Self-propelled machinery for forestry - Laboratory tests and performance requirements for roll-over protective structures - Part 1: General machines

This part of ISO 8082 establishes a consistent, reproducible means of evaluating the force–deflection
characteristics of roll-over protective structures (ROPS) on self-propelled forestry machines under static
loading, and prescribes performance requirements for a representative specimen under such loading. It is
applicable to forwarders, skidders, feller-bunchers, processors, harvesters and log loaders, as defined in
ISO 6814. It is not applicable to machines having a rotating platform with a cab and boom on the platform,
which are addressed by ISO 8082-2.
NOTE The requirement levels and testing procedures of this part of ISO 8082 are the same as those of ISO 3471 [2].

Machines forestières automotrices - Essais de laboratoire et exigences de performance pour les structures de protection au retournement - Partie 1: Machines communes

L'ISO 8082-1:2009 �tablit un moyen uniforme et reproductible pour �valuer les caract�ristiques de d�formation des structures de protection au retournement (ROPS), sous charges statiques, des machines foresti�res automotrices, et prescrit des exigences de performance d'un �chantillon repr�sentatif dans ces conditions de charge. Elle est applicable aux d�bardeuses, d�busqueuses, abatteuses-groupeuses, fa�onneuses, r�colteuses et chargeuses (de bois ronds), telles que d�finies dans l'ISO 6814. Elle n'est pas applicable aux machines ayant une tourelle d'orientation avec une cabine et une fl�che sur la tourelle, qui sont couvertes dans l'ISO 8082-2.

Gozdarski stroji z lastnim pogonom - Laboratorijski preskusi in zahtevane lastnosti za zaščitne strukture proti prevrnitvi - 1. del: Splošni stroji

Ta del standarda ISO 8082 vzpostavlja skladen, ponovljiv način ocenjevanja lastnosti upogiba pod silo za
zaščitne strukture proti prevrnitvi na gozdarskih strojih z lastnim pogonom pod statično obremenitvijo in opisuje zahtevane lastnosti za reprezentativnega preskušanca pod tako obremenitvijo. Velja za zglobe traktorje za vleko in transport hlodov, stroje za podiranje dreves in zbiranje lesa, stroje za kleščenje in izdelavo (procesorje), stroje za podiranje, kleščenje in izdelavo sortimentov (harvesterje), stroje za nakladanje hlodov, kakor so opredeljeni v standardu ISO 6814. Ne velja za stroje, ki imajo vrtljivo ploščad s kabino in jamborjem na ploščadi ter so obravnavani v standardu ISO 8082-2.
OPOMBA Zahtevane ravni in postopki preskušanja iz tega dela standarda ISO 8082 so enaki kot pri standardu ISO 3471 [2].

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6060 - National Implementation/Publication (Adopted Project)
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First edition

Self-propelled machinery for forestry —
Laboratory tests and performance
requirements for roll-over protective
structures —
Part 1:
General machines
Machines forestières automotrices — Essais de laboratoire et
exigences de performance pour les structures de protection au
retournement —
Partie 1: Machines communes

Reference number
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
ISO 2009

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
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©  ISO 2009
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electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
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ISO copyright office
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Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland

ii © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms, definitions and symbols .2
4 Static laboratory tests.4
5 Performance requirements.11
6 Reporting results.13
Annex A (normative) Test report for ISO 8082-1.14

© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved iii

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8082-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and
forestry, Subcommittee SC 15, Machinery for forestry.
This first edition of ISO 8082-1 cancels and replaces ISO 8082:2003, of which it constitutes a minor revision.
Whereas machines having a rotating platform with cab and boom on the platform remain excluded from the
scope of this part of ISO 8082, the restructuring of the standard into discrete parts allows those machines to
be addressed in ISO 8082-2.
ISO 8082 consists of the following parts, under the general title Self-propelled machinery for forestry —
Laboratory tests and performance requirements for roll-over protective structures:
⎯ Part 1: General machines
⎯ Part 2: Machines having a rotating platform with a cab and boom on the platform

iv © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

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Self-propelled machinery for forestry — Laboratory tests and
performance requirements for roll-over protective structures —
Part 1:
General machines
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8082 establishes a consistent, reproducible means of evaluating the force–deflection
characteristics of roll-over protective structures (ROPS) on self-propelled forestry machines under static
loading, and prescribes performance requirements for a representative specimen under such loading. It is
applicable to forwarders, skidders, feller-bunchers, processors, harvesters and log loaders, as defined in
ISO 6814. It is not applicable to machines having a rotating platform with a cab and boom on the platform,
which are addressed by ISO 8082-2.
NOTE The requirement levels and testing procedures of this part of ISO 8082 are the same as those of ISO 3471 .
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 148-1, Metallic materials — Charpy pendulum impact test — Part 1: Test method
ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts, screws
and studs with specified property classes — Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
ISO 898-2:1992, Mechanical properties of fasteners — Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values — Coarse
ISO 3164, Earth-moving machinery — Laboratory evaluations of protective structures — Specifications for
deflection-limiting volume
ISO 6814, Machinery for forestry — Mobile and self-propelled machinery — Terms, definitions and
© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and symbols (see Table 1) apply.
roll-over protective structure
system of structural members whose primary purpose is to reduce the possibility of a seat-belted operator
being crushed should the machine roll over
NOTE These structural members include any subframe, bracket, mounting, socket, bolt, pin, suspension or flexible
shock absorber used to secure the system to the machine frame, but exclude mounting provisions that are integral with
the machine frame.
deflection-limiting volume
orthogonal approximation of a large, seated, male operator as defined in ISO 3411 wearing normal clothing
and a protective helmet
falling-object protective structure
system of structural members arranged in such a way as to provide operators with reasonable protection from
falling objects (e.g. trees, rocks)
operator protective structure
system of structural members arranged in such a way as to minimize the possibility of operator injury from
penetrating objects (such as whipping saplings, branches and broken winch lines)
simulated ground plane
flat surface on which, after rolling, a forestry machine is assumed to come to rest
lateral simulated ground plane
for a machine coming to rest on its side, the plane 15° away from the DLV about the horizontal axis within the
plane established in the vertical plane passing through the outermost point
See Figure 1.
NOTE The LSGP is established on an unloaded ROPS and moves with the member to which load is applied while
maintaining its 15° angle with respect to the vertical.
vertical simulated ground plane
〈rollbar ROPS〉 for a machine coming to rest in an upside-down position, the plane defined by the top cross-
member of the ROPS and that front (or rear) part of the machine likely to come in contact with flat ground at
the same time as the ROPS and capable of supporting the upside-down machine
NOTE The VSGP moves with the deformed ROPS.
2 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

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ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
machine mass
maximum mass declared by the manufacturer, including attachments in the operating condition and with tools,
ROPS and all reservoirs filled, but excluding towed equipment (e.g. chippers, planters, discs) and any load
that could be carried on the machine
Table 1 — Symbols
Symbol Description Unit
U Energy absorbed by the structure, related to machine mass J
F Force N
m Machine mass kg
∆ Deflection of ROPS mm

1 upper ROPS member to which the lateral load is applied
2 outermost point from the end view of member (1)
3 vertical plane parallel to the machine longitudinal centreline through line (4)
4 vertical line through point (2)
5 lateral simulated ground plane
Figure 1 — Determination of lateral simulated ground plane (LSGP)
© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved 3

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ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
4 Static laboratory tests
CAUTION — Some of the tests specified in this part of ISO 8082 involve the use of processes which
could lead to a hazardous situation.
4.1 Facilities
Facilities for securing the ROPS/machine frame assembly to the bedplate, as specified in the following, and
for applying lateral, longitudinal and vertical loads, shall be provided.
The DLV and its location shall be in accordance with ISO 3164. The DLV shall be fixed firmly to the same part
of the machine to which the operator's seat is normally secured, and shall remain there during the entire
formal test period. For machines with a reversible operator's position, the DLV is to be considered as the
combined clearance zones for the two positions.
4.2 Instruments
The test apparatus shall be equipped with instruments for measuring the force applied to the protective
structure and the deflection (deformation) of the structure. The instrument accuracy shall be in accordance
with Table 2.
Table 2 — Instrument accuracy requirements
Measurement Accuracy
Deflection of ROPS ± 5 % of maximum deflection measured
Force applied to ROPS ± 5 % of maximum force measured
The percentages are nominal ratings of the accuracy of the instrumentation and shall not
be taken to indicate that a compensating overtest is required.
4.3 Apparatus
4.3.1 General Assembly of ROPS to machine frame
The ROPS shall be attached to the machine frame or body as it would be on an operating machine. A
complete machine is not required for the evaluation; however, the machine frame or body and ROPS
mounting shall represent an operating installation. All normally detachable windows, panels, doors and other
non-structural elements shall be removed so that they neither contribute to, nor detract from, the structural
evaluation. ROPS/machine attachment to bedplate
The ROPS/machine-frame assembly shall be secured to the bedplate so that the members connecting the
assembly and bedplate experience minimal deflection during testing. During lateral loading, the
ROPS/machine-frame assembly shall not receive any support from the bedplate, other than that due to the
initial attachment.
Connections to the bedplate shall be directly from the machine frame at or near the front-axle support and the
rear drive support. For articulated machines, if both frames are used in the evaluation, the hinge shall be
locked so that the frames are in a straight line. If the frame on which the ROPS is mounted is used alone, the
connections shall be at or near the extreme ends of the frame (see Figure 2).
4 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

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ISO 8082-1:2009(E) Elimination of energy absorbers
The assembly shall be secured or modified or both so that any machine element that might be considered as
suspension (rubber, gas, gas-oil or mechanical spring) shall be effectively eliminated as an energy absorber.
However, the ROPS-structural members may include suspension or flexible shock absorbers, which shall not
be altered.
4.3.2 Vertical loading
For vertical loading, there is no limitation on securing or supporting the ROPS/machine-frame assembly,
except that no repair or straightening of the assembly shall be carried out.

Figure 2 — Machine attachment to bedplate
4.4 Test procedures
4.4.1 General
The test procedures shall consist of the operations specified in 4.4.2 (lateral loading), 4.4.3 (vertical loading)
and 4.4.4 (longitudinal loading), carried out in that order.
No repair or straightening of any ROPS/machine member shall be carried out during or between the lateral,
vertical and longitudinal loading.
NOTE The figures referred to are illustrative and not intended to restrict the design of loading devices.
4.4.2 Lateral loading The force–deflection characteristics shall be determined by lateral loading of the top major
longitudinal members of the ROPS. For a ROPS having more than two posts, the lateral loading shall be applied through a load-
distribution device having a length not greater than 80 % of the horizontal distance, L, between the front and
rear posts of the ROPS (see Figure 3). In the case of curved structural members, the load-distribution device
may be attached to the ROPS but shall not have any affect on the strength of the ROPS. For all one- or two-post ROPS, initial loading shall be dictated by the length, L, and the vertical
projections of the front and rear planes of the DLV. The load application point may not be within L/3 of the
ROPS structure. Should the L/3 point be between the vertical projection of the DLV and the ROPS structure,
the load application point shall be moved away from the structure until it enters the vertical projection of the
DLV (see Figure 4).
© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved 5

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ISO 8082-1:2009(E) The initial direction of loading shall be horizontal and perpendicular to a vertical plane through the
machine's longitudinal centreline. As

SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
SIST ISO 8082:1995
Self-propelled machinery for forestry - Laboratory tests and performance requirements
for roll-over protective structures - Part 1: General machines
Machines forestières automotrices - Essais de laboratoire et exigences de performance
pour les structures de protection au retournement - Partie 1: Machines communes
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 8082-1:2009
65.060.80 Gozdarska oprema Forestry equipment
SIST ISO 8082-1:2015 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------

SIST ISO 8082-1:2015

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------

SIST ISO 8082-1:2015

First edition

Self-propelled machinery for forestry —
Laboratory tests and performance
requirements for roll-over protective
structures —
Part 1:
General machines
Machines forestières automotrices — Essais de laboratoire et
exigences de performance pour les structures de protection au
retournement —
Partie 1: Machines communes

Reference number
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
ISO 2009

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------

SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
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This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but
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All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or
ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland

ii © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------

SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope.1
2 Normative references.1
3 Terms, definitions and symbols .2
4 Static laboratory tests.4
5 Performance requirements.11
6 Reporting results.13
Annex A (normative) Test report for ISO 8082-1.14

© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved iii

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------

SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 8082-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and
forestry, Subcommittee SC 15, Machinery for forestry.
This first edition of ISO 8082-1 cancels and replaces ISO 8082:2003, of which it constitutes a minor revision.
Whereas machines having a rotating platform with cab and boom on the platform remain excluded from the
scope of this part of ISO 8082, the restructuring of the standard into discrete parts allows those machines to
be addressed in ISO 8082-2.
ISO 8082 consists of the following parts, under the general title Self-propelled machinery for forestry —
Laboratory tests and performance requirements for roll-over protective structures:
⎯ Part 1: General machines
⎯ Part 2: Machines having a rotating platform with a cab and boom on the platform

iv © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 8082-1:2015

Self-propelled machinery for forestry — Laboratory tests and
performance requirements for roll-over protective structures —
Part 1:
General machines
1 Scope
This part of ISO 8082 establishes a consistent, reproducible means of evaluating the force–deflection
characteristics of roll-over protective structures (ROPS) on self-propelled forestry machines under static
loading, and prescribes performance requirements for a representative specimen under such loading. It is
applicable to forwarders, skidders, feller-bunchers, processors, harvesters and log loaders, as defined in
ISO 6814. It is not applicable to machines having a rotating platform with a cab and boom on the platform,
which are addressed by ISO 8082-2.
NOTE The requirement levels and testing procedures of this part of ISO 8082 are the same as those of ISO 3471 .
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 148-1, Metallic materials — Charpy pendulum impact test — Part 1: Test method
ISO 898-1, Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts, screws
and studs with specified property classes — Coarse thread and fine pitch thread
ISO 898-2:1992, Mechanical properties of fasteners — Part 2: Nuts with specified proof load values — Coarse
ISO 3164, Earth-moving machinery — Laboratory evaluations of protective structures — Specifications for
deflection-limiting volume
ISO 6814, Machinery for forestry — Mobile and self-propelled machinery — Terms, definitions and
© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved 1

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SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and symbols (see Table 1) apply.
roll-over protective structure
system of structural members whose primary purpose is to reduce the possibility of a seat-belted operator
being crushed should the machine roll over
NOTE These structural members include any subframe, bracket, mounting, socket, bolt, pin, suspension or flexible
shock absorber used to secure the system to the machine frame, but exclude mounting provisions that are integral with
the machine frame.
deflection-limiting volume
orthogonal approximation of a large, seated, male operator as defined in ISO 3411 wearing normal clothing
and a protective helmet
falling-object protective structure
system of structural members arranged in such a way as to provide operators with reasonable protection from
falling objects (e.g. trees, rocks)
operator protective structure
system of structural members arranged in such a way as to minimize the possibility of operator injury from
penetrating objects (such as whipping saplings, branches and broken winch lines)
simulated ground plane
flat surface on which, after rolling, a forestry machine is assumed to come to rest
lateral simulated ground plane
for a machine coming to rest on its side, the plane 15° away from the DLV about the horizontal axis within the
plane established in the vertical plane passing through the outermost point
See Figure 1.
NOTE The LSGP is established on an unloaded ROPS and moves with the member to which load is applied while
maintaining its 15° angle with respect to the vertical.
vertical simulated ground plane
〈rollbar ROPS〉 for a machine coming to rest in an upside-down position, the plane defined by the top cross-
member of the ROPS and that front (or rear) part of the machine likely to come in contact with flat ground at
the same time as the ROPS and capable of supporting the upside-down machine
NOTE The VSGP moves with the deformed ROPS.
2 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
machine mass
maximum mass declared by the manufacturer, including attachments in the operating condition and with tools,
ROPS and all reservoirs filled, but excluding towed equipment (e.g. chippers, planters, discs) and any load
that could be carried on the machine
Table 1 — Symbols
Symbol Description Unit
U Energy absorbed by the structure, related to machine mass J
F Force N
m Machine mass kg
∆ Deflection of ROPS mm

1 upper ROPS member to which the lateral load is applied
2 outermost point from the end view of member (1)
3 vertical plane parallel to the machine longitudinal centreline through line (4)
4 vertical line through point (2)
5 lateral simulated ground plane
Figure 1 — Determination of lateral simulated ground plane (LSGP)
© ISO 2009 – All rights reserved 3

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SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
ISO 8082-1:2009(E)
4 Static laboratory tests
CAUTION — Some of the tests specified in this part of ISO 8082 involve the use of processes which
could lead to a hazardous situation.
4.1 Facilities
Facilities for securing the ROPS/machine frame assembly to the bedplate, as specified in the following, and
for applying lateral, longitudinal and vertical loads, shall be provided.
The DLV and its location shall be in accordance with ISO 3164. The DLV shall be fixed firmly to the same part
of the machine to which the operator's seat is normally secured, and shall remain there during the entire
formal test period. For machines with a reversible operator's position, the DLV is to be considered as the
combined clearance zones for the two positions.
4.2 Instruments
The test apparatus shall be equipped with instruments for measuring the force applied to the protective
structure and the deflection (deformation) of the structure. The instrument accuracy shall be in accordance
with Table 2.
Table 2 — Instrument accuracy requirements
Measurement Accuracy
Deflection of ROPS ± 5 % of maximum deflection measured
Force applied to ROPS ± 5 % of maximum force measured
The percentages are nominal ratings of the accuracy of the instrumentation and shall not
be taken to indicate that a compensating overtest is required.
4.3 Apparatus
4.3.1 General Assembly of ROPS to machine frame
The ROPS shall be attached to the machine frame or body as it would be on an operating machine. A
complete machine is not required for the evaluation; however, the machine frame or body and ROPS
mounting shall represent an operating installation. All normally detachable windows, panels, doors and other
non-structural elements shall be removed so that they neither contribute to, nor detract from, the structural
evaluation. ROPS/machine attachment to bedplate
The ROPS/machine-frame assembly shall be secured to the bedplate so that the members connecting the
assembly and bedplate experience minimal deflection during testing. During lateral loading, the
ROPS/machine-frame assembly shall not receive any support from the bedplate, other than that due to the
initial attachment.
Connections to the bedplate shall be directly from the machine frame at or near the front-axle support and the
rear drive support. For articulated machines, if both frames are used in the evaluation, the hinge shall be
locked so that the frames are in a straight line. If the frame on which the ROPS is mounted is used alone, the
connections shall be at or near the extreme ends of the frame (see Figure 2).
4 © ISO 2009 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 8082-1:2015
ISO 8082-1:2009(E) Elimination of energy absorbers
The assembly shall be secured or modified or both so that any machine element that might be considered as
suspension (rubber, gas, gas-oil or mechanical spring) shall be effectively eliminated as an energy absorber.
However, the ROPS-structural members may include suspension or flexible shock absorbers, which shall not
be altered.
4.3.2 Vertical loading
For vertical loading, there is no limitation on securing or supporting the ROPS/machine-frame assembly,
except that no repair or straightening of the assembly shall be carried out.

Figure 2 — Machine attachment to bedplate
4.4 Test procedures
4.4.1 General
The test procedures shall consist of the operations specified in 4.4.2 (lateral loading), 4.4.3 (vertical loading)
and 4.4.4 (longitudinal loading), carried out in that order.
No repair or straightening of any ROPS/machine member shall be carried out during or between the lateral,
vertical and longitudinal loading.
NOTE The figures referred to are illustrative and not intended to restrict the design of loading devices.
4.4.2 Lateral loading The force–deflection characteristics shall be determined by lateral loading of the top major
longitudinal members of the ROPS. For a ROPS having more than two posts, the lateral loading shall be applied through a load-
distribution device having a length not greater than 80 % of the horizontal distance, L, between the front and
rear posts of the ROPS (see Figure 3). In the case of curved structural members, the load-distribution device
may be attached to the ROPS but shall not have any affect on the strength of the ROPS. For all one- or two-post ROPS, initial loading shall be dictated by the length, L, and the vertical
projections of the front and rear planes of the DLV. The load application point may not be withi

Première édition

Machines forestières automotrices —
Essais de laboratoire et exigences de
performance pour les structures de
protection au retournement —
Partie 1:
Machines communes
Self-propelled machinery for forestry — Laboratory tests and
performance requirements for roll-over protective structures —
Part 1: General machines

Numéro de référence
ISO 8082-1:2009(F)
ISO 2009

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ISO 8082-1:2009(F)
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ii © ISO 2009 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 8082-1:2009(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
1 Domaine d'application .1
2 Références normatives.1
3 Termes, définitions et symboles.2
4 Essais statiques en laboratoire .4
5 Exigences de performance.11
6 Rapport d'essai.13
Annexe A (normative) Rapport d'essai pour l'ISO 8082-1 .14

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ISO 8082-1:2009(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 8082-1 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 23, Tracteurs et matériels agricoles et forestiers,
sous-comité SC 15, Matériel forestier.
Cette première édition de l'ISO 8082-1 annule et remplace l'ISO 8082:2003, dont elle constitue une révision
mineure. Les machines ayant une tourelle d'orientation avec une cabine et une flèche sur la tourelle
demeurent exclues du domaine d'application de la présente partie de l'ISO 8082, mais la restructuration de la
Norme en parties permet de traiter ces machines dans l'ISO 8082-2.
L'ISO 8082 comprend les parties suivantes, présentées sous le titre général Machines forestières
automotrices — Essais de laboratoire et exigences de performance pour les structures de protection au
⎯ Partie 1: Machines communes
⎯ Partie 2: Machines ayant une tourelle d'orientation avec une cabine et une flèche sur la tourelle

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Machines forestières automotrices — Essais de laboratoire et
exigences de performance pour les structures de protection au
retournement —
Partie 1:
Machines communes
1 Domaine d'application
La présente partie de l'ISO 8082 établit un moyen uniforme et reproductible pour évaluer les caractéristiques
de déformation des structures de protection au retournement (ROPS), sous charges statiques, des machines
forestières automotrices, et prescrit des exigences de performance d'un échantillon représentatif dans ces
conditions de charge. Elle est applicable aux débardeuses, débusqueuses, abatteuses-groupeuses,
façonneuses, récolteuses et chargeuses (de bois ronds), telles que définies dans l'ISO 6814. Elle n'est pas
applicable aux machines ayant une tourelle d'orientation avec une cabine et une flèche sur la tourelle, qui
sont couvertes dans l'ISO 8082-2.
NOTE Les niveaux d'exigence et les procédures d'essai de la présente partie de l'ISO 8082 sont les mêmes que
ceux de l'ISO 3471 .
2 Références normatives
Les documents de référence suivants sont indispensables pour l'application du présent document. Pour les
références datées, seule l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du
document de référence s'applique (y compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO 148-1, Matériaux métalliques — Essai de flexion par choc sur éprouvette Charpy — Partie 1: Méthode
ISO 898-1, Caractéristiques mécaniques des éléments de fixation en acier au carbone et en acier allié —
Partie 1: Vis, goujons et tiges filetées de classes de qualité spécifiées — Filetages à pas gros et filetages à
pas fin
ISO 898-2:1992, Caractéristiques mécaniques des éléments de fixation — Partie 2: Écrous avec charges
d'épreuve spécifiées — Filetages à pas gros
ISO 3164, Engins de terrassement — Étude en laboratoire des structures de protection — Spécifications pour
le volume limite de déformation
ISO 6814, Matériel forestier — Machines mobiles et automotrices — Termes, définitions et classification
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ISO 8082-1:2009(F)
3 Termes, définitions et symboles
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes, définitions et symboles (voir le Tableau 1) suivants
structure de protection au retournement
assemblage de membrures ayant pour rôle principal de réduire le risque d'écrasement d'un opérateur
maintenu par une ceinture de sécurité en cas de retournement de la machine
NOTE Les membrures comprennent tous les cadres secondaires, entretoises, éléments de montage, sièges de
fixation, boulons, goupilles, suspensions ou amortisseurs souples utilisés pour fixer l'ensemble au châssis, mais excluent
les éléments solidaires du châssis de la machine.
volume limite de déformation
approximation orthogonale d'un grand opérateur assis, de sexe masculin, tel qu'il est défini dans l'ISO 3411,
portant des vêtements normaux et un casque de protection
structure de protection contre les chutes d'objets
assemblage de membrures disposé de façon à assurer à l'opérateur une protection suffisante contre les
chutes d'objets (par exemple arbres, rochers)
structure de protection de l'opérateur
assemblage de membrures disposé de façon à minimiser la possibilité de blessures de l'opérateur par des
objets projetés vers lui tels que arbrisseaux fouettants, branchages et câbles cassés de treuil
plan fictif du sol
surface plane sur laquelle une machine forestière est censée s'immobiliser après s'être retournée
plan fictif latéral du sol
pour une machine qui s'immobilise sur le flanc, plan contenant une ligne parallèle à l'axe longitudinal de la
machine passant par le point latéral le plus à l'extérieur de l'élément supérieur de la ROPS auquel la charge
est appliquée, écarté du DLV d'un angle de 15° par rapport à la verticale
Voir la Figure 1.
NOTE Le LSGP est déterminé sur une ROPS non soumise à une charge et se déplace avec l'élément sur lequel la
charge est appliquée tout en maintenant l'angle de 15° qu'il forme avec la verticale.
plan fictif vertical du sol
〈ROPS avec arceau de sécurité〉 pour une machine qui s'immobilise en position renversée, le plan passant
par la traverse supérieure de la ROPS et la partie avant (ou arrière) de la machine susceptible de se trouver
en contact avec un sol plat en même temps que la ROPS et capable de soutenir la machine renversée
NOTE Le VSGP se déplace avec la ROPS déformée.
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ISO 8082-1:2009(F)
masse de la machine
masse maximale déclarée par le constructeur, y compris les équipements en condition de fonctionnement, les
outils, la ROPS et l'ensemble des réservoirs pleins, mais sans les équipements tractés (comme
déchiqueteuses, planteuses, charrues à disques), ni les charges éventuelles susceptibles d'être portées par la
Tableau 1 — Symboles
Symbole Description Unité
U Énergie absorbée par la structure en fonction de la machine J
F Force N
m Masse de la machine kg
∆ Déformation de la ROPS mm

1 élément supérieur de la ROPS auquel la charge latérale est appliquée
2 point le plus à l'extérieur de l'élément supérieur (1) vu de côté
3 plan vertical parallèle à l'axe longitudinal de la machine et comprenant la ligne (4)
4 ligne verticale passant par le point (2)
5 plan fictif latéral du sol
Figure 1 — Détermination du plan fictif latéral du sol (LSGP)
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ISO 8082-1:2009(F)
4 Essais statiques en laboratoire
ATTENTION — Certains essais spécifiés dans la présente partie de l'ISO 8082 impliquent l'utilisation
de procédés susceptibles de créer une situation dangereuse.
4.1 Installations
Des installations permettant de fixer l'ensemble ROPS/châssis de la machine sur le banc d'essai, comme
décrit ci-dessous, et d'appliquer les charges latérale, longitudinale et verticale, doivent être prévues.
Le DLV et son emplacement doivent être conformes à l'ISO 3164. Le DLV doit être solidement fixé à la partie
de la machine à laquelle le siège de l'opérateur est normalement assujetti et doit rester à cet emplacement
pendant toute la durée de l'essai officiel. Pour les machines munies d'un siège d'opérateur réversible, le DLV
est défini comme les zones de dégagement combinées pour les deux positions.
4.2 Instrumentation
L'appareillage d'essai doit être pourvu d'instruments permettant de mesurer la force appliquée à la structure
de protection ainsi que la déformation de la structure. L'exactitude des instruments doit être conforme au
Tableau 2.
Tableau 2 — Exigences d'exactitude des instruments
Paramètre mesuré Exactitude
Déformation de la ROPS ± 5 % de la déformation maximale mesurée
Force appliquée à la ROPS ± 5 % de la force maximale mesurée
Ces valeurs sont des valeurs nominales de l'exactitude de l'instrumentation et ne doivent

pas servir à indiquer qu'un essai compensateur est nécessaire.
4.3 Appareillage
4.3.1 Généralités Assemblage de la ROPS sur le châssis de la machine
La ROPS doit être fixée au châssis ou au corps de la machine comme elle le serait sur une machine en
service. Une machine complète n'est pas nécessaire pour l'évaluation; toutefois, l'ensemble du châssis ou du
corps de la machine et de la ROPS doit représenter une installation en état de fonctionnement. Tous les
panneaux, vitres, portes normalement amovibles et tous les autres éléments non porteurs doivent être
démontés de manière à ne pas fausser l'évaluation de la structure. Fixation de l'ensemble ROPS/machine sur le banc d'essai
L'ensemble ROPS/châssis de la machine doit être fixé au banc d'essai de sorte que les éléments reliant
l'assemblage au banc d'essai ne subissent qu'une déformation minimale pendant les essais. Lors de
l'application de la charge latérale, l'ensemble ROPS/châssis de la machine ne doit pas être retenu par le banc
d'essai autrement que par les fixations initiales.
Le châssis doit être directement fixé au banc d'essai au niveau ou à proximité des supports des essieux avant
et arrière. Pour les machines articulées, si les deux châssis sont utilisés au cours de l'évaluation, l'articulation
doit être verrouillée de sorte que les châssis soient alignés. Si seul le châssis sur lequel la ROPS est montée
subit l'essai, les fixations doivent être placées au niveau ou à proximité des extrémités du châssis (voir
la Figure 2).
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ISO 8082-1:2009(F) Élimination des absorbeurs d'énergie
L'ensemble doit être fixé et/ou modifié de sorte que tout élément de la machine pouvant être considéré
comme un élément de suspension (caoutchouc, ressort à gaz, hydraulique ou mécanique) soit effectivement
éliminé en tant qu'absorbeur d'énergie. Toutefois, les membrures de la ROPS peuvent comporter une
suspension ou des amortisseurs de chocs souples qui, eux, ne doivent pas être modifiés.
4.3.2 Charge verticale
Pour l'application d'une charge verticale, il n'y a aucune restriction en ce qui concerne l'assujettissement ou le
soutènement de l'ensemble ROPS/châssis de la machine, si ce n'est qu'on ne doit procéder à aucune
réparation ou redressement de l'ensemble.

Figure 2 — Fixation de la machine sur le banc d'essai
4.4 Modes opératoires d'essai
4.4.1 Généralités
Les modes opératoires d'essai doivent comporter les opérations spécifiées en 4.4.2 (charge latérale),
4.4.3 (charge verticale) et 4.4.4 (charge longitudinale), effectuées dans cet ordre.
Aucun élément de l'ensemble ROPS/machine ne doit être réparé ou redressé pendant ou entre l'application
des charges latérale, verticale et longitudinale.
NOTE Les figures mentionnées sont uniquement illustratives et ne sont pas destinées à imposer une restriction pour
la conception des dispositifs d'application de la charge.
4.4.2 Charge latérale Les caractéristiques force/déformation doivent être déterminées en appliquant une charge
latérale sur les principales membrures longitudinales supérieures de la ROPS. Pour une ROPS comportant plus de deux montants, la charge latérale doit être appliquée par
l'intermédiaire d'un dispositif de répartition de charge dont la longueur ne représente pas plus de 80 % de la
distance horizontale, L, entre les montants avant et arrière de la ROPS (voir la Figure 3). Dans le cas de
membrures curvilignes, le dispositif de répartition de charge peut être fixé sur la ROPS mais il ne doit pas
influer sur la résistance de cette dernière. Pour toutes les ROPS à un ou deux montant(s), la longueur, L, ainsi que les projections verticales
des plans avant et arrière du DLV doivent déterminer la charge initiale. Le point d'application de la charge
peut ne pas se situer à L/3 de la structure de la ROPS. Dans le cas où le point L/3 se trouve entre la
projection verticale du DLV et la structure de la ROPS, le point d'application de la charge doit être éloigné de
la structure jusqu'à ce qu'il soit dans la projection verticale du DLV (voir la Figure 4).
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ISO 8082-1:2009(F) La direction initiale de la charge doit être horizontale et perpendiculaire à un plan vertical passant

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