Standard Specifications and Test Methods for Components Used in the Surgical Fixation of the Spinal Skeletal System

These specifications and test methods provide standard specifications that specify material, labeling, and handling requirements for components used in surgical fixation of the spinal skeletal system such as metallic spinal screws, spinal plates, and spinal rods. The specifications and test methods establish (1) common terminology that can be used to describe the size and other physical characteristics of spinal components and performance definitions related to the performance of spinal components, and (2) performance requirements and standard test methods to consistently measure performance-related mechanical characteristics of spinal components. It is not the intention of these specifications and test methods to define levels of performance or case-specific clinical performance for spinal components and to describe or specify specific designs for the individual components. For these specifications and test methods may not be appropriate for all types of spinal surgical fixation systems, the appropriateness of these specifications in view of the particular implant system and its potential application shall be considered. The test methods include static and fatigue bending strength tests. Requirements for marking and packaging are specified as well.
1.1 These specifications and test methods are intended to provide a comprehensive reference for the components of systems used in the surgical fixation of the spinal skeletal system. The document catalogs standard specifications that specify material, labeling, and handling requirements. The specifications and test methods also establish common terminology that can be used to describe the size and other physical characteristics of spinal components and performance definitions related to the performance of spinal components. Additionally, the specifications and test methods establish performance requirements and standard test methods to consistently measure performance-related mechanical characteristics of spinal components.
1.2 These specifications and test methods are a series of standards available for addressing the concerns related to systems used in the surgical fixation of the spinal skeletal system. These specifications and test methods concentrate on the individual components, which are found in many spinal fixation systems. If the user is interested in evaluating the next level in the spinal fixation system chain, the interconnections between individual components and subassemblies (two or more components), the user should consult Guide F 1798. At the highest level in this chain is Test Methods F 1717, which is used to evaluate an entire construct assembled from many components and involves numerous interconnections and several subassemblies.
1.3 It is not the intention of these specifications and test methods to define levels of performance or case-specific clinical performance for spinal components addressed by this document. Insufficient knowledge is available to predict the consequences of using any of these components in individual patients for specific activities of daily living. Furthermore, it is not the intention of this document to describe or specify specific designs for the individual components of systems used in the surgical internal fixation of the spinal skeletal system.
1.4 These specifications and test methods may not be appropriate for all types of spinal surgical fixation systems. The user is cautioned to consider the appropriateness of this document in view of the particular implant system and its potential application.
1.5 This document includes the following specifications and test methods that are used in determining the spinal component's mechanical performance characteristics:
1.5.1 Specification for Metallic Spinal Screws—Annex A1.
1.5.2 Specification for Metallic Spinal Plates—Annex A2.
1.5.3 Specification for Metallic Spinal Rods—Annex A3.
1.5.4 Test Method for Measuring the Static and Fatigue Bending Stren...

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ASTM F2193-02(2007) - Standard Specifications and Test Methods for Components Used in the Surgical Fixation of the Spinal Skeletal System
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:F2193 −02(Reapproved 2007)
Standard Specifications and Test Methods for
Components Used in the Surgical Fixation of the Spinal
Skeletal System
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2193; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.4 These specifications and test methods may not be
1.1 These specifications and test methods are intended to
user is cautioned to consider the appropriateness of this
provide a comprehensive reference for the components of
document in view of the particular implant system and its
systems used in the surgical fixation of the spinal skeletal
potential application.
system. The document catalogs standard specifications that
specify material, labeling, and handling requirements. The 1.5 This document includes the following specifications and
specifications and test methods also establish common termi- test methods that are used in determining the spinal compo-
nology that can be used to describe the size and other physical nent’s mechanical performance characteristics:
characteristics of spinal components and performance defini- 1.5.1 Specification for Metallic Spinal Screws—Annex A1.
tions related to the performance of spinal components. 1.5.2 Specification for Metallic Spinal Plates—Annex A2.
Additionally, the specifications and test methods establish 1.5.3 Specification for Metallic Spinal Rods—Annex A3.
performance requirements and standard test methods to con- 1.5.4 Test Method for Measuring the Static and Fatigue
sistently measure performance-related mechanical characteris- Bending Strength of Metallic Spinal Screws—Annex A4.
tics of spinal components.
1.6 Unless otherwise indicated, the values stated in SI units
1.2 Thesespecificationsandtestmethodsarepartofaseries shall be regarded as the standard.
of standards addressing systems used in the surgical fixation of
1.7 This standard may involve hazardous materials,
the spinal skeletal system. These specifications and test meth-
operations, and equipment. This standard does not purport to
address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its
in many spinal fixation systems. If the user is interested in
use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter-
interconnections between individual components and subas-
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
semblies (two or more components), the user should consult
Guide F1798.At the highest level in this chain isTest Methods
2. Referenced Documents
F1717, which is used to evaluate an entire construct assembled 2
2.1 ASTM Standards: General
from many components and involves numerous interconnec-
E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines
tions and several subassemblies.
E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing
1.3 It is not the intention of these specifications and test E122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate,With
methods to define levels of performance or case-specific Specified Precision, the Average for a Characteristic of a
clinical performance for spinal components addressed by this Lot or Process
document. Insufficient knowledge to predict the consequences E467 Practice for Verification of Constant Amplitude Dy-
of using any of these components in individual patients for namic Forces in an Axial Fatigue Testing System
specific activities of daily living is available. Furthermore, it is E1823 TerminologyRelatingtoFatigueandFractureTesting
not the intention of this document to describe or specify E1942 Guide for Evaluating DataAcquisition Systems Used
specific designs for the individual components of systems used in Cyclic Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Testing
in the surgical internal fixation of the spinal skeletal system. F382 SpecificationandTestMethodforMetallicBonePlates
F543 Specification and Test Methods for Metallic Medical
Bone Screws
These specifications and test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM
Committee F04 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices and is the direct
responsibility of Subcommittee F04.25 on Spinal Devices. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Nov. 15, 2007. Published November 2007. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as F2193 – 02. DOI: Standa

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