Standard Test Method for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Kerosine-type Aviation Turbine Fuels Containing Additives by Portable Separometer

1.1 This test method covers a rapid portable means for field and laboratory use to rate the ability of kerosine-type aviation turbine fuels, both neat and those containing additives, to release entrained or emulsified water when passed through fiberglass coalescing material.
1.1.1 This test method is applicable to kerosine-type aviation turbine fuels including: Jet A and Jet A-1 (as described in Specification D 1655); JP-5, JP-7, JP-8, and JP-8+100. (See Section 6.)
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific warning statements, see 8.2-8.5.

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ASTM D7224-05 - Standard Test Method for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Kerosine-type Aviation Turbine Fuels Containing Additives by Portable Separometer
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An American National Standard
Designation: D 7224 – 05
Standard Test Method for
Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Kerosine-
type Aviation Turbine Fuels Containing Additives by
Portable Separometer
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 7224; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This test method was developed to satisfy three objectives: (1) Develop a test method that would
respond in the same manner as Test Method D 3948 to strong surfactants, but not give low
the performance of commercial filter separator elements; (2) Use filter media in the coalescer test that
would be representative of the filtration media in commercial filter separator elements; and (3)
Improve the precision of the test method compared to Test Method D 3948.
This test method was developed using material that is representative of coalescing materials
currently used in commercial filter separator elements. The fiberglass coalescing material used in Test
Method D 3948 was suitable for coalescing filters in use when that test method was developed, but
developments in coalescing elements in the intervening years have resulted in improved materials that
are not affected by weak surfactants. Test Method D 3948 yields low results on some additized fuels
that do not affect the performance of filter separators (coalescing filters) in actual service. Since this
test method was developed with material that is representative of the media used in current filter
separators, the results by this test method are more relevant to performance in current filter separators.
1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents
1.1 This test method covers a rapid portable means for field 2.1 ASTM Standards:
and laboratory use to rate the ability of kerosine-type aviation D 1655 Specification for Aviation Turbine Fuels
turbine fuels, both neat and those containing additives, to D 2550 MethodofTestforWaterSeparationCharacteristics
release entrained or emulsified water when passed through of Aviation Turbine Fuels
fiberglass coalescing material. D 3602 TestMethodforWaterSeparationCharacteristicsof
1.1.1 This test method is applicable to kerosine-type avia- Aviation Turbine Fuels
tion turbine fuels including: Jet A and Jet A-1 (as described in D 3948 Test Method for Determining Water Separation
Specification D 1655); JP-5, JP-7, JP-8, and JP-8+100. (See Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuels by Portable
Section 6.) Separometer
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the D 4306 Practice for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers for
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information Tests Affected by Trace Contamination
only. 2.2 Military Standards:
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the MIL-DTL-5624 Turbine Fuel, Aviation Grades JP-4, JP-5,
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the and JP-5/JP- 8 ST
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- MIL-DTL-25524 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Thermally Stable
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific
warning statements, see 8.2-8.5. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on the ASTM website.
Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee Withdrawn.
D02.J0 on Aviation Fuels. AvailablefromStandardizationDocumentsOrderDesk,Bldg.4SectionD,700
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2005. Published January 2006. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
MIL-DTL-38219 Turbine Fuels, Low Volatility, JP-7 an effective range of 50-to-100 scaled to the nearest whole
MIL-DTL-83133 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Kerosene Types, number. A test can be performed in 5 to 10 minutes.
NATO F-34 (JP-8), NATO F-35, and JP-8+100
5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method provides a measurement of the pres-
3. Terminology
ence of surfactants in aviation turbine fuels. Like previous
3.1 Definitions:
obsolete Test Methods D 2550 and D 3602 and current Test
3.1.1 micro-separometer rating (MSEP rating), n—a nu-
Method D 3948, this test method can detect trace amounts of
refinery treating chemicals in fuel. The test methods can also
from fuel by coalescence as affected by the presence of surface
detect surface active substances added to fuel in the form of
active materials (surfactants) in the fuel.
additives or picked up by the fuel during handling from point Discussion—This test method uses the same instru-
of production to point of use. Some of these substances
ment, Micro-Separometer, that is used in Test Method D 3948.
degrade the ability of filter separators to separate free water
As in Test Method D 3948, the MSEP ratings are only valid
from the fuel.
within the range of 50 to 100. Ratings at the upper end of the
5.2 This test method yields approximately the same (low)
range indicate a clean fuel with little or no contamination by
MSEP ratings as Test Method D 3948 for fuels that contain
surfactants.Thus a fuel with a high MSEPrating is expected to
strong surfactants.
show good water-separating properties when passed through a
5.2.1 This test method will give approximately the same
filter-separator (coalescing-type filter) in actual service.
MSEP ratings for Jet A, Jet A-1, JP-5, JP-7, and JP-8 fuels as
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Test Method D 3948 when testing reference fluids.
3.2.1 MCell Coalescer, n—a registered trademark of EM-
5 5.3 The MSEP ratings obtained by this test method are less
CEE Electronics, Inc. referring to a particular coalescing filter
affected by weak surfactants than Test Method D 3948. Some-
element specifically designed for this test method.
what higher MSEP ratings for Jet A, Jet A-1, JP-5, JP-7, and
3.2.2 reference fluid bases, n—fuels that have been care-
JP-8 fuels are obtained by this test method than those obtained
fully cleaned in a prescribed manner to remove all surface-
byTestMethodD 3948whenadditivessuchasstaticdissipater
active contaminants, and having a minimum MSEP rating of
additives (SDA) and corrosion inhibitors are present in the
fuel. This correlates with the satisfactory performance of filter
3.2.3 reference fluids, n—reference fluid bases to which
separators for such fuels, when wet. However, these same
prescribed quantities of a known surface active agent have
additives adversely affect the MSEP ratings obtained by Test
been added.
Method D 3948 by erroneously indicating that such additized Discussion—The known surface active agent is
fuels would significantly degrade the ability of filter separators
typically bis-2-ethylhexyl sodium sulfosuccinate, commonly
to separate free water from the fuel in actual service.
referred to as AOT, dissolved in toluene.
5.4 The Micro-Separometer has an effective measurement
3.2.4 surfactants, n—surface active materials that could
range from 50 to 100. Values obtained outside of those limits
disarm (deactivate) filter separator (coalescing) elements so
are undefined and invalid.
that free water is not removed from the fuel in actual servic. strong surfactants—surface active materials that
NOTE 1—In the event a value greater than 100 is obtained, there is a
disarm filter separator elements. Strong surfactants can be good probability that light transmittance was reduced by material,
refinery process chemicals left in the fuel or contaminants
introduced during transportation of the fuel.
as well as the 50 6 1 µL of distilled water was subsequently removed weak surfactants—surface active materials that are
during this portion of the test. Thus, the processed fuel had a higher light
typically certain types of additives that do not adversely affect
transmittance than the fuel sample used to obtain the 100 reference level
the performance of filter separator elements in actual service.
resulting in the final rating measuring in excess of 100.
3.3 Abbreviations:
6. Interferences
3.3.1 AOT—aerosol OT (see 8.1).
3.3.2 MSEP—micro-separometer.
6.1 Any suspended particles, whether solid or water drop-
3.3.3 SDA—static dissipator additive.
lets or haze, in a fuel sample will interfere with this test
method, which utilizes light transmission of a fuel sample after
4. Summary of Test Method
emulsification with water and subsequent coalescence.
4.1 A water/fuel sample emulsion is created in a syringe
7. Apparatus
using a high-speed mixer. The emulsion is then expelled from
7.1 A Micro-Separometer Mark V Deluxe Instrument is
the syringe at a programmed rate through a specific fiberglass
used to perform the test. The unit is completely portable and
coalescer, the MCell Coalescer, and the effluent is analyzed
for uncoalesced water (that is, dispersed water droplets) by a
light transmission measurement. The Micro-Separometer has
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is Model 1140 Micro-Separometer Mark V Deluxe, EMCEE Electronics, Inc., 520
Cypress Ave., Venice, FL 34285. If you are aware of
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM International
Aregistered trademark of EMCEE Electronics, Inc., 520 CypressAve., Venice, Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
FL 34285. responsible technical committee, which you may attend.
TABLE 1 Manual and Audio Operating Characteristics of the
self-contained, capable of operating on an (optional) internal
Model 1140 Micro-Separometer Instrument
rechargeable battery pack or being connected to an ac power
Available Test Mode(s) Function Mark V Deluxe
source using power cords which are available for various
Test Mode—Select Mode A:
voltages. Connection to an ac power source will provide power
Depress A push-button
to the unit and effect battery recharge. The power cords, test
Syringe Drive Not required
Speed Selection Not required
the lockable case.
Clean Cycle:
7.1.1 Review the Operating Manual of the Micro-
Depress START push-button
Separometer Mark V Deluxe instrument that is furnished with
Initiate Automatic Test Sequence:
Depress START push-button
each unit (and is also available from the manufacturer’s
website) for operating instructions. The instrument is not field
Cancel Automatic Sequence:
Depress RESET push-button
repairable. Also note that this instrument is designed to
perform a number of different functions in addition to this 1st Meter Read
1st Meter Adjust Depress ARROWED push-buttons
specific test method.
2nd Meter Read
7.1.2 The Micro-Separometer Mark V Deluxe and associ-
2nd Meter Adjust Depress ARROWED push-buttons
ated control panel are shown in Fig. 1. The emulsifier is on the
Collect Sample Short Tone and C/S
right side of the raised panel and the syringe drive mechanism
Annunciator Lamp Illuminates
is on the left side. The control panel containing the operating
3rd Meter Read
controls is mounted on the fixed panel in the left side of the
Record Measurement Pulsed Tone Sounds5sinto
case. Table 1 lists the manual and audio operating character-
3rd Meter Reading
istics of the instrument.
7.1.3 All of the controls are located in a push-button array
on the control panel. The push-buttons illuminate when de-
pressed thus indicating operational status. A circuit breaker
nism to travel to the UP position and the emulsifier motor to
located on the control panel provides protection for the ac
operate for the cleaning operation.
power circuit.
7.1.8 The START push-button, when depressed after the
7.1.4 By depressing the ON push-button, the electronic
circuits are energized. The ON push-button pulses on and off
causing the read indicator and the two ARROWED push-
when the instrument is being operated by an ac source and
buttons to illuminate, indicating that a full-scale adjustment
remains constantly on when the battery (dc) pack is used. The
period is in effect. A numerical value also appears on the
lettered push-buttons will sequentially illuminate indicating
READY operational status.
7.1.9 The turbidimeter is located under the main control
panel and consists of a well in which the sample vial is placed
NOTE 2—Ofthelettered(A-G)push-buttons,onlytheApush-buttonfor
kerosine-type aviation turbine fuels is applicable to this test method. (in a specified orientation), a light source and a photocell.
7.1.10 By depressing the appropriate ARROWED push-
7.1.5 The RESET push-button can be depressed at any time
button, the displayed value on the meter can be increased or
to cancel the test in progress and restore the program to the
decreased, as required, to attain the 100 reference level for the
initial start mode. The lettered push-buttons commence to
vial of fuel sample in the turbidimeter.
sequentially illuminate, thus indicating a READY operational
7.2 Accessory equipment and expendable materials needed
status enabling test mode selection.
to perform the test are shown in Fig. 2 and consist of the
7.1.6 Depress the A push-button to select test Mode A. The
depressed push-button and the START push-button will illu-
minate. 7.2.1 Connector (A)—A plastic connector used to affix the
7.1.7 The START push-button, when depressed initially, MCell Coalescer to the aluminum syringe barrel.The connec-
initiates the CLEAN cycle causing the syringe drive mecha- tor is not required with the plastic syringe.
FIG. 1 Micro-Separometer and Associated Control Panel
FIG. 2 Test Items and Expendables
FIG. 4 Six-Pack and Test Accessories
7.2.2 Syringe Plug (B)—A plastic plug used to stopper the
syringe during the CLEAN and EMULSION cycles.
7.2.3 Syringe, (Barrel (C) and Plunger (D)

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