Terminology of Technical Aspects of Products Liability Litigation (Withdrawn 1995)

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ASTM E1138-89 - Terminology of Technical Aspects of Products Liability Litigation (Withdrawn 1995)
English language
1 pages
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1916 RQIX St. PhilMelphia. Pa. 19103
Designation: E 1138 - 89
f&printed from Vv, Annual Sook 01 ASTM SlWdardS. cWY%hl ASTM
If no! lisled in Ihe eunent enmhlnd indu. will appear in IhO Mxt cfdiiion.
Standard Terminology of
Technical Aspects of Products Liability Litigation’
The terms defined in this standard are used in the standards under the jurisdiction of Committee
E-40 on Technical Aspects of Products Liability Litigation. Individual standards should be
consulted for context of use. Although individual words in this standard are defined in
common-language dictionaries, the definitions herein reflect the implied meanings and nuances of
usage in this field.
condition of evidence-the state in which evidence exists at a control proceedings, to make defense, to adduce and
stated period in time. cross-examine witnesses, and to appeal from judgment.
party in interest-any party that has, or may reasonably be
data, n-facts or information to be used as a basis for
expected to have, a direct or indirect involvement in the
discussion or decision.
results of any expert examination of any item.
evidence, n-anything that establishes fact or gives reason for
Discussion-A party in interest could include, but not
be limited to: persons injured or possibly injured by the
fact, n-a thing asserted to be true as a basis for reasoning. product; any person, firm, corporation or organization
that designed, manufactured, assembled, packaged, in-
hypothesis, n-a supposition or conjecture put forward to
spected, distributed or sold the product or a component
account for certain facts, and used as a basis for further
part of the product; attorneys of record or attorneys who
investigation by which it may be proved or disproved.
represent any party in interest; or any insurance carrier or
incident, n-an event, activity, or disturbance occurring
other indemnifying person or organization.
singularly and distinctly.
products liability-responsibility imposed for harm as the
item, n-a single thing in a list or number of things. result of a defective product.
scientlflc method-the systematic collection and classitica-
methodology, n-the body of methods used in a particular
tion of data and, usually, the formulation

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