This document defines the key technical terms used in the European Standards developed in the field of explosives for civil uses.

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This document specifies a test method for the verification of safe and reliable ignition and complete deflagration of black powder.

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This document specifies a method for determining the resistance to water of flexible detonating cords and water-resistant safety fuses.

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This document specifies a method to assess a sensitiveness to a mechanical impact of detonating cords and safety fuses.
Applicability of the test method is ambient laboratory conditions. Testing at a specific temperature outside ambient can require special arrangements to condition test sample and/or equipment.

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This document specifies a method for determining the reliability of initiation of detonating cords by a detonator of defined initiating capability.

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This document specifies a method for checking small rocket motors for voids and fissures and provides a list of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for detecting voids and fissures in other solid rocket propellants.

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This document specifies a method of determining an initiation capability for detonating cords.
NOTE   The limitations of this method are described in 7.3.
The test method described in this document is intended to assess the initiation capability of detonating cords only. The reliability of initiation is assessed in prEN 13630-7:2021.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of burning rate under ambient conditions for solid gun propellants. It is applicable to solid gun propellants and black powder in their original form up to a grain size of 8 mm.
NOTE 1   Knowledge of burning rate is of high importance to manage risks associated with handling such explosives and of high importance to assess whether performance characteristics are met.
NOTE 2   In cases where propellants having grain size higher than 8 mm are generally used, their burning rate is more influenced and controlled by parameters of element containing thereof, and thus knowledge of their burning rate at ambient condition is not of high importance.

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This document specifies a method to assess the thermal stability of detonating cord and safety fuses.
The test result is valid for temperature up to 75 °C during 48 h.

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This document specifies methods for determining the burning duration of safety fuses.
Applicability of the test method is under environmental conditions of a field test range or blast bunker.

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This document specifies a method for determining the detonation velocity (VOD) of detonating cords.
Applicability of the test method is under environmental conditions of a field test range or blast bunker.

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This document specifies a method to determine the resistance to mechanical tension of detonating cords and safety fuses.
Applicability of the test method is ambient laboratory conditions.

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This document specifies information to be provided by a manufacturer of explosives for civil uses, or his authorized representative, to the notified body and the user.

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This European Standard specifies the special conditions and procedures permitting the extension to wider ranges of applicability of the following test methods:
- determination of resistance to hydrostatic pressure;
- verification of the means of initiation;
- determination of transmission of detonation.
Standardised test methods at extreme temperatures for the following purposes are not given:
- determination of sensitiveness to friction;
- determination of sensitiveness to impact;
- determination of resistance to water;
- determination of the initiating capability of boosters;
- determination of velocity of detonation.
NOTE   In these cases, the manufacturer of the explosive should provide a suitable test method and, in cases where the results should be checked by an independent institution or authority, the manufacturer and the institution or authority should agree upon a suitable test method.

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This European Standard specifies the requirements for high explosives for civil uses when subjected to test
methods defined in the standards referred herein

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This European Standard specifies a method of determining the resistance to water of cartridged or bulk high explosives for civil uses, which are designed to be used for blasting operations in wet conditions.

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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the ability of cartridged explosives to transmit detonation.

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This document specifies a method for the determination of resistance to electrostatic energy for propellants containing a mass fraction of at least 5 % of particles which pass through a 1 mm sieve. This method does not apply to black powder.
NOTE   If the mass fraction of particles smaller than 1 mm size is less than 5 % the propellant is considered to be insensitive to electrostatic energy and this test is not performed.

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This document specifies a method of verifying whether a detonating cord can be initiated by a detonating cord.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the sensitiveness to impact of explosives.

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This document specifies a method to determine the tendency of a propellant to undergo transition from deflagration to detonation (DDT). It applies to propellants of a grain size up to 8 mm. This method does not apply to black powder and rocket propellant.
NOTE 1   Due to the nature of the shape of grains (heterogeneous), the combustion of the rocket propellant can cause a crack of the grain causing an explosion of the rocket motor.
NOTE 2   Black powders properties differ significantly from propellant and explosives because black powders are capable of maintaining stable combustion at high velocities without experiencing deflagration - detonation transition.

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This document specifies the requirements for detonating cords and safety fuses for civil uses, when subjected to the test methods defined in the standards referred to in Clause 2.

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This European Standard specifies a method to assess the stability of explosives by subjecting them to elevated thermal conditions.

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This European Standard specifies methods for determining the density of high explosives for civil uses, in cartridged or bulk form.

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This document specifies a method for determining the sensitiveness to friction of explosives. This method is not applicable to liquid products.

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This European Standard specifies a method for the verification of the initiation of a high explosive by a specified initiation system.
This method is applicable to high explosives in cartridge or bulk form, both unconfined and confined.

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This document specifies a method to assess a sensitiveness to friction of the core of detonating cords.
Applicability of the test method is ambient laboratory conditions. Testing at a specific temperature outside ambient can require special arrangements to condition test sample and/or equipment.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the velocity of detonation of an explosive. The method is applicable to explosives for civil uses in cartridged or bulk form.

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This document specifies the requirements for solid propellants, solid rocket propellants, powder cakes and black powders for pyrotechnics and safety fuses, when subjected to the test methods defined in the standards referenced to in Clause 2.

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This document specifies a method to determine the resistance to abrasion of detonating cords.
Applicability of the test method is ambient laboratory conditions.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the ability of high explosives for civil uses to detonate while under applied hydrostatic pressure.
This method is applicable to high explosives in cartridges and as bulk products intended for use under conditions where hydrostatic pressure may adversely affect their safety and reliability. The method is limited to explosives that are able to detonate without confinement at normal atmospheric pressure.

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