This document specifies a test method for determining the mechanical viscoelastic properties of interlayer materials. The interlayers under examination are those used in the production of laminated glass and/or laminated safety glass. The interlayer viscoelastic properties are needed in order to determine the load resistance of laminated glass.
From the tensile modulus in particular conditions of temperature and load duration, an interlayer can be placed into a family that relates to a specific interlayer shear transfer coefficient.  This value can be used in the simplified calculation method described in EN 16612.
Informative Annex D explains the background to the determination of families relating to a specific interlayer shear transfer coefficient.

  • Standard
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This document gives a method of determining the design value of the bending strength of glass. It gives:the general method of calculation, and guidance for lateral load resistance of linearly supported glazed elements used as infill panels
NOTE   Examples of lateral loads are wind loads, snow loads, self weight of sloping glass, and cavity pressure variations on insulating glass units.
This document gives recommended values for the following factors for glass as a material:
- material partial factors, M;A and M;v ;
- factors for the load duration, kmod ;
- factor for stressed edges, ke.
Most glass in buildings is used as infill panels.  This document covers those infill panels that are in a class of consequence lower than those covered in EN 1990, so proposed values for the partial load factors, yQ and yG, are given for these infill panels.
The action of cavity pressure variations on insulating glass units is not covered by Eurocodes, so this document also gives proposed values of partial factors, 0, 1 and 2, for this action.
This document does not determine suitability for purpose. Resistance to lateral loads is only one part of the design process, which could also need to take into account:
-   in-plane loading, buckling, lateral torsional buckling, and shear forces,
-   environmental factors (e.g. sound insulation, thermal properties),
-   safety characteristics (e.g. fire performance, mode of breakage in relation to human safety, security).
This document does not apply to channel shaped glass, glass blocks and pavers, or vacuum insulated glass units.

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This standard describes procedures of evaluation of sample data by means of a two-parameter WEIBULL distribution function.

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This standard specifies a method for determining the comparative bending stength of glass for use in buildings, excluding the effects of the edges. Note: See 5.1.4 in prEN 1288-1:1997 for an explanation as to why this test method should only be used for comparing the strength of types of glass, and not for assessing strength for design purposes. The limitations of this standard are described in prEN 1288-1. prEN 1288-1 should be read in conjunction with this standard. This test is not suitable for patterned glass.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This standard specifies a method for determining the bending strength of glass for use in buildings, excluding the effects of the edges. The limitations of this standard are described in prEN 1288-1. prEN 1288-1 should be read in conjunction with this standard.

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This standard specifies a method for determining the bending strength (defined as the profile bending strength) of wired or unwired channel shaped glass for use in buildings. The limitations of this standard are described in prEN 1288-1. prEN 1288-1 should be read in conjunction with this standard.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This standard specifies the determination of the bending strength of monolithic glass for use in buildings. The testing of insulating units or laminated glass is excluded from this standard. This standard describes: - considerations to be taken into account when testing glass, - explanations of the reasons for designing different test methods, - limitations of the test methods, and gives pointers to safety requirements for the personnel operating the test equipment.

  • Standard
    24 pages
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This standard specifies a method for determining the bending strength, including the effects of the edges, of flat glass for use in building. The method specified can also be used to determine the bending strength of the edges of glass separately. The limitations of this standard are described in prEN 1288-1. prEN 1288-1 should be read in conjunction with this standard.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method for determining the mechanical viscoelastic properties of interlayer materials. The interlayers under examination are those used in the production of laminated glass and/or laminated safety glass. The interlayer properties are needed in order to determine the load resistance of laminated glass as part of a general calculation method for the load resistance of glass.
NOTE   CEN/TC 129/WG 8 "Mechanical strength" is preparing a draft for the calculation method [1].
From the tensile modulus in particular conditions of temperature and load duration, an interlayer can be placed into a family that relates to a specific interlayer shear transfer coefficient, [omega]. This value can be used in a simplified calculation method.
An informative annex explains the background to the determination of families relating to a specific interlayer shear transfer coefficient.

  • Draft
    22 pages
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This European Standard gives the principles of determining the load resistance of glass. It gives
-  the general method of calculation, and
-  determination of load resistance by testing for any application.
This European Standard does not determine suitability for purpose. Resistance to applied loads is only one part of the design process, which may also need to take into account
-  environmental factors (e.g. sound insulation, thermal properties),
-  safety characteristics (e.g. fire performance, breakage characteristics in relation to human safety, security).

  • Draft
    43 pages
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