This document specifies requirements for industrial piping either totally buried or partly buried and partly run in sleeves or similar protection. It is used in conjunction with the other six parts of
EN 13480:2024 series.
Where buried piping subject to this standard connects to piping installed under other jurisdiction such as pipelines, the transition can be made at a closing element e.g. an isolating or regulating valve separating the two sections. This can be close to the boundary of the industrial site, but can be inside or outside the boundary.
Operating temperature up to 75 °C.
NOTE   For higher temperatures reference can be made to EN 13941-1:2019+A1:2021 and EN 13941 1:2019+A1:2021, but it is kept in mind, that CEN/TC 107 only deals with pre-insulated piping with temperatures up to 140 °C and diameters up to 800 mm, which is state of the art for these products.

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This European Standard specifies the requirements for industrial piping systems and supports, including safety systems, made of metallic materials with a view to ensure safe operation. This European Standard is applicable to metallic piping above ground, ducted or buried, irrespective of pressure.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for industrial piping either totally buried or partly buried and partly run in sleeves or similar protection. It is used in conjunction with the other six parts of EN 13480. Where buried piping subject to this standard connects to piping installed under other jurisdiction such as pipelines, the transition should be made at a closing element e.g. an isolating or regulating valve separating the two sections. This should be close to the boundary of the industrial site, but may be inside or outside the boundary. Operating temperature up to 75 °C. NOTE For higher temperatures reference should be made to EN 13941, but it should be kept in mind, that CEN/TC 107 only deals with pre-insulated piping with temperatures up to 140 °C and diameters up to 800 mm, which is state of the art for these products.

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This European Standard specifies the requirements for industrial piping systems and supports, including safety systems, made of metallic materials with a view to ensure safe operation. This European Standard is applicable to metallic piping above  ground, ducted or buried, irrespective of pressure.
Introduction of a new Clause 7 "Accessories"

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This European Standard specifies requirements for industrial piping either totally buried or partly buried and partly run in sleeves or similar protection. It is used in conjunction with the other six parts of
EN 13480.
Where buried piping subject to this standard connects to piping installed under other jurisdiction such as pipelines, the transition should be made at a closing element e.g. an isolating or regulating valve separating the two sections. This should be close to the boundary of the industrial site, but may be inside or outside the boundary.
Operating temperature up to 75 °C.
NOTE   For higher temperatures reference should be made to EN 13941, but it should be kept in mind, that CEN/TC 107 only deals with pre-insulated piping with temperatures up to 140 °C and diameters up to 800 mm, which is state of the art for these products.

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  • Amendment
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to include the following normative Clause :
"4. Interdependency of the parts of the series
Parts 2 to 8 of EN 13480, together with Part 1, form a consistent set of specifications which shall be followed for compliance to the standard."
This means that the numbering of the present clauses 4 and 5 needs to be changed in the whole standard.
- to include in Clause 2 "Normative references" the reference to
EN 13480-8:2007.
- to include in Table ZA.1 an additional line to give relation between the new Clause 4 of the standard and ESR 1.1 of the PED.

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Sizing of buried piping

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Maintenance procedure

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This European Standard specifies requirements for industrial piping either totally buried or partly buried and partly run in sleeves or similar protection. It is used in conjunction with the other six parts of
EN 13480.
Where buried piping subject to this standard connects to piping installed under other jurisdiction such as pipelines, the transition should be made at a closing element e.g. an isolating or regulating valve separating the two sections. This should be close to the boundary of the industrial site, but may be inside or outside the boundary.
Operating temperature up to 75 °C.
NOTE   For higher temperatures reference should be made to EN 13941, but it should be kept in mind, that CEN/TC 107 only deals with pre-insulated piping with temperatures up to 140 °C and diameters up to 800 mm, which is state of the art for these products.

  • Standard
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1.1 The purpose of EN 13480 is to define the requirements for design, manufacture, installation, testing and inspection of industrial piping systems and supports, including safety systems, made of metallic materials (but initially restricted to steel) with a view to ensure safe operation. 1.2 EN 13480 is applicable to metallic piping above ground, ducted or buried, independent of pressure.

  • Standard
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