ASTM F2456-04(2009)
(Specification)Standard Specification for Youth-Resistant Firearms Containers (YRFCs)
Standard Specification for Youth-Resistant Firearms Containers (YRFCs)
This specification covers youth-resistant firearms containers (YRFCs), which are lockable containers that completely contain firearm(s) to prevent unauthorized access to firearm(s). Removal of the contents of the YRFC shall be prevented, except by use of a qualified lock or other unique qualified methods, or both, as defined by the instructions accompanying the YRFC. Cycle test, picking test, plug torque test, manipulation test, handle torque test, drop test, tensile strength test, shock test, saw test, pry attack test, hinge attack test, and flammability test shall be performed to meet the requirements prescribed. The instructions on how to use YRFC are presented in details.
1.1 This specification covers youth-resistant firearms containers (YRFCs), which are lockable containers that completely contain firearm(s) (2.2.1) to prevent unauthorized access to firearm(s). This specification:
1.1.1 Establishes a moderate security level for firearms storage intended to prevent youths from gaining unauthorized access to firearm(s); and
1.1.2 Establishes a consistent standard for testing and compliance certification.
1.2 This specification contains functional, operational, safety, and performance requirements for YRFCs.
1.3 This specification does not apply to transport-type weapons carrying cases (WCCs), full-sized light gun cabinets (LGCs), gun safes (GSs), or high security gun safes (HSGSs).
1.4 This specification is intended to prevent unauthorized access to children up to and including age eleven.
1.5 This specification is not intended to:
1.5.1 Ensure theft resistance of the YRFC or the contents of the YRFC; or
1.5.2 Ensure quick access to a firearm or assure long-term reliability of the YRFC operation to provide quick access to a firearm.
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values in parentheses are for information only.
1.7 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the test method portions of this specification: This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety practices and to determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: F2456 −04(Reapproved 2009)
Standard Specification for
Youth-Resistant Firearms Containers (YRFCs)
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2456; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2.1.1 combination lock, n—mechanical locking device de-
signed to provide controlled opening of an YRFC by entry of
1.1 This specification covers youth-resistant firearms con-
a combination known only by an authorized user(s).
tainers (YRFCs), which are lockable containers that com-
2.1.2 compromised, adj—circumstance in which the open-
pletely contain firearm(s) (2.2.1) to prevent unauthorized
ing element may not be disabled, yet allows removal of the
access to firearm(s). This specification:
firearm block from the container by hand without the use of
1.1.1 Establishes a moderate security level for firearms
storage intended to prevent youths from gaining unauthorized
access to firearm(s); and
2.1.3 digital lock, n—electromechanical lock that provides
1.1.2 Establishes a consistent standard for testing and com-
controlled opening of a YRFC by entry of a combination
pliance certification.
known only by an authorized user(s), or provides a means to
read and validate a unique user attribute (as in biometric
1.2 This specification contains functional, operational,
recognition devices), or both.
safety, and performance requirements for YRFCs.
2.1.4 disable, v—defeating and opening the YRFC so as to
1.3 This specification does not apply to transport-type
allow removal of the firearm block, which is classified as a
weapons carrying cases (WCCs), full-sized light gun cabinets
failure to comply.
(LGCs), gun safes (GSs), or high security gun safes (HSGSs).
2.1.5 fail secure, adv—rendering the YRFC inoperable (un-
1.4 This specification is intended to prevent unauthorized
able to open) as a result of damage caused by testing, thus
access to children up to and including age eleven.
preventing access to the firearm(s).
1.5 This specification is not intended to:
2.1.6 key, n—object intended by the manufacturer to be
1.5.1 Ensure theft resistance of theYRFC or the contents of
inserted into the keyway as a means to lock or unlock the
the YRFC; or
1.5.2 Ensure quick access to a firearm or assure long-term
2.1.7 key lock, n—mechanical or electromechanical locking
reliability of the YRFC operation to provide quick access to a
opening of a YRFC.
1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
2.1.8 keyway, n—openinginalockcylinderthatisshapedto
standard. The values in parentheses are for information only.
accept a key bit, blade, or other unique device used to lock or
1.7 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to the
unlock the device.
test method portions of this specification: This standard does
2.1.9 manipulation, n—process of code testing a
not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,
combination-locking device in an attempt to cause the lock to
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this
standard to establish appropriate safety practices and to Discussion—Manipulation can represent random or
determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to
methodical code entry attempts or mechanical interpretation of
lock reaction to code entry, or both, in which the lock may
provide measurable or tactile feedback to code input.
2. Terminology
2.1.10 opening element, n—component of the container that
2.1 Definitions:
is opened (door, lid, and so forth) to access and remove the
firearm contained inside.
2.1.11 plug, n—part of a lock cylinder that contains the
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F15 on
Consumer Products and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F15.55 on
Firearm Security Containers.
2.1.12 properly installed, v—YRFCisinstalledaccordingto
Current edition approved April 1, 2009. Published May 2009. Originally
approved in 2004. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as F2456–04. DOI:
10.1520/F2456-04R09. the manufacturer.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F2456 − 04 (2009)
2.1.13 token, n—small portable key-like electronic device 3.5 When used in the manner designed and intended by the
that provides a unique digital serial number or signature and manufacturer, the YRFC shall be capable of repeated use and
actsasasuitablesecuresubstituteforconventionalmechanical shall pass the cycle testing procedures described in this
keys. specification. Discussion—Tokens can transmit a signature by
3.6 All tests shall be conducted within the following toler-
direct electrical connection or via wireless communications
ances as applicable:
techniques (light transmission, radio frequency transmission,
3.6.1 All tests shall be conducted at temperatures between
vibration, magnets, and so forth).
16 and 27°C (61 and 81°F).
2.1.14 youth-resistant firearms container (YRFC), 3.6.2 All tests shall be conducted with relative humidity
n—lockable security container designed to contain firearm(s)
between 30 and 95%.
completely and to prevent youths from gaining access to
3.7 Test specimens shall mechanically represent the exact
product intended for sale to the public.
2.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.7.1 Cosmetic product modifications or changes are
2.2.1 firearm, n—limited to firearms not to exceed a length
allowed, provided they do not alter the product’s mechanical
of 508 mm (20 in.). attributes.
2.2.2 youth, n—child eleven years old or younger.
3.8 One technician conducts testing for any single test.
3.9 The testing technician or laboratory staff, or both, shall
3. General Qualification and Testing Requirements
not open the test specimens for inspection before any testing.
3.1 Removal of the contents of the YRFC shall be
3.10 The testing technician shall not consult with other
prevented, except by use of a qualified lock or other unique
laboratory staff or observers as it relates to the techniques and
qualified methods, or both, as defined by the instructions
methods used in the testing.
accompanying the YRFC.
3.11 Test specimens shall not be anchored, clamped, or
3.2 All YRFC locks shall meet the following minimum
otherwise immobilized to conduct testing, except where speci-
requirements and pass the testing section of this specification
(see Section 4).
3.12 A wooden firearm block shall be used to represent a
3.3 Key locks shall be constructed to operate when the
intended key(s) are used and pass testing procedures described
produce and install these blocks in each specimen before
in Section 4.
submission for testing.
3.3.1 Key locking devices shall have a minimum of 130
3.13 Test specimens shall be delivered to the testing labo-
actual key codes.
ratory in a locked condition with a firearm block inside each
3.3.2 The operability of eachYRFC shall be limited to only
one key code.
3.3.3 Master keying is prohibited, as it provides more than 3.14 Forces to cause the YRFC to be disabled or compro-
one key code to operate the key lock. mised shall be limited to not more than 220 N (50 lb).
3.4 A combination lock or digital lock shall meet the 3.15 If a test results in disabling or compromising a test
following additional requirements and pass testing procedures specimen, the testing technician shall not inspect the failed
in Section 4. specimen to gain knowledge for use in subsequent tests.
3.4.1 A qualified combination lock dialing or input of a
3.16 Retesting of a single failed test is allowed to complete
combination shall provide a minimum of 1000 possible com-
a certification of compliance. Retesting does not require
binations with at least three numbers or keys.
rerunning tests previously resulting in a passing result.
3.4.2 A qualified digital lock that requires the dialing or
input of a combination shall provide a minimum of 1000
4. Test Methods
possible combinations with at least four numbers or keys.
4.1 Cycle Test: Digital locks that support multiple users shall pro-
4.1.1 OneYRFC shall be subject to a cycle test intended to
vide 1000 possible combinations per user.
cause the specimen to become inoperable. Digital locks shall provide a penalty lockout feature
4.1.2 The test specimen shall be provided with the key,
to prevent rapid code testing. The minimum penalty lockout
token, digital code, or combination for cycle testing.
period is 2 min for every five incorrect entry attempts.
4.1.3 The container shall be opened and closed fully 100 Token locks shall provide a minimum of 10000
times without failure to open or lock.
possible codes or signatures.
4.1.4 Failure occurs if the YRFC does not open or lock Biometric recognition locks shall provide ample
according to the manufacturer’s intended means of operation.
identification data points or resolution to allow access to no
more than 1 in 10000 possible users. 4.2 Picking Test: Digital locks may provide a “back door” for service, 4.2.1 One YRFC shall be subject to a picking test intended
but this combination shall provide a minimum of 1 in 100000 to cause the specimen to become disabled by disabling the
possible combinations. lock.
F2456 − 04 (2009)
4.2.2 This test does not apply if the YRFC does not have a 4.5.4 Atorque of 10 N-m (89 lbf-in.) shall be applied along
keyway or access point(s) that provide tool insertion. the center axis of the handle using pliers or a similar instru-
4.2.3 Thelockshallresistpickingwiththeuseofpaperclips
4.5.5 Failure occurs if the lock mechanism is disabled,
fits in the keyway or opening.
4.2.4 The test duration is 2 min.
4.2.5 Time shall be counted only while tools are in contact
4.6 Drop Test:
with the lock.
4.6.1 One YRFC shall be subject to drop tests intended to
4.2.6 The total time for this test shall not exceed 5 min.
cause the specimen to become disabled by dropping the test
4.2.7 Failure occurs if the lock mechanism is disabled,
specimen, causing damage to the opening element or the body
element to the extent that it can be opened by hand.
4.6.2 Products that weigh more than 25 kg (55 lb) shall not
4.3 Plug Torque Test:
be subject to drop testing.
4.3.1 One YRFC shall be subject to a plug torque test,
4.6.3 The YRFC shall be dropped from a height of 1.0 m
intended to cause the specimen to become disabled by dis-
(39.4 in.) onto a slab of concrete. The drop distance shall be
abling the lock by means of twisting the key lock plug.
measured from the lowermost portion of the YRFC to the top
4.3.2 This test does not apply if the YRFC does not have a
surface of the slab.
keyway or access point(s) that provide tool insertion.
4.6.4 TheYRFC shall be dropped from a fixture or by hand
4.3.3 The test specimen may be immobilized by any means,
provided the anchoring technique shall not distort, deform, or
on each of six faces (six drops) and on four corners (four
reinforce the container in any way.
4.3.4 Atorque of 10 N-m (89 lbf-in.) is to be applied along
4.6.5 Failure occurs if the YRFC is disabled or
the center axis of the lock cylinder using a flat-blade screw-
compromised, or can be opened or compromised without tools
driver or similar instrument.
(by hand) within 1 min after the test is completed and the drop The blade of the torque instrument shall be sized to
fixture is removed.
fit snugly in the keyway and not slip or twist within the
4.7 Tensile Strength Test:
4.3.5 Failure occurs if the lock mechanism is disabled,
4.7.1 One YRFC shall be subject to a tensile strength test
intended to cause the specimen to become disabled by pulling
the opening element open or damaging the opening element to
the extent that it can be opened by hand.
4.4 Manipulation Test:
4.7.2 The YRFC is exempt from tensile strength testing if
4.4.1 One YRFC shall be subject to a manipulation test,
the opening entity has no points of attachment or exposed lips
intended to cause the specimen to become disabled by causing
to pull upon.
the lock to open by means of code testing and apparent
4.7.3 Anchoring, clamping, or holding fixtures applied to
4.4.2 This test does not apply if the YRFC does not have a the body of the container are allowed and may be required to
combination or digital lock mechanism. withstand application of the required force to the opening
4.4.3 Manipulation is limited to the combination locking
mechanism. Theanchoringtechniqueshallnotdistort,deform,or
4.4.4 No tools shall be used to aid in manipulation testing.
reinforce the container in any way.
4.4.5 TheYRFCshallresistmanualmanipulationfor2min. If the best anchoring method is facilitated by use of
4.4.6 The total time for this test shall not exceed 5 min.
integral anchoring provisions of the product, the product may
4.4.7 Time shall be counted only while hands are manipu-
be opened to use such attachment methods.
lating the lock. The anchoring shall be sufficiently strong enough to
4.4.8 Failure occurs if the combination lock is disabled
during the 2 min of manipulation, causing the YRFC to open
applied. If the anchoring fails first, another test shall be
and allowing removal of the firearm block.
conducted with a new sample. Where the body materials are too weak to withstand
4.5 Handle Torque Test:
the pulling forces (thin metal or plastic walls) without
4.5.1 One YRFC shall be subject to a handle torque test,
breaking, anchoring may be enhanced by use of a reinforce-
intended to cause the specimen to become disabled by forcing
the handle to bypass or break the lock and disable the ment plate(s) to distribute the load, provided it does not
enhance the test specimen’s strength as it relates to the locking
of the opening element.
4.5.2 This test does not apply if the YRFC does not have a
handle. Anchoringmaybefacilitatedbydrillingholesinthe
4.5.3 The test specimen may be immobilized by any means,
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