Standard Guide for Documenting the Results of Chemical Permeation Testing of Materials Used in Protective Clothing

This guide is intended to encourage thorough and consistent documentation of permeation testing and its results.
Uniform information and performance data increase the likelihood of selecting proper chemical protective clothing material (CPC) by permitting direct comparisons of one product with another.
A standard format for test information and data also encourages computer storage of test results for easy retrieval, comparison and correlations.
1.1 This guide provides a format for documenting information and performance data from a permeation test.
1.2 Documented information and data are grouped into five major categories that define important aspects of each test:
1.2.1 Protective Clothing Material,
1.2.2 Test Method,
1.2.3 Challenge Chemical,
1.2.4 Test Results, and
1.2.5 Source of the Data.
1.3 Use of this guide is facilitated by adherence to the procedures outlined in a standard test method.

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ASTM F1194-99(2005) - Standard Guide for Documenting the Results of Chemical Permeation Testing of Materials Used in Protective Clothing
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Designation:F1194–99 (Reapproved 2005)
Standard Guide for
Documenting the Results of Chemical Permeation Testing of
Materials Used in Protective Clothing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F1194; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Promulgation of standard test methods for measuring the resistance of protective clothing materials
to permeation by liquid or gaseous chemicals has fostered the generation of increasing volumes of
material performance data. Not all data have been nor will be generated using Test Method F739.
To be useful, such data should be combined with information that specifies detailed characteristics
test apparatus, analytical method used and test conditions (for example, temperature). The sensitivity
or detection limit of the test system is of particular importance in comparing the data from different
sources during the protective clothing selection process.
presents a standard format for recording all required information and data. The standard format is
intended to facilitate the use of electronic databases to store, retrieve and apply test results.
1. Scope through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of
Continuous Contact
1.1 This guide provides a format for documenting informa-
tion and performance data from a permeation test.
3. Significance and Use
1.2 Documented information and data are grouped into five
3.1 This guide is intended to encourage thorough and
major categories that define important aspects of each test:
consistent documentation of permeation testing and its results.
1.2.1 Protective Clothing Material,
3.2 Uniform information and performance data increase the
1.2.2 Test Method,
likelihood of selecting proper chemical protective clothing
1.2.3 Challenge Chemical,
material (CPC) by permitting direct comparisons of one
1.2.4 Test Results, and
product with another.
1.2.5 Source of the Data.
3.3 A standard format for test information and data also
1.3 Use of this guide is facilitated by adherence to the
encourages computer storage of test results for easy retrieval,
procedures outlined in a standard test method.
comparison and correlations.
2. Referenced Documents
4. Data Fields
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4.1 The reporting format is shown in Annex A1, Fig. A1.1.
F739 Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases
4.2 If a particular data field is not applicable to the testing
performed, insert “not applicable” in the field. If a particular
piece of data has not been obtained, insert “no data” or
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F23 on Protective
“unknown” in the field.
Clothing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F23.30 on Chemicals.
4.3 A description of each field of information follows.
Current edition approved January 1, 2005. Published January 2005. Originally
4.3.1 Description of Product Evaluated—A positive identi-
approved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 1999 as F1194 - 99. DOI:
fication of the specific CPC product material evaluated.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Condition Before Test (field 1)—Notes the prior
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. are “new,” “laundered,” after two weeks production usage,”
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F1194–99 (2005)
and “after decontamination.”Any laundering or decontaminat- 4.5.5 Temperature (field 16)—The temperature, in degrees
ing procedures should be briefly described or referenced. Celsius (°C), at which the testing was carried out. Manufacturer (field 2)—The name, address and 4.5.6 Specimen Area Exposed (field 17)—The surface area
telephone of the product producer. If unknown, then enter the
in square centimetres (cm ), of the test specimen exposed on
source or supplier of the product. the challenge side of the test cell. Product Identification (field 3)—The manufacturer’s
4.5.7 Collection System (field 18)—Will normally be “open
code or catalog number, or “brand name” which uniquely
loop” (single-pass), “closed loop” (recirculating), or “closed
describes the product tested.
loop/aliquot replacement” (recirculating with aliquot replace- Lot Identification or Manufacture Date (field 4)— ment), and so forth. Include information on the sampling
The production lot/batch identification or date which uniquely
frequency, for example, “one sample every 5 min.” Include
identifies the product which was evaluated. If this information information on the sample volume, for example, “continuous
cannot be found, enter the earliest date that the specific test
analysis,” or “aliquot sample volume of 0.001 L.”
product (sample) was known to exist, for example, the pur-
4.5.8 Collection Medium (field 19)—The sorbent in which
chase date, supplier’s stocking date, and so forth.
thechemicaliscollectedforanalysis.Examplesare“nitrogen,” Thickness(field5)—(mm).Thenominalthicknessof
“air,” “saline solution,” “5 % methanol/95 % water,” and
the barrier material. Where polymers are coated on substrates,
a coating thickness may be available from the manufacturer.
4.5.9 Collection Medium Quantity (field 20)—The volume Material Type (field 6)—Ageneric description of the
of sorbent in the collection system. Units are litres (L) for
type of chemical resistant material that was tested. Examples
liquids or gases and milligrams (mg) for solids. This data item
are “neoprene,” “natural rubber,” and “nitrile rubber.”
is “not applicable” to solid sorbent or open loop collection Description (field 7)—Includesitemssuchastypeof
support fabric, supporting or substrate material basis weight,
4.5.10 Collection Medium Flowrate (field 21)—The flow-
weight of material or substrate, and treatments such as surface
rate of the sorbent through the collection system. The units are
litres per minute (L/min) for liquids and gases. This field is
4.4 Challenge Chemical—The chemical (mixture) to which
“not applicable” for solid sorbent collection media.
the material specimen was exposed. The exact identity of the
4.5.11 Breakthrough Detection Concentration (field 22)—
chemical i

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