This document specifies the test methods for determining the efficiency of filters at their most penetrating particle size (MPPS). It also gives guidelines for the testing and classification for filters with an MPPS of less than 0,1 μm (Annex B) and filters using media with (charged) synthetic fibres (Annex C). It is intended for use in conjunction with ISO 29463‑1, ISO 29463‑2, ISO 29463‑3 and ISO 29463‑4.

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This document applies to high efficiency particulate and ultra-low penetration air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for applications in clean room technology or pharmaceutical industry.
It establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using a liquid (or alternatively a solid) test aerosol and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency, both local and integral efficiency.

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ISO 29463-3:2011 specifies the test procedure for testing the efficiency of flat sheet filter media. It is intended for use in conjunction with ISO 29463-1, ISO 29463-2, ISO 29463-4 and ISO 29463-5.

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ISO 29463-2:2011 specifies the aerosol production and measuring equipment used for testing high-efficiency filters and filter media in accordance with ISO 29463-3, ISO 29463-4 and ISO 29463-5, as well as the statistical basis for particle counting with a small number of counted events. It is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 29463-1, ISO 29463-3, ISO 29463-4 and ISO 29463-5.

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ISO 29463-4:2011 specifies the test procedure of the "scan method", considered to be the reference method, for determining the leakage of filter elements. It is applicable to filters ranging from classes ISO 35 H to ISO 75 U. ISO 29463-4:2011 also describes the other normative methods: the oil thread leak test  and the photometer leak test, applicable to classes ISO 35 H to ISO 45 H HEPA filters, and the leak test with solid PSL aerosol. ISO 29463-4:2011 is intended for use in conjunction with ISO 29463-1, ISO 29463-2, ISO 29463-3 and ISO 29463-5.

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ISO 16170:2016 specifies in situ test methods for high efficiency particulate air filters used to limit releases towards the environment (e.g. from nuclear facilities or facilities with aerosol toxic or biological releases). This applies where installations of these filters are used to clean effluent air before discharge to the environment from industrial (including nuclear) installations where toxic/radioactive/biological materials are handled or processed.
It excludes the application already covered by ISO 14644‑3.
The scope of ISO 16170:2016 includes detail of two methods, either of which applies to the periodic testing of high efficiency filters which are used in demanding applications aiming at protecting the environment, such as the nuclear industry.
In the case of nuclear applications, ISO 16170:2016 is applicable to installations covered by ISO 17873 (applications other than nuclear reactors) and ISO 26802 (nuclear reactors).
The two reference methods specified in ISO 16170:2016 are not equivalent, but related to, the requirements to be addressed by the test results. The choice of which of the two methods is adopted in any specific case depends on whether the outcome requires an integrity test or a statutory efficiency accountancy test.
For industries handling or processing radioactive or toxic materials giving rise to a risk of possible release, the main goal of the tests is to confirm that the filter installation is fit for purpose. In the case of integrity tests (Annex B), this is to confirm that no significant leakage of toxic aerosols through the filter installation is possible.
In the case of efficiency accountancy tests (Annex C), the test is designed to make an accurate measurement of decontamination factor with respect to the MPPS size range of particles.
The reference method described in Annex B (integrity test) requires a test aerosol of dispersed oil particles mainly submicrometre in size range, which is stable during the test procedure and compatible with other installation components. Particle concentrations are measured in real time by light scattering instrumentation (optical detectors).
The reference method described in Annex C (efficiency accountancy test) requires a test aerosol of particles having a narrow size range centred on MPPS size range for HEPA filter media. Their concentration both upstream and downstream the filters is measured by fluorimetric analysis of aqueous solution obtained by washing the membrane sampling filters.
It should be noted that the requirements for an efficiency accountancy test also cover the requirements of an integrity test, which is considered to be a minimum requirement.
Test methods developed in ISO 16170:2016 do not cover the other in situ performance requirements, such as mechanical resistance, bursting resistance or humidity resistance. Specific systems operating at high temperature or with specific gaseous effluents might require specific test methods.
The engineering design of HEPA and ULPA filter installations does not fall within the scope of ISO 16170:2016.
NOTE          In the field of filters for general ventilation applications, ISO 29462 is a detailed and comprehensive description of a method which uses scanning and particle counting methods to evaluate the performance of a filter in terms of particle grade efficiency, as well as pressure drop. Such a method and procedure would not be applicable in those nuclear installations where quantification of the decontamin

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  • Standard
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ISO 29463-5:2011 specifies the reference test procedure for determining the efficiency of filters at their most penetrating particle size (MPPS). ISO 29463-5:2011 also gives guidelines for the testing and classification for filters with an MPPS of less than 0,1 μm and filters using media with (charged) synthetic fibres. ISO 29463-5:2011 is intended for use in conjunction with ISO 29463-1, ISO 29463-2, ISO 29463-3 and ISO 29463-4.

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This European Standard applies to high efficiency particulate and ultra low penetration air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for applications in clean room technology or pharmaceutical industry.
It establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using a liquid (or alternatively a solid) test aerosol, and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency, both local and integral efficiency.

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This European Standard applies to efficient particulate air filters (EPA), high efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) and ultra low penetration air filters (ULPA) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for applications in clean room technology or pharmaceutical industry.
It establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using a liquid test aerosol, and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency.
This part of the EN 1822 series deals with measuring the efficiency of filter elements, specifying the conditions and procedures for carrying out tests, describing a specimen test apparatus and its components, and including the method for evaluating test results.

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This European Standard applies to high efficiency particulate air filters and ultra low penetration air filters (EPA, HEPA and ULPA) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for applications in clean room technology or pharmaceutical industry.
It establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using a liquid test aerosol, and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency.
This European Standard applies to testing sheet filter media used in high efficiency air filters. The procedure includes methods, test assemblies and conditions for carrying out the test, and the basis for calculating results.

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This European Standard applies to efficient air filters (EPA), high efficiency air filters (HEPA) and ultra low penetration air filters (ULPA-filters) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for applications in clean room technology or pharmaceutical industry.
It establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using an artificial test aerosol, and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency.
This part of EN 1822 applies to the leak testing of filter elements. The scan method which is described in detail regarding procedure, apparatus and test conditions in the body of this standard is valid for the complete range of group H and U filters and is considered to be the reference test method for leak determination. The 'Oil Thread Leak Test' according to Annex A and the '0,3 µm - 0,5 µm Particle Efficiency Leak Test' according to Annex E may be used alternatively but for defined classes of group H filters only.

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This European Standard applies to efficient particulate air filters (EPA), high efficiency particulate air filters (HEPA) and ultra low penetration air filters (ULPA) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for applications in clean room technology or pharmaceutical industry.
It establishes a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using a liquid (or alternatively a solid) test aerosol, and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency, both local and integral efficiency.
This European Standard describes the measuring instruments and aerosol generators used in the course of this testing. With regard to particle counting it specifies the statistical basis for the evaluation of counts with only small numbers of counted events.

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This European standard applies to high efficiency particulate air filters and ultra low penetration air filters (HEPA and ULPA) used in the field of ventilation and air conditioning and for technical processes, e.g. for clean room technology or applications in the nuclear and pharmaceutical industry.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This standard applies to high efficiency air filters and ultra low penetration air filters (HEPA- and ULPA-filters) used in the field of ventilation and air conditionning and for technical processes, for example, for clean room technology or applications in the nuclear or pharmaceutical industry. It establisches a procedure for the determination of the efficiency on the basis of a particle counting method using a liquid test aerosol, and allows a standardized classification of these filters in terms of their efficiency.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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