Standard Practice for Determining the Physiological Responses of the Wearer to Protective Clothing Ensembles

1.1 This practice specifies the test equipment and procedures for determining the physiological responses of subjects wearing a protective clothing ensemble.
1.2 This practice covers the physiological measurement of internal body core temperature, skin temperature, exposure time, heart rate response, oxygen consumption, and whole body sweat rate, to assess the physiological responses of subjects wearing a protective clothing ensemble. This practice does not measure the musculoskeletal strain on the participant imposed by the protective clothing ensemble.
1.2.1 To increase safety during physiological testing, this dynamic test requires the use of human participants who meet specific health and physical fitness requirements.
1.3 The present standard does not attempt to determine important clothing characteristics, such as thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of the protective clothing ensemble. Test Methods F 1291 and F 2370 can be used for these clothing measurements.
1.4 The values stated in this practice shall be SI units.
1.5 It is the responsibility of the test laboratory to obtain the necessary and appropriate approval(s) required by their institution for conducting tests using human participants.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user, and the testing institution, to consult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use of this standard.

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ASTM F2668-07 - Standard Practice for Determining the Physiological Responses of the Wearer to Protective Clothing Ensembles
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Standard Practice for
Determining the Physiological Responses of the Wearer to
Protective Clothing Ensembles
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2668; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Protective clothing ensembles such as firefighter turnout gear, HAZMAT suits, and bomb suits may
impose a physiological strain on the wearer. This strain can take the form of heat stress and
cardiovascular and respiratory strain, which can result in injury to the wearer. This practice provides
information on the measurement of the physiological responses of a wearer to a protective clothing
ensemble. The protocol is designed to allow comparisons of the physiological responses of subjects
and from different types (for example, firefighter ensemble vs. HAZMAT suit).
1. Scope and establish appropriate safety and health practices and
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to
1.1 This practice specifies the test equipment and proce-
use of this standard.
dures for determining the physiological responses of subjects
wearing a protective clothing ensemble.
2. Referenced Documents
1.2 This practice covers the physiological measurement of
2.1 ASTM Standards:
internal body core temperature, skin temperature, exposure
F1291 Test Method for Measuring the Thermal Insulation
time, heart rate response, oxygen consumption, and whole
of Clothing Using a Heated Manikin
body sweat rate, to assess the physiological responses of
F1494 Terminology Relating to Protective Clothing
subjects wearing a protective clothing ensemble. This practice
F2300 Test Method for Measuring the Performance of
does not measure the musculoskeletal strain on the participant
Personal Cooling Systems Using Physiological Testing
imposed by the protective clothing ensemble.
F2370 Test Method for Measuring the Evaporative Resis-
1.2.1 To increase safety during physiological testing, this
tance of Clothing Using a Sweating Manikin
dynamic test requires the use of human participants who meet
2.2 Other Standards:
specific health and physical fitness requirements.
ISO 8996 Ergonomics—Determination of Metabolic Heat
1.3 The present standard does not attempt to determine
important clothing characteristics, such as thermal insulation
ISO 9886 Ergonomics—Evaluation of Thermal Strain by
and evaporative resistance of the protective clothing ensemble.
Physiological Measurements
Test Methods F1291 and F2370 can be used for these clothing
The Commission for Thermal Physiology of the Interna-
tional Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS Thermal
1.4 The values stated in this practice shall be SI units.
Commission)—Glossary of Terms for Thermal Physiol-
1.5 It is the responsibility of the test laboratory to obtain the
necessary and appropriate approval(s) required by their insti-
tution for conducting tests using human participants.
3. Terminology
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.1 Definitions:
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user, and the testing institution, to consult
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F23 on Personal Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Protective Clothing and Equipment and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee the ASTM website.
F23.60 on Human Factors. Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
Current edition approved Sept. 15, 2007. Published November 2007. DOI: 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
10.1520/F2668-07. The Japanese Journal of Physiology, Vol. 51, No. 2, 2001.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
3.1.1 acclimation, n—physiological adaptations occurring is measurable by an increased heart rate and whole body sweat
within an organism, which reduce the strain or enhance rate, as determined by pre and post nude mass loss.
endurance of strain, caused by artificially or experimentally
3.1.11 thermal stress, n—any thermal change between a
induced stressful changes in particular environmental condi- temperature regulator and its environment, which if uncom-
pensated by temperature regulation, would result in hyperther- Discussion—Acclimation describes the adaptive mia.
changes that occur within an organism in response to artifi- Discussion—Thermal stress is often referred to as
cially induced changes in particular climatic factors such as
heat stress.
3.2 IUPS Thermal Commission document was referenced
3.1.2 acclimatization, n—physiological adaptations occur- forthemodifieddefinitionsrelatedtothermalphysiologylisted
ring within an organism, which reduce the strain or enhance
above. For terms related to protective clothing used in this
endurance of strain, caused by stressful changes in the natural practice, refer to Terminology F1494.
3.1.3 clothing ensemble, n—a group of garments worn 4. Significance and Use
together on the body at the same time.
4.1 This practice can be used for the evaluation of the
3.1.4 thermal core, n—the deep tissues of the brain, neck
physiological response of a user to protective clothing en-
and torso, whose temperatures are not changed in their rela-
sembles worn under controlled conditions.
tionship to each other by circulatory adjustments.
4.1.1 This practice utilizes a treadmill for the exercise Discussion—These deep tissues comprise the most
protocol. This method is believed to be appropriate for the
thermally protected tissues of the body and are most critical to
evaluation of the majority of protective clothing ensembles,
temperature regulation. The thermal core is distinct from
changes in heat transfer to the environment that affects the
activities. In certain situations, where a protective clothing
appendages and other tissues of the body.
ensemble is designed to be worn where the user is performing
3.1.5 core temperature, n—the mean temperature of the
specialized functions (for example, sitting or standing with
thermal core.
only arm movement), alternate exercise equipment (for ex- Discussion—Core temperature is commonly repre-
ample, arm cycle-ergonometer) or exercise protocols should be
esophageal temperature. Core temperature is also measured by
the subject.
ingested telemetric thermometers in the form of a capsule.
4.1.2 Where evaluations include the use of Personal Cool-
3.1.6 garment, n—a single item of clothing (for example,
ing Systems refer to Test Method F2300.
4.2 This practice establishes general procedures for the
3.1.7 maximum oxygen consumption (VO ), n—the high-
physiological evaluation based on the physiological measure-
est rate at which an organism can take up oxygen during
ment of core temperature, mean skin temperature, heart rate,
aerobic metabolism.
exposure time, oxygen consumption, and whole body sweat Discussion—DeterminationofVO requiresvery rate.
high motivation of the individual and is expressed in millilitres
4.2.1 The data obtained can be used to evaluate the overall
per minute or as a term relative to body mass in millilitres per
physiological response of the test participant while wearing a
kilogram per minute. Maximum oxygen consumption is often
protective clothing ensemble.
referred to as maximal aerobic power (MAP).
4.2.2 The data may also be used in the research and
3.1.8 metabolic rate, n—the rate of transformation of
development of advanced ensembles that are designed to
chemical energy into heat and mechanical work by aerobic and
reduce the physiological strain on the wearer thereby reducing
anaerobic activities within an organism.
the potential injury (for example, heat injury) associated with Discussion—Metabolic rate, as with VO ,is wearingtheprotectiveclothingensemble.Workersmaybeable
commonly measured by indirect calorimetry, during long-term
to wear a protective clothing ensemble for a longer duration
steady-state work. Metabolic rate, also referred to as energy due to a reduction in the physiological strain.
expenditure, is usually expressed in terms of unit area of the
4.2.3 The data can also be used to compare similar classes
total body surface (W/m ) or of total body mass (W/kg).
of ensembles and can be used to evaluate protective clothing
3.1.9 protective ensemble, n—the combination of protective ensembles as a hazard to the wearer as compared to a baseline
gloves, boots, communication systems, cooling devices, and
4.2.4 In addition, the practice could also be used by con-
other accessories intended to protect the wearer from a
sensus standards organizations in the development of physi-
potential hazard when worn together.
ological test criteria for protective clothing ensemble certifica-
3.1.10 thermal strain, n—any deviation of body tempera- tion.
ture induced by sustained thermal stress that cannot be fully 4.3 Departures from the instructions in this practice may
compensated by temperature regulation.
lead to significantly different test results. Technical knowledge Discussion—Thermal strain results in the activa- concerning thermoregulatory responses, physiological and en-
tion of thermoeffector activities that causes sustained changes vironmental temperature measurement, and testing practices is
in the state of non-thermal regulatory systems. Thermal strain needed to evaluate which departures from the instructions
given in this practice are significant. All departures must be to each series of tests or study. The control mechanism must
reported with the results. provide for error of less than 1.0 % of the testing load both
during the test and between tests (that is, 0.15 % grade at 15 %
treadmill grade).
5. Materials
5.3 Equipment for Measuring Body Temperature—The core
5.1 Controlled Environmental Chamber—Achamber that is
and skin temperatures shall be measured with temperature
large enough to accommodate a treadmill, the test participant,
transducers (that is, point sensors) which shall be calibrated
and at least two people at the same time.Also, the test chamber
prior to use.
must provide uniform conditions, both spatially and tempo-
5.3.1 Temperature Sensors—The temperature measure-
ments shall be carried out with thermocouples, resistance
5.1.1 Spatial Variations—Spatialvariationsshallnotexceed temperature devices (RTD), or thermistors. The sensors shall
the following: air temperature 61.0°C, relative humidity provide an accuracy of 60.1°C between the range of 30 to
65 %, and air velocity 650 % of the mean value. In addition,
Their response time to 90 % of the value must be the lowest
the mean radiant temperature shall not be more than 1.0°C
possible and less than 10 s. Skin temperature measurements
different from the mean air temperature.The spatial uniformity
shall be taken at 4, 8, or 14 different locations. Refer to
shall be verified at least annually or after any significant
ISO 9886 for the location of the various measurement sites,
modifications are made to the test chamber. Spatial uniformity
and the weighting coefficients to determine overall skin tem-
shall be verified by recording values for the conditions stated
above at heights of 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, and 1.8 m above the floor at
5.3.2 Core Temperature Sensor Cleaning—Special require-
the location occupied by the participant.
ments are to be made concerning the hygiene of the core
5.1.2 Temporal Variations—Temporal variations shall not
temperature sensor. Laboratories must follow specific biohaz-
exceed the following: air temperature 60.5°C, relative humid-
ard control procedures as stipulated by their institution for the
ity 65 %, air velocity 620 % of the mean value for data
use and disposal of sensors.
averaged over five minutes. Core Temperature Sensors—Reusable and dispos-
5.1.3 Relative Humidity Measurement—Ahumidity-sensing able sensors are available for measurement of core tempera-
device shall be used and have an accuracy of 65 % relative ture. Disposable sensors are strongly recommended but not
required for core temperature measurements. If reusable sen-
humidity and a repeatability of 63 % to be acceptable (for
example, wet bulb/dry bulb, dew point hygrometer). At least sors are used, the sensors shall be cleaned and disinfected
between trials for the same participant and then discarded once
one location shall be monitored during a test to ensure that the
the participant has completed all test conditions. Sensors shall
temporal uniformity requirements are met.
only be used by one individual and shall be cleaned and
5.1.4 Air Temperature Sensors—Shielded air temperature
disinfected in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
between trials. Refer to ISO 9886 for additional information.
of 60.15°C (for example, RTD, thermocouple, sensor). The
5.4 Measuring Heart Rate—Heart rate can be measured
sensor shall have a time constant not exceeding one minute.
with either a portable heart rate monitor or by using an
The sensor(s) shall be 0.5 to 1.0 m in front of the participant.
electrocardiogram (ECG).
If a single sensor is used it shall be 1.0 m above the floor. If
5.5 Data Acquisition Systems—All physiology laboratories
multiple sensors are used, they shall be spaced at equal height
shall be equipped with data acquisition hardware and software.
intervals and their readings averaged.
A maximum sampling rate of 5 s can be used; however, rates
5.1.5 Air Velocity Indicator—Anomni-directionalanemom-
eter with 60.05 m/s accuracy shall be used. Measurements
acquisition system and the physiological variable being
shall be averaged for at least one minute at each location. If it sample

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