ASTM E1414-00a
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Airborne Sound Attenuation Between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling Plenum
Standard Test Method for Airborne Sound Attenuation Between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling Plenum
1.1 This test method utilizes a laboratory space so arranged that it simulates a pair of horizontally adjacent small offices or rooms separated by a partition and sharing a common plenum space. The partition either extends to the underside of a common plenum space or penetrates through it. In the prescribed configuration, special design features of the facility ensure that the only significant sound transmission path is by way of the ceiling and the plenum space
1.2 Within the limitations outlined in the significance statement, the primary quantity measured by this test method is the ceiling attenuation of a suspended ceiling installed in a laboratory environment. By accounting for receiving room sound absorption, the normalized ceiling attenuation may be determined.
1.3 The test method may also be used to evaluate the attenuation of composite ceiling systems comprised of the ceiling material and other components such as luminaires and ventilating systems.
1.4 The field performance of a ceiling system may differ significantly from the results obtained by this test method (see Significance and Use).
1.5 The procedures may also be used to study the additional sound insulation that may be achieved by other attenuation measures. This would include materials used either as plenum barriers or as backing for all or part of the ceiling.
1.6 The facility may also be used to study the performance of an integrated system comprising plenum, ceiling, and partition, tested as a single assembly.
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
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Designation: E 1414 – 00a
Standard Test Method for
Airborne Sound Attenuation Between Rooms Sharing a
Common Ceiling Plenum
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1414; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This test method is designed to measure the sound attenuation provided by a suspended ceiling in
the presence of a continuous plenum space under prescribed laboratory test conditions. The test
method is an adaptation of AMA-1-II-1967 Method of Test. This modified test method may give
results differing from the AMA-1-II procedure.
1. Scope 1.6 The facility may also be used to study the performance
of an integrated system comprising plenum, ceiling, and
1.1 This test method utilizes a laboratory space so arranged
partition, tested as a single assembly.
that it simulates a pair of horizontally adjacent small offices or
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
rooms separated by a partition and sharing a common plenum
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
space. The partition either extends to the underside of a
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
common plenum space or penetrates through it. In the pre-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
scribed configuration, special design features of the facility
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
ensure that the only significant sound transmission path is by
way of the ceiling and the plenum space
2. Referenced Documents
1.2 Within the limitations outlined in the significance state-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
ment, the primary quantity measured by this test method is the
C423 Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Ab-
ceiling attenuation of a suspended ceiling installed in a
sorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method
laboratory environment. By accounting for receiving room
C634 Terminology Relating to Environmental Acoustics
sound absorption, the normalized ceiling attenuation may be
C636 Practice for Installation of Metal Ceiling Suspension
Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels
1.3 The test method may also be used to evaluate the
E90 Test Method for Laboratory Measurement ofAirborne
attenuation of composite ceiling systems comprised of the
Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions
ceiling material and other components such as luminaires and
E336 Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound
ventilating systems.
Insulation in Buildings
1.4 The field performance of a ceiling system may differ
E413 Classification for Rating Sound Insulation
significantly from the results obtained by this test method (see
E548 Guide for General Criteria Used for Evaluating
Significance and Use).
Laboratory Competence
1.5 Theproceduresmayalsobeusedtostudytheadditional
2.2 ANSI Standards:
sound insulation that may be achieved by other attenuation
S1.11-1986 Specification for Octave-Band and Fractional-
measures. This would include materials used either as plenum
Octave Band Analog and Digital Filters
barriers or as backing for all or part of the ceiling.
2.3 Other Standards:
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-33 on
EnvironmentalAcousticsandisthedirectresponsibilityofSubcommitteeE33.03on Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.06.
Sound Transmission. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 2000. Published January 2001. Originally Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
published as E1414–91. Last previous edition E1414–00. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1414 – 00a
AMA1-II-1967 Method ofTest, Standard Specification for method,theroomcontainingthesoundsourceisdesignatedthe
Ceiling Sound Transmission Test by Two Room Method source room and the other, the receiving room.
4.2 The measurement of a normalized ceiling attenuation
3. Terminology
the amount of sound absorption present in the receiving room
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test
be known. Two alternate methods are used for the determina-
method see Terminology C634.
tion of this normalization term.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 ceiling attenuation (D )—thenoisereductionbetween
thesourceandreceivingroomswhereflankingtransmissionby 5. Significance and Use
5.1 Modern offices and other multipurpose buildings com-
ceiling and plenum.
monly have suspended acoustical ceilings installed over room
¯ ¯ dividing partitions. The test facility prescribed in this test
D 5 L 2 L
c 1 2
(1) method is useful for providing ceiling attenuation data on the
relevant ceiling/partition elements and systems, to ensure that
where L is the average one-third octave band sound
the transmission of sound through the ceiling and plenum
pressure level in the source room; L is the average one-third
space, or through the combination of ceiling, plenum space,
octave band sound pressure level in the receiving room.
and partition systems, provides a suitable degree of acoustical
3.2.2 normalized ceiling attenuation (D )—the ceiling at-
tenuation adjusted to account for receiving room absorption.
5.2 This test method is useful for rating and specifying,
D 5 D 1 N
n,c c f
under standardized conditions, the sound attenuation perfor-
mance of ceiling materials when mounted in a specified
where N is the normalization term defined in 3.2.3.
f suspension system.
3.2.3 normalization term (N)—the adjustment term deter-
5.3 This test method may be useful for selecting a wall-
mined in 9.3 which normalizes the ceiling attenuation to
ceiling system for probable compliance with a performance
account for receiving room absorption.
specification for overall sound isolation between rooms. How-
3.2.4 ceiling attenuation class (CAC)—asinglefigurerating
ever, the actual field performance may differ significantly,
derived from the normalized ceiling attenuation values in
particularly if the field plenum depth is not within the limits
accordance with Classification E413, except that the resultant
specified in this test method or if the plenum space contains
rating shall be designated ceiling attenuation class.
large ducts, beams, etc., or both.
3.2.5 plenum space—the whole of the void above the
5.4 The flexibility inherent in the test facility enables
suspended ceilings in both rooms. Its dimensions are to be
measured, discounting the thickness of any sound absorbing
luminaire, and air diffuser installations and discontinuities in
material either adhered to walls or laid on the back of the test
the ceiling suspension system at the partition line, including
penetration of the partition into the ceiling plenum. The effect
3.2.6 direct sound field—the sound that results from an
of installing plenum barriers at the partition line may also be
acoustical source without reflection from boundaries.
3.2.7 reverberant sound field—the sound in an enclosed or
5.5 With the concentration of sound absorbent area offered
by a suspended sound absorbent ceiling installed in a room, it
the enclosure boundaries.
is not possible to obtain a good approximation to a diffuse
sound field in that room. The plenum dimensions prevent the
4. Summary of Test Method
maintenance of a diffuse sound field above the test specimen.
4.1 The laboratory test facility consists of an outer shell
These factors affect the values of the measured ceiling sound
divided into two rooms by a partition and a suspended ceiling
attenuation and thus the measurements are not a fundamental
(the test specimen). The partition between the two rooms may
property of the ceiling. The test method measures the acousti-
extend up to, or through, the suspended ceiling, depending
cal properties attainable under the prescribed test conditions,
upon whether the specific test specimen is designed to be
which have been arbitrarily selected. The conditions must be
continuous or interrupted at the partition line. The rooms are
built so that the only significant sound transmission path
beconsistent.Twomethodsforobtaining A,thereceivingroom
between them is that provided by the test specimen and the
absorption, are given without preference. One method, known
ceiling plenum. All other sound transmission paths must be
as the steady state method, has been used to obtain an estimate
negligible.The ceiling attenuation is determined in each of the
for A in the AMA 1-II-1967 standard. The other method
test frequency bands, by placing a sound source in one room
follows the procedures used in Test Methods E90 and C423;
and then calculating the difference of the average sound
justification for the use of this method may be found in
pressure levels in both rooms. For the purposes of this test
reference (1) . Persons wishing to further investigate the
Assoc.) available from Ceiling and Interior Systems Contracting Assoc., 1800 Theboldfacenumbersinparenthesesrefertothelistofreferencesattheendof
Pickwick Ave., Glenview, IL 60025. this standard.
E 1414 – 00a
limitations imposed by this test method are advised to read shall be tapered at its upper extremity so that its overall
references (2), (3), (4) and (5). thickness at the top, with the cap installed, is 76 6 2.5 mm (3
5.6 Notwithstanding the above limitations, this type of test 6 0.1 in.). The taper angle shall be not less than 45° from the
method has been used successfully for a number of years to ceiling plane. The height of the wall shall be such that the top
rank order commercial ceiling systems and the test results are exactly meets the lower surface of the ceiling specimen. In the
commonly used for this purpose. caseofinterruptedceilingsystemsa50 62.5mmby75 62.5
mm (2 6 0.1 in. by 3 6 0.1 in.) wooden adaptor cap shall be
6. Test Signal
6.1 Signal Spectrum— The sound signal used for this test width of the wall. The capping should be designed to simulate
shall constitute a band or bands of random noise with a a practical header condition typical of the type used for the
continuous distribution of frequencies over each test band. ceiling being tested. The wall shall be installed near the
6.2 Bandwidth—The measurement bandwidth shall be one- mid-point of the test room so that two rooms are formed. The
third octave. Specifically the overall frequency response of the two rooms shall not differ in length by more than 15%.
filter or filters, in the source and microphone amplifiers, shall
NOTE 1—One wall design which has been found to be effective is
conform toANSI Specification S1.11-1986 for Order 3, Type
shown in Fig. 2.
1, ⁄3 octave band filters.
7.1.3 Plenum Depth—Theplenumdepthshallbe760 625
6.3 Standard Test Frequencies—The minimum frequency
mm (30 6 1 in.) at the separating wall.At other places within
range shall be a series of contiguous one-third octave bands
the room, the plenum depth tolerance may be relaxed to 664
with geometric center frequencies from 125 to 4000 Hz.
mm (62.5 in.).
7.1.4 Plenum Width— The plenum width shall be 4.3 6
7. Test Arrangement
0.02 m (14.1 6 0.1 ft) at the separating wall (Fig. 3).At other
7.1 Theessentialfeaturesofthetestfacilityaregivenbelow.
7.1.1 Room Construction—The rooms shall be rectangular
full room width (see 3.2.5). The restriction in plenum width at
in shape and cross-section. The walls, floor, doors, and roof
the separating wall may be achieved by means of suitable
pilasters installed either from floor to roof or from the level of
the ceiling underside to the roof.
The sound absorption in each of the rooms should be made as
7.1.5 Plenum Lining:
low as possible in order to achieve the best possible diffuse All side walls of the plenum shall be lined with
field condition. The average sound absorption coefficients of
suitable sound absorbing material not less than 76 mm (3 in.)
the floor and all vertical surfaces below the test ceiling should
thick. This material, shall when tested in accordance with Test
not exceed 0.1 at any of the octave band center frequencies
Method C423 in a Type A mounting, have random incidence
given in It is recommended that a structural disconti-
sound absorption coefficients not less than those shown below:
nuity be provided close to the mid-point between the rooms to
Octave Band Center 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency, Hz
ceiling attenuation to be measured. The total length of each
Absorption Coeffi- 0.65 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
side wall, including the vibration break (if any), shall be 7.5 6
1.5 m (25 6 5 ft) and the width of the room shall be 4.65 6
NOTE 2—A suitable plenum lining has been found to be a 6-in. thick
0.23 m (15.25 6 0.75 ft). The overall height shall be 3.65 6
0.15 m (12 6 0.5 ft). All dimensions shall be measured
7.1.2 Separating Wall— The separating wall shall be of
such design that the sound power transmitted through it is at
the ceiling specimen. This requirement may be checked by
measuring the D with the calibration ceiling referenced in
A1.2, in an interrupted configuration, and an effective gypsum
board plenum closure above the partition.All of the separating
wall exterior surfaces shall be acoustically reflective. The wall
NOTE 1—Except for the adaptor cap, all English units are standard
lumber dimensions.
FIG. 2 Vertical Section Through a Partition Found to Satisfy the
FIG. 1 General Dimensions of the Test Room Requirements of 7.2
E 1414 – 00a
system parallel to the partition. Along the end walls of the test rooms it
be appropriate to use a filler such as gypsum board to
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