ASTM D3428-86
(Test Method)Method of Test for Torque Stability Wear and Brine Sensitivity Evaluation of Ball Joint Greases (Withdrawn 1990)
Method of Test for Torque Stability Wear and Brine Sensitivity Evaluation of Ball Joint Greases (Withdrawn 1990)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
9009276 0028567 525 W
Designation: D 3428 - 86
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from lhe Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
If no1 listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.
Standard Test Method for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3428 the number immediately following the desisnation indicae the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicae an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 4. Significance and Use
4. i Both procedures are intended as screening
1.1 This test method covers two procedures
for evaluating the suitability of greases for use in tests to aid in the selection of greases for the
lubrication of automotive chassis ball joints.
automotive chassis ball joints.
1.2 The Torque Stability Test provides a mea- Since both the test components and procedures
sure of the frictional and antiwear properties of approximate those typical of current equipment
and operation, respectively, test results are con-
greases when subjected to load and prolonged
working under oscillating motions in bal! joints. sidered to provide a measure of grease suitability.
i .3 The Brine Sensitivity Test provides a mea- Neither procedure, however, is intended as a
measure of long-time service under actual con-
sure of the ability of the grease to prevent noise
from an oscillating ball joint when exposed to ditions of operation.
contamination by brine.
5. Apparatus
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are
5. I Ball Joint Grease Tester-A niechanical
to be regarded as the standard.
1.5 This standard may involve hazardous ma- unit4 for a single ball joint but equipped with
terials, operations, and equipment. This standard components for variable speed and adjustable
does not purport to address all of the safetyprob- rocking amplitude is shown in Fig. I. A teste9
lems associated with its use. It is the responsibil- for two ball joints but with fixed speed and
2. The me-
ity of the user of this standard to establish appro- rocking amplitude is shown in Fig.
priate safety and health practices and determine chanical unit shown in Fig. l consists of the
the applicability ofregulatory limitations prior to following components:
use. For specific hazard statements, see Notes I, 5.1.1 A power system comprised of an electric
motor (A) which drives a speed reducer (B)
2, and 3.
through a variable pitch pulley (C) and belt ar-
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards: 5.1.2 An eccentric drive (D) driven directly off
D235 Specification for Mineral Spirits (Petro-
leum Spirits) Hydrocarbon Drycleaning Sol- ' This test method is under the jurisdiction of A!SïM Com-
mittee D2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants and is the
direct responsibility of Subcommittee W2.G on Lubricating
D 329 Specification for Acetone3
Current edition approvedOct. 31,1975. Published December
1986. Onginally published as D 3428 - 75. Last previous edition
3. Summary of Test Method
D 3428 - 75.
3.1 A lubricated automotive ball joint stud
Annual Bwk of ASTM Siandards, Vol 05.0 1.
'Annual Bwk of ASTM Siandards Vol 05.03.
and bearing, confined in a fixed housing, is
' Drawings for a single ball joint mechanical unit areavailable
rocked through an arc under prescribed condi-
from Research Laboratories, General Motors Corp. Warren,
Mi. 48090.
tions of rocking frequency, rocking amplitude,
'A complete tester with instrumentation for two ball joints
load and time. Noise, wear, and torque are ob-
is manufactured by O. P. Schuman and Sons, Inc., County Lime
served or recorded, or both.
and Titus Road, Waningcon, PA. 18976.
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m 900927b 0028568 4bl =
D 3428
the speed reducer (B) is connected to the rocker
6.2 Acetone conforming to Specifcation
assembly (E). D 329.
5.1.3 The ball joint housing (F) is fastened in NOTE 2: Warning-Extremely flammable. Vapors
may cause flash fire.
the ball joint holder (G). The stud of the ball
joint is held securely in the rocker assembly (E).
6.3 inhibited l,l,l-Trichloroethane
5. I .4 An air-operated load cylinder (H), con-
NOTE 3: Warning-Harmful if inhaled. High con-
nected to the bottom of the ball joint holder (G),
centration may cause unconsciousness or death. Con-
is used to apply the desired load to the ball joint
tact may cause skin irritation and dermatitis. May
produce toxic vapors if burned.
5.2 Rocking Assembly-Figure 3 shows a
7. Procedures: Brine Sensitivity Test and Torque
cross section view of the rocker assembly (E),
Stability Test
ball joint (F), ball joint holder (G), and load
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