Standard Test Method for Durability of Sealants Exposed to Continuous Immersion in Liquids

This test method uses elevated temperature to accelerate the degradation of a sealant and its adhesion to a substrate. This test method is an accelerated method and will only be a predictor of long-term durability if the actual service temperature is significantly lower than the elevated test temperature.
This test method can be used as an indicator of longevity but direct correlation to actual use will be difficult for many applications.
The correlation of data from this test method to applications where the sealant joint will have wet and dry cycles will be difficult since, with some sealants on some substrates, adhesion that is lost during wet periods is regained during dry periods.
This test method is performed in a hot liquid and may be considered an acceleration of deterioration of the sealant or the sealant's adhesion to a substrate. Compared to how the sealant will be used in some applications, in some cases, this test may be less severe than the actual application. The benefit from the use of this test method will depend on the comparison of the conditions of this test to the actual conditions of use (temperature, duration, nature of substrate, composition of the liquid).
To determine the ability of a sealant to perform in a given application; modification of this procedure will often be required and is permissible, as mutually agreed upon by purchaser and seller.
1.1 This test method covers a laboratory procedure that assists in determining the durability of a sealant and its adhesion to a substrate while continuously immersed in a liquid. This test method tests the influence of a liquid on the sealant and its adhesion to a substrate. It does not test the added influence of constant stress from hydrostatic pressure that is often present with sealants used in submerged and below-grade applications, nor does it test the added influence of stress from joint movement while immersed. This test method also does not (in its standard form) test the added influence of acids or caustics or other materials that may be in the liquid, in many applications.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The inch-pound given in parentheses are provided for information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM C1247-09 - Standard Test Method for Durability of Sealants Exposed to Continuous Immersion in Liquids
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: C1247 − 09
StandardTest Method for
Durability of Sealants Exposed to Continuous Immersion in
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1247; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2.2 ISO Standards
ISO 13638 Building Construction-Sealants-Determination
1.1 This test method covers a laboratory procedure that
of Resistance of Prolonged Exposure to Water
assists in determining the durability of a sealant and its
adhesion to a substrate while continuously immersed in a
3. Terminology
liquid. This test method tests the influence of a liquid on the
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 Definitions of the following terms used in this test
influence of constant stress from hydrostatic pressure that is
method are found in Terminology C717: adhesive failure;
often present with sealants used in submerged and below-grade
cohesive failure; compound; cure; hydrostatic pressure; joints;
applications, nor does it test the added influence of stress from
primer; sealant; self-leveling sealant ; and substrate.
joint movement while immersed. This test method also does
not (in its standard form) test the added influence of acids or
4. Summary of Test Method
caustics or other materials that may be in the liquid, in many
4.1 Specimens are prepared and the sealant is cured. The
specimens are immersed in a hot liquid at 50 6 2°C (122 6
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
3.6°F) for six weeks. At the end of the six weeks, the
standard.The inch-pound given in parentheses are provided for
information only.
described in Test Method C719, and cycled through the
movement range appropriate to the test sealant or its
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the application, or both.
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
4.2 If after three movement cycles at 3.2 mm/h ( ⁄8 in./h)
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
adhesive or cohesive failure is not noted, the specimens are
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
again placed in the hot liquid for an additional four weeks and
then retested.
2. Referenced Documents
4.3 This test method consists of six weeks of immersion
2.1 ASTM Standards:
followed by three extension and compression cycles. This can
C33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates
C109/C109M Test Method for Compressive Strength of
the three extension and compression cycles. The four weeks of
Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube
immersion and subsequent extension and compression testing
can be repeated as many times as required for the application.
C150 Specification for Portland Cement
C717 Terminology of Building Seals and Sealants
5. Significance and Use
C719 Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elasto-
5.1 This test method uses elevated temperature to accelerate
meric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (Hockman
test method is an accelerated method and will only be a
predictor of long-term durability if the actual service tempera-
Seals and Sealantsand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C24.30 on ture is significantly lower than the elevated test temperature.
5.2 Thistestmethodcanbeusedasanindicatoroflongevity
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2009. Published February 2009. Originally
approved in 1993. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as C1247 – 98(2004). but direct correlation to actual use will be difficult for many
DOI: 10.1520/C1247-09.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available fromAmerican National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd Street, 13th
the ASTM website. Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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C1247 − 09
5.3 The correlation of data from this test method to appli- Method C109/C109M. After curing one day in moist air and
cations where the sealant joint will have wet and dry cycles six days in saturate

This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:C1247–98 (Reapproved2004) Designation: C 1247 – 09
Standard Test Method for
Durability of Sealants Exposed to Continuous Immersion in
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 1247; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 This test method covers a laboratory procedure that assists in determining the durability of a sealant and its adhesion to a
substrate while continuously immersed in a liquid. This test method tests the influence of a liquid on the sealant and its adhesion
to a substrate. It does not test the added influence of constant stress from hydrostatic pressure that is often present with sealants
used in submerged and below-grade applications, nor does it test the added influence of stress from joint movement while
immersed. This test method also does not (in its standard form) test the added influence of acids or caustics or other materials that
may be in the liquid, in many applications.
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The inch-pound given in parentheses are provided for
information only.
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
limitations prior to use.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
C33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates
C 109/C 109M Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Specimens)
C 150 Specification for Portland Cement
C 717 Terminology of Building Seals and Sealants
C 719 Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under Cyclic Movement (Hockman Cycle)
D1191Method of Testing Concrete Joint Sealers Test Method for Adhesion and Cohesion of Elastomeric Joint Sealants Under
Cyclic Movement (Hockman Cycle)
2.2 ISO Standards
ISO 13638 Building Construction-Sealants-Determination of Resistance of Prolonged Exposure to Water
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 Definitions of the following terms used in this test method are found in Terminology C 717: adhesive failure; cohesive
failure; compound; cure; hydrostatic pressure; joints; primer; sealant; self-leveling sealant ; and substrate.
4. Summary of Test Method
4.1 Specimens are prepared and the sealant is cured. The specimens are immersed in a hot liquid at 50 6 2°C (122 6 3.6°F)
for six weeks. At the end of the six weeks, the specimens are placed into a compression/extension machine, as described in Test
Method C 719, and cycled through the movement range appropriate to the test sealant or its application, or both.
4.2 If after three movement cycles at 3.2 mm/h ( ⁄8 in./h) adhesive or cohesive failure is not noted, the specimens are again
placed in the hot liquid for an additional four weeks and then retested.
4.3 This test method consists of six weeks of immersion followed by three extension and compression cycles. This can be
followed by four weeks of further immersion and a repeat of the three extension and compression cycles. The four weeks of
immersion and subsequent extension and compression testing can be repeated as many times as required for the application.
This test method is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C24 on Building Seals and Sealants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C24.30 onAdhesion.
Current edition approved MayJan. 1, 2004.2009. Published July 2004.February 2009. Originally approved in 1993. Last previous edition approved in 19982004 as C
For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

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5. Significance and Use
5.1 This test method uses elevated temperature to accelerate the degradation of a sealant and its adhesio

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