Standard Tables of Conversion Factors and Equivalent Yarn Numbers Measured in Various Numbering Systems

1.1 These tables include (1) a series of conversion factors required to convert the number of a yarn measured in a specific system to the equivalent number measured in various other systems (see Table 1), and (2) specific equivalent numbers for yarns measured in various systems (see Table 2).
1.2 The content is basically consistent with recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standard 2947.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: D2260 − 03(Reapproved 2009)
Standard Tables of
Conversion Factors and Equivalent Yarn Numbers Measured
in Various Numbering Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2260; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2.2 ISO Standard:
Standard 2947 Textiles–Integrated Conversion Table for Re-
1.1 These tables include (1) a series of conversion factors
placing Traditional Yarn Numbers by Rounded Numbers
required to convert the number of a yarn measured in a specific
in the Tex System
system to the equivalent number measured in various other
2.3 NIST Standard:
systems (see Table 1), and (2) specific equivalent numbers for
NIST Circular M121, January 1936
yarns measured in various systems (see Table 2).
3. Terminology
1.2 The content is basically consistent with recommenda-
tions of the International Organization for Standardization
3.1 Refer to Terminology D4849 for definition of the
(ISO) Standard 2947.
following ters used in this standard: American graincount;
cotton count; cut, in asbestos and glass yarns, cut, in wool
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
yarns; denier; direct yarn numbering systems; grain, in yarn
as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
spinning; grain, in measuring mass; indirect yarn numbering
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
system; linear density; lea, in linen yarns; metric count; run, in
and are not considered standard.
the american woolen system; tex; worsted count; yarn number;
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
and yarn numbering system.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
3.2 Refer to Terminology D123 for definitions of other
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
terms used in this standard.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
4. Conversion Factors for Equivalent Yarn Numbers
4.1 Calculate any equivalent value using the appropriate
2. Referenced Documents
factor listed in Table 1.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
5. Use of Previously Calculated Equivalent Yarn
D123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
D4849 Terminology Related to Yarns and Fibers
SI10 Standard for Use of the International System of Units
5.1 For a specific number in a stated system, read the
(SI): The Modern Metric System
equivalent in the various other systems from Table 2.
5.2 With a few exceptions, fractional traditional indirect
These tables are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles
values for most fractional traditional indirect counts can be
and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.58 on Yarns and Fibers.
obtained by interpolation.
Current edition approved July 1, 2009. Published August 2009. Originally
approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D2260 – 03. DOI:
6. Implementation of the Tex Yarn Numbering System
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
6.1 In Table 2, to encourage the implementation of the tex
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
system in the United States, rounded tex values were chosen to
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
3 4
ExcerptsfromSI 10,StandardforUseoftheInternationalSystemofUnits(SI): Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,
The Modern Metric SysteSI10, can be found in the Annual Book of ASTM 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
Standards, Vols 07.01 and 07.02. The standard is available as a separate publication Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100
and appears in its entirety in Vol 14.02. Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D2260 − 03 (2009)
TABLE 1 Conversion Factors for Converting from One Yarn Numbering System to Another
System for Which Yarn Number is Known
System for Which Yarn Number is
American Cotton Worsted Metric Linen Lea
Tex Denier Woolen Run Yd/lb
Grain Count Count Count Count Woolen Cut
Tex (g/1000 m) tex = . 0.590 541
den 590.541 885.812 310.034 1 000 1 653.52 496 055
9 cc wc wr mc lea y
Denier (g/9000 m) den = 9 × tex . 5.314 87
5 314.87 7 972.31 2 790.31 9 000 14 881.6 4 464 492
cc wc wr mc lea y
American Grain Count (grains/120 yd) gr = .
tex den 1 000 1 500 525 1 693.36 2 800 840 000
0.590 541 5.314 87 cc wc wr mc lea y
Cotton count (840 yd lengths/lb) cc = . 0.590 541
590.541 5 314.87 1 000 wc wr lea y
tex den gr 1.5 0.525 2.8 840
Worsted count (560 yd lengths/lb) wc = 1.5×cc . 0.885 812
885.812 7 972.31 1 500 wr lea y
tex den gr 0.35 1.866 67 560
Woolen run (1600 yd lengths/lb) wr = 0.525 × cc 0.35 × wc . 0.310 034 0.187 5
310.034 2 790.31 525 y
×mc ×lea
tex den gr 1 600
Metric count (1000 m/kg) mc = .
1 000 9 000 1 693.36 cc wc wr lea y
tex den gr 0.590 541 0.885 812 0.310 034 1.653 52 496.055
Linen lea (300 yd lengths/lb) lea = 2.8 × cc 1.866 67 0.187 5 1.653 52 .
1 653.52 14 881.6 2 800 y
×wc ×wr ×mc
tex den gr 300
Yards per pound (yd/lb) y = 840 × cc 560 × wc 1600 × wr 496.055 300 × lea .
496 055 4 464 492 840 000
tex den gr
The conversion factors are based on the following relationships given in Metric Practice SI 10SI10: 1 yard = 0.9144 m, exactly, and 1 lb (avoirdupois) = 0.453 592 37
kg, exactly. The conversion factors in Table 1 containing fewer than six significant digits are exact values.
Multiples and submultiples of this basic unit may be used as a convenience to avoid large numbers or decimal fractions. For example, decitex (dtex) or tex × 10 is suitable
for fine yarns and fibers; millitex (mtex) or tex × 1000 is suitable for fibers; while kilotex (ktex) or tex/1000 is often used for ropes, cords, rovings, tops, and slivers.
Examples of Table 1 use:
1) The English worsted count equivalent to a cotton count of 10 is 1.5 times 10, or 15 English worsted count.
2) The cotton count equivalent to 30 tex is 590.54 divided by 30, or 19.7 cotton count.
accommodate as many yarn numbers as possible for the 7.2.2 cotton count (cc) = y/840.
traditional yarn numbering systems without encroaching on 7.2.3 denier (den) = 4 464 492/y.
established tolerances. In addition to the rounded tex system 7.2.4 Worsted count (wc) = y/560.
values, the decitex (dtex) equivalents have been included 7.2.5 American grain count per 120 yd (gr) = 840 000/y.
because they can be used throughout most of the count range 7.2.6 linen lea (lea) = y/300.
without employing decimal fractions. The choice of unit is 7.2.7 metric count (mc) = y/496.055.
entirely a matter to be determined by each sector of the trade;
7.2.8 tex (tex) = 496 055/y.
decitex, for example, is particularly suitable for fine yarns 7.2.9 For the woolen system, use the column and row
(whether spun or filament) and tex for medium and coarse
headed linen lea.
7.3 The data in Table 2 was derived using the National
Institute of Standards and Technology values in the NIST
7. Derivation of Data in Table 2
Circular M121, January,NIST Circular M121, January19365
7.1 Tables 1 and 2 are based on the following exact
1936. Based on current values, when calculating yards per
pound for a specified denier, the table will understate the value
7.1.1 1 yd = 0.9144 m.
by 12 yd out of 4.5 million yd or 11 m out of 4.1 million m.
7.1.2 1 lb = 453.592 37 g.
When calculating yards per pound for a specified tex value, the
7.1.3 1 lb = 7000 grains.
table will understate the value by 5 yd out of 0.5 million yd or
7.2 The following conversion factors have been computed 4.6 m out of 0.46 million m. Therefore, those who need more
where y = yards per pound. precise data for denier and tex should recalculate the data
7.2.1 Woolen run (wr) = y/1600. needed using the current values in Table 1.
D2260 − 03 (2009)
8. Keywords
8.1 yarn number; yarns per pound
TABLE 2 Equivalent Yarn Number Conversion Table
NOTE 1—In any row with a boldface type number, the other equivalents are computed from the boldface value to the nearest four significant figures.
Indirect Systems Direct Systems
yd/lb for
Exact Cotton
Linen B
Rounded Tex- Deviation
Worsted Woolen Metric American Rounded Rounded
Equivalent Count
A Woolen Denier
Count Run Count Grain Count Value Value
dtex yd/lb cc wc wr lea mc gr den tex dtex %
1.111 4 465 000 0.188 1.00 0.11 1.1 −1.0
1.333 1.2 0.13 1.3 −2.5
1.444 1.3 0.14 1.4 −3.1
1.667 1.5 0.17 1.7 +2.0
1.889 1.7 0.19 1.9 +0.6
2.000 2 232 000 1.8 0.20 2.0 0.0
2.222 0.376 2.00 0.22 2.2 −1.0
2.444 2.2 0.24 2.4 −1.8
2.556 2.3 0.26 2.6 +1.7
2.778 2.5 0.27 2.8 +0.8
3.000 2.7 0.30 3.0 0.0
3.333 3.00 0.33 3.3 −1.0
3.556 3.2 0.36 3.6 +1.2
4.000 3.6 0.40 4.0 0.0
4.111 3.7 0.41 4.1 −0.3
4.444 4.00 0.44 4.4 −1.0
4.667 4.2 0.47 4.7 +0.7
5.000 4.5 0.50 5.0 0.0
5.555 893 000 0.941 5.00 0.56 5.6 +0.7
6.111 0.9406 5.5 0.61 6.1 −0.2
6.667 6.00 0.67 6.7 −0.5
7.778 7.00 0.78 7.8 +0.3
7.889 8.00 0.89 8.9 +0.1
10.00 496 055 1.693 9.00 1.0 10 0
11.00 450 959 1.881 10.00 1.1 11 −1.0
12.22 413 379 11 1.2 12 −1.8
13.33 381 581 12 1.3 13 −2.5
15.56 310 034 14 1.6 16 +2.8
16.67 291 797 15 1.7 17 +2.0
20.00 248 028 3.387 18.00 2.0 20 0
22.22 225 480 3.763 20.00 2.2 22 −1.0
25.56 190 790 23 2.6 26 +1.7
27.78 177 162 25 2.8 28 +0.8
30.00 165 352 196.8 295.3 103.3 551.1 333.3 5.080 27.00 3.0 30 0
31.11 160 018 28 3.1 31 −0.4
33.33 150 320 177.1 265.7 93.00 496.0 300.0 5.645 30.00 3.3 33 −1.0
35.56 141 730 32 3.5 35 −1.6
38.89 124 014 35 4.0 40 +2.8
40.00 121 191 147.6 221.4 77.51 413.4 250.0 6.774 36.00 4.0 40 0
44.44 112 740 132.9 199.3 69.75 372.0 225.0 7.527 40.00 4.4 44 −1.0
45.00 110 200 131.2 196.8 68.89 367.4 222.2 7.620 40.50 4.5 45 0
47.78 103 345 43 4.8 48 +0.5
49.21 100 800 120.0 180.0 63.00 336.0 203.2 8.333 44.29 4.9 41 +1.6
50.00 99 211 118.1 177.2 62.01 330.7 200.0 8.466 45.00 5.0 50 0
50.04 118 −0.1
50.91 97 266 116 5.1 51 +0.2
51.35 115 +1.3
51.80 95 395 114 5.2 52 +0.4
52.22 47 −0.4
52.72 93 595 112 5.3 53 +0.5
53.68 110 −1.3
54.68 90 192 108 5.5 55 +0.6
50.91 116.0 174.0 60.90 324.8 196.4 8.621 45.82 5.1 51
53.69 110.0 165.0 57.75 308.0 186.3 9.091 48.32 5.4 54
55.00 107.4 161.1 56.37 300.6 290.9 9.314 49.50 5.5 55
D2260 − 03 (2009)
TABLE 2 Continued
Indirect Systems Direct Systems
yd/lb for
Exact Cotton
Linen B
Rounded Tex- Deviation
Worsted Woolen Metric American Rounded Rounded
Equivalent Count
A Woolen Denier
Count Run Count Grain Count Value Value
dtex yd/lb cc wc wr lea mc gr den tex dtex %
55.56 106.3 159.5 55.81 297.7 180.0 9.406 50.00 5.6 56 +0.8
55.71 88 581 106 5.6 56 +0.5
56.24 105 −0.4
56.78 87 027 104 5.7 57 +0.4
57.78 52 +0.4
57.89 102 +0.2
58.00 85 527 5.8 58 0
59.05 84 077 100.0 150.0 52.50 28.00 169.3 10.00 53.15 5.9 59 −0.1
60.00 98.42 147.6 51.67 275.6 166.7 10.16 54.00 6.0 60 0
60.26 82 676 98 6.0 60 −0.4
61.10 96.64 145.0 50.74 270.6 163.7 10.35 55.00 6.1 61 0
61.51 96 +0.8
62.16 80 009 95 6.2 62 −0.3
62.22 56 −0.4
62.82 78 739 94 6.3 63 +0.3
64.18 77 509 92 6.4 64 −0.3
65.00 90.85 136.3 47.70 254.4 153.8 11.01 58.50 6.5 65 0
65.61 75 160 90.00 135.0 47.25 252.0 152.4 11.11 59.06 6.6 66 +0.6
67 88.59 132.9 46.51 248.0 150.0 11.29 60.00 6.7 66.66
67.10 74 038 88 6.7 67 −0.1
69.47 71 892 86 6.9 69 +0.7
69.47 85 +0.8
70.00 70 865 84.36 126.5 44.29 236.2 142.29 11.85 63.00 7.0 70 0
70.30 84 −0.4
72.01 69 867 82 7.1 71 −1.4
72.22 68 897 81.98 122.7 42.94 229.0 138.5 12.23 65.00 7.2 72 −0.3
73.82 67 034 80.00 120.0 42.00 224.0 135.5 12.50 66.44 7.4 74 +0.3
74.75 66 141 79 7.5 75 +0.3
75.00 78.74 118.1 41.34 220.5 133.3 12.70 67.50 7.5 75 4
75.07 78.67 118.0 41.30 220.3 133.2 12.71 67.57 7.5 75 4
75.16 78.57 117.9 41.25 220.0 133.0 12.73 67.65 7.5 75 4
75.62 78.10 117.1 41.00 218.7 132.2 12.80 68.06 7.6 76 4
75.71 65 270 78.00 117.0 40.95 218.4 132.1 12.82 68.14 7.6 76 +0.4
76.34 77.36 116.0 40.61 216.6 131.0 12.93 68.71 7.6 76 2
76.55 77.14 115.7 40.50 216.0 130.6 12.96 68.90 7.7 77 2
76.69 64 423 77.00 115.5 40.42 215.6 130.4 12.99 69.03 7.7 77 +0.4
77.78 75.93 113.9 39.86 212.6 128.6 13.17 70.00 7.8 78 +0.3
77.70 76.00 114.0 39.90 212.8 128.7 13.16 69.94 7.8 78 +0.4
78.00 63 597 75.72 113.6 39.75 212.0 128.2 13.21 70.20 7.8 78 0
78.74 62 792 75.00 112.5 39.38 210.0 127.0 13.33 70.87 7.9 79 +0.3
79.09 74.67 126.4 39.20 209.1 126.4 13.39 71.19 7.9 79
79.50 74.29 125.8 39.00 208.0 125.8 13.46 71.53 8.0 80
79.80 62 007 74.00 111.0 38.85 207.2 125.3 13.51 71.83 8.0 80 +0.3
80.00 73.82 125.0 38.75 206.7 125.0 13.56 72.00 8.0 80
80.53 73.33 124.2 38.50 205.3 124.2 13.64 72.48 8.0 81
80.90 61 241 73.00 109.5 38.32 204.4 123.6 13.70 72.81 8.1 81 +0.1
81.05 72.86 123.4 38.25 204.0 123.4 13.73 72.95 8.1 81
81.59 72.38 122.6 38.00 202.7 122.6 13.82 73.43 8.2 82
82.02 60 495 72.00 108.0 201.6 121.9 13.89 73.82 8.2 82 0
82.68 71.45 121.0 32.51 200.1 121.0 14.00 74.39 8.3 83
82.68 71.43 121.0 37.50 200.0 121.0 14.00 74.41 8.3 83
83.17 71.00 106.5 37.28 198.8 120.2 14.08 74.96 8.3 83 +1.0
83.33 59 054 70.87 106.3 37.21 198.4 120.0 14.11 75.00 8.3 83 +0.8
83.57 70.67 119.7 37.10 197.9 119.7 14.15 75.22 8.4 84
83.79 70.48 119.3 37.00 197.3 119.3 14.19 75.42 8.4 84
84.36 70.00 105.0 36.75 196.0 118.5 14.29 75.93 8.4 84 −0.4
85.00 69.49 117.6 36.47 194.5 117.6 14.38 76.50 8.5 85
85.17 69.33 117.4 36.40 194.1 117.4 14.42 76.66 8.5 85
85.58 58 359 69.00 103.5 36.22 193.2 116.8 14.49 77.03 8.5 86 −0.7
86.12 68.57 116.1 36.00 192.0 116.1 14.58 77.51 8.6 86
D2260 − 03 (2009)
TABLE 2 Continued
Indirect Systems Direct Systems
yd/lb for
Exact Cotton
Linen B
Rounded Tex- Deviation
Worsted Woolen Metric American Rounded Rounded
Equivalent Count
A Woolen Denier
Count Run Count Grain Count Value Value
dtex yd/lb cc wc wr lea mc gr den tex dtex %
86.84 57 018 68.00 102.0 35.70 190.4 115.1 14.71 78.17 8.7 87 +0.2
87.95 67

This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:D2260–02 Designation:D2260–03 (Reapproved 2009)
Standard Tables of
Conversion Factors and Equivalent Yarn Numbers Measured
in Various Numbering Systems
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2260; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 Thesetablesinclude(1)aseriesofconversionfactorsrequiredtoconvertthenumberofayarnmeasuredinaspecificsystem
to the equivalent number measured in various other systems (see Table 1), and (2) specific equivalent numbers for yarns measured
in various systems (see Table 2).
1.2 The content is basically consistent with recommendations of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
Standard 2947.
1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles
D861Practice for Use of the Tex System to Designate Linear Density of Fibers, Yarn Intermediates, and Yarns
D3888Terminology Related to Open-End Spinning
D3990Terminology Relating to Fabric Defects Terminology Relating to Textiles
D 4849 Terminology Relating to Fibers and Yarns Terminology Related to Yarns and Fibers
SI 10 Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System
2.2 ISO Standard:
ISO 2947,Standard 2947 Textiles–Integrated Conversion Table for Replacing TraditionalYarn Numbers by Rounded Numbers
in the Tex System
2.3 NIST Standard: NBS–M–121–January, 1936
NIST Circular M121, January 1936
3. Terminology
3.1.1American grain count—a direct yarn numbering system for expressing linear density, equal to the mass in grains per 120
yd of sliver or roving.
3.1.2cotton count, n—an indirect yarn numbering system generally used in the cotton system equal to the number of 840–yd
lengths of yarn per pound.
3.1.3cut, n—in asbestos and glass yarns, the number of 100-yd lengths of yarn per pound; an indirect yarn numbering system.
3.1.4cut, n—in wool yarns, the number of 300-yd lengths of yarn per pound; an indirect yarn numbering system.
These tables are under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D13 on Textiles and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.58 on Yarn and Fiber Test Methods.
Current edition approved Nov. 10, 2002. Published January 2003. Originally approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as D2260–01.onYarns and Fibers.
Current edition approved July 1, 2009. Published August 2009. Originally approved in 1964. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as D2260 – 03.
For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
, Vol 07.01.volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Excerpts from SI 10, Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric Syste, can be found in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vols
07.01 and 07.02. The standard is available as a separate publication and appears in its entirety in Vol 14.02.
American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Available from American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036,
Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
Available from National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 100 Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070,
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D2260–03 (2009)
TABLE 1 Conversion Factors for Converting from One Yarn Numbering System to Another
System for Which Yarn Number is Known
System for Which Yarn Number is
American Cotton Worsted Metric Linen Lea
Tex Denier Woolen Run Yd/lb
Grain Count Count Count Count Woolen Cut
Tex (g/1000 m) tex = . den 0.590 541 590.541 885.812 310.034 1 000 1 653.52 496 055
9 3 gr cc wc wr mc lea y
Tex (g/1000 m) tex = . den 0.590 541 590.541 885.812 310.034 1 000 1 653.52 496 055
3 gr
9 cc wc wr mc lea y
Denier (g/9000 m) den = 9 3 tex . 5.314 87 5 314.87 7 972.31 2 790.31 9 000 14 881.6 4 464 492
3 gr cc wc wr mc lea y
5 314.87 7 972.31 2 790.31 9 000 14 881.6 4 464 492
Denier (g/9000 m) den = 9 3 tex . 5.314 87
3 gr cc wc wr mc lea y
American Grain Count (grains/120 yd) gr = tex den . 1 000 1 500 525 1 693.36 2 800 840 000
0.590 541 5.314 87 cc wc wr mc lea y
American Grain Count (grains/120 yd) gr = tex den . 1 000 1 500 525 1 693.36 2 800 840 000
0.590 541 5.314 87 cc wc wr mc lea y
Cotton count (840 yd lengths/lb) cc = 590.541 5 314.87 1 000 . wc wr 0.590 541 lea y
tex den gr 1.5 0.525 3 mc 2.8 840
Cotton count (840 yd lengths/lb) cc = 590.541 5 314.87 1 000 . wc wr 0.590 541 lea y
tex den gr 1.5 0.525 3 mc 2.8 840
Worsted count (560 yd lengths/lb) wc = 885.812 7 972.31 1 500 1.5 3 cc . wr 0.885 812 lea y
tex den gr 0.35 3mc 1.866 67 560
Worsted count (560 yd lengths/lb) wc = 885.812 7 972.31 1 500 1.5 3 cc . wr 0.885 812 lea y
tex den gr 0.35 1.866 67 560
Woolen run (1600 yd lengths/lb) wr = 310.034 2 790.31 525 0.525 3 cc 0.35 3 wc . 0.310 034 0.187 5 y
tex den gr 3 mc 3lea 1 600
310.034 2 790.31 525 y
Woolen run (1600 yd lengths/lb) wr = 0.525 3 cc 0.35 3 wc . 0.310 034 0.187 5
tex den gr 3 mc 3lea 1 600
Metric count (1000 m/kg) mc = 1 000 9 000 1 693.36 cc wc wr . lea y
tex den gr 0.590 541 0.885 812 0.310 034 1.653 52 496.055
Metric count (1000 m/kg) mc = 1 000 9 000 1 693.36 cc wc wr . lea y
tex den gr 0.590 541 0.885 812 0.310 034 1.653 52 496.055
Linen lea (300 yd lengths/lb) lea = 1 653.52 14 881.6 2 800 2.8 3 cc 1.866 67 0.187 5 1.653 52 . y
tex den gr 3 wc 3 wr 3 mc 300
Linen lea (300 yd lengths/lb) lea = 1 653.52 14 881.6 2 800 2.8 3 cc 1.866 67 0.187 5 1.653 52 . y
tex den gr 3 wc 3 wr 3 mc 300
Yards per pound (yd/lb) y= 496 055 4 464 492 840 000 840 3 cc 560 3 wc 1600 3 wr 496.055 300 3 lea .
tex den gr 3 mc
Yards per pound (yd/lb) y= 496 055 4 464 492 840 000 840 3 cc 560 3 wc 1600 3 wr 496.055 300 3 lea .
3 mc
tex den gr
The conversion factors are based on the following relationships given in Metric Practice SI 10: 1 yard = 0.9144 m, exactly, and 1 lb (avoirdupois) = 0.453 592 37 kg,
exactly. The conversion factors in Table 1 containing fewer than six significant digits are exact values.
Multiples and submultiples of this basic unit may be used as a convenience to avoid large numbers or decimal fractions. For example, decitex (dtex) or tex 3 10 is
suitableforfineyarnsandfibers;millitex(mtex)ortex 3 1000issuitableforfibers;whilekilotex(ktex)ortex/1000isoftenusedforropes,cords,rovings,tops,andslivers.
Examples of Table 1 use:
1) The English worsted count equivalent to a cotton count of 10 is 1.5 times 10, or 15 English worsted count.
2) The cotton count equivalent to 30 tex is 590.54 divided by 30, or 19.7 cotton count.
3.1.5denier, n—the unit of linear density, equal to the mass in grams of 9000 m of fiber, yarn, or other textile strand that is used
in a direct yarn numbering system. (See also linear density ).
3.1.6direct yarn numbering system, n—a system that expresses the linear density of yarn in mass per unit length.—The preferred units of measurements for the direct yarn measuring system are grams and meters. Tex
(weight in grams for 1000 metres) and Denier (weight in grams for 9000 metres) are recommended to show linear density in the
direct numbering system. These can be calculated by dividing the mass of a yarn by its length. Conversion factors to convert
between direct and indirect numbering systems can be found in Standard Tables D2260. D1059, D1907, D2260
3.1.7grain, n—in yarn spinning,a direct yarn numbering system sometimes used for expressing linear density in which the yarn
number is equal to the mass in grains of 120 yd of sliver, top, or roving.
3.1.8grain, n—in measuring mass, 1/7000 lb avoirdupois.
3.1.9grex, n—an obsolete direct numbering system for fiber yarn or other textile strand equal to the the mass in grams per 10000
3.1.10indirect yarn numbering system, n— a system that expresses the linear density of yarn in length per unit mass.—The preferred units of measurements for the indirect yarn measuring system are yards and pounds. Cotton
count (number of 840 yard lengths per pound), worsted count (number of 560 yard lengths per pound), metric count (number of
1000 metre lengths per kilogram), woolen run (number of 1600 yard lengths per pound) and number of yards per pound are
commonly used in the indirect numbering system. These can be calculated by dividing the number of specified lengths of a yarn
by its unit of mass. (See also cotton count; metric count; worsted count; cut, hank, lea, run, and typp).
3.1.11linear density , n—for fiber and yarnmass per unit length.
3.1.12linen lea, n—the number of 300-yd lengths of yarn per pound; an indirect yarn numbering system.
D2260–03 (2009)
3.1.13metric count, n—an indirect yarn numbering system for sliver roving, and yarn, equal to the number of kilometers per
kilogram (1000 m/kg).
3.1.14run, n—in the American woolen system, the number of 1600-yd lengths of yarn per pound; an indirect yarn numbering
system generally used for yarns spun on the woolen system.
3.1.15tex, n—the unit of linear density, equal to the mass in grams of 1000 meters of fiber, yarn, or other textile strand, that is
used in a direct yarn numbering system. (See also linear density and direct yarn numbering system).
3.1.16typp, n—an obsolete indirect yarn numbering system equal to the number of 1000-yd lengths per pound.
3.1.17worsted count, n—an indirect yarn numbering system in theworsted system equal to the number of 560–yd lengths per
pound. (Syn. English worsted count. Compare woolen run).
3.1.18yarn number, n—a measure of the linear density of a yarn expressed as “mass per unit length” or “length per unit mass,”
depending upon the yarn numbering system used. (Syn. yarn count.) (Seeyarn numbering system.)
3.1.19yarn numbering system, n—a system that expresses the size of a yarn as a relationship between its length and associated
mass. (See also direct yarn numbering system and indirect yarn numbering system.)
3.1.20For definitions of other textile terms used in these Tables, refer to Terminologies D123D3888D3990D4849.
3.1 Refer to Terminology D 4849 for definition of the following ters used in this standard:American graincount; cotton count;
cut, in asbestos and glass yarns, cut, in wool yarns; denier; direct yarn numbering systems; grain, in yarn spinning; grain, in
measuring mass; indirect yarn numbering system; linear density; lea, in linen yarns; metric count; run, in the american woolen
system; tex; worsted count; yarn number; and yarn numbering system.
3.2 Refer to Terminology D 123 for definitions of other terms used in this standard.
4. Conversion Factors for Equivalent Yarn Numbers
4.1 Calculate any equivalent value using the appropriate factor listed in Table 1.
5. Use of Previously Calculated Equivalent Yarn Numbers
5.1 For a specific number in a stated system, read the equivalent in the various other systems from Table 2.
5.2 With a few exceptions, fractional traditional indirect counts have been omitted from Table 2; the rounded tex system values
for most fractional traditional indirect counts can be obtained by interpolation.
6. Implementation of the Tex Yarn Numbering System
6.1 In Table 2, to encourage the implementation of the tex system in the United States, rounded tex values were chosen to
accommodate as many yarn numbers as possible for the traditional yarn numbering systems without encroaching on established
tolerances. In addition to the rounded tex system values, the decitex (dtex) equivalents have been included because they can be
used throughout most of the count range without employing decimal fractions. The choice of unit is entirely a matter to be
determined by each sector of the trade; decitex, for example, is particularly suitable for fine yarns (whether spun or filament) and
tex for medium and coarse yarns.
7. Derivation of Data in Table 2
7.1 Tables 1 and 2 are based on the following exact equivalents:
7.1.1 1 yd = 0.9144 m.
7.1.2 1 lb = 453.592 37 g.
7.1.3 1 lb = 7000 grains.
7.2 The following conversion factors have been computed where y = yards per pound.
7.2.1 Woolen run (wr) = y/1600.
7.2.2 cotton count (cc) = y/840.
7.2.3 denier (den) = 4 464 492/y.
7.2.4 Worsted count (wc) = y/560.
7.2.5 American grain count per 120 yd (gr) = 840 000/y.
7.2.6 linen lea (lea) = y/300.
7.2.7 metric count (mc) = y/496.055.
7.2.8 tex (tex) = 496 055/y.
7.2.9 For the woolen system, use the column and row headed linen lea.
7.3 ThedatainTable2wasderivedusingtheNationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnologyvaluesintheNISTCircularM121,
January, 1936. 1936. Based on current values, when calculating yards per pound for a specified denier, the table will understate
the value by 12 yd out of 4.5 million yd or 11 m out of 4.1 million m. When calculating yards per pound for a specified tex value,
the table will understate the value by 5 yd out of 0.5 million yd or 4.6 m out of 0.46 million m. Therefore, those who need more
precise data for denier and tex should recalculate the data needed using the current values in Table 1.
8. Keywords
8.1 yarn number; yarns per pound
D2260–03 (2009)
TABLE 2 Equivalent Yarn Number Conversion Table
NOTE 1—In any row with a boldface type number, the other equivalents are computed from the boldface value to the nearest four significant figures.
Indirect Systems Direct Systems
yd/lb for
Exact Cott

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