Standard Specification for Gouache Paints

1.1 This specification establishes requirements for composition, physical properties, performance, and labeling of gouache paints.  
1.2 This specification covers pigments, vehicles, and additives. Requirements are included for pigment identification, lightfastness, and consistency.  
1.3 Table 1 lists some pigments meeting the lightfastness requirements in this specification. In order to identify other pigments that meet these requirements, instructions are given for test specimen preparation. Test methods for determining relative lightfastness are referenced.  
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

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ASTM D5724-99 - Standard Specification for Gouache Paints
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: D 5724 – 99
Standard Specification for
Gouache Paints
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5724; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 2.2 Other Documents:
Colour Index
1.1 This specification establishes requirements for compo-
sition, physical properties, performance, and labeling of
3. Terminology
gouache paints.
3.1 Definitions:
1.2 This specification covers pigments, vehicles, and addi-
3.1.1 colour index name—consists of the category (type of
tives. Requirements are included for pigment identification,
lightfastness, and consistency.
a colorant in the Colour Index as an international identifica-
1.3 Table 1 lists some pigments meeting the lightfastness
tion system.
requirements in this specification. In order to identify other Discussion—For example, the Colour Index Name
pigments that meet these requirements, instructions are given
of one phthalocyanine blue pigment is Pigment Blue 15 (PB
for test specimen preparation. Test methods for determining
relative lightfastness are referenced.
3.1.2 colour index number—a five-digit number given in
1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
the Colour Index that describes the chemical constitution of a
as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for
information only. Discussion—For example, the Colour Index Num-
2. Referenced Documents ber of one phthalocyanine blue pigment is 74160.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.2.1 gouache paint—a pigment dispersion in a water
D185 Test Methods for Coarse Particles in Pigments,
soluble gum/resin vehicle that dries water soluble and is
Pastes, and Paints
formulated primarily for relatively opaque and matte applica-
D279 Test Methods for Bleeding of Pigments
2 tions.
D476 Specification for Titanium Dioxide Pigments
3.3 Appearance terms used in this standard are defined in
D823 Practices for Producing Films of Uniform Thickness
3 Terminology E284.
of Paint, Varnish, and Related Products on Test Panels
D1210 TestMethodforFinenessofDispersionofPigment-
4. Significance and Use
Vehicle Systems by Herman-Type Gage
4.1 This specification establishes quality requirements and
D1535 Test Method for Specifying Color by the Munsell
3 provides a basis for common understanding among producers,
distributors, and users.
D4236 Practice for Labeling Art Materials for Chronic
4 4.2 It is not intended that all paints meeting the require-
Health Hazards
ments be identical nor of uniform excellence in all respects.
D4303 TestMethodsforLightfastnessofPigmentsUsedin
4 Variations in manufacture, not covered by this specification,
Artists’ Paints
3 may cause some artists to prefer one brand over another, either
E284 Terminology Relating to Appearance
of which may be acceptable under this specification.
5. Labeling Requirements
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-1 on Paint
and Related Coatings, Materials, andApplications and is the direct responsibility of
5.1 Pigment(s) Identification:
Subcommittee D01.57 on Artist Paints and Related Materials.
Current edition approved May 10, 1999. Published July 1999. Originally
published as D5724–95. Last previous edition D5724–98.
2 5
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.03. The Society of Dyers and Colourists, Colour Index, 3rd ed., 5 volumes and
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.01. revisions, Available from the American Association of Textile Chemists and
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 06.02. Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
5.1.1 Every label shall include for each pigment contained 5.2.1 Identification of gum/resin used.
in the paint the information underlined in Table 1, which
5.3 Lightfastness—The label shall contain the word“ Light-
includes the Common Name, Colour Index Name, and any
fastness” followed by the appropriate rating, I, or II, as given
additional terms necessary to identify the form of the pigment. for each pigment in Table 1.
5.1.2 The complete pigment identification given in Table 1,
5.3.1 Lightfastness I pigments, when made into paint speci-
which also includes the Colour Index Number and a simple
mens as described in Section 8 and exposed, tested, and rated
in accordance with Test Methods D4303, shall have a color
difference (DE*ab) of 4 or less CIELAB units between the
identification on the container label when label size permits.
specimens measured before and after exposure.
5.1.3 The common name shall be placed on the front of the
5.3.2 Lightfastness II pigments, when made into paint
label and shall be the name of the paint except as described in
specimens as described in Section 8 and exposed, tested, and
5.1.5 and 5.1.6. Other identification may be placed elsewhere
rated in accordance with Test Methods D4303, shall have a
on the container.
color difference (DE*ab) of more than 4.0 but not more than
5.1.4 The colour index name may be spelled out in full or
abbreviated depending on the size of the label. Example:
after exposure.
Pigment Blue 15, or Pig. Blue 15 or PB 15.
5.3.3 Pigments were placed in a lightfastness category on
5.1.5 Substituted Pigments—In the case of substituted pig-
ments, the word “Hue” in equal size letters shall follow in the
the ratings from four lightfastness tests conducted as described
title, on the front of the tube, and immediately after the name
other pigments, are solicited by Subcommittee D01.57.
thecommonnamefromTable1ofthepigment(s)usedshallbe The lightfastness category of a pigment shall be
given in letters no less than the next type size smaller than the
changed if results from several further tests conducted in
title; or if more than one pigment is used, then 5.1.7 covering
mixed pigments can be followed. For example:
Subcommittee D01.57, establish a different lightfastness cat-
egory than the one given in Table 1.
(Naphthol Red AS-OL) (Mixture) Additional pigments shall be placed in Table 1 after
they have been tested for lightfastness in accordance with Test
5.1.6 Proprietary names or optional names may be used
Methods D4303 and the test results submitted to ASTM
provided the common name(s) given inTable 1 appears on the
Subcommittee D01.57 for evaluation, provided the results
front of the label directly under the proprietary or optional
demonstrate that the pigments have the lightfastness ratings
name in letters no less than the next type size smaller than the
required for Lightfastness I or Lightfastness II, as just de-
proprietary or optional name; or if more than one pigment is
used, then 5.1.7 covering mixed pigments, can be followed.
5.3.4 For information and to establish nomenclature, pig-
5.1.7 Mixed Pigments—Artists’paintscontainingmorethan
ments in Lightfastness III, IV and V categories are given in
one pigment comply with this specification if all colored
Table X1.1–1in Appendix X1, but are not to be used in paint
pigments included in the mixture are on the suitable pigment
conforming to this specification.
list (Table 1) and provided the mixture itself has passed all LightfastnessIIIpigmentshaveacolordifferenceof
other test requirements in this specification. The common
more than 8.0 but not more than 16.0 CIELAB units.
names for the pigments in the mixture, or the word “Mixture” LightfastnessIVpigmentshaveacolordifferenceof
must appear under the title in letters no less than the next type
more than 16.0 but not more than 24.0 CIELAB units.
size smaller than the title. For example: Lightfastness V pigments have a color difference of
more than 24.0 CIELAB units.
(Cadmium Yellow Light, (Mixture)
Phthalocyanine Blue)
5.4 Toxicity—Allproductsandlabelingmustconformtothe
Federal Hazardous Substances Act and to Practice D4236.
If the word “Mixture” is used under the title, the common
namesofthepigmentsinthemixture,asgiveninTable1must 5.5 Statement of Conformance—“Conforms to ASTM
Specification D5724.” or “Conforms to ASTM D5724” or
be listed along with their Colour Index Names and the
lightfastness category of the mixture somewhere on the label.
statement may be combined with other conformance state-
The lightfastness category shall be that of the least lightfast
ments, such as, “Conforms to the quality and health require-
pigment. This lightfastness category may be changed if the
ments of ASTM Specification D5724 and Practice D4236.”
mixture is tested in accordance withTest Methods D4303 and
the results indicating a different category are submitted to 5.6 Address—Include on the label (1) the name and address
ASTM Subcommittee D01.57 for evaluation. of the manufacturer or importer, and (2) the country of
5.2 Provide on the Label: manufacture.
TABLE 1 Suitable Pigments List
NOTE 1—Underlined information in the table and lightfastness category shall be included on every label.
Lightfastness Category:
Lightfastness I Excellent Lightfastness
Lightfastness II Very Good Lightfastness
Abbreviations used in Colour Index Names:
PB Pigment Blue
PBk Pigment Black
PBr Pigment Brown
PG Pigment Green
PO Pigment Orange
PR Pigment Red
PV Pigment Violet
PW Pigment White
PY Pigment Yellow
AR Acid Red
BR Basic Red
Pigment Notations in Parenthesis:
(CC) Concentrated cadmium pigments may contain up to 15 % barium sulfate for color control.
Cadmium-barium pigments contain a much higher content amount of barium sulfate.
(DL) May darken in strong light
(LF) Lightfast type
(NA) Colour index name or number not assigned
(RS) Red shade
(BS) Blue shade
(SM) Sensitive to moisture
(SS) Sensitive to hydrogen sulfide
(OP) Opaque type
Color Index
Ligthfastness Categeory Common Name and Chemical Class Color Index Number
PY 3 I Arylide Yellow I0G, with option of adding the name Hansa Yellow Light, arylide yellow 11710
PY 6 I Arylide Yellow, arylide yellow 11670
PY 35 I Cadmium (hue designation), concentrated cadmium zinc sulfide (CC), (SM) 77205
PY 37 I Cadmium (hue designation), concentrated cadmium sulfide (CC), (SM) 77199
PY 42 I Mars Yellow or Iron Oxide Yellow, synthetic synthetic hydrated iron oxide 77492
PY 43 I Yellow Ochre, natural hydrated iron oxide 77492
PY 53 I Nickel Titanate Yellow, oxides of nickel, antimony and titanium 77788
PY 65 II Arylide Yellow RN, with option of adding Hanas Yellow RN, aryhde yellow 11740
PY 74 2GX70 II Arylide Yellow 2GX70, Hansa Yellow 2GX70, arylide yellow (OP) 11741
PY 109 I Isoindolinone Yellow G, tetrachroloisoindolinone NA
PY 110 I Isoindolinone Yellow R, tetrachroloisoindolinone 56280
PY 139 I Isoindoline Yellow, isoindoline NA
PY 170 II Diarylide Yellow, diarylide yellow 21104
PO 5 I Dinitraniline Orange, dinitraniline (SM) 12075
PY 20 I Cadmium (hue designation), concentrated cadmium sulfo-selenide 77202
PO 36 I Benzimidazolone (hue designation) HL, benzimidazolane 11780
PO 43 I Perinone Orange, perinone (DL) 71105
PO 73 II Pyrrcle Orange, Pyrrolopyrrol NA
PR 5 II Naphthol ITR, naphthol ITR 12490
PR 9 II Naphthol AS-OL, naphthol AS-OL 12460
PR 14’ II Naphthol AS-D, naphthol AS-D 12380
PR 88MRS I Thioindigoid Violet, thioindigoid 73312
PR 101 I Mars Red or Iron Oxide Red, synthetic iron oxide 77491
PR 108 I Cadmium (hue designation), concentrated cadmium-seleno sulfide (CC) 77202
PR 113 I Cadmium Vermilion Red Light, Medium or Deep, cadmium mercury sulfide (CC) 77201
PR 122 II Quinacridone (hue designation), g quinacridone 73915
PR 170 F3RK-70 II Naphthol Red, naphtol carbamide (DL) 12475
PR 188 I Napthol AS, naphthol AS 12467
PV 19 I Quinacridone (hue designation),g quinacridone red 73900
PV 14 I Cobalt Violet, cobalt phosphate 77360
PV 19 I Quinacridone (hue designation), quinacridone violet b 73900
PV 23 II Dioxadine (hue designation), carbazole dioxazine 51319
PB 15 I Phthalocyanine Blue, or Pthalo Blue, copper phthalocyanine 74160
PB 17:1 II Phthalocyanine Blue Lake, or Pthalo Blue Lake, trisulfonated copper phthalocyanine 74200:1
PB 27 I Prussian Blue, Milori Blue, alkali ferric ferrocyanide 77510
PB 28 I Cobalt Blue, oxides of cobalt and aluminum or cobalt aluminate 77346
PB 29 I Ultramarine Blue, complex silicate of sodium and aluminum with sulfur, or sodium alumino- 77007
PB 33 I Manganese Blue, barium manganate with barium sulfate 77112
TABLE 1 Continued
PB 35 I Cerulean Blue, oxides of cobalt and tin or cobalt stannate 77368
PG 7 I Phthalocyanine Green, or Phthalo Green, chlorinated copper phthalocyanine 74260
PG 17 I Chromium Oxide Green, anhydrous chromium sesquioxide 77288
PG 18 I Viridian, hydrous chromium sesquioxide 77289
PG 19 I Cobalt Green, oxides of cobalt and zinc, or cobalt zincate 77335
PG 23 I Green Earth, or Terre Verte, natural ferrous silicate containing magnesium and aluminum 77009
potassium silicates
PG 36 I Phthalocyanine Green or Phthalo Green, chlorinated and brominated copper phthalocyanine 74265
PBr 7 I Burnt Sienna, calcined natural iron oxide 77492
PBr 7 I Burnt Umber, calcined natural iron oxide containing manganese 77492
PBr 7 I Raw Sienna, natural iron oxide 77492
PBr 7 I Raw Umber, natural iron oxide containing manganese 77492
PBr 11 I Magnesium Ferrite, synthetic iron oxide containing magnesium oxide 77495
PBr 24 I Chrome Titanate Yellow, oxides of chrome, antimony and titanium 77310
PBr 25 I Benzimidazolone Brown, monoazo benzimidazolone 12510
PBk 1 I Jet Black, aniline black 50440
PBk 6 I Lamp Black, nearly pure amorphous carbon 77266
PBk 7 I Carbon Black, nearly pure amorphous carbon 77266
PBk 9 I Ivory Black or Bone Black, amorphous carbon produced by charring animal bones 77267
PW 4 I Zinc White, zinc oxide with option of adding the name Chinese White 77947
PW 5 I Lithopo

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