Standard Specification for Physical Information to be Provided for Amusement Rides and Devices

1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for information that shall be provided by the manufacturer or seller of new amusement rides or devices as a part of the initial sale or transfer to the first end user.
1.2 This specification does not apply to the sale or transfer of used amusement rides and devices.

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ASTM F698-94 - Standard Specification for Physical Information to be Provided for Amusement Rides and Devices
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Designation: F 698 – 94
Standard Specification for
Physical Information to be Provided for Amusement Rides
and Devices
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 698; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope senger weight per passenger position and per ride.
2.2.8 Passenger Capacity by Number—Maximum total
1.1 This specification covers the minimum requirements for
number of adult or child passengers per passenger position and
information that shall be provided by the manufacturer or seller
per ride.
of new amusement rides or devices as a part of the initial sale
2.3 Ride Duration—The actual time the ride is in operation
or transfer to the first end user.
or a passenger is exposed to the elements of the ride functions
1.2 This specification does not apply to the sale or transfer
including passenger restrictions to maximum exposure time
of used amusement rides and devices.
shall be included.
2. Information Requirements
2.4 Recommended Balance of Passenger Loading or
Unloading—When passenger distribution is essential to the
2.1 The information given in 2.2 and 2.3-2.15.3 shall be
proper operation of the ride or device, the appropriate loading
included where applicable on the information plate as specified
and unloading procedure, with respect to weight distribution
in 2.2 and in the documented operating and maintenance
shall be provided.
instructions to be furnished by the manufacturer or seller, at the
2.5 Environmental Restrictions—Recommendations for op-
time of sale of each amusement ride or device.
erational restrictions relating to environmental conditions such
2.2 Information Plate—A manufacturer-issued information
as, but not limited to, wind, rain, salt corrosion, and extreme
plate, printed in English, shall be permanently affixed to the
heat or cold.
ride or device in a visible location and shall be designed to
2.6 Recommended Passenger Restrictions—Where appli-
remain legible for the expected life of the ride or device. The
cable, any recommended passenger limitations such as, but not
plate shall include, but not be restricted to, all applicable items
limited to height, passenger placement, or any other appropri-
listed in 2.2-2.2.8 .
ate restrictions.
2.2.1 Ride Serial Number—A manufacturer-issued unique
2.7 Electrical Power Requirements—Total electrical power
identifying number or code affixed to the ride in a permanent
required to properly operate the ride or device designated in
watts and volts, including minimum and maximum voltage
2.2.2 Ride Name and Manufacturer—A manufacturer-
issued unique identifying ride name including the name of the
2.8 Mechanical Power Requirements—Minimum horse-
manufacturer by city, state, and country.
power necessary to operate ride properly.
2.2.3 Ride Model Number—A manufacturer-issued unique
2.9 Water Flow—Minimum/maximum water flow rates.
identifying number or code assigned to each manufactured type
2.10 Static Information—The following information shall
of ride having the same structural design or components.
be provided for the amusement ride or device when it is in a
2.2.4 Date of Manufacture—The date (month and year)
nonoperational state with no passengers: height, width, diam-
determined by the manufacturer that the given ride or device
eter, and weight.
met his required construction specifications.
2.11 Dynamic Informa

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