ASTM D6900-10
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Wet Adhesion of Latex Paints to a Gloss Alkyd Enamel Substrate
Standard Test Method for Wet Adhesion of Latex Paints to a Gloss Alkyd Enamel Substrate
After application to either interior or exterior surfaces, latex paints may be subjected to conditions of high humidity, condensation, or precipitation. This may sometimes lead to a loss of adhesion to the substrate over which they have been applied. This method is a quantitative measure of the adhesion of latex paints to glossy substrates under such conditions.
1.1 This method covers a procedure for measuring by scrubbing the adhesion of latex paints to glossy alkyd enamel substrates after exposure to wet conditions.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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Designation: D6900 − 10
StandardTest Method for
Wet Adhesion of Latex Paints to a Gloss Alkyd Enamel
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6900; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 4. Summary of Test Method
1.1 This method covers a procedure for measuring by
4.1 Test paints, with optional control paint, are drawn down
scrubbing the adhesion of latex paints to glossy alkyd enamel
using a 7-mil clearance Dow applicator (~11 m /L) across a
substrates after exposure to wet conditions.
cured alkyd gloss enamel previously drawn down on a black or
white plastic panel.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information
4.2 The drawdown films are allowed to dry under standard-
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
cut block, creating sixty 6.4 mm (0.25 in) squares, in the center
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
of each film with a razor blade.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
4.3 The panels are then soaked for 30 min in ambient tap
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
water. The panel is mounted in a washability tester and 20 mL
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
of water are applied. The panel is then scrubbed for up to 500
cycles or until all of the squares within each block are
2. Referenced Documents
completely removed.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D523 Test Method for Specular Gloss
5. Significance and Use
D714 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering of
5.1 After application to either interior or exterior surfaces,
D2486 Test Methods for Scrub Resistance of Wall Paints latex paints may be subjected to conditions of high humidity,
condensation, or precipitation. This may sometimes lead to a
D3924 Specification for Environment for Conditioning and
Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Materials loss of adhesion to the substrate over which they have been
applied. This method is a quantitative measure of the adhesion
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
Determine the Precision of a Test Method of latex paints to glossy substrates under such conditions.
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
ASTM Test Methods 6. Apparatus
6.1 Constanttemperature/humidityroominaccordancewith
3. Terminology
Specification D3924 [23 6 2°C (73.5 6 3.5°F) and 50 65%
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
relative humidity].
3.1.1 wet adhesion, n—the ability of a coating to resist
6.2 Drawdown Plate.
removal by scrubbing from the surface beneath it after expo-
sure to wet conditions and abrasion.
6.3 Straight Line Washability Tester and Accessories, per
Test Methods D2486.
6.4 Nylon Bristle Brush and Accessories (nominal weight
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paint
455 g), having nylon brush bristles in 5/4 pattern extending 19
and Related Coatings, Materials, andApplications and is the direct responsibility of
mm ( ⁄4 in.) from block (as per Test Methods D2486).
Subcommittee D01.42 on Architectural Coatings.
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2010. Published March 2010. Originally
6.5 Dow FilmApplicator,having7-mil(0.18-mm)clearance
approved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D6900 – 03.
by 5.2-in. (132-mm) width. applicator blade.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
6.6 Single-edge Razor Blade, in safety holder.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. 6.7 Metal Straight Edge, (or appropriate guide).
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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D6900 − 10
NOTE 2—Since humidity and temperature both markedly influence the
recommended in order to achieve reproducible results using this method.
8.2.3 Condition, break in and rinse the scrub brush as
specified in Test Methods D2486.
8.2.4 Using a metal straightedge or suitable guide, make
eighteen razor blade cuts, spaced 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) apart
forminga6by10 array with a razor blade in the center of each
paint (See Fig. 1). Each cut should be made in one steady
motion with sufficient pressure to cut, but no
This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:D6900–03 Designation:D6900–10
Standard Test Method for
Wet Adhesion of Latex Paints to a Gloss Alkyd Enamel
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6900; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 This method covers a procedure for measuring by scrubbing the adhesion of latex paints to glossy alkyd enamel substrates
after exposure to wet conditions.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D523 Test Method for Specular Gloss
D714 Test Method for Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints
D2486 Test Methods for Scrub Resistance of Wall Paints
D3924 SpecificationforEnvironmentforConditioningandTestingPaint,Varnish,Lacquer,andRelatedMaterialsSpecification
for Environment for Conditioning and Testing Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Materials
E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to Determine the Precision of a Test Method
E177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in ASTM Test Methods
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 wet adhesion, n—the ability of a coating to resist removal by scrubbing from the surface beneath it after exposure to wet
conditions and abrasion.
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 Test paints, with optional control paint, are drawn down using a 7-mil clearance Dow applicator (~11 m /L) across a cured
alkyd gloss enamel previously drawn down on a black or white plastic panel.
4.2 The drawdown films are allowed to dry under standardized conditions. Then, eighteen cuts are made to forma6by10cut
block, creating sixty 6.4 mm (0.25 in) squares, in the center of each film with a razor blade.
4.3 Thepanelsarethensoakedfor30mininambienttapwater.Thepanelismountedinawashabilitytesterand20mLofwater
are applied. The panel is then scrubbed for up to 500 cycles or until all of the squares within each block are completely removed.
5. Significance and Use
5.1 After application to either interior or exterior surfaces, latex paints may be subjected to conditions of high humidity,
condensation, or precipitation. This may sometimes lead to a loss of adhesion to the substrate over which they have been applied.
This method is a quantitative measure of the adhesion of latex paints to glossy substrates under such conditions.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paint and Related Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D01.42 on Architectural Coatings.
Current edition approved May 10, 2003. Published June 2003. DOI: 10.1520/D6900-03.
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2010. Published March 2010. Originally approved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D6900 - 03. DOI:10.1520/D6900-
For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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6. Apparatus
6.1 Constant temperature/humidity room in accordance with Specification D3924 [23 6 2°C (73.5 6 3.5°F) and 50 6 5%
relative humidity].
6.2 Drawdown Plate.
6.3 Straight Line Washability Tester and Accessories, per Test Methods D2486.
6.4 Nylon Bristle Brush and Accessories (nominal weight 455 g), having nylon brush bristles in 5/4 pattern extending 19 mm
( ⁄4 in.) from block (as per Test Methods D2486).
6.5 Dow Film Applicator, having 7-mil (0.18-mm) clearance by 5.2-in. (132-mm) width. applicator blade.
6.6 Single-edge Razor Blade, in safety holder.
6.7 Metal Straight Edge, (or appropriate guide).
7. Reagents and Materials
7.1 Aready-mix deep-tint alkyd gloss enamel with a 60° gloss of at least 65 as measured
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