Standard Practice for Handling Densified Articles of Silicon Nitride Reinforced with Silicon Carbide Whiskers (Withdrawn 1997)

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ASTM E1436-91 - Standard Practice for Handling Densified Articles of Silicon Nitride Reinforced with Silicon Carbide Whiskers (Withdrawn 1997)
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ASTM E/1136 =lL - 0759530 05OOOL9 II m
Designation: E 1436 - 91
1916 Race St Philadelphia, Pa 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Bookof ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
If not listed In the current combined Index, will appear in the next edition.
Standard Practice for
Handling Densified Articles of Silicon Nitride Reinforced with
Silicon Carbide Whiskers’
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1436; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
. .
1. Scope silicon carbide, which is CAS 409-21-2. A CAS number
specific to Sic whiskers has not been assigned. OSHA PEL
I, 1 This practice describes recommended procedures for
specifications are not established at this time. ACGIH TLV
the safe handling of densified articles made from nonfibrous
specifications are not established at this time. Other limits
silicon nitride reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers.
* recommended are 0.2 fibers/cc 8-h -time weighted average
1.2 The information in this practice is intended for a
(TWA) greater than 5 urn in length with an aspect ratio equal
material safety data sheet (MSDS) for densitied articles of
to or greater than 5:l and a diameter less than 3 pm.
silicon nitride reinforced with silicon carbide whiskers.
1.3 This MSDS does not apply to products with a final
5. Physical/Chemical Characteristics
density such that, during abrasion or other conditions of
handling or use, SIC whiskers are released in excess of the 5.1 The following data are relevant:
limits of this practice. 5.1.1 Boiling Point-Not applicable.
1.4 Other materials may be included in the final product 5.1.2 Vapor Pressure (mm H&Not applicable.
(for example, sintering aids); information specific to these
5.1.3 Vapor Density (AIR = Q-Not applicable.
additional materials should be included in each manufactur- 5.1.4 Solubility in Water-Insoluble,
er’s MSDS. 5.1.5 Relative Density (Specific Gravity)-Variable per
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the supplier.
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the 5.1.6 Melting Point-Variable, decomposes above
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- 1700°C.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 5.1.7 pH-Not applicable.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific 5.1.8 Evaporation Rate (Butyl Acetate = I)-Not appli-
hazard and precaution statements, see Sections 4,6,8, and 9. cable.
5.1.9 Appearance and Odor-Variable, no odor.
2. Referenced Document
6. Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
2.1 ASTM Standard:
6.1 The following data are relevant:
E 1437 Silicon Carbide Whiskers Material Handling
6.1.1 Flash Pf-Non-flammable.
6.1.2 Flammable Limits-Not applicable.
6.1.3 LEL-Not applicable.
3. Terminology
6.1.4 UEL-Not applicable.
3.1 Descriptions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
6.1.5 Extinguishing Media-Not applicable.
3.1.1 aspect ratio-ratio of whisker length divided by
6.1.6 Special Fire Fighting Procedures-Not applicable.
whisker diameter.
6.1.7 Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards-Not appli-
3.1.2 respirable silicon carbide whiskers-a crystalline
silicon carbide material, approximately cylindrical in shape,
with an aspect ratio equal to or greater than 5 and a diameter
7. Reactivity Data
less than 3.0 urn.
7.1 The following data are relevant:
7.1.1 Stability-Stable.
4. Hazardous Ingredients/Identity Information
7.1.2 Conditions to Avoid-None.
4.1 Hazardous Components [Specific Chemical Identity:
7.1.3 Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid)-None under
Common Name(s)]-Silicon Nitride Reinforced with Silicon
conditions of normal use.
Carbide Whiskers. Chemical components are silicon nitride
7.1.4 Hazardous Polymerization-Will not occur.
at CAS 12033-89-5. OSHA PEL specitications are not
7.1.5 Conditions to Avoid-None.
determined. ACGIH TLV specifications are not determined,
4.2 Silicon Carbide (Sic) Whiskers-An acicular form of
8. Health Hazard Data
8.1 General-There is no known health hazard of the
t This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-34 on
article as supplied. However, as indicated by the conditions
Occupational Health and Safety and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
of use, employ mechanical guards, protective clothing, and
E34.70 on Single Crystal Ceramic Whiskers,
safety glasses to prevent burns or other injury to the body or
Current edition approved Sept. 15, 1991. Published December 1991.
2 Annual Book o/ASTM Standards, Vol I I .03.
eyes from hot parts, flying particles, or chips (see also 9.4).

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ASTM EL43b 91 - 0759530 05000

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