Standard Specification for Enameling System, Baking, Metal Joiner Work and Furniture

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ASTM F1178-88(1994)e1 - Standard Specification for Enameling System, Baking, Metal Joiner Work and Furniture
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ASTM FILL78 BB W 0759530 0542598 652 -
Designation: F 1178 - 88 (Reapproved 1994)“’
1916 Race St. Philadelphia, Pa 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Sook of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
If r&listed in the current combined inde% will appear in the neti edrtiin.
Standard Specification for
Enameling System, Baking, Metal Joiner Work and Furniture’
This standard is issued under the fixed de&nation F 1178; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
El Nmx-!kction 13 was added editorially in June 1994.
1. Scope D3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape
1.1 This specification covers requirements for cleaning,
D 3363 Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil Test6
pretreatment, and application of a baking primer and
2.2 American Institute of Steel Construction Manual:
enamel on metal for use on fabricated metal products,
AISC Wire and Sheet Metal Gages-Equivalent Thickness
including marine furniture and joiner work.
in Decimals of an Inch, U.S. Standard Gauge (USSG)
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be
for Uncoated Hot and Cold Rolled Sheets and Galva-
regarded as standard. The metric (SI) units, given in paren-
nized Sheet Gage (GSG) for Hot-Dipped Zinc Coated
theses, are for information only.
1.3 Painting facilities shall comply with all applicable
2.3 Code of Federal Regulations:
Federal and State regulations regarding emissions and waste
40 CFR 60 Subpart EE-Standard of Performance for
disposal. All painting facilities constructed, modified, or
Surface Coating of Metal Furniture*
reconstructed after November 28, 1980 shall comply with
the Environmental Protection Agency’s new source perfor-
mance standard (NSPS) for the surface coating of metal
3. Terminology
furniture as promulgated in 40 CFR Subpart EE.
3.1 Description of Terms Specific to This Standard:
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
3.1.1 air dry touch-up enamel-an air drying enamel that
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
matches the factory applied enamel in color and gloss and is
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
compatible with it.
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
3.1.2 baking finish-an enamel that requires baking at
bility of regulatory limitatibns prior to use.
temperatures above 150’F (65’C) for the development df
desired properties.
2. Referenced Documents
3.1.3 blister-an enclosed raised spot on the paint surface
caused by moisture or solvent trapped under the surface.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.4 cleaning-the first phase of the metal pretreatment
A 366 Specification for Steel, Sheet, Carbon, Cold-Rolled,
prior to painting.
Commercial Quality2
3.1.5 cure-to condense or polymerize a material by
A 525 Specification for General Requirements for Steel
heating, resulting in the full development of desired proper-
Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip
3.1.6 degreasing-See cleaning.
B 117 Test Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing4
3.1.7 dry firm thickness (DFi’J-the actual thickness of
B 209 Specitication for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy
the cured paint system. It is measured in mils or thousandths
Sheet and Plates
of an inch (0.001 in. or 25.4 urn).
D 522 Test Methods for Mandrel Bend Test of Attached
3.1.8 Enamel-a paint characterized by the ability to
Organic Coatings6
form an especially smooth film.
D 1186 Test Methods for Nondestructive Measurement of
3.1.9 galvanized steel--Zinc coated steel sheet in con-
Dry Film Thickness of Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied
formance with Specification A 525, Coating Designation
to a Ferrous Base6
D 1400 Test Method for Nondestructive Measurement of
Dry Film Thickness of Nonconductive Coatings Ap 3.1.10 gloss-the degree to which a painted surface re-
flects light.
plied to a Nonferrous Metal Base6
3.1.11 joiner work-doors, frames, ceilings, bulkheads,
window casings, and ah trim pieces in accommodation
I This specitication is under the jurkdktion of ASlM Committee F-25 on
spaces aboard ship.
Shipbuilding and is the direct rcqmsibiity of Subcommittee F25.01 on Materials
3.1.12 low gloss-finish that shows a gloss of 25 to 35
Current edition approved Sept. 30, 1988. Published December 1988.
2 Annual Book of ASTM Standarak, Vol 0 1.03.
3 Annuol Book qfASTM StMdards, Vol 01.06. 7 Available from the American Institute of Steel Construction, 400 N. Michigan
4 Anntd Bo& of ASTM Stdrds, VolO3.02. Avenue, Cbiago, IL 606 11.
s Annual Bad qfASThf Ston&uo!s, VolO2.02. s Availabk from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of
6 Annual Book of ASTM St&&, VolO6.01. Dowmen& Washington, DC 20402.
ASTM FlL78 88 W 0759530 0542599 5Sh
dsIE, F 1178
when measured with 60” glossmeter. A ceiling gloss is 6 to 16 product shall be enameled to a smooth, low-gloss finish in
when measured the same way. colors specified in the ordering documents.
3.1.13 pretreatment-usually restricted to mean the 9.2 Enamel shall be applied in an amount sufficient to
chemical treatment of unpaired surfaces before painting. produce a total minimum dry film thickness of 1.5 mils
(0.0015 in. (38.1 pm)) for joiner doors and frames. For other
4. Ordering Information
joiner materials and furniture, 1 to 1.5 mils (0.00 1 to 0.00 15
in. (25.4 to 38.1 pm)) is acceptable.
4.1 Unless otherwise specified, a smooth, low-gloss
9.3 The enamel required under this specification shall be
enamel finish will be applied.
a thermosetting type, requiring a high baking schedule for
4.1.1 Color of enamel top coat.
proper cure. This enamel shall be an acrylic, or equivalent,
4.1.2 Finish:
resin finish and shall satisfy the requirements of Section 11. Smooth. Textured.
10. Texturing (Optional)
4.1.3 Gloss (measured with 60” glossmeter): Low gloss-25 to 35.
10.1 If a textured finish is required by ordering docu- Ceiling gloss-6 to 18.
ments, the enamel chosen shall be capable of producing a
suitable raised textured finish when using equipment and
5. Materials and Manufacture
techniques recommended by the manufacturer.
10.2 All requirements for cleaning, pretreatment,
5.1 Metal substrate-This specification is intended for use
on metal furniture and joiner work of either steel or priming, and enameling of the textured finish shall remain as
aluminum. written for the smooth, low-gloss finish except that the gloss
5.2 For a smooth, low-gloss finish, the furniture or joiner shown in shall be 6 minimum to 16 maximum for
ceiling panels. Other items may vary according to paint
work manufacturer shall follow the procedures in the order
and as listed in Sections 6 through 9.
5.3 If a textured finish is specified, the furniture or joiner
work manufacturer shall follow the procedures in the order 11. Performance Criteria
and as listed in Sections 6 through 10.
11.1 Test Panel Description-Test panels shall be 4% in.
( 114 mm) minimum width and 7% in. (19 1 mm) maximum
6. CIeaning and Degreasing
length of material and thickness as listed below:
6.1 All exterior and interior surfaces, both visible and
11.1.1 Cold rolled steel sheet, in accordance with Spcciti-
concealed, and all joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and
cation A 366, USSG 20 gauge (0.0359 in. or 0.9 1 mm) thick,
degreased by vapor, spray, or immersion process, and
11,1.2 Galvannealed steel sheet, in accordance with Spec-
thoroughly rinsed in clear water prior to pretreatment. Hand
ification A 525 with coating designation A 0 1, CSG 20 gauge
wiping is not satisfactory.
(0.0396 in. or 1.01 mm) thick.
6.2 The cleaning/rinsing process shall remove dirt, oil
11.1.3 Type 5052-H32 aluminum alloy, in accordance
grease, moisture, and other foreign matter.
with Specification B 209, 0.040 in. (1.02 mm) thick.
6.3 No detrimental residue from this process shall remain
11.2 Prepare test panels for testing, test, and evaluate in
deposited on any surface
accordance with the following requirements:
11.2.1 Dry Film Thickness-Measure the total dry film
7. Pretreatment
thickness, either prime coat or prime coat plus enamel, on
7.1 All metal surfaces, accessible to spray, shall receive a metal test panels or products in accordance with Test
pretreatment base coating that will, when applied in accor- Method D 1400. Where only steel products are being enam-
dance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, produce a eled, the dry lilm thickness may be measured in accordance
surface that will enable both primer and enamel to meet the with Test Methods D 1186.
requirements as set forth in Section 11 of this specification. 11.2.2 Primer: Preparation of Primer Test Panels-Clean,
8. Priming
pretreat, and coat two metal test panels with primer on both
sides and on all edges in the production cycle. After baking
8.1 All exterior and interior surfaces, both visible and
the primed test panels, scribe one side of each panel with two
concealed, shall be primed with a modified epoxy or other
diagonal scribe lines that extend through the prime coat
primer. The quality of the resulting system of surface
down to the base metal. For scribing, use a sharp instrument
preparation and primer shall meet the requirements stated in
and a suitable straightedge. Hold the scribing tool perpendic- and
ular to the surface of the test panel, and make two inter-
8.2 Primer application shall be by the dip or spray
secting diagonal scribe marks. Begin each scribe line at a
method. The resulting coating shall be sufficient to produce a
point approximately l/z in. (13 mm) from a corner and
dry film thickness as follows:
continue to a point approximately r/z in. (13 mm) from the
diagonally opposite comer. The scribe must penetrate the
Epoxy or other primers 0.15 mil 0.5 mil
prime coating down to the metal, leaving a uniformly bright
(0.00075 in. (0.0005 in.
(19.1 bun)) line.
(12.7 w0) Salt Spray Exposure of Primer Test Panels-
9. Enameling
Expose the metal panels in accordance with Method B 117
9.1 All surfaces contributing to the appearance of the final for 250 h at 95°F (35°C). Remove test panels from the salt
ASTM Fll178 8B I 0759530 0542600 030 -
spray cabinet and rinse them using a gentle stream of water
of 256 squares. Press masking tape 1 in. (25 mm) wide firmly
at a temperature of 100 + 10’F (37.8 -C 5.5-C). Dry the test
onto the entire hatched area and then immediately jerk
panels and vigorously scrape the scribed side of each panel cleanly away from the panel. Examine the hatched area.
with a dull knife blade or a suitable piece of sheet metal Normally, no paint squares will be lifted by this test, but a
having a similar dull edge. Hold the scraper with its face
classification of 3B, in accordance with Test Methods
perpendicular to the specimen surface and parallel to the D 3359, for one panel out of three is permissible.
scribe, moving it back and forth across the scribed line. Flexibility-Test the enameled metal test panel
Complete the scraping within 15 min of the drying of the for flexibility of the paint system by bending 180’ over a
conical mandrel in accordance with Test Method D 522. The
surface. Masking tape, 1 in. (25 mm) wide, shall be pressed
paint system shall not flake or exhibit loss of adhesion during
onto all scribed marks and pulled away clearly. Evaluate the
performance of these test panels per and this test. Slight cracking of paint finish, less than V’4 in, (6.4
mm) long, at conical mandrel diameters less than l/z in. (12.7
I Evaluation of the Blistering Resistance of Primer
mm) is permissible.
Test Panel-There shall be no evidence of blistering of these Impact Resistance-The enameled metal test
primed metal panels after 250-h exposure in accordance with
panel shall withstand a minimum of 40 in. lb (4.52 J) direct
Method B 117.
impact without cracking or loss of adhesion. The impact test Evaluation of the Corrosion Resistance of Primer
consists essentially of a 2 lb (0.91 kg) bar dropping 20 in.
Test Panel-Measure creepage, or loss of adhesion due to
(508 mm) onto a r/2 in. (12.7 mm) diameter sphere in
corrosion, at the scribe marks. This creepage shall not extend
contact with the test panel. The surface of the test equipment
more than 118 in. (3.2 mm) on either side of scribe mark. The
beneath the test panel shall have a circular, concave surface
total width of gap in prime coat shall not exceed %I in. (6.4
greater than i/2 in. in diameter directly under the point of
11.2.3 Enamel: Color Stability-The enameled metal test panel, Preparation of Enamel Test panels-Clean,
when subjected to an additional bake of 350’F (177’C) for 30
pretreat, and coat two metal test panels with primer and
min, shall show no significant change in color or gloss.
enamel in the production cycle to a total dry film thickness
11.2.4 Air Dry Touch-Up Enamel:
of 1 to 1.5 mils (0.001 to 0.0015 in. (25.4 to 38.1 pm)). Conditions for Use-This air dry touch-up Gloss-The enamel test panel shall show a gloss
enamel is intended for use in the field for minor scratches or
of 25 minimum to 35 maximum when measured using a 60
defects only. It shall be compatible with, and adhere to, the
glossmeter (Gardner, Photovolt, or equal) unless otherwise
scratched surface.
specified in ordering documents or, if a textured finish, gloss Preparation of Scratched Surface-Where ap
shall be as noted in 10.2.
pearance is important, use fine sandpaper and taper edges of Hardness-Conduct this hardness test in accor-
scratch to blend in and conceal scratch before applyirg
dance with Test Method D 3363 using a standard 2H
touch-up enamel. Wipe surface clean of dust or moisture.
drafting pencil sharpened to expose the full diameter of the Application-Apply by brush, roller, or spray, as
pencil lead. The lead is .sanded to a blunt-ended but
recommended by the manufacturer of the touch-up enamel,
sharp-edged shape by using sanding strokes perpendicular to
one or more coats as required.
the centerline of the lead. Holding the end of the pencil lead Color-Color must match the color of the
firmly against the enamel test panel, with the pencil
scratched surface.
centerline at an angle of 45’ with the painted surface, apply Glo

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