Standard Guide for Assessing the Environmental and Human Health Impacts of New Energetic Compounds

The purpose of this guide is to provide a logical, tiered approach in the development of environmental health criteria coincident with level and effort in the research, development, testing, and evaluation of new energetic materials. Various levels of uncertainty are associated with data collected from previous stages. Following the recommendation in the guide should reduce the relative uncertainty of the data collected at each developmental stage. At each stage, a general weight of evidence qualifier shall accompany each exposure/effect relationship. They may be simple (for example, low, medium, or high confidence) or sophisticated using a numerical value for each predictor as a multiplier to ascertain relative confidence in each step of risk characterization. The specific method used will depend on the stage of development, quantity and availability of data, variation in the measurement, and general knowledge of the dataset. Since specific formulations, conditions, and use scenarios are often not known until the later stages, exposure estimates can be determined only at advanced stages (for example, Engineering and Manufacturing Development; see 6.6). Exposure data can then be used with other toxicological data collected from previous stages in a quantitative risk assessment to determine the relative degree of hazard.
Data developed from the use of this guide are designed to be consistent with criteria required in weapons and weapons system development (for example, programmatic environment, safety and occupational health evaluations, environmental assessments/environmental impact statements, toxicity clearances, and technical data sheets).
Information shall be evaluated in a flexible manner consistent with the needs of the authorizing program. This requires proper characterization of the current problem. For example, compounds may be ranked relative to the environmental criteria of the prospective alternatives, the replacement compound, and within bounds of a...
1.1 This guide is intended to determine the relative environmental influence of new munition constituents, consistent with the research and development (R&D) level of effort and is intended to be applied in a logical, tiered manner that parallels both the available funding and the stage of research, development, testing, and evaluation. Specifically, conservative assumptions, relationships, and models are recommended early in the research stage, and as the munition technology is matured, empirical data will be developed and used. Munition constituents may include fuels, oxidizers, explosives, binders, stabilizers, metals, dyes, and other compounds used in the formulation to produce a desired effect. Munition systems range from projectiles, grenades, rockets/missiles, training simulators, smokes and obscurants. Given the complexity of issues involved in the assessment of environmental fate and effects and the diversity of the munition systems used, this guide is broad in scope and not intended to address every factor that may be important in an environmental context. Rather, it is intended to reduce uncertainty at minimal cost by considering the most important factors related to the environmental impacts of energetic materials. This guide provides a method for collecting data useful in a relative ranking procedure to provide the munition scientist with a sound basis for prospectively determining a selection of candidates based on environmental and human health criteria.
1.2 The scope of this guide includes:
1.2.1 Energetic materials and compositions in all stages of research, development, test and evaluation.
1.2.2 Environmental assessment, including: Human and ecological effects of the unexploded energetics and compositions on the environment. Environmental transport mechanisms of the unexploded energetics and composition. Degradation and bioaccumulation properties.
1.2.3 Occupationa...

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ASTM E2552-08 - Standard Guide for Assessing the Environmental and Human Health Impacts of New Energetic Compounds
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Designation: E2552 − 08
StandardGuide for
Assessing the Environmental and Human Health Impacts of
New Energetic Compounds
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2552; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Sustaining training operations while maintaining force health is vital to national security. Research
efforts are underway to identify energetic substances that have negligible environmental impacts and
implement them in military munitions. This guide is intended to provide a standardized method to
is intended for use by technical persons with a broad knowledge of risk assessment, fate and transport
processes, and toxicology to provide recommendations to the research chemist or engineer regarding
the environmental consequences of use.
1. Scope 1.2.1 Energetic materials and compositions in all stages of
research, development, test and evaluation.
1.1 This guide is intended to determine the relative envi-
1.2.2 Environmental assessment, including:
ronmental influence of new munition constituents, consistent Human and ecological effects of the unexploded
energetics and compositions on the environment.
intended to be applied in a logical, tiered manner that parallels Environmental transport mechanisms of the unex-
both the available funding and the stage of research,
ploded energetics and composition.
development, testing, and evaluation. Specifically, conserva-
tive assumptions, relationships, and models are recommended Degradation and bioaccumulation properties.
early in the research stage, and as the munition technology is 1.2.3 Occupational health impacts from manufacture and
matured, empirical data will be developed and used. Munition
use of the energetic substances and compositions to include
constituents may include fuels, oxidizers, explosives, binders, load, assembly, and packing of the related munitions.
stabilizers, metals, dyes, and other compounds used in the
1.3 Giventhewidearrayofapplications,themethodsinthis
formulation to produce a desired effect. Munition systems
guide are not prescriptive. They are intended to provide
range from projectiles, grenades, rockets/missiles, training
flexible, general methods that can be used to evaluate factors
simulators, smokes and obscurants. Given the complexity of
important in determining environmental consequences from
issues involved in the assessment of environmental fate and
use of the energetic substances.
effects and the diversity of the munition systems used, this
1.4 Factors that affect the health of humans as well as the
environment are considered early in the development process.
Since some of these data are valuable in determining health
intended to reduce uncertainty at minimal cost by considering
effects from generalized exposure, effects from occupational
exposures are also included.
of energetic materials. This guide provides a method for
1.5 This guide does not address all processes and factors
the munition scientist with a sound basis for prospectively
important to the fate, transport, and potential for effects in
determining a selection of candidates based on environmental
every system. It is intended to be balanced effort between
and human health criteria.
scientific and practical means to evaluate the relative environ-
1.2 The scope of this guide includes: mental effects of munition compounds resulting from intended
use. It is the responsibility of the user to assess data quality as
1 well as sufficiently characterize the scope and magnitude of
Assessment, Risk Management and CorrectiveAction and is the direct responsibil- uncertainty associated with any application of this standard.
ity of Subcommittee E50.47 on Biological Effects and Environmental Fate.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Current edition approved May 1, 2008. Published May 2008. DOI: 10.1520/
E2552-08. safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

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E2552 − 08

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