This document specifies a range of requirements and recommendations for the elements of construction, building assemblies, components, fittings and products that relate to the design and constructional aspects of usability and accessibility of buildings, i.e. access to buildings, circulation within buildings, egress from buildings during normal conditions, and evacuation in the event of a fire.
This document also applies to the common spaces in multi-unit residential buildings. Recommendations regarding residential units are given in Annex A.
This document also contains provisions with respect to outdoor features directly concerned with access to a building or a group of buildings from a relevant site boundary, or between such a group of buildings within a common site. This document does not deal with elements of the external environment, such as public open spaces, whose function is self-contained and unrelated to the use of a specific building.
This document is applicable to new buildings and new work in existing buildings.
This document introduces the concept of ‘exceptional considerations for existing buildings’ for situations where it is exceptionally difficult to meet the requirements specified and, thus, impossible to provide full accessibility. By means of ‘exceptional considerations for existing buildings’, an acceptable, though restricted, level of accessibility is specified. An exceptional consideration for existing buildings is not to be applied in other situations or invoked in an unjustified manner, or as an excuse for not achieving a higher level of accessibility, where this is economically and/or technically feasible.
The dimensions stated in this document, relevant to the use of wheelchairs, are related to the footprint of commonly used wheelchair sizes and users as specified in ISOÂ 7176-5 and ISO/TRÂ 13570-2, 800Â mm wide and 1Â 300Â mm long.
This document is primarily written for adults with disabilities, but it includes some recommendations on specific accessibility needs of children.

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This part of ISO 4190 specifies the control devices, buttons and indicators to be provided when a lift (US: elevator) is constructed and installed, taking into account the type of control intended for the lift and also ensuring the ease of access for disabled persons (motor and/or sensory). Annex B gives particular requirements for access. The description of the controls is given only in order to define the buttons and indicators. It does not constitute a complete description of these controls nor does it attempt to standardize them. This part of ISO 4190 also specifies the requirements for handrails when provided in the car. It is applicable to lifts of classes I to IV and VI as defined in ISO 4190-1 and ISO 4190-2. Group collective lifts have common controls and are electrically interconnected so as to provide a better service and for reasons of economy. The system can be more or less complex according to the number of lifts and the expected traffic. Consequently, this part of ISO 4190 does not deal with supplementary signals which the manufacturer may consider useful (e.g. "next car", "stand clear of the doors"). The following are not dealt with in this part of ISO 4190: a) special features (and their corresponding signals), such as certain features for improving the service of bed lifts, touch screens or voice activators; b) any devices for speeding the traffic in the case of automatic doors (variable time delays according to different criteria, closing button, light ray, etc.). The requirements of this part of ISO 4190 are intended to be followed in all cases where the controls and the basic signals are concerned, and can also be used as a guide in developing supplementary signals.

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