Standard Guide for Selection of Test Methods to Determine Rate of Fluid Permeation Through Geomembranes for Specific Applications

1.1 This guide covers selecting one or more appropriate test methods to assess the permeability of all candidate geomembranes for a proposed specific application to various permeants. The widely different uses of geomembranes as barriers to the transport and migration of different gases, vapors, and liquids under different service conditions require determinations of permeability by test methods that relate to and simulate the service. Geomembranes are nonporous homogeneous materials that are permeable in varying degrees to gases, vapors, and liquids on a molecular scale in a three-step process (1 ) by dissolution in or absorption by the geomembrane on the upstream side, (2 ) diffusion through the geomembrane, and (3 ) desorption on the downstream side of the barrier.  
1.2 The rate of transmission of a given chemical species, whether as a single permeant or in mixtures, is driven by its chemical potential or in practical terms by its concentration gradient across the geomembrane. Various methods to assess the permeability of geomembranes to single component permeants, such as individual gases, vapors, and liquids are referenced and briefly described.  
1.3 Various test methods for the measurement of permeation and transmission through geomembranes of individual species in complex mixtures such as waste liquids are discussed.  
1.4  This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D5886-95(2001) - Standard Guide for Selection of Test Methods to Determine Rate of Fluid Permeation Through Geomembranes for Specific Applications
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: D 5886 – 95 (Reapproved 2001)
Standard Guide for
Selection of Test Methods to Determine Rate of Fluid
Permeation Through Geomembranes for Specific
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5886; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope D814 Test Method for Rubber Property—Vapor Transmis-
sion of Volatile Liquids
1.1 Thisguidecoversselectingoneormoreappropriatetest
D815 Method for Testing Coated Fabrics—Hydrogen Per-
methods to assess the permeability of all candidate geomem-
branes for a proposed specific application to various per-
D1434 Test Method for Determining Gas Permeability
Characteristics of Plastic Film and Sheeting
to the transport and migration of different gases, vapors, and
D1653 Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of
liquids under different service conditions require determina-
Organic Coating Films
D4439 Terminology for Geosynthetics
the service. Geomembranes are nonporous homogeneous ma-
D4491 TestMethodsforWaterPermeabilityofGeotextiles
terials that are permeable in varying degrees to gases, vapors,
by Permittivity
and liquids on a molecular scale in a three-step process (1)by
E96 Test Methods for Water Vapor Transmission of Mate-
dissolution in or absorption by the geomembrane on the
upstream side, (2) diffusion through the geomembrane, and (3)
F372 Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate of
desorption on the downstream side of the barrier.
Flexible Barrier Materials Using an Infrared Detection
1.2 The rate of transmission of a given chemical species,
whether as a single permeant or in mixtures, is driven by its
F739 Test Method for Resistance of Protective Clothing
chemical potential or in practical terms by its concentration
Materials to Permeation by Liquids or Gases Under Con-
gradient across the geomembrane. Various methods to assess
ditions of Continuous Contact
the permeability of geomembranes to single component per-
meants, such as individual gases, vapors, and liquids are
3. Terminology
referenced and briefly described.
3.1 Definitions:
1.3 Varioustestmethodsforthemeasurementofpermeation
3.1.1 downstream, n—the space adjacent to the geomem-
and transmission through geomembranes of individual species
brane through which the permeant is flowing.
in complex mixtures such as waste liquids are discussed.
3.1.2 geomembrane, n—an essentially impermeable geo-
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
synthetic composed of one or more synthetic sheets. (See
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Terminology D4439.)
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Discussion—In geotechnical engineering, essen-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
tially impermeable means that no measurable liquid flows
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
through a geosynthetic when tested in accordance with Termi-
2. Referenced Documents nology D4491.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D471 Test Method for Rubber Property—Effect of Liq-
Discontinued; see 1988 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
1 5
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D35 on Geosynthet- Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01.
icsand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.10 on Geomembranes. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.13.
Current edition approved Dec. 10, 1995. Published February 1996. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.
2 8
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 09.01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.03.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 5886 – 95 (2001)
3.1.3 geosynthetic, n—a planar product manufactured from permeates porous materials in a condensed state that can carry
polymeric material used with soil, rock, earth, or other geo- the dissolved constituents, and the driving force for such
technical engineering-related material as an integral part of a permeationishydraulicpressure.Duetotheselectivenatureof
man-made project, structure, or system. (See Terminology geomembranes,thepermeationofthedissolvedconstituentsin
D4439.) liquids can vary greatly, that is, components of a mixture can
3.1.4 permeability, n—the rate of flow under a differential permeate at different rates due to differences in solubility and
pressure, temperature, or concentration of a gas, liquid, or diffusibility in a given geomembrane. With respect to the
vapor through a material. (Modified from Terminology inorganic aqueous salt solution, the geomembranes are semi-
D4491.) permeable, that is, the water can be transmitted through the
3.1.5 permeant, n—achemicalspecies,gas,liquid,orvapor geomembranes, but the ions are not transmitted. Thus, the
that can pass through a substance. water that is transmitted through a hole-free geomembrane
does not carry dissolved inorganics. The direction of perme-
4. Summary of Guide
ation of a component in the mixture is determined thermody-
namically by its chemical potential difference or concentration
4.1 The wide range of uses of geomembranes as barriers in
gradient across the geomembrane. Thus the water in the
many different environments to many different permeating
species requires different test procedures to assess the effec-
less contaminated water on the downstream side and can
tiveness of a given membrane for a given application. The
permeate the geomembrane into the wastewater by osmosis.
permeating species range from a single component to highly
4.1.2 Although inorganic salts do not permeate geomem-
complex mixtures such as those found in waste liquids and
branes, some organic species do. The rate of permeation
leachates. In specialized applications, service it may be impor-
through a geomembrane depends on the solubility of the
tant to measure transmission or migration of a species that
would take place under specific conditions and environments
in the geomembrane as driven by the chemical potential
including temperature, vapor pressure, and concentration gra-
gradient. Principle factors that can affect the diffusion of an
dients. Tests that would be applicable to the measurement of
organic within a geomembrane include:
the permeability of a material to different permeants present in The solubility of the permeant in the geomembrane,
various applications are summarized in Table 1. The microstructure of the polymer, for example,
4.1.1 In the use of geomembranes in service as barriers to
the transmission of fluids, it is essential to recognize the percent crystallinity, Whether the condition at which diffusion is taking
difference between geomembranes that are nonporous homo-
geneous materials and other liner materials that are porous, place is above or below the glass transition temperature of the
such as soils and concretes. The transmission of permeating
species through geomembranes without holes proceeds by The other constituents in the geomembrane com-
absorption of the species in the geomembrane and diffusion
through the geomembrane on a molecular basis. The driving Variation in manufacturing processes,
force is chemical potential across the geomembrane. A liquid The flexibility of the polymer chains,
TABLE 1 Applicable Test Method for Measuring Permeability of Geomembranes to Various Permeants
Applicable Test Method and Permeant
Fluid Being Contained Example of Permeant Example of Field Application
Detector and Quantifier
Single-Component Fluids:
Gas H ,O Barriers, pipe, and hose liners D 815
2 2
N ,CH D 1434-V
2 4
CO D 1434-P
Water vapor H O Moisture vapor barriers, water reservoir E 96, D653
Liquid water H O Liners for reservoirs, dams, and canals Soil-type permeameter with hydraulic
Organic vapor Organic species Secondary containment for organic D 814, E96, F372
solvent and gasoline
Organic liquid Organic solvents species Containers, tank liners secondary D 814, E96
Multicomponents Fluids:
Gases CO /CH Barriers, separation of gases F 372, GC, GCMS
2 4
Aqueous solutions of inorganic, for Ions, salts Pond liners Pouch, osmotic cell, ion analysis
example, brines, incinerator ash
leachates, leach pad leachate
Mixtures of organics, spills, Organic species Liners for tanks and secondary E 96 with headspace, GC
hydrocarbon fuels containment
Aqueous solutions of organics Organic species, H O Liners for ponds and waste disposal Pouch, Multi-compartment cell with
analysis by GC on GCMS
Complex aqueous solutions of organics H O, organic species, dissolved salts Liners for waste disposal Pouch, Multi-compartment cell, osmotic
and inorganic species cell, analysis by head-space GC
D 5886 – 95 (2001) The size and shape of the diffusing molecules, meabilityteststhatarerelevanttovarioustypesofapplications The temperature at which diffusion is taking place, and permeating species. Specific tests for the permeability of
and geomembranes to both single-component fluids and multicom- The geomembrane. ponent fluids that contain a variety of permeants are described
4.1.3 The movement through a hole-free geomembrane of and discussed.
mobile species that would be encountered in service would be
affected by many factors, such as:
6. Basis of Classification The composition of the geomembrane with respect
6.1 Even though geomembranes are nonporous and cannot
to the polymer and to the compound,
be permeated by liquids as such, gases and vapors of liquids The thickness of the geomembrane,
canpermeateageomembraneonamolecularlevel.Thus,even The service temperature,
if a geomembrane is free of macroscopic holes, some compo- The temperature gradient across the geomembrane
in service,
containment unit. The chemical potential across the geomembrane,
6.2 The basic mechanism of permeation through geomem-
that includes pressure and concentration gradient,
branes is essentially the same for all permeating species. The The composition of the fluid and the mobile con-
mechanism differs from that through porous media, such as
soils and concrete, which contain voids that are connected in The solubility of various components of an organic
such a way that a fluid introduced on one side will flow from
liquid in the particular geomembrane that increase concentra-
void to void and emerge on the other side; thus, a liquid can
tion of individual components on the upstream side of the
flow through the voids and carry dissolved species.
geomembrane and can cause swelling of the geomembrane
6.3 Overall rate of flow through saturated porous media
resulting in increased permeability,
follows Darcy’s equation that states that the flow rate is The ion concentration of the liquid, and
proportional to the hydraulic gradient, as is shown in the Abilityofthespeciestomoveawayfromthesurface
following equation:
on the downstream side.
Q 5 kiA (1)
4.1.4 Because of the great number of variables, it is impor-
tant to perform permeability tests of a geomembrane under
conditions that simulate as closely as possible the actual
Q = rate of flow,
k = constant (Darcy’s coefficient of permeability),
A = total inside cross-sectional area of the sample con-
tainer, and
5. Significance and Uses
i = hydraulic gradient.
5.1 The principal characteristic of geomembranes is their
6.4 With most liquids in saturated media, the flow follows
Darcy’s equation; however, the flow can deviate due to
and liquids, both as single-component fluids and as complex
interactions between the liquid and the surface of the soil
mixtures of many constituents. As low permeable materials,
geomembranes are being used in a wide range of engineering
dissolved species through a low-permeability porous liner
system in a waste facility. Dissolved chemical species, either
areas as barriers to control the migration of mobile fluids and
organic or inorganic, not only can permeate such a medium
their constituents. The range of potential permeants is broad
advectively (that is, the liquid acts as the carrier of the
and the service conditions can differ greatly. This guide shows
chemical species), but also by diffusion in accordance with
users test methods available for determining the permeability
Fick’s two laws of diffusion.
of geomembranes to various permeants.
6.5 Even though polymeric geomembranes are manufac-
5.2 The transmission of various species through a geomem-
tured as solid homogeneous nonporous materials, they contain
brane is subject to many factors that must be assessed in order
interstitial spaces between the polymer molecules through
to be able to predict its effectiveness for a specific service.
which small molecules can diffuse. Thus, all polymeric
measurements made by one method cannot be translated from
diffusion process and not as a liquid. This transport process of
have been devised to measure the permeability of polymeric
chemical species involves three steps:
materials; however, only a limited number of these procedures
6.5.1 The solution or absorption of the permeant at the
have been applied to geomembranes. Test conditions and
upstream surface of the geomembrane,
procedures should be selected to reflect actual service require-
6.5.2 Diffusion of the dissolved species through the
ments as closely as possible. It should be noted that field
geomembrane, and
conditions may be difficult to model or maintain in the
6.5.3 Evaporation or desorption of the permeant at the
downstream surface of the geomembrane.
brane samples.
5.3 This guide discusses the mechanism of pe

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