Standard Practice for Establishing Design Capacities for Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels

1.1 This practice covers the basis for code recognition of design capacities for OSB structural-use panels. Procedures are provided to establish or re-evaluate design capacities for OSB structural-use panels. Procedures for sampling and testing are also provided. Design values stated as capacity per unit dimension are to be regarded as standard. Design capacities developed in accordance with this practice are applicable to panels intended for use in dry in-service conditions.Note 1
This practice is based on ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria AC-182-Acceptance Criteria for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels. Relative to the scope of AC-182, this practice is limited to OSB panels.Note 2
While this practice makes reference to PS-2, this practice applies similarly to products certified to other standards such as CAN/CSA O325.Note 3
OSB produced under PS-2 is rated with the "Exposure 1" bond classification. Exposure 1 panels covered by PS-2 are intended for dry use applications where the in-service equilibrium moisture content conditions are expected to be less than 16 %. Exposure 1 panels are intended to resist the effects of moisture due to construction delays, or other conditions of similar severity. Guidelines on use of OSB are available from manufacturers and qualified agencies.

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ASTM D7033-05 - Standard Practice for Establishing Design Capacities for Oriented Strand Board (OSB) Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels
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Standard Practice for
Establishing Design Capacities for Oriented Strand Board
(OSB) Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 7033; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Oriented strand board (OSB) wood-based structural-use panels have been used in a variety of
applications since the 1970s. OSB panels manufactured for use in North America generally comply
with U.S. Department of Commerce Standard PS-2. Panels that comply with PS-2 are subjected to
various kinds of qualification performance testing and ongoing quality assurance testing. While many
panel applications are specified simply on the basis of meeting a given “span rating” as defined in
PS-2, some construction and specialty applications may require a complete set of engineering design
values. Based on the structural tests required by PS-2 (flexure), along with data for other properties,
a set of baseline capacities has been available since 1988. As is customary for structural-use panels,
design values will be discussed in this practice in terms of design capacities rather than design
properties, where the difference is that a design property is expressed in units of stress (that is,
pounds-per-square inch) and a design capacity is expressed in the engineering units of strength (that
is, inch-pounds of bending strength capacity, pounds of tensile capacity, and so forth). The term
“design values” will be used generically and can apply to either properties or capacities.
As uses for OSB wood-based structural-use panels extend into new applications, it becomes
increasingly important that manufacturers, qualified agencies, and regulatory bodies reference a set of
common, consensus-based procedures for establishment of design values.The purpose of this practice
is to provide these common procedures.
other conditions of similar severity. Guidelines on use of OSB are
1. Scope
available from manufacturers and qualified agencies.
1.1 This practice covers the basis for code recognition of
2. Referenced Documents
provided to establish or re-evaluate design capacities for OSB
2.1 ASTM Standards:
structural-use panels. Procedures for sampling and testing are
D9 Terminology Relating to Wood and Wood-Based Prod-
also provided. Design values stated as capacity per unit
dimension are to be regarded as standard. Design capacities
D 143 Test Methods for Small Clear Specimens of Timber
developed in accordance with this practice are applicable to
D 1037 Test Methods for Evaluating Properties of Wood-
panels intended for use in dry in-service conditions.
Base Fiber and Particle Panel Materials
NOTE 1—This practice is based on ICC-ES Acceptance Criteria AC- D 2718 Test Methods for Structural Panels in Planar Shear
182–Acceptance Criteria for Wood-Based Structural-Use Panels. Relative
(Rolling Shear)
to the scope of AC-182, this practice is limited to OSB panels.
D2719 Test Methods for Structural Panels in Shear
NOTE 2—While this practice makes reference to PS-2, this practice
applies similarly to products certified to other standards such as CAN/
D 2915 Practice for Evaluating Allowable Properties for
CSA O325.
Grades of Structural Lumber
NOTE 3—OSB produced under PS-2 is rated with the “Exposure 1”
D 3043 Test Methods for Structural Panels in Flexure
bond classification. Exposure 1 panels covered by PS-2 are intended for
dry use applications where the in-service equilibrium moisture content D 3500 Test Methods for Structural Panels in Tension
conditions are expected to be less than 16 %. Exposure 1 panels are
intended to resist the effects of moisture due to construction delays, or
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D07 on Wood and contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.03 on Panel Products. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Dec. 15, 2005. Published January 2006. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D 3501 Test Methods for Wood-Based Structural Panels in secondary structural axes, which typically correspond to the
Compression manufacturing machine and cross-machine directions, respec-
D 4442 TestMethodsforDirectMoistureContentMeasure- tively.The primary direction is often referred to as the strength
ment of Wood and Wood-Base Materials direction.
D 5456 Specification for Evaluation of Structural Compos- 3.2.6 primary axis—the primary axis typically corresponds
ite Lumber Products to the manufacturing machine direction and exhibits higher
D 5457 Specification for Computing Reference Resistance mechanical properties relative to the secondary axis. The
of Wood-Based Materials and Structural Connections for primary axis typically corresponds to the eight-foot dimension
Load and Resistance Factor Design of four-foot by eight-foot OSB.
D 6815 Specification for Evaluation of Duration of Load 3.2.7 proprietary panels—refers to OSB structural-use pan-
and Creep Effects of Wood and Wood-Based Products els having proprietary design capacities as provided in an
2.2 Other Documents: evaluation report issued by a code evaluation service.
PS-2 Performance Standard forWood-Based Structural-Use 3.2.8 PS-2 panels—refers to panels manufactured in accor-
Panels, U.S. Department of Commerce Voluntary Product dance with PS-2.
NOTE 4—Design values for OSB certified to CAN/CSA O325.0 are
NDS ANSI/AF&PA National Design Specification for
published in CSA O86 Engineering Design in Wood. See CSA 086 for
Wood Construction
specific applications of OSB design values.
CAN/CSA O325.0 (R2003) Construction Sheathing
3.2.9 secondary axis—the secondary axis typically corre-
CSA O86 Engineering Design in Wood
sponds to the manufacturing cross-machine direction and
ASD/LRFD Manual for Engineered Wood Construction
exhibits lower mechanical properties relative to the primary
ICC Evaluation Service Acceptance Criteria AC-
axis. The secondary axis typically corresponds to the four-foot
182 Acceptance Criteria for Wood-Based Structural-Use
dimension of four-foot by eight-foot OSB.
3.2.10 test cell—the combined test data for a single span
rating/property that is intended to characterize that sampling
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms related to wood,
3.2.11 tolerance limit—in this standard, a one-sided toler-
refer to TerminologyD9.
ance limit is a value about which it may be stated with 75%
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
confidence that a proportion (that is, 90%, 50%, and so forth)
3.2.1 baseline capacities—capacities developed for OSB
of the population has values greater than this tolerance limit.
building codes. As distinct from PS-2 and proprietary panels,
4. Significance and Use
documentation of baseline capacities is on the basis of test
4.1 Theproceduresdescribedinthispracticeareintendedto
reports rather than evaluation reports or code reference. Ex-
be used to establish design capacity (both strength and stiff-
ample applications include, but are not limited to, concrete
ness) values based on testing of OSB that, at a minimum,
form and industrial panels.
satisfies the performance requirements of PS-2.
3.2.2 characteristic value—a population mean, confidence
4.2 Review and reassessment of values derived from this
interval, or tolerance limit estimated from the test data. The
practice shall be conducted on a periodic basis. If a change is
found to be significant, retesting or reevaluation, or both, in
of design values.
accordance with the procedures of this practice shall be
3.2.3 design capacity—a value that is a function of material
design property and design section property.
3.2.4 design property—the stress-based design value de-
5. Minimum Sampling Matrix and Frequency
rived by dividing design capacity by the design section
5.1 Development of design capacities under this practice
may be for either a single span rating or a full matrix of span
3.2.5 oriented strand board (OSB)—a mat-formed panel
ratings as defined in PS-2.
product with oriented layers resulting in directional properties.
5.2 Panels sampled for testing shall be representative of the
Oriented strand board is comprised primarily of wood strands
population for which design capacities are desired. Panel
bonded with exterior adhesive formulations under heat and
sampling and grouping procedures shall comply with Section 4
pressure. Design capacities are referenced to the primary and
of Specification D 5457.
5.3 Each product (span rating, grade, nominal thickness)
represents a unique product designation. Grouping within
product designations shall comply with Section 4 of Specifi-
732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401.
Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., cation D 5457.
4th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
NOTE 5—Data should be reviewed periodically. Inclusion of data
Available from Canadian Standards Association (CSA), 178 Rexdale Blvd.,
Toronto, ON Canada M9W1R3. beyond the review period should be supplemented by proof that it
Available from American Forest and Paper Association (AF&PA), 1111 19th
represents more recent production.
St., NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036.
5.4 Sampling Matrix for Design Capacities—For the pur-
Available from ICC Evaluation Service, 5360 Workman Mill Rd, Whittier,
California 90601 pose of developing design capacities, the minimum sampling
matrix shall include every thickness and span rating for which shall be determined along the primary and secondary axes and
a design value will be claimed. Alternatively, when supported shall be reported on a per foot of panel width basis. Specimen
byadocumentedmodel,characteristicvaluesforuntestedcells dimensions shall be recorded.
are permitted to be established by analytical methods. For each 6.7 Axial Strength (in tension and compression, F A, FA,
c t
manufacturing facility and product for which design capacities lbf/ft)—Axial tension and compression strength shall be deter-
are desired, the minimum number of test replications shall be mined in accordance with Test Methods D 3500, Method
30, with the exception of bending stiffness and bending B—Tensile Strength of Large Specimens, and Test Methods
strength capacity, for which the minimum number of test D 3501, Method B—Compression Test for Large Specimens,
replications shall be 60. A quality assurance program moni- respectively. Test panel thickness shall be recorded. Axial
tored by a qualified agency shall provide verification of strength shall be determined along the primary and secondary
continuing compliance with claimed design values. axes and shall be reported on a per foot of panel width basis.
Specimen dimensions shall be recorded.
6. Testing Requirements 6.8 Fastener Withdrawal Resistance—Fastener withdrawal
resistance tests shall be conducted in accordance with Test
6.1 Bending Stiffness (EI, lbf-in. /ft)—Bending stiffness
Methods D 1037, except that 8d common wire (bright, plain-
shall be determined in accordance with Test Methods D 3043,
shank medium diamond-point steel nail with a nominal shank
Method C—Pure Moment Test. Test panel thickness shall be
diameter of 0.131 in., a nominal length of 2.5 in., and a head
recorded. Flexural stiffness shall be determined in the primary
diameterof ⁄32in.)nailsshallbeused.Specimenthicknessand
and secondary panel directions and shall be reported on a per
density shall be recorded. Results shall be reported as tested
foot of width basis. The applicable moment arm shall be the
and as normalized to a per inch of thickness basis for
load bar spacing between points of contact with the test panel.
determination or equivalent specific gravity in accordance with
6.2 Bending Strength Capacity (F S, lbf-in./ft)—Bending
Annex A2 of Specification D 5456. Fastener specifications
strength capacity shall be determined in accordance with Test
shall be recorded and shall include actual diameter.
Methods D 3043, Method C—Pure Moment Test. Bending
6.9 Lateral Fastener Resistance—The equivalent specific
strength capacity shall be determined for the same panel
gravity of the OSB shall be determined on the basis of
dowel-bearing performance in accordance withAnnexA2.7 of
be determined in the primary and secondary panel directions
SpecificationD 5456exceptthatthetestfastenersshallinclude
and shall be reported on a per foot of panel width basis. Test
8d and 10d common wire nails as defined in Specification
panel thickness shall be recorded. The applicable moment arm
D 5456, Annex A2. Lateral fastener capacity shall be deter-
mined along the primary and secondary axes. For each panel
test panel.
directional axis, the equivalent specific gravity shall be the
6.3 Strength Capacity in Planar Shear (F (Ib/Q), lbf/ft)—
minimum value determined for the fasteners tested. Specimen
Planar shear strength capacity shall be determined in accor-
thickness and density shall be recorded.
dance with Test Methods D 2718. Test specimen thickness
6.10 Nail-Head Pull-Through Resistance—To measure the
shall be recorded. Planar shear strength capacities along the
resistance of a panel to having the head of a nail or other
primary and secondary axes shall be determined and shall be
fastener pulled through the board, nail-head pull-through tests
reported on a per foot of panel width basis.
shall be conducted in accordance with Test Methods D 1037,
NOTE 6—Test Methods D 2718 includes the use of a five-point bending
except that 8d common wire nails with a nominal head
test as an approved method.
diameter of ⁄32 in. shall be used. Specimen thickness and
6.4 Strength Capacity in Shear Through-the-Thickness
density shall be recorded. Fastener specifications shall be
(F t , lbf/in.)—Shear through-the-thickness shall be deter-
recorded and shall include

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