The document covers, together with part 1, all  significant hazards connected with ironing and fusing  presses used in the laundry, garment and dry cleaning  industry.

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Covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with flatwork ironers, feeders and folders, such as: - cylinder and bed ironers for flatwork finishing having a contact area (for bed ironers under pressure) 0,25 m; - flatwork feeding machines for the automatic feeding of flatwork into bed or cylinder ironers, or directly to folders; - flatwork folding machines for the automatic folding of flatwork in association with cylinder and bed ironers; - folding machines for the automatic folding of small pieces (excluding endless towels); - multi-function machines. This part of the standard complements the basic requirements as laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1and ISO/TR 12100-2. It also gives guidance to the designer on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety level. This aprt does not apply to ancillary equipment, e.g. chemical supply pumps, steam valves and supply pipe work, vent systems, work feed systems and discharge systems and ducting to the atmosphere.

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Covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with air dryers, and in particular with tumble dryers having a net usable cage volume >160 l and tunnel finishers including associated conveyors and cabinet dryers. This part of the standard complements the basic requirements as laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1 and ISO/TR 1210-2. It also gives guidance to the designer on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety level. This part of the standard does not apply to ancillary equipment.

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Covers together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with washing machines and washer-extractors of all configurations having a net usable cage volume 60 l. This part does not cover particular hazards for drawer-type washer extractors. This part does not cover the hazards caused by processing work which may create an explosive or flammable atmosphere inside the machine. This part complements the basic requirements as laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1 and ISO/TR 12100-2. It also gives guidance to the designer on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety level.

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Identify all significant hazards associated with laundry machinery designed for use in industrial laundry premises, which includes hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons and similar premises, as well as machines designed for use in self-service estabilshments subject to the minimum capacities stated in the separate parts of ISO 10472. Dry-cleaning presses and garment presses are also included.

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Covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with washing tunnel lines including component machines such as: - continuous tunnel washing machines; - squeeze presses or centrifugal extraction machines; - transfer conveyor systems; - automatic transfer tumblers; - loading or unloading system interfaces; - access platform and ladders.

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This part of ISO 10472 covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with flatwork ironers, feeders and folder, such as:  -  cylinders and bed ironers for flatwork finishing having a contact area (for bed    ironers under pressure) > 0,25 m2; -  flatwork feeding machines for the automatic feeding of flatwork into bed or    cylindrical ironers, or directly to folders; -  flatwork folding machines for the automatic folding of  flatwork  in association    with cylinder  and bed ironers; -  folding machines for the automatic folding of small pieces (excluding endless    towels); -  multi-function machines.  This part of ISO 10472 complements the basic requirements as laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1 and ISO/TR 12100-2. It also gives guidance to the dsigner on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety level.  This part of ISO 10472 does not apply to ancillary equipment,e.g. chemical supply pumps, steam valves and supply pipe work, vent systems and discharge systems and ducting to the atmosphere.

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This part of ISO 10472 covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with ironing anf fusing presses used in the laundry, garment and dry-cleaning industry, and in particular:  - scissor presses; - cabinet presses; - drawer presses; - rotary presses (carousel) and other presses with  multiple bucks.  This part of ISO 10472 complements the basic requirements as laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1 an ISO/TR 12100-2. It also gives guidance to the designer on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety  level.  This part of ISO 10472 does not apply to ancillary equipment, e.g. steam valves and supply pipe work, vent systems, work feed systems and discharge systems ; and ducting to the atmosphere.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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This part of ISO 10472 covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with washing machines and washer-extractors of all configurations having a net usable cage volume > 60 l.  This part of ISO 10472 does not cover particular hazards for drawer-type washer-extractors.  This part of ISO 10472 does not cover the hazards caused by processing work which may create an explosive or flammable atmosphere inside the machine.  This part of ISO 10472 complements the basic requirements as laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1 and ISO/TR 12100-2. It also gives guidance to the designer on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety level.  This part of ISO 10472 does not apply to ancillary equipment, e.g. chemical supply pumps, steam valves and supply pipe work, vent systems, work feed systems and discharge systems and ducting to the atmosphere.

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    22 pages
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This part of ISO 10472 covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with washing tunnel lines including component machines such as:  -  continuous tunnel washing machines; -  squeeze presses or centrifugal extraction machines; -  transfer conveyor systems; -  automatic transfer tumblers; -  loading or unloading system interfaces; -  access platform and ladders.  This part of ISO 10472 does not cover particular hazards for continuous stand-alone washing lines for endless towels.  This part of ISO 10472 does not cover the hazards caused by processing work which may create an explosive or flammable atmosphere inside the machine.  This part of ISO 10472 complements the basic requirements laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1 and ISO/TR 12100-2. It also gives guidance to the designer on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety level.  This part of ISO 10472 does not apply to ancillary equipment, e.g. chemical store and supply pumps, steam valves and supply pipework, vent systems, work feed systems and ducting to the atmosphere.

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This part of ISO 10472 covers, together with ISO 10472-1, most significant hazards associated with air dryers, and in particular with tumble dryers having a net usable cage volume > 160 I and tunnel finishers including associated conveyors and cabinet dryers.  This part of ISO 10472 complements the basic requirements as laid down in ISO/TR 12100-1 and ISO/TR 12100-2. It also gives guidance to the designer on assessing the risks associated with the hazards (see EN 1050) and on selecting measures for attaining the required safety level.  This part of ISO 10472 does not apply to ancillary equipment.

  • Standard
    15 pages
    English language
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