Magnetic materials - Part 18: Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials - Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties in an open magnetic circuit using a superconducting magnet

IEC 60404-18:2025 defines the general principle and technical details of the methods of measurement of the DC magnetic properties of permanent magnet materials in an open magnetic circuit using a superconducting magnet (SCM).
This method is applicable to permanent magnet materials, such as those specified in IEC 60404‑8‑1, the properties of which are presumed homogeneous throughout their volume.
There are two methods:
- the SCM-vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) method;
- the SCM-extraction method.
This document also specifies methods to correct the influence of the self-demagnetizing field in the test specimen on the demagnetization curve obtained in an open magnetic circuit. The magnetic properties are determined from the corrected demagnetization curve.

Magnetische Werkstoffe - Teil 18: Permanentmagnetische (magnetisch harte) Werkstoffe - Verfahren zur Messung der magnetischen Eigenschaften in einem offenen Magnetkreis mit Hilfe eines supraleitenden Magneten

Matériaux magnétiques - Partie 18: Matériaux (magnétiques durs) pour aimants permanents - Méthodes de mesure des propriétés magnétiques en circuit magnétique ouvert à l'aide d'un aimant supraconducteur

L'IEC 60404-18:2025 définit le principe général et les détails techniques des méthodes de mesure des propriétés magnétiques en courant continu des matériaux pour aimants permanents en circuit magnétique ouvert à l'aide d'un aimant supraconducteur (SCM).
Cette méthode s'applique aux matériaux pour aimants permanents, tels que ceux spécifiés dans l'IEC 60404‑8‑1, dont les propriétés sont présumées homogènes sur l'ensemble de leur volume.
Il existe deux méthodes:
- la méthode SCM-magnétomètre à échantillon vibrant (VSM, Vibrating Sample Magnetometer);
- la méthode SCM-extraction.
Le présent document spécifie également les méthodes de correction de l'influence du champ d'autodésaimantation de l'éprouvette sur la courbe de désaimantation obtenue en circuit magnétique ouvert. Les propriétés magnétiques sont déterminées à partir de la courbe de désaimantation corrigée.

Magnetni materiali - 18. del: Materiali za permanentne (trdomagnetne) magnete - Metode merjenja magnetnih lastnosti v odprtem magnetnem krogu z uporabo superprevodnega magneta

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Standards Content (Sample)

Magnetni materiali - 18. del: Materiali za permanentne (trdomagnetne) magnete -
Metode merjenja magnetnih lastnosti v odprtem magnetnem krogu z uporabo
superprevodnega magneta
Magnetic materials - Part 18: Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials -
Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties in an open magnetic circuit using a
superconducting magnet
Matériaux magnétiques - Partie 18: Matériaux (magnétiques durs) pour aimants
permanents - Méthodes de mesure des propriétés magnétiques en circuit magnétique
ouvert à l'aide d'un aimant supraconducteur
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 60404-18:2024
17.220.20 Merjenje električnih in Measurement of electrical
magnetnih veličin and magnetic quantities
29.030 Magnetni materiali Magnetic materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


IEC 60404-18 ED1
2024-07-12 2024-10-04
68/757/CD, 68/766/CC
Mr Richard Daniel Knobloch

Other TC/SCs are requested to indicate their interest, if
any, in this CDV to the secretary.
Attention IEC-CENELEC parallel voting
The attention of IEC National Committees, members of
CENELEC, is drawn to the fact that this Committee Draft
for Vote (CDV) is submitted for parallel voting.
The CENELEC members are invited to vote through the
CENELEC online voting system.
This document is still under study and subject to change. It should not be used for reference purposes.
Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of
which they are aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Recipients of this document are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant “In Some
Countries” clauses to be included should this proposal proceed. Recipients are reminded that the CDV stage is
the final stage for submitting ISC clauses. (SEE AC/22/2007 OR NEW GUIDANCE DOC).

Magnetic materials - Part 18: Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials - Methods of
measurement of the magnetic properties in an open magnetic circuit using a superconducting
This CDV document was prepared by the Project Leader on the basis of the second CD and the
comments received from National Committees (see 68/767/CC) and the contributions from the Project
Team, following the decision made by the TC 68 Chairman.
download this electronic file, to make a copy and to print out the content for the sole purpose of preparing National
Committee positions. You may not copy or "mirror" the file or printed version of the document, or any part of it,
for any other purpose without permission in writing from IEC.

-2- IEC CDV 60404-18 © IEC
6 1 Scope . 7
7 2 Normative references . 7
8 3 Terms and definitions . 7
9 4 General principle . 8
10 Principle of the method . 8
11 Superconducting magnet (SCM) . 10
12 Magnetic field strength sensor (H sensor) . 10
13 Magnetic dipole moment detection coil (M coil) . 10
14 Specimen rod and moving device . 11
15 Measuring devices and the data processing device . 11
16 5 Test specimen . 12
17 6 Preparation of measurement . 12
18 Measurement of volume of the test specimen . 12
19 Initial magnetization of the test specimen to saturation . 12
20 7 Determination of magnetic polarization . 13
21 Measurement of the magnetic dipole moment . 13
22 7.1.1 SCM-VSM method . 13
23 7.1.2 SCM-Extraction method . 13
24 Determination of magnetic polarization . 13
25 8 Measurement of magnetic field . 14
26 9 Calibration of the magnetic dipole moment detection coil (M coil) . 14
27 10 Determination of demagnetization curve . 14
28 11 Demagnetizing field correction . 15
29 General . 15
30 Method A: Method using a demagnetizing factor determined by the shape of
31 the test specimen only . 15
32 Method B: Method using a demagnetizing factor determined by the shape
33 and the magnetic susceptibility of the test specimen . 16
34 Method C: Method using an inverse analysis considering the spatial
35 distribution of the self-demagnetizing field strength in the test specimen. 16
36 12 Determination of principal magnetic properties . 17
37 Remanent magnetic polarization J . 17
38 Maximum energy product (BH) . 17
39 Coercivity (H and H ) . 17
cJ cB
40 13 Reproducibility of the measurements . 17
41 14 Test report . 17
42 Annex A (informative)  Demagnetizing field correction . 19
43 Annex B (informative) Details of the demagnetizing field correction . 21
44 B.1 General . 21
45 B.2 Symbols . 21
46 B.3 Method using a demagnetizing factor determined by the shape and magnetic
47 susceptibility of the test specimen (Method B) . 22

– 3 – IEC CDV 60404-18 © IEC
48 B.4 Method using an inverse analysis considering the spatial distribution of the
49 self-demagnetizing field strength in the test specimen (Method C) . 24
50 Annex C (informative)  VSM measurement of the test specimen at elevated
51 temperatures . 27
52 Annex D (informative)  Effect of test specimen dimensions on the magnetic properties . 28
53 Annex E (informative)  Comparison of the magnetic properties measured with a
54 superconducting VSM and a permeameter. 29
55 Bibliography . 30
57 Figure 1 – Demagnetization curve J(H) . 8
58 Figure 2 – Schematic diagrams of the test apparatus . 9
59 Figure 3 – Schematic diagrams of the first order gradiometer coil . 11
60 Figure A.1 – Schematic diagram of the demagnetizing field correction . 19
61 Figure A.2 – Comparison of the demagnetization curves corrected using
62 demagnetizing field correction Methods A, B and C . 20
63 Figure B.1 – Axes of a cuboid magnet . 22
64 Figure B.2 – Conceptual diagram of the procedure of Method C . 24
65 Figure B.3 – Flowchart of the procedure of Method C . 25
66 Figure C.1 – Schematic diagram of the heating unit equipped in a test apparatus . 27
67 Figure D.1 – Effects of test specimen dimensions on magnetic properties [Br, HcJ, HcB
68 and (BH) ] of Nd-Fe-B sintered and hot deformed magnets with different average
69 grain sizes . 28
70 Figure E.1 – Comparison of demagnetization curves measured with a permeameter
71 and a superconducting VSM . 29
73 Table A.1 – Features of the demagnetizing field correction methods in comparison
74 with Method B . 19
75 Table E.1 – Comparison of magnetic properties with a permeameter and a
76 superconducting VSM . 29
-4- IEC CDV 60404-18 © IEC
80 ____________
84 Part 18: Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials –
85 Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties in an open
86 magnetic circuit using a superconducting magnet
91 1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
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100 2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international
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102 interested IEC National Committees.
103 3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National
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107 4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
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