ASTM F2046-00
(Specification)Standard Specification for Tachometers, Various
Standard Specification for Tachometers, Various
1.1 This specification covers various tachometers capable of measuring rotational shaft speed.
1.2 Special requirements for tachometer types used in naval shipboard applications are included in Supplement S1.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: F 2046 – 00
Standard Specification for
Tachometers, Various
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2046; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope (i) Frequency sensitive, electrical, nonrotating magnetic
pickup, direct drive, consists of a magnetic pickup, transducer,
1.1 Thisspecificationcoversvarioustachometerscapableof
and indicator;
measuring rotational shaft speed.
(j) Photoelectric;
1.2 Special requirements for tachometer types used in naval
(k) Digital contact;
shipboard applications are included in Supplement S1.
(l) Centrifugal, flexible drive; and
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
(m) Vibrating resonant reed.
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information
5. Ordering Information
2. Referenced Documents 5.1 The buyer shall provide the manufacturer with all of the
pertinent application data in accordance with the acquisition
2.1 ASTM Standards:
requirements, 5.2.
D3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
5.2 Acquisition Requirements—Acquisition documents
3. Terminology
shall specify the following:
(a) Title, number, and date of this specification;
3.1 Definitions:
(b) Quantity of tachometers required;
3.1.1 SI (Le Systeme International d’Unites) Units—unitsof
(c) Range;
measurement recognized by the Comite’ International des
(d) Manufacturer’s part number;
Poids et Mesures (CIPM).
(e) When qualification inspection is required;
3.1.2 tachometer—an instrument capable of generating,
(f) Final disposition of qualification test samples;
transmitting, and indicating information or signal that can be
(g) Type of electrical connection;
convened into a function of rotational speed.
(h) Mounting method;
4. Classification
(i) Environmental requirements;
(j) Materials;
4.1 Design Types—The following are among the types of
(k) Size and weight restrictions;
tachometers available:
(l) Critical service life requirements;
(a) Centrifugal;
(m) Performance requirements;
(b) Centrifugal, flexible drive;
(n) Surface finish requirements;
(c) Chonometric;
(o) Cleaning requirements;
(d) Electrical, alternating current (ac) voltage responsive,
(p) When certification is required;
direct drive;
(q) Marking requirements;
(e) Electrical reactance;
(r) Packaging requirements; and
(f) Electrical, magnetovoltmeter, direct drive;
(s) Preservation requirements.
(g) Electrical, magnetovoltmeter;
(h) Frequency responsive, electrical control box and volt-
6. Materials and Manufacture
meter, direct drive;
6.1 Material Selection—The materials for all parts shall be
selected for long-term compatibility with the environment in
which the tachometer will be installed or used.
This specification is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee F25 on Ships
6.2 MaterialInspection—Themanufacturershallberespon-
and Marine Technology and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F25.10 on
sible for ensuring that materials used are manufactured, exam-
Electrical and Electronics.
ined, and tested in accordance with the specifications and
Current edition approved July 10, 2000. Published October 2000.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09. standards as applicable.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
7. Physical Properties design, a test specimen for each range will require testing. In
instances in which a singular design series may cover multiple
7.1 Size and Weight—The buyer may have intended appli-
ranges and types, it is recommended that three test specimens
cations where size and weight are limited. Size and weight
limitations shall be specified in the acquisition requirements.
approved by the buyer. In no case, however, should less than
three units, one unit each representing low, medium, and high
8. Performance Requirements
ranges, be tested, regardless of design similarity.
8.1 Service Life—Thebuyermayhaveaminimumspecified
12. Test Methods
be specified in the acquisition requirements.
12.1 Tests—All tests shall be performed in accordance with
8.2 Tachometer Performance—Performance tolerances are
ASTM, ASME, or industry standards as specified.
usually specified in percentage of range span. The following
12.2 Test Data—All test data shall remain on file at the
performance characteristics and environmental exposures may
or may not be important to each buyer’s intended application.
(a) Accuracy,
(b) Repeatability,
buyer and manufacturer.
(c) Damping,
13. Quality Assurance Provisions
(d) Temperature,
(e) Humidity,
13.1 Warranty:
(f) Salt spray,
13.1.1 Responsibility for Warranty—Unless otherwise
(g) Vibration,
specified, the manufacturer is responsible for the following:
(h) Shock, and
(a) All materials used to produce a unit and
(i) Electromagnetic interference (EMI).
(b) Manufacturer will warrant his product to be free from
defect of workmanship to produce the unit.
9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
14. Certification
9.1 Cleaning, Finish, and Appearance—Any special clean-
14.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, the
ing, surface finish, and appearance requirements shall be
buyer shall be furnished certification that samples representing
specified in the acquisition requirements.
each lot have been either tested or inspected as directed in this
10. Inspection
specification, and the requirements have been met. When
specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test
10.1 Classification of Inspections—The inspection require-
results shall be furnished.
ments specified herein are classified as follows:
(a) Qualification testing and
15. Product Marking
(b) Quality conformance testing.
15.1 User-specified product marking shall be listed in the
10.2 Qualification Testing—Qualification test requirements
acquisition requirements. The minimum data to be clearly
shall be specified, where applicable. Test methods should be
marked on each tachometer shall include the following:
identified for each design and performance characteristic
(a) Manufacturer’s name,
specified. Test report documentation requirements should also
(b) Manufacturer’s part number,
be specified.
(c) Serial number or lot number,
10.3 Quality Conformance Testing—Quality conformance
(d) Date of manufacture, and
inspection is accomplished when acceptance and qualification
(e) Range.
testing is satisfied by a previous acquisition or when the
product has demonstrated reliability in similar applications.
16. Packaging and Package Marking
Quality conformance inspection is usually less intensive than
16.1 Packaging of Product for Delivery—Product shall be
acceptance and qualification, often verifying that samples of a
packaged for shipment in accordance with Practice D3951.
production lot meet a few critical performance requirements.
16.2 Anyspecialpreservation,packaging,orpackagemark-
ing requirements for shipment or storage shall be identified in
11. Number of Tests and Retests
the acquisition requirements.
11.1 Test Specimens—The number of test specimens to be
17. Keywords
subjected to qualification testing shall depend on the tachom-
eter design. If each range is covered by a separate and distinct 17.1 tachometer
The following supplementary requirements established for U.S. Naval shipboard application shall
apply when specified in the contract or purchase order. When there is conflict between the standard
for equipment acquired by this supplement. This document supersedes MIL-T-16049C, Tachometers:
Electrical; Self-Generating; Mechanical, Fixed Mounting, and Hand Held; and Vibrating Reed, for
new ship construction. This document also supersedes MIL-T-24797, Tachometers, Fiber Optic,
(Naval Shipboard Use), (Metric) General Specification for, for new ship construction.
S1. Scope MIL-STD-461Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics
of Subsystems and Equipment, Requirements for the Control
S1.1 This supplement covers single-range noncontact elec-
tric and fiber-optic tachometers capable of generating, trans-
MIL-STD-167-1 Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard
mitting, and indicating information or signal that can be
Equipment (Type I—Environmental and Type II—Internally
converted into a function of rotational speed. The subject
tachometers may be used in shipboard systems, such as gas
S2.2.1 Military Specifications:
generators, power turbines, propulsion shafts, and gas steam
MS3452Connector, Receptacle, Electric, Box Mounting,
turbine generators.
Rear Release, Crimp Contact, AN Type
S1.2 Vibrating reed resonant-type tachometers are not cov-
MS3456Connector, Plug, Electrical, Rear Release, Crimp
ered in this specification.
Contact, AN Type
S1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
MIL-C-5015Connectors, Electrical, Circular Threaded, AN
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information 7
Type General Specification for
MIL-M-24794Material, Index Matching, Fiber Optics
MIL-F-49291Fiber, Optical, (Metric), General Specifica-
S2. Referenced Documents 7
tions for
S2.1 Commercial Documents: MIL-C-83522Connectors, Fiber Optic, Single Terminus,
General Specification for
S2.1.1 ASTM Standards:
MIL-C-83522/16Connector, Fiber Optic, Single Terminus,
B117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus
Plug, Adapter Style, 2.5 mm Bayonet Coupling, Epoxy
D3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
MIL-C-83522/17Connector, Fiber Optic, Single Terminus,
S2.1.2 ANSI/ISA Standards:
Adapter, 2.5 mm Bayonet Coupling, Bulkhead Panel Mount
ANSI/ISAS37.1 (R-1982)Electrical Transducer Nomencla-
MIL-C-83522/18Connector Fiber Optic, Single Terminus,
ture and Terminology 7
Adapter, 2.5 mm Bayonet Coupling, PC Mount
ANSI/ASQC Q9001-1994 Quality Systems—Model for
MIL-C-85045Cables, Fiber Optic, (Metric), General Speci-
fication for
lation, Inspection, Testing, and Servicing
MIL-S-901Shock Tests, H.I. (High Impact), Shipboard
S2.1.3 Electronic Industries Association (EIA):
Machinery, Equipment, and Systems, Requirements for
RS-422Electrical Characteristics of Balanced Voltage Digi-
S3. Terminology
tal Interface Circuit
S3.1 Definitions—Terms marked with (ANSI/ISA S37.1)
455-22 FOTP-22Ambient Light Susceptibility of Fiber
Optic Components are taken directly from ANSI/ISA S37.1 (R-1982) and are
included for the convenience of the reader.
455-34 FOTP-34Interconnection Device Insertion Loss
S3.1.1 ambient conditions—conditions, such as pressure
and temperature, of the medium surrounding the case of a
S2.2 Government Documents:
sensor (ANSI/ISA S37.1).
S2.2.1 Military Standards:
S3.1.2 calibration—test during which known values of
readings are recorded under specific conditions (ANSI/ISA
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
Available from American National Standards Institute, 11 W. 42nd St., 13th
Floor, New York, NY 10036.
6 7
Available from Electronics IndustriesAssociation, 2500 Wilson Blvd.,Arling- AvailablefromStandardizationDocumentsOrderDesk,Bldg.4SectionD,700
ton, VA 22201. Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111–5094, Attn: NPODS.
S3.1.3 environmental conditions—specified external condi- S3.1.19 supporting surface—surface on which the equip-
tions, such as shock, vibration, and temperature, to which a ment is placed.
S3.1.20 target—description including items such as mate-
operation (ANSI/ISA S37.1).
rial, size, multiple reflectors, and surface features shall be as
S3.1.4 error—the error for a given value of the input
specified in the acquisition requirements.
variable (measurand) is the difference between the measured
S3.1.21 tachometer—an instrument capable of generating,
value of the output signal and the expected value of the output
transmitting, and indicating information or signal that can be
converted into a function of rotational speed.
S3.1.22 warm-up time—the time required for a sensor to
points are given by:
operate within specified accuracy, repeatability, and other
S3.1.4.1 The specified value of the output signal at the
critical parameters after being energized from a cold (ambient)
minimum input value of the measurand (for example, 4 mAat
the minimum specified rotational speed).
S3.1.4.2 The specified value of the output signal at the
S4. Design Classification
maximum input value of the measurand (for example, 20 mA
S4.1 Electric Types:
at the maximum specified rotational speed).
S3.1.5 noncontact tachometer—any type of tachometer that S4.1.1 Designation—Tachometers shall be classified by a
senses or responds to rotational speed without physical contact series of designations which shall be assigned and listed in the
or mechanical connection to the shaft being measured. format following.
S3.1.6 operating environmental conditions—environmental
Example: F2046-20M-BK-A
conditions during exposure to which a sensor must perform in
F 2046 20M BK A
Specification Range Mounting Indicator
some specified manner (ANSI/ISA S37.1).
(see S4.1.2) (see S4.1.3) (see S4.1.4)
S3.1.7 optical—involving the use of light-sensitive devices
to acquire information.
S4.1.2 Range—Electric tachometer ranges shall be selected
S3.1.8 optical fiber—a very thin filament or fiber, made of
from the standard ranges listed in Table S4.1.
of refraction and transmits light throughout its length by
S4.1.3 Mounting—Tachometer indicators shall be either
internal reflections. bulkhead mounted (designator—BK) or panel (designator—
S3.1.9 optoelectronics module—a component of the fiber PL) mounted.
optic tachometer that contains the optical source and detector,
S4.1.4 Indicator—Tachometer indicators shall be either
and signal conditioner devices necessary to convert t
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