ASTM D5425-00
(Guide)Standard Guide for Development of Fire Hazard Assessment Standards of Electrotechnical Products
Standard Guide for Development of Fire Hazard Assessment Standards of Electrotechnical Products
1.1 This guide provides guidance on the development of fire hazard assessment standards for electrotechnical products. For the purposes of this guide, products include materials, components, and end-use products.
1.2 This guide is directed toward development of standards that will provide procedures for assessing fire hazards harmful to people, animals, or property.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 5425 – 00 An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
Development of Fire Hazard Assessment Standards of
Electrotechnical Products
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 5425; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope IEC 60695-1-3 Fire Hazard Testing - Part 1-3: Guidance for
the preparation of requirements and test specifications for
1.1 This guide provides guidance on the development of fire
assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products. Guid-
hazard assessment standards for electrotechnical products. For
ance for use of preselection procedures
the purposes of this guide, products include materials, compo-
IEC 60695-4 Fire Hazard Testing - Part 4: Terminology
nents, and end-use products.
Concerning Fire Tests
1.2 This guide is directed toward development of standards
2.4 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
that will provide procedures for assessing fire hazards harmful
to people, animals, or property.
ISO Guide 52: Glossary of Fire Terms and Definitions
2. Referenced Documents
3. Terminology
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1 Use Terminology E 176, ISO Guide 52 and IEC 60695-
D 1711 Terminology Relating to Electrical Insulation
3 1–1, ed. 3, 1999–11 as the guides for terminology on fire issues
E 176 Terminology Relating to Fire Standards
(see 5.1). Where differences exist in definitions, use those
E 603 Guide for Room Fire Experiments
contained in Terminology E 176.
E 1546 Guide for the Development of Fire Hazard Assess-
3.1.1 Terminology D 1711 should be used as the guide for
ment Standards
terminology on issues associated with electrical or electronic
E 2061 Guide for Fire Hazard Assessment of Rail Transpor-
insulating materials.
tation Vehicles
3.2 Use Terminology D 1711 as the guide for terminology
E 2067 Practice for Full-Scale Oxygen Consumption Calo-
on issues associated with electrical and electronic insulating
rimetry Fire Tests
2.2 NFPA Codes and Standards:
3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
NFPA 555 Guide on Methods for Decreasing the Probability
3.3.1 electrotechnical product, n—item that generates or
of Flashover
uses electrical power as a source of energy or that is associated
NFPA 901 Uniform Coding for Fire Protection
with the conduction or transmission of electrical signals or
2.3 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Stan-
dards: Discussion—Electrotechnical products include the
IEC 60695-1-1 Fire Hazard Testing - Part 1-1: Guidance for
materials insulating electrical wires and cables and the mate-
assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products -
rials enclosing other products that generate or are fed by
General guidelines
electricity, as well as the products themselves and all of their
IEC 60695-1-2 Fire Hazard Testing - Part 1-2: Guidance for
the preparation of requirements and test specifications for
3.3.2 fire scenario, n—a detailed description of conditions,
assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products. Guid-
including environmental, of one or more of the stages from
ance for electronic components.
before ignition to the completion of combustion in an actual
fire at specific location, or in a full-scale simulation.
3.3.3 products, n—material, component, or end-use prod-
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D09 on Electrical and
Electronic Insulating Materials and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
D09.21 on Fire Performance Standards.
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 2000. Published December 2000. Originally
4. Significance and Use
published as D 5425 – 94. Last previous edition D 5425 – 96.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 10.01.
4.1 This guide is intended for use by those undertaking the
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
Available from National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, MA 02269-9101.
5 6
Available from International Electrotechnical Commission, 3 Rue de Varembe, Available from International Organization for Standardization, P.O. Box 56,
Geneva, Switzerland or from American National Standards Institute, 11 West 42nd CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland or from American National Standards Institute,
Street, New York, NY, 10046. 11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10046.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 5425
development of fire hazard assessment standards for electro- fire risk, n—the probability of fire.
technical products. Such standards are expected to be useful to 5.1.7 Discussion—The risk is described in terms of prob-
manufacturers, architects, specification writers, and authorities ability, combining the frequency of occurrence of an undesired
having jurisdiction. event to be expected in a given technical operation or state, and
4.2 As a guide, this document provides information on an the extent of damage to be expected on the occurrence of the
approach to the development of a fire hazard assessment event.
standard; fixed procedures are not established. Any limitations 5.2 The primary concern in the fire hazard assessment of
in the availability of data, of appropriate test procedures, of electrotechnical products is to minimize the fire hazard result-
adequate fire models, or in the advancement of scientific ing when such products ignite. Should a fire start, it is then
knowledge will place significant constraints upon the proce- desirable to limit the fire propagation. Give consideration to
dure for the assessment of fire hazard. external events, such as the outbreak of a fire in the environ-
4.3 The focus of this guide is on fire assessment standards ment. In general, however, disregard deliberate misuse of an
for electrotechnical products. However, insofar as the concepts electrotechnical product, in the fire hazard assessment.
in this guide are consistent with those of Guide E 1546, the 5.3 Give consideration also to heat release (both rate and
general concepts presented also may be applicable to pro- amount) and opacity, toxicity and corrosivity of the smoke
cesses, activities, occupancies, and buildings. Guide E 2061 from a burning product and any necessary ability to function
contains an example of how to use information on fire-test- under fire conditions. These hazards are directly related to the
response characteristics of electrotechnical products (electric ignition and fire propagation. The emission of gases may also,
cables) in a fire hazard assessment for a specific occupancy under certain circumstances, lead to the possibility of explo-
(rail transportation vehicle). sion.
4.4 A standard developed following this guide should not 5.4 Certain electrotechnical products such as large enclo-
attempt to set a safety threshold or other pass/fail criteria. Such sures, insulated cables, and conduits, may in fact replace large
a standard should specify all steps required to determine fire portions of surfaces and finishing materials of building con-
hazard measures for which safety thresholds or pass/fail struction or may penetrate fire-resisting walls. In these circum-
criteria can be meaningfully set by authorities having jurisdic- stances, the requirements for fire performance of the electro-
tion. technical products, when exposed to an external fire, must
ensure that they do not contribute to the hazard of fire to a
5. General Concepts
greater degree than is permitted by the building materials or
5.1 It is important to understand and maintain the differ-
structures that are replaced.
ences between fire hazard and fire risk.
5.5 Following a detailed review of all of the expected
5.1.1 Fire hazard is defined in Terminology E 176 as:
hazards as related to a specific fire scenario, the final hazard fire hazard, n—the potential for harm associated
assessment standards, as drafted, should include a series of
with fire.
tests or a single test, as appropriate, to address the specific
5.1.2 Discussion—A fire may pose one or more types of
hazard(s) defined. Single test standards are acceptable if they
hazard to people, animals, or property. These hazards are
address the major hazard(s) defined or are interrelated to the
associated with the environment and with a number of fire test
various components involved.
response characteristics of materials, products, or assemblies
5.6 In order to design electrotechnical products with accept-
including, but not limited to, ease of ignition, flame spread, rate
able characteristics for minimizing fire hazard, pay careful
of heat release, smoke generation and obscuration, toxicity of
attention to the permissible mechanical, electrical and thermal
combustion products and ease of extinguishment.
stresses. This should minimize the fire hazard under all
5.1.3 Fire hazard is defined in IEC 60695-1–1, ed. 3,
conditions of use: normal operation, foreseeable deviations
1999–11 as:
from normal use and faulty operation conditions. The desired fire hazard, n—the possible danger of personal
level of fire hazard is achievable by the procedures in 5.6.1-
injury or damage to property by fire.
5.1.4 Fire risk is defined in Terminology E 176 as:
5.6.1 The use of parts or circuit design and protection, or fire risk, n—an estimation of expected fire loss that
both, which, under overload or failure, are not likely to ignite
combines the potential for harm in various fire scenarios that
or to cause ignition;
can occur with the probabilities of occurrence of those sce-
5.6.2 The use of parts, including enclosures, which are
sufficiently resistant to probable ignition sources and heat
5.1.5 Discussion—Risk may be defined as the probability of
within an electrotechnical product; or,
having a certain type of fire, where the type of fire may be
5.6.3 The use of designs that will adequately resist the
defined in whole or in part by the degree of potential harm
propagation of fire spread and surface spread by fire.
associated with it or as potential for harm weighted by
6. Types of Fire Tests
associated probabilities. However it is defined, no risk scale
implies a single value of acceptable risk. Different individuals 6.1 Technical committees engaged in the preparation of
presented with the same risk situation may have different requirements and test specifications with regard to fire involv-
opinions on its acceptability. ing electrotechnical products should recognize the following
5.1.6 Fire risk is defined in IEC 60695-1–1, ed. 3, 1999–11 types of tests:
as: 6.1.1 Fire Simulation Tests:
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 5425 These tests examine the reaction to fire of electro- materials, components, or end-use products to heat or flame
technical products, in a way as representative as possible of the under controlled laboratory conditions. They are a step further
use of the product in practice. away from real fire conditions when compared to fire simula-
tion tests. However, when done appropriately, results from When the actual conditions of use (including fore-
these tests, in combination with those from other tests, may be
seeable abnormal use, malfunction, or failure) of a product are
useful as elements of the fire hazard assessment of an electro-
simulated as closely as possible, and the design of the test
technical product in a particular end use once all the pertinent
procedure is related to the actual fire hazard, such tests are
factors are taken into account.
likely to assess one or more relevant aspects of the fire hazard
6.1.4 “Basic Property” Tests:
associated with the use of the product under consideration in a These tests are designed to measure one basic
specific scenario. The results of this type of test are thus well
physical or chemical property of a material. They yield
suited for use as elements of a fire hazard assessment that takes
into account all the factors pertinent to an assessment of the fire information that is, at least to some extent, independent of the
testing method. Some examples of such properties are: heat of
hazard of the electrotechnical product in a particular end use.
combustion, heat of vaporization, thermal conductivity, or Do not use the results of fire simulation tests for fire
melting point.
hazard assessment when a change of product design is made, or In a real fire situation, a number of such properties
when conditions of use are changed from those simulated in the
collectively affect the fire behavior of the electrotechnical
product. However, a single basic property measurement will, at Since such tests are designed specifically for a
most, define only a single aspect of the fire hazard associated
detailed fire scenario, they often do not become test standards.
with a system. Thus, it is unlikely that the results of these basic
6.1.2 Fire Resistance Tests:
property tests are useful elements of a fire hazard assessment. These tests are intended to assess the ability of an However, eventually, after fire safety engineering
electrotechnical product, or one of its parts, to preserve the
develops a firmer technical base, the hope is that the results of
various properties necessary for its use, under specified condi-
combustion characteristic tests may be used to assess a wide
tions of exposure to fire and for a stated period of time. In other
range of fire safety situations.
words, these tests measure continuity of operation. They are intended to provide data on the electrical
7. Fire Hazard Assessment Standards
behavior and performance of an electrotechnical product, or
7.1 Fire hazard assessment standards are to conform in style
finished assembly, under a particular condition of exposure to
and content with the ASTM Form and Style Manual.
heat or flame.
7.2 Fire hazard assessment standards are to include sections Recent studies show a need for very careful consid-
labeled Scope, Terminology, Significance and Use, and Proce-
eration of the test conditions and comparison with the actual
dure, numbered and arranged in that order.
fire situation and to the possible effect of any uncontrolled
7.3 Scope:
variables, such as the environment in which the product is
7.3.1 State
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