ASTM E636-95
(Guide)Standard Guide for Conducting Supplemental Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels, E706 (IH)
Standard Guide for Conducting Supplemental Surveillance Tests for Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels, E706 (IH)
1.1 This guide covers test methods and procedures that can be used in conjunction with, but not as alternatives to, those required by Practice E185 for the surveillance of nuclear reactor vessels. The supplemental test methods outlined permit the acquisition of additional information on radiation-induced changes in fracture toughness, notch ductility, and tensile strength properties of the reactor vessel steels.
1.2 This guide provides recommendations for the preparation of test specimens for irradiation, and identifies special precautions and requirements for reactor surveillance operations and postirradiation test planning. Guidance on data reduction and computational procedures also is given for individual test methods. Reference is made to other ASTM test methods for the physical conduct of specimen tests and for raw data acquisition.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
Designation: E 636 – 95
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Guide for
Conducting Supplemental Surveillance Tests for Nuclear
Power Reactor Vessels, E 706 (IH)
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 636; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope E 813 Test Method for J , a Measure of Fracture Tough-
1.1 This guide covers test methods and procedures that can
E 992 Practice for Determination of Fracture Toughness of
be used in conjunction with, but not as alternatives to, those
Steels Using Equivalent Energy Methodology
required by Practice E 185 for the surveillance of nuclear
E 1152 Test Method for Determining J-R Curves
reactor vessels. The supplemental test methods outlined permit
E 1221 Test Method for Determining Plane-Strain Crack-
the acquisition of additional information on radiation-induced
Arrest Fracture Toughness, K , of Ferritic Steels
changes in fracture toughness, notch ductility, and tensile
2.2 Other Standard:
strength properties of the reactor vessel steels.
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section III, Sub-
1.2 This guide provides recommendations for the prepara-
section NB (Class 1 Components)
tion of test specimens for irradiation, and identifies special
precautions and requirements for reactor surveillance opera-
3. Significance and Use
tions and postirradiation test planning. Guidance on data
3.1 Practice E 185 describes a minimum program for the
reduction and computational procedures also is given for
surveillance of reactor vessel materials, specifically mechani-
individual test methods. Reference is made to other ASTM test
cal property changes that occur in service. Guide E 636 may be
methods for the physical conduct of specimen tests and for raw
applied where radiation space limitations are not overly strin-
data acquisition.
gent and where the inclusion of additional specimen types is
2. Referenced Documents desirable to generate additional specific fracture toughness
property information on radiation-induced property changes to
2.1 ASTM Standards:
better assist the determination of the optimum reactor vessel
E 8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Materials
operation schemes.
E 23 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of
Metallic Materials
4. Supplemental Test Methods
E 184 Practice for Effects of High-Energy Neutron Radia-
4.1 Compact Specimen Test—This test involves the dy-
tion on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials,
namic or static testing of a fatigue-precracked compact speci-
E 706 (IB)
men during which a record of load versus displacement is used
E 185 Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests for Light
to determine material fracture toughness properties such as the
Water Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels, E 706 (IF)
plane strain fracture toughness (K ), the J-integral fracture
E 399 Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of
2 toughness (J ), and the J-R curve (see Test Methods E 399,
Metallic Materials
E 813, and E 1152, respectively). These test methods generally
E 482 Guide for Application of Neutron Transport Methods
3 apply to elastic, elastic-plastic, or fully plastic (upper shelf)
for Reactor Vessel Surveillance, E 706 (IID)
behavior. The rate of specimen loading or stress intensity
E 560 Practice for Extrapolating Reactor Vessel Surveil-
3 increase required for test classification as static or dynamic is
lance Dosimetry Results, E 706 (IC)
2 indicated by the referenced test methods.
E 616 Terminology Relating to Fracture Testing
4.2 Precracked Charpy Impact Test—This test involves
E 812 Test Method for Crack Strength of Slow-Bend Pre-
impact testing of Charpy V-notch specimens that have been
cracked Charpy Specimens of High-Strength Metallic
2 fatigue precracked. A load versus deflection or time record, or
both, are obtained during the test to determine an estimate of
material fracture toughness properties. The test method applies
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear to the brittle/ductile transition region.
Technology and Applications and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
4.3 Instrumented Charpy V-Notch Test—This test involves
E10.02 on Behavior and Use of Nuclear Structural Materials.
Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1995. Published December 1995. Originally
published as E 636 – 83. Last previous edition E 636 – 83e .
2 4
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01. Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 E. 47th St.,
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.02. New York, NY 10017.
E 636
the impact testing of standard Charpy V-notch specimens using
a conventional tester (Test Methods E 23) equipped with
supplemental instrumentation that provides a load versus
deflection or time record, or both, to augment standard test
data. The test record is used primarily to estimate dynamic
yield stress, fracture initiation and propagation energies, and to
identify fully ductile (upper shelf) fracture behavior.
4.4 Other test methods not covered by ASTM standards, for
example, miniature, nondestructive, nonintrusive, or in-situ
testing techniques, can be utilized to accommodate limitations
of material availability or irradiation facility configuration, or
both. However, the user should establish the method’s techni-
cal validity and correlation with existing test methods.
5. General Test Requirements
5.1 Specimen Orientation and Preparation:
5.1.1 Orientation—It is recommended that specimens for
supplemental surveillance testing be taken from the quarter
thickness location of plate and forging materials, as defined in
NB 2300 of ASME Code Section III, and at a distance at least
one material thickness from a quenched edge. Specimens from
near surface material also may be considered for special
studies, if required. For weld deposits, it is recommended that
the specimens be taken from a thickness location at least 12.7
mm ( ⁄2 in.) removed from the root and the surfaces of the
weld. Consistent with Practice E 185, it is further recom-
mended that the specimens be oriented to represent the
transverse orientation (T-L, per Test Method E 399) in plate
and forging materials. Specimens having the longitudinal
orientation (L-T, per Test Method E 399) also may be used
given sufficient material and space in the surveillance capsule.
For weld deposits, the specimen shall be oriented to make the
plane of fracture parallel to the welding direction and perpen-
dicular to the weldment surface, with the direction of crack
growth along the welding direction. Examples of specimen
FIG. 1 Specimen Orientation and Location in Plate, Forging, and
Weld Deposit Materials: A) Crack Plane Orientation Code; B)
orientations are given in Fig. 1.
Plate and Forging Specimen Location and Orientation; C) Weld Specimen Notch Orientation—The specimen notch
Specimen Location and Orientation
root in all cases shall be oriented normal to the plate, forging,
or weldment surface. For weld deposits, the notch also should
be located at the approximate weld deposit centerline. The finish machined on all sides to aid encapsulation in reactor
centerline and the width of the weld deposit about the notch experiments and to aid radiation temperature control and
shall be determined from the weld fusion lines revealed by uniformity.
etching. It is recommended that the location of the weld fusion Fatigue Precracking—It is recommended that fa-
lines be permanently marked for reference for post-irradiation tigue precracking of specimens, if required, should be accom-
testing. The general appearance of the etched weld deposit in plished prior to irradiation to avoid difficulties of precracking
terms of individual weld bead size (large vs. small) and the following irradiation. However, fatigue precracking of a speci-
number of weld beads across the weld deposit should be men following irradiation is acceptable if a suitable means of
determined and recorded. following crack extension in the specimen is established. Specimen Marking—A suitable specimen identifica- Fatigue Precracking of Postirradiation Heat-
tion, marking, and documentation system shall be used Treated Specimens—Some postirradiation heat treatments at
temperatures higher than the prior irradiation exposure can
whereby the location and orientation of each specimen within
the source plate, forging, or weldment can be traced. The cause mechanical property recovery, including reductions in
traceability of weld specimens is particularly important be- yield strength and tensile strength and an improvement in
cause of the possibility for variations through the weldment fracture toughness toward preirradiation levels. Compliance
thickness. with Practice E 399 requires that fatigue precracking be ac-
5.1.2 Preparation—All specimens shall be prepared from complished in the final heat treatment condition. This may be
material that has been fully heat-treated, including stress-relief impractical for irradiated specimens. Fatigue precracking be-
annealing, as recommended in Practice E 185. fore postirradiation heat treatment is acceptable for low tem- Machining—Specimens for irradiation should be perature heat treatment typical of reactor vessel annealing. It is
E 636
believed that heat treatments of ferritic materials below 900°F men testing to establish a basis for selecting test temperatures
do not alter the test results and that the fatigue precracked tests for the supplemental specimens provided under this method.
represent the bulk material properties as intended. 5.5 Documentation:
5.2 Specimen Irradiation: 5.5.1 The report shall include the reporting requirements on
5.2.1 General—The recommendations of Practice E 185 material identification and irradiation history required by
concerning the encapsulation of specimens, temperature and Practice E 185. Emphasis should be placed on the reporting of
neutron fluence monitoring, and irradiation exposure condi- tensile properties with compact specimen and precracked
tions should be followed. The larger size of some supplemental charpy impact test results (see and 7.2.1).
test specimens may require additional consideration of tem- 5.5.2 Names and models of testing and monitoring equip-
perature gradients and neutron flux gradients within individual ment, and the accuracy to which they operate, will be reported.
specimens and within the specimen capsules. Any special modifications (for example, load damping equip-
5.2.2 Specimen Irradiation—Supplemental test specimens ment, etc.) to the testing equipment must be indicated. Perti-
may be irradiated in the same capsule as the specimens nent testing procedures used also shall be reported.
required by Practice E 185 when supplemental results are 5.5.3 To aid in the interpretation of these supplemental
desired. surveillance results, data developed in accordance with Prac-
5.3 Specimen Handling and Remote Test Equipment: tice E 185, including data from reference correlation monitor
5.3.1 General—For testing in a controlled area or in a hot material or data from other supplemental surveillance test
cell facility, remote devices for accurately positioning the methods, should be included in the report or should be
specimen in the test machine are generally required. For referenced suitably.
notched impact specimens, automatic devices to position the
6. Compact Specimen Test
specimen on the test anvil are strongly recommended. Addi-
tional remote devices for specimen heating and cooling and for
6.1 Specimen Design and Possible Modifications:
the attachment of measuring fixtures are also necessary. Re-
6.1.1 Specimen—The compact specimen of dimensions out-
mote testing equipment shall satisfy the tolerances and accu-
lined in Test Method E 399 or Test Method E 813, allowing for
racy requirements of the applicable ASTM standards for the design modification (see 6.1.2) for surveillance capsules, will
test method(s) employed.
be used for testing. Other specimen designs including the
5.4 Specimen Testing—It is recommended that postirradia- disk-shaped compact specimen or others described in Ref (1)
tion Charpy V-notch impact and tensile tests be performed in
also can be used.
accordance with Practice E 185 prior to supplemental speci- 6.1.2 Possible Design Modification—Modified specimens
are useful when test stock or irradiation space is limited, or
when gamma heating or neutron flux gradients must be
minimized. An example of a modified specimen design is a
compound specimen with welded end-tabs as illustrated in Fig.
2. Specimens have also been modified after irradiation to
improve their measuring capabilities. For example, many early
PWR reactors contain 1-X WOL size fracture mechanics
specimens. These specimens originally were intended for
testing in the brittle fracture regimen. For ductile material,
bending can occur in the loading arms of these specimens and
the tests become invalid. However, techniques have been
developed to make these specimens useful for testing under
ductile conditions. These include extension of the fatigue
precrack length or modification of the specimen dimensions, or
both (2). Modified compact specimen designs may be em-
ployed for irradiation provided that it is shown in advance that
their use will not significantly diminish the accuracy of the test
or alter test results. The pinhole spacings recommended in Test Method
E 399 and Test Method E 813 are different. However, this
difference does not significantly affect the stress field at the
crack tip and therefore either pinhole spacing is acceptable for
surveillance testing (3).
6.1.3 Fatigue Precracking—Fatigue precracking shall be
performed in accordance with either Test Method E 399 or Test
Method E 813, as discussed in
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end of
FIG. 2 Various Forms of End-Tab Welded (Compound) Specimens this guide.
E 636
NOTE 1—Since the referenced standards for fracture toughness testing If additional fatigue crack extension is performed
were designated for upper-shelf fracture toughness evaluations or for
after irradiation, the conditions outlined in 6.1.3 should be
high-strength materials, their precr
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