that this OD track owns. A
suitably re-written ESDescriptor replaces it by the hinting of this track.
The ES_ID_Inc is used in the Object Descriptor Box:
class ES_ID_Inc extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=ES_IDIncTag {
   unsigned int(32)  Track_ID;  // ID of the track to use
ES_ID_IncTag = 0x0E is reserved for file format usage.
The ES_ID_Ref is used in the OD stream:
class ES_ID_Ref extends BaseDescriptor : bit(8) tag=ES_IDRefTag {
   bit(16)  ref_index;  // track ref. index of the track to use
ES_ID_RefTag = 0x0F is reserved for file format usage.
MP4_IOD_Tag = 0x10 is reserved for file format usage.
MP4_OD_Tag = 0x11 is reserved for file format usage.
IPI_DescrPointerRefTag = 0x12 is reserved for file format usage.
ES_DescrRemoveRefTag = 0x07 is reserved for file format usage (command tag).
NOTE The above tag values are defined in ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010, and (Tables 1 and 2), and
the actual values are referenced from those tables.
A hinter may need to send more OD events than actually occur in the OD track: for example, if the ES_
description changes at a time when there is no event in the OD track. In general, any OD events explicitly
authored into the OD track should be sent along with those necessary to indicate other changes. The ES
descriptor sent in the OD track is taken from the description of the temporally next sample in the ES
track (in decoding time).
4.2 Track identifiers
The track identifiers used in an MP4 file are unique within that file; no two tracks may use the same
Each elementary stream in the file is stored as a media track. In the case of an elementary stream, the
lower two bytes of the four-byte track_ID shall be set to the elementary stream identifier (ES_ID);
the upper two bytes of the track_ID are zero in this case. Hint tracks may use track identifier values in
the same range, if this number space is adequate (which it generally is). However, hint track identifiers
may also use larger values of track identifier, as their identifiers are not mapped to elementary stream
identifiers. Thus very large presentations may use the entire 16-bit number space for elementary
stream identifiers.
The next track identifier value, found in next_track_ID in the MovieHeaderBox, as defined in the ISO
Base Media Format, generally contains a value one greater than the largest track identifier value found
in the file. This enables easy generation of a track identifier under most circumstances. However, if this
value is equal to or larger than 65535, and a new media track is to be added, then a search in the file is
needed for a free track identifier. If the value is all 1s (32-bit maxint) then this search is needed for all
If it is desired to add a track with a known track identifier (elementary stream identifier) then it is
necessary to search to ensure that there is no conflict. Note that hint tracks can be re-numbered fairly
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easily while more care should be taken with media tracks, as there may be references to their ES_ID
(track ID) in other tracks.
If hint tracks have track IDs outside the allowed range for elementary stream tracks, then next track ID
documents the next available hint track ID. Since this is larger than 65535, a search will then always be
needed to find a valid elementary stream track ID.
If two presentations are merged, then there may be conflict between their track IDs. In that case, one or
more tracks will have to be re-numbered. There are two actions to be taken here:
— Changing the ID of the track itself, which is easy (track ID in the track header).
— Changing pointers to it.
The pointers may only occur in the file format structure itself. The file format uses track IDs only
through track references, which are easily found and modified. Track IDs become ES_IDs in the MPEG-4
data, and ES_IDs occur within the OD Stream. Since all pointers to ES_IDs in the OD stream are replaced
by means of track references there is no need to inspect the OD stream for cross-references within
MPEG-4 streams.
In the file format, ES_DescriptorRemove command and IPI_DescrPointer descriptor are
converted to ES_DescrRemoveRef and IPI_DescrPointerRef by:
— changing the tag value to ES_DescrRemoveRefTag or IPI_DescrPointerRefTag
— changing any ES_ID to the appropriate track reference index (using references of type mpod and
ipir respectively – see subclause 4.3).
When hinting or serving, the tag value and track reference index changes shall be reversed.
4.3 Synchronization of streams
In the absence of explicit declarations to the contrary, tracks (streams) coming from the same file
shall be presented synchronized. This means that hinters and/or servers have to either pick one of the
streams to serve as the OCR source for the others or add an OCR stream to associate all the streams
with it. Track references of type 'sync' may be used in the file to defeat the default behaviour. In MPEG-
4 the OCRStreamFlag and OCR_ES_ID fields in the ESDescriptor govern the synchronization
relationships. The mapping of MP4 structures into those fields shall obey the following rules:
— The MPEG-4 ESDescriptor, as stored in the file, usually contains OCRStreamFlag set to FALSE,
and no OCR_ES_ID. If an OCR_ES_ID is set, it is ignored.
— If a track (stream) contains a track reference of type 'sync' whose value is 0, then the hinter or
server shall set the OCRStreamFlag field in the MPEG-4 ESDescriptor to FALSE and shall not
insert any OCR_ES_ID field. This means that this stream is not synchronized to another, but other
streams may be synchronized to it.
— If a track (stream) contains a track reference of type 'sync' whose value is not 0, then the hinter or
server shall set the OCRStreamFlag field in the MPEG-4 ESDescriptor to TRUE and shall insert
an OCR_ES_ID field with the same value contained in the 'sync' track reference. This means that
this stream is synchronized to the stream indicated in the OCR_ES_ID. Other streams may also be
synchronized to the same stream, either explicitly or implicitly.
— If a track (stream) does not contain a track reference of type 'sync', then the default behaviour
applies. The hinter or server shall set the OCRStreamFlag field in the MPEG-4 ESDescriptor
to TRUE and shall insert an OCR_ES_ID field with a value selected based on the rules below. This
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means that this stream is synchronized to the stream indicated in the OCR_ES_ID. The rules for
selecting the OCR_ES_ID are as follows:
— if no track (stream) in the file contains a track reference of type 'sync', then the hinter picks
one TrackId and uses that value for the OCR_ES_ID field of all ESDescriptors. There is
one possible exception where the ESDescriptor of the stream which corresponds to that
TrackId, for which the OCRStreamFlag may be set to FALSE.
— if one or more tracks (streams) in the file contain a track reference of type 'sync', and all such
track references indicate consistently a single TrackId, then the hinter uses that TrackId. In
a track reference of type 'sync' the value 0 is equivalent to the TrackId of the track itself.
— if two or more tracks (streams) in the file contain a track reference of type 'sync', and such
track references do not indicate a single TrackId, then the hinter cannot make a deterministic
selection and the behaviour is undefined. In a track reference of type 'sync' the value 0 is
equivalent to the TrackId of the track itself.
4.4 Composition
In MPEG-4 both visual and aural composition are done using the BIFS system. Therefore structures
marked as “template” in the ISO Base Media Format which pertain to composition, including fields
such as matrices, layers, graphics modes (and their opcolors), volumes, and balance values, from the
MovieHeaderBox and TrackHeaderBox, are all set to their default values in the file format. These
fields do not define visual or audio composition in MPEG-4; in MPEG-4, the BIFS system defines the
The fields width and height in the VisualSampleEntry and in the TrackHeaderBox shall be set to
the pixel dimensions of the visual stream.
4.5 Handling of M4Mux
An intermediate, optional, fragmentation and packetization step, previously called FlexMux and now
called M4Mux, is defined in ISO/IEC 14496-1. Some streaming protocols may carry an M4Mux stream
rather than packetized elementary streams. M4Mux may be employed for a variety of purposes,
including, but not limited to:
— reducing wasted network bandwidth caused by SL Packet header overhead when the payload is small;
— reducing required server resources when providing many streams, by reducing the number of disk
reads or network writes.
The process of building M4Mux PDUs is necessarily aware of the characteristics of the streaming
protocol into which the M4Mux is placed. It is not therefore possible to design a streaming protocol-
independent handling of M4Mux. Instead, in those streaming protocols where M4Mux is used, the hint
tracks for that protocol will encapsulate and include the formation of M4Mux packets. It is expected that
the design of the hint tracks will, in this case, closely reflect the way that M4Mux is used. For example,
a compact table resembling the MuxCode (a method used to associate the payload to M4Mux Channels)
mode may be needed if the interleave offered by that mode is needed.
In some cases, it may not be possible to create a static M4Mux multiplex via a hint track. Notably, if
stream selection is dynamic (for example, based on application feedback) or the choice of MuxCode
modes or other aspects of M4mux is dynamic, the M4Mux is therefore created dynamically. This is
a necessary cost of run-time multiplexing. It may be difficult for a server to create such a multiplex
dynamically at runtime, but with this cost comes added flexibility. A server that wished to provide such
functionality could weigh the costs and benefits, and choose to perform the multi

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